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QUID 2 - Chupke A-F Canwen) quiz 2: sem3, 2016/17 TF {| Acore competence somthing a company does poolyin, compared to competitors “An organzation’s isbn statement is fong tern oriented while raeqie ‘ion i hort -erm oriented. 3. Uiecyele analysis (LCA quantifies the otal ue of resources and the releases into the i, water, and ln, "A busines plan describes only the basic Wea volved in staring a new wAlaly 5. The fal component of the strategic management process i strategie implementation. poston. nats A 8 é © cont Eo ear 6. The process for ethical dedsion making bins wth ‘A. defining the complete moral problem. developing an tial ramewark and determing the economic outcomes. & —_cansierng the legal requirements and evalating the legal dts, ©) understanding mara standards and recognizing all moralimpacts proposing a cowincing moral solution, ‘Scenario A. Greener Maids nc, a housecesning series firm as completed a SWOT analysis as part ‘ofits ongoing strategic planning process. Management has uncovered the following information through ‘extensive research |. New regulations heve Been posed limiting the number of hours per week the company's employees can work without receiving beefs. | Greener Mais is acmpany that uses environmental friendly products competitors do ik Moreané more homeowners oe concerned about the environment; it expected tat this trend wil continuefor decades ‘Compared toitscompettors, ts management team is by forthe best Inthe indus. 1 thas flea behind stff training over the lest few years, Vi. The comgany has aiequate finan resources to invest ins operetions VIL The percentage of people ring cleaning services nn ule ff ue towel recession 7. Bazed on Scenario A, whi ofthe folowing ndings isa strength for Greener Mads? [A Greener Maids’ comptitors do not use environment-rienly products 1, ‘The numberof eopehiring deaning services has fallen off recenty because of recession (C Greaner Maids has falen behind in taf traning ©. New equations havebeen passed initng the hours employees can work without benefits © THe management eon of Greener Maids the best in the industry. a Scenari A, which ofthe folowing fring present an opportunity fr Greener Maids? |G More and more homeowners are concerned about the environment. Compared to competitors, the management team of Greener Mais by fr the best nthe industry. Greener Maids has olen behind in staf aining . New regulations hevebeen pasced linting the hours employees can work without benefits. The finance department of Greener Maids hae gained accesso aditonal fords 12, ‘based on Scenario A which of the Following findings i key to prsent a trea for Greener Maids? |A. More and more homeowners are concerned abot the environment; is expected that this ener een sa eing thee Scenario B: Dana ad El, nanagers fom diferent departments at Greater Miwest Credit Union, are discussing the troubling behavior of a cred uion employee. Oana says that its the responsibity ot hig evel managers to take steps and prevent egal wrongdoing by punishing offenders However, Eh believes that ever inva should take personal respons for hs ar her own behavior and that freryane needs to understand how todo the right hing 10, Which af the Fowing types of ethics program des Dana prefer forthe company? A. Assoiate-based Compliance based C ntegritybased 1. systems-based consensus-based 22, Which ofthe following types of ethics program does El prefer forthe company? A Assodatebased B. Compliance based © mevyrot D. systems based E. Consensus based Scenario C: tim was havig a few fiends over for inner, many of whom Tim knew from an International management asacation, Tins compary provides sencestocreatedetalled maps of world areas from satlites, which the firm then selva the Internet to firms, counts, and others around the word, One of his quests, Luca, bakes cookies for avng. Hr reipe so wel-iked that her company has ‘rown dramatically. She has just sld te right to manufacture her cookles oa fir in eastern Roadaria, ‘Another fiend Mac is a dector at Hel, and his wife Marla has contracted with HashBrowrs to open a branch in their state, bearing al he preininary expenses and development costs, nga portion ofthe profits. Mac alse announced that hs company Heli anda company Shilings ae starting anew venture. Firally, Samantha werks fr AOS techoleges thet isheadquartered in her home country andl soon to 0 abroad to workin ADS's new faciityestablshed in another country. The guests were decussing about hhow thelr companies decided 10 “go global” 12, InScenarioC, Tim's company uses __to participate nthe global marketplace A iensing franchising exporting . joint ventures E. wholly owned subsidiaries 13. nScenario HashBrownsengages Into partipate ate global marketplace A. outsourcing © tmreane D. fo ene peer 18, tnScenaloC Samantha cn be best desrbed as a(n) _. A. third. country national 3B. host-country national lobalte executive @ evpavae E. inpatite ‘Scenario D. Jenna leaves er job ata etgerator manufacturing company and starts her own business. Her objectives to atan maximum growth and ear high profits. Jenna's rend Eesti works atthe eigerator manufacturing company, where she has started a business venture utiing the ‘company’s resources, Nc, her coleague, states that he would make asuccesfl entrepreneur because ‘he isa gambler and belives that a good idea and alent lead to sucess within a ear. Me has als scored 665 in his SATs, et anna aoe 16 naa dna vor ea elt) A sa enim tance 2. eae © tenn 17 Jena’ objective for her business to ata high growth and profits which san example ofa), A. smalbusiness 8. jointventue . shunkweorks business incubator 18, From Scenario, ican beunderstoos that Ele isan) _. A. bootlegger 8. hocse trader social entrepreneur 1, business incubator 18, 20, A Tecme stone €. Tene tntioninpndy te oan @ terener cna Trent outst ode [Nintendo executes decide to expand the market for vdeo games by developing new pod, With controler redesigned so ican be aimed athe seen ks agunor sung ke agotvb, Wiatracted Payors beyond the care market of young gamers, Nintendo mide managers work with restive teams 'o develop ideas for new games and stags forest, and decide whieh to pursue Then et eteined how to accomalsh specif tacks with avaible resources within the next 1-52 weeks “Team leaders and unit managers a Nintendo would assign lass such as developing software and hardware forthe Wi system, Nintendo's WH shows how an innovate product can hepa company reach an ently new markt (2) eentity the: 1 Satege planning maria Operational planning mark} (0) Iedeveeping new ideas a: Nitendo a skunlovark or beta? mark) 5 & 7, ac 8. 10, pa m cs a 15. 16, 77, 78. 18 2a) a wey wr WANE STUDENTID SECTION

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