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A Tale of Two Cities: Chapter 1

I. The introduction to this famed novel is one of the most memorable in English
literature. Referring to the text, fill in the missing portions of the quotation below:
It was the best of times, it was the _____________________ of times, it was the

age of _____________________, it was the age of _____________________, it

was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of _____________________, it was the

season of Light, it was the season of _____________________, it was the spring

of hope, it was the _____________________ of ____________________, we had

everything _____________________ us, we had nothing before us, we were all

going _____________________ to Heaven, we were all going direct the other

wayin short, the _____________________ was so far like the present period,

that some of its ______________________authorities insisted on its being

received, for ____________________or for evil, in the ______________________

degree of comparison only.

II. During the era Dickens describes, the people of both France and England lived
in societies where crimes were severely punished. What kinds of crimes were
taking place in each country and what penalties did the authorities impose on the

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