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i admire much to my mother, because she is an examplary person, she helps to a

lot of low-income childrens of guajira providing them integral formation every

she is very understanding and tries to help to my bro and to me in whatever
necesity that we have presente.
she is kind, sincere, social. each time that i am mad at with a thing or with anyone,
she tries to relax me and advice me so that i dont make a mistake that i then
He has always known how to take care of me, and I have the privilege of having
her alive because it is what I love most in this world and admire it.
I admire to my mother because she gave me life and when i have a problem my
mother always she is there or search how help me
My mother is the best of the word why she want my welfare however sometimes i
am rude whith she thought she does not deserve it
she is a fighter and she is a good teacher in the school
i admire her dedication for educate me
Breaking bad
Breaking bad is a serie where a hig school chemistry teacher(walter white) is
diagnose whit cancer
When the family of walter dont have money he decide sell drugs however his
decision will make that some people die
Jesse is who teach to walter to make drugs but student pass to teacher because
the drug of walter is best
Althoulg walter producing and selling more drugs the problems in his life continue
Walter live in new mexico whith his son and his wife.
Breaking bad explores how the fatal diagnosis affects a one person

My favorite character is saul goodman because is very funny.

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