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101 Adventures

101 Adventure Ideas for Writers

Introduction:There are many paths to adventure, more than can be listed here. This is a tool for
writers who face the challenge even more formidable than the Tarrasque... the blank page.

by Jeromy Schulz-Arnold

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One Hundred and One Adventures
1. The Great tree, a huge ancient tree in town square, 18. Within a dungeon, castle etc. there is a solid m etal
was struck be lightning the night before last. Work- roo m full of lu minescence. Upon entering the PCs
ers re moving the debris discovered a secret passage. find the mselves whisked away to another place, time,
None have yet dared to enter. planet, plane etc.
2. A sink hole has opened beneath the a pro minent lo- 19. A portal appears in a disused part of town, no one
cal cathedral revealing a network of cataco m bs even but the PCs see m to be aware of it's presence.
the eldest priests never knew of. 20. Friar Goodheart was once an assassin, rivals fro m his
3. The Council of Mages needs a rare book that is jeal- past have co me to settle an old dispute.
ously guarded by a paranoid old her mit. Acquire the 21. Merchy the Mad has created a bizarre m achine. There
book. are no instructions and no one knows what it does.
4. A neurotic local druid needs help purging ver min and Merchy has died leaving the m achine to whir and
blight fro m his protectorate, a nearby swa m p or hu m. How should the m achine be dealt with?
m arsh. 22. A curiously life like statue in town has started m ov-
5. The party has an annoying yet har mless fan, a fop- ing, even talking to passerbys.
pish young rake who was last seen entering the 23. A mighty wizard lives in solitude on a nearby island.
Necropolis at dusk to prove his m ettle. There have been no signs of life in m a ny weeks, local
6. A troupe of minstrels arrive in town led by a very authorities want the PCs to go check in on her.
alluring young cantor. Those who hear her songs fall 24. The phylactery of a lich has co me into the possession
m a dly in love with her. of a boy in town an is slowly eating away at the lad
7. A exotic wo m an approaches the party asking for help while the lich channels his devastating power through
in searching for her husband; a Caliph who was kid- his cursed necklace.
napped by a de mon of sand and fire. 25. A venerable local priest and healer dies and is
8. The water at a local fountain has turned oily black buried. The next m orning every depiction of an angel
and reeks of bile, a proble m that m ust be solved is now covering it's face with it's hands as if weeping.
quickly. Clean water grows scarce. 26. The ghosts of a local ce metery who once reveled ca-
9. The violent sea stor ms have caused so me very valu- cophonous at night, now are silent.
able and very dangerous things to wash ashore. 27. A local lord in need of skilled archers and assassins
10. A party of heroes who vanished m a ny years ago have asks for help in liaising with a petty and overly criti-
returned appearing as they did when they left. They cal thieves guild m aster.
do not re me m ber anything. 28. Returning fro m a loot haul in a dungeon, the PCs
11. An old m a n, after a visit fro m a powerful seer, re- co me to a m assacre. They are accused of the slaugh-
m e m bers he was once a powerful m age. He seeks to ter and trying to resell their ill-gotten goods. Can
find this seer again in hopes of re me m bering m ore they prove their innocence to a co m m u nity distrust-
about his past life. ing of outsiders?
12. A diplo mat is to be sent to a hostile kingdo m to bro- 29. A crop spate has forced locals to revive worship of an
ker a peace treaty, protect hi m at all cost. ancient fertility goddess. All of her local shrines,
13. A tax dispute has arisen in a backwater village far fallen into decay, m ust be repaired and reconsecrat-
fro m the capital. None of the previous e missaries ed.
have returned, go and find out why. 30. A powerful Psionist, fearing secrets would fall into
14. The Duke's Faire is a great place to enter contests of evil hands, hid so me potent m agical incantations in
skill for m o ney and prizes. This year the grand prize his mind castle. Navigate this long-dead drea mers
is an ite m highly coveted by one of the player's dangerous subconscious and retrieve the spells.
characters. 31. A tattered ship with no visible crew on deck has
15. Many, m a ny years ago the elders of this town struck sailed into the harbor. Those who near the vessel
a deal with a diabolical heathen god who has now hear strange noises and s mell awful s mells co ming
co me to collect his tribute. fro m the lower decks. No one will enter the ship's
16. Upon arriving in town the player characters are given hold.
a hero's welco me, showered with gifts, praise hospi- 32. Barbarians have raided and destroyed a peaceful
tality and the overwhel ming a morous advances of abbey in the nearby woods. Infiltrate the skir mish
m e n and wo m en alike. line and try to recover so me of the antiquities
17. An insidious cult of local ani mists has been growing cached there.
in popularity. Their hideous chi meric m e m bers now 33. An aging wizard needs a band of capable adventurers
recruit by abducting local children, find the m and to clean up so me of her failed experi ments in her
put an end to their zealotry. base ment.

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34. So me adventurers have returned with reports of 52. Elven refugees begin to trickle into the area. Their
having found an abandoned Drow city. It is decided effort to stop the ra m paging m o nsters goes poorly it
that a group should be sent to study the ruins and see ms.
recover artifacts, it is only just too late as the PCs 53. A half-elf, fleeing fro m an oppressive, intolerant new
realize why this settle ment was abandoned. regi me, brings news of an elven high court subverted
35. An island appears off the coast, the ad miral orders it by a lich.
to be investigated at once. 54. A tribe of friendly swa m p people wish to establish a
36. Ferocious sand stor ms uncover a te mple beneath the trade route across a for midable m orass.
dunes. It was believed this reliquary was destroyed 55. A half-orc ani mistic druid needs help discovering the
long ago. Local Antiquaries insist that what ever forces behind the decay in her grove.
relics re main m ust be relocated for study and 56. Plains people, renowned for their horse training, seek
preservation before they are swallowed by the sands talent to help capture an elusive and willful m o unt.
again. Pay ment for services rendered will be tendered with
37. Tensions rise as woods man and loggers encroach fur- a fine steed.
ther into the protectorate of a druid and his fey al- 57. The PCs over-hear a bard's song calling for heroes to
lies. acco m pany her to a nearby fort and help rescue her
38. Sailors report that a light house on a re mote island wrongfully imprisoned co mrades.
has gone out. So meone m ust find out why. 58. A fa mous and wealthy bard seeks a crew of roadies
39. A honest m erchant has found his stolen wares for and opening acts for his traveling show.
sale in a seedy junk shop, he hires the PCs to steal 59. A fiery cleric has long denounced the works of a
his re maining goods back. popular te mple as fake. On his death bed he asks
40. The PCs arrive at a s mall iron gated ce metery over the PCs to continue his work and uncover the char-
grown with ivy. Once explored the see gravestones latans.
that bear their na mes. 60. Help a group of Dwarven fighters/blacks miths collect
41. A terrible plague has befallen the city, local clerics precious ore needed to craft powerful ite ms. The
hire out the PCs to help gather ingredients for cura- mines are dark and dangerous.
tive m agic before too m a ny fall ill and die. 61. After m uch civil unrest, it is decided that the te mple
42. A bard, whose song and poetry attract mischievous m ust be rebuilt first, aid a group of young clerics in
creatures, co mes to town. this task.
43. The ruler of a nation rising to power de mands the 62. The Grand m aster has welco med outsiders to co me to
return of artifacts stolen during civil unrest. the abbey and help his students build a da m to pro-
44. A goblin captured during a raid tells of a treasure vide m ore water to his thriving school.
trove inside the m assive skull of an ancient dragon. 63. A m o nk who has taken a vow of silence has been ac-
It's jaws only open at midnight during a full m oon. cused of a heinous cri me. Help her prove her inno-
45. An old abandoned theatre has a trapped door that cence.
leads to a disused te mple of a cantankerous god. 64. Help a paladin re-sanctify a to mb belonging to hon-
46. A mong the m a ny paintings in a local m useu m is a ored dead of his order.
painting said to be the only entrance to a great 65. Assist a cadre of rangers in slaying a particularly
treasure vault. dangerous foe.
47. Two local pranksters are engaged in a friendly co m - 66. A rogue needs help escaping the city. In exchange for
petition. One or both hire the PCs hoping to out do the PCs help she offers a m a p of a dungeon she's
the other's high jinks. looted before but that is still full of treasure.
48. A haggard old wo m an of m agical tradition clai ms to 67. A burglar turned locks mith was found m urdered this
have lost her potion of agelessness in a pond full of m orning, find the culprit.
predacious lifefor ms. 68. A sorceress, senile in her old age, is no longer able
49. A group of industrious gno mes have built a rudi men- to control her powers.
tary flying m achine but have crashed landed in a 69. A m agic prodigy has m a de a terrible, secret deal with
dangerous land. Friends and fa mily hire the PCs to a vicious devil and his bill is co me due.
rescue the m. 70. A potion m aster's apprentice has accidentally misla-
50. Hoping to open a tavern in a recently purchased beled a nu m ber of potions sold at the bazaar. Help
ra mshackle inn, a young halfing needs specialists to track down the buyers before they take the philters.
drive out the resident nasties. 71. So me fool has stolen the cruel arch -wizards fa miliar,
51. A dwarven s mith, hoping to attract m ore custo mers, recover the missing co m panion before m ore innocent
offers heavily discounted gear to the PCs. In ex- people die.
change he asks the PCs to give hi m first crack at 72. A kindly wizard would like a feather fro m a swan m ay
purchasing loot and ge ms plundered during their ad- for her new staff. See if the PCs are up to getting
ventures. one.

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73. Inquisitors are going door to door looking for 93. A creature m a de of shadow and s moke has been seen
heretics and unbelievers. wandering around town at night.
74. Help a scholar find a book hidden in the trapped and 94. A local church's soup kitchen serves dragon toe soup
heavily guarded restricted book roo m of a wizard's co m pli ments of a brave knight. What of the dragon's
tower. hoard?
75. A m ysterious old her mit who lived in a nearby forest 95. A retired adventuring party seeks to establish a
has died. Search her mansion, a network of tree- school for adventurers, they need help clearing their
houses and underground tunnels, for anything note newly purchased grounds.
worthy. 96. When a group of adventurers returns fro m a treasure
76. When a star falls into a vast swa m p, strange beings haul, they are followed by unseen guardians eager to
e merge fro m the bog. They see m peaceful, find out exact revenge.
what they want. 97. So me very clever fey have placed and enchant ment
77. When children playing near a s mall seaside grotto on a treasure trove in a cave. Once the riches (coins,
find a cache of skeletons they inadvertently uncover ge ms etc.) leave the cave they beco me worthless
this peaceful ha mlet's dirty little secret. wooden coins, bits of colored glass and rusted junk.
78. A halfling paladin, wishing to retire, seeks heroes for 98. A lore master reads about the horrific end of an an-
one last quest: an expedition to recover his fa mily's cient civilization si milar to his own.
coat of ar ms fro m a deserted, ruined estate. 99. A crier arrives in town seeking heroes to deal with a
79. Following the downfall of a tyrant a power vacuu m proble m in a re mote region.
draws the PCs in as the people believe these heroes 100. A necro mancer skilled in gole m m a king has set loose
are the best hope of stability a mong petty, oppor- his latest abo mination on a hapless outpost.
tunistic factions. 101. The players die and begin the perilous journey
80. A local bard, full of tales of adventure, passes away. through the afterlife/planes to be reincarnated/res-
At his funeral, his voice is heard spinning a tale of urrected.
impending doo m.
81. So mething has been snatching people fro m their beds
at night.
82. A nearby town's population has beco me very lethar-
gic. They sleep 14-16 hours at a time and so me have
been seen sleep walking.
83. An outcast returns to his ho me town to carry out his
brutal revenge on the unsuspecting townsfolk.
84. The stru m pets of the city have begin killing their
johns. They clai m to have fallen into trances and
don't re me m ber such grisly events.
85. An evil cleric forbids all other divine casters fro m
using m agic or even wearing holy sy m bols in his
86. An unpopular tyrant has just been dethroned, the
new governor asks the PCs to help keep the peace
during the unrest.
87. Local historians ask the PCs to retrieve artifacts
bartered to settle debts.
88. By order of a despot paranoid of revolt, there are no
weapons within the city walls. Local partisans ask the
PCs to help subvert the city.
89. The PCs, new in town, break an arbitrary law and
face a harsh sentence for the minor infraction.
90. Ships have been docking at and leaving port un-
m a nned, so me return with treasure in the hold.
91. A new order of spell casting knights have risen to
power. Their first goal is to fortify the town with
m agical defenses. Reagents for these wards are hard
to acquire.
92. A collective of Psionists founds a te mple in town and
their growing popularity breeds resent ment a m ong
the other churches in town.

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