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From: Elizabeth Ferguson

Sent: 08 March 2016 09:06

To: ________________________________
Subject: Re: Samuel's English Progress

Dear Mrs ___________________,

My name is Elizabeth Ferguson and I am Samuels English teacher at Douay. I
didnt get a chance to speak to you at the Parents Evening and would like to
update you on his progress.
At the moment he is achieving a grade of 5C and his target grade is a 6B. This is
considered to be unsatisfactory progress.
However, at the moment Samuel is doing the following things very well;
- His participation in classroom discussions is fantastic.
- Some of the homeworks that he has completed have gone above and beyond
what is required.
But I should like to see some improvement in the following areas;
- At the moment Samuel is prone to making silly, unnecessary comments to
distract and amuse other students, or breaking into song at inappropriate times.
I have spoken to Samuel about how disruptive this behaviour is, and I can see
that he is trying to break the habit, but I would appreciate it if you mentioned it
to him as well. This will improve his concentration in class.
Please feel free to ring me if you have any further queries.
Kind regards,
Elizabeth Ferguson

Hello Mrs Ferguson,
I do apologise for not getting back to you before now but this is due to not
knowing which extension to press when I call the school office. However, I have
noted what you have said and will have strong words with Samuel about his
unacceptable behaviour.
I did try to see you on parent evening but you were busy at the time and I had to
get back to work. However, be assured you have my full support.
Kind Regards,
Mrs. ______________________________________

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