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Veins of thorax

1. Right internal jugular (deep)

2. Right external jugular
3. Right superior intercostal
4. Posterior intercostal
5. Azygos (drains right side of intercostal spaces into SVC)
6. Hemiazygos
7. Anterior intercostal veins
8. Superior epigastric
9. Subcostal R
10. Inferior vena cava (r atrium)
11. Musculophrenic
12. Accessory hemiazygos
13. Internal thoracic vein
14. Superior vena cava (SVC)
15. L superior intercostal
16. L external jugular
17. L internal jugular
18. L brachocephalic verin
19. Inferior thyroid
20. Right Brachiocephalic vein

Scalene accessory breathing muscles, Subclavian artery & vein emerge from thoracic outlet. Can
compress muscles & arteries to arm.

Longus colli attach / insert to T4 . Whiplash common site for injury.

Structures in root of neck: (lecture 21, heart & blood supply

1. Thyroid cartilage
2. Middle scalene
3. Anterior scalene
4. Common carotid artery
5. Internal jugular
6. Subclavian artery (between ant & middle scalene)
7. Carotid sheath, contains int carotid artery, int jugular & Vagus nerve
8. Brachiocephalic vein
9. Braciocephalic artery
10. Sup Vena Cava
11. Inferior thyroid vein.
12. L Brachiocephalic vein
13. Trachea
14. L comon carotid
15. L subclavian artery
16. Brachial plexus
17. Phrenic nerve
18. Trapezius
19. Vagus
Factors affecting the stability of the knee.

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