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1) Writer provides support for analysis.

EXAMPLE:- provide evidence to support it.
2) Arrangement of the paragraphs
-Highlight the key point we want to make in the paragraph.
-Beginning of each paragraph highlight the key point

3) Effectively connect supporting details to the main point.

4) Point-by-Point

- This organization is especially useful if the readers should have trouble

keeping track of point.

-To compare and contrast two institutions : high school & college

FOR EXAMPLE: The paragraph look like this

High school: *

College: *

5) Good and specific thesis statement

- Let the readers know about what is going to be contrasted in the following
paragraph (Categories)

6) Provide appropriate transition words or phrases to indicate comparison

and contrast



1) Text is imbalanced
-Whole text has no similarities between high school and college

-Text only explains the differences between high school and college

-To make the ideas of the text clear and balance, both similarities &
differences should be compared and contrasted.

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