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Terris Story

Feb. 9, 2017

Terri: I remember walking in there, looking straight at her face, and saying, I dont want
to do this.

I was about sixteen when I remember feeling very sick at my stomach. I remember
looking at him and saying, Dad, I think that Im going to be a mom.

I remember going into the building, just like it happened yesterday. And then, I
remember the suction sound. [long pause] I didnt expect it to hurt.

I dont ever want another female to ever go through this. Theres no place to grieve.
Theres no place that you can talk about it. You grieve in, in the dark.

Sometimes, I would just turn music on and just weep.

Everything that we hold in the dark, I think Satan has got a huge power over.

The Lord took it. He took the abortion into His hands. He saved my life.

In the dark, with the memories of the abortion, I actually spent time thinking about
suicide truly happening because I couldnt breathe with the hurt that it left.

It affects every relationship you have.

A lot of the ways that I handled it was writing. Sometimes it was just on scraps of
piece of paper. Sometimes it was in a journal. Sometimes it was in the side of my

Abortion tried to still my voice. But theres also a message that Gods greater than
what we are missing.

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