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The Black Death

by: Gia T, Katherine G, Lidia R, Melany M,

Kevin S.
How does it spread to the human
population ?
-Originated in the north west shore of the
Caspian Sea
-Found in fleas that infected rats.
-Rats bit human which instantly infected them.
How would you get it ?
- Airborn
Transmitted in human clothing & food
But why ?
- Bacteria named Yersina Pestic
- thrives in the stomach of fleas which blocks
digestive system.
Bubonic Plague
~mostly common from
~Leaves swollswollen lymphs mostly on
armpits and neck pneumics plague that is most
deadly, it is passed directly, from coughs and it
burst your lung leading humans to bleed to
Pneumic Plague
transfort in bloodstreams
- leads to lungd bursting
When did it end ?
~ ended through the implementation of
~disappeared in 1500s

~it ended as fast as it came

What did people do with the bodies

~Many of the infected bodies were buried at

local parishes, while others were buried in pits
and mass graves

~Some bodies had to sit awhile while more

land and people were found to dig graves and
pits for burial
The steps of THE BLACK DEATH

- The black death would start very simple, with

something as small as a headache.
-Then chills and fever would kick in.
The person would feel exhausted, expirienced
nausea, vomiting, back pain, and soreness.
-Sometimes even bright lights were too bright
to stand.
~they were hard, painful, burning lumps on
neck, under arms or inner things soon they
turned black, spit open, and began to ooze pus
and blood.
~The would be blood in their urine, and blood
pudding under the skin, resulting in black boils
and spots all over the body
~the reproductive cycle of the black death
starts off with the black rats infected with
bacteria called yersinia pestis
~ they have estimate 30% to 60% of the people
in Europe have died because of the black
death, and 75 million deaths in total
~Lysogenic cycle
How does the virus looks like

How does it affect the human body
~ by causing buboes,or blister-like pieces of
skin that contain macrophages, which are dead
immunity cells.
How does the virus attack the cells
~Plague bacteria has the ability to avoid the
innate immune response, the bodys front line
of defense against invading pathogens, and in
many case the host dies before its specific
antibacterial response reacts

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