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To the Editor:

A few months ago, the Mylan Company increased the price of

their product, The EpiPen, for the fifth time. The news of the price

increase was seen on news stations and headlines everywhere. The

price of this medication has been on a constant rise since 2007, when

it cost families only $57. The newest price increase to $600 has caused

commotion everywhere.

EpiPen is an auto-injector that contains the medication

Epiniephrine, which is used for anaphylactic shock. This medication is

vital to save many lives for those who have allergies. It is estimated

that 30% of Americans have allergies, and about 15 millions people

have food allergies. Both food and environmental allergies can require

the EpiPen as treatment. Every 3 minutes, someone is having an

allergic food reaction. That means that every 3 minutes, an EpiPen may

be needed. But what do families do that cant afford the $600

medication? Do they take the risk and hope nothing happens? People

cannot take that risk, as children and adults, can mistakenly eat

something that contains a food thyre allergic too. As people cant take

this risk, many cant afford the medication either.

The recent price increase has caused a lot of stress on families in

the nation. People are now worried about how they are going to afford

a medication that can save theirs or a family members life. It is not

justified that the Mylan Company keeps increasing the price, making it

almost impossible for families to afford.

Tara Amero

YSU Nursing Student

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