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What is the UP MBS?

The UP Marine Biological Society (UP MBS) is a student-run organization in

the University of the Philippines- Diliman.
-Founded in 1993 by students of the Marine Science institute (UP MSI).
(insert history)

UP MBS Objective: To promote awareness of the marine environment through

the sport of skin diving and the principles of environmentalism.

RECONNECT: A Creatives Open Dive

Sunday, April 30 to Monday, May 1, 2017 (or Saturday, April 29 to Sunday
April 30, 2017)

Each year, in line with their objective to promote enivornmental awareness,

the UP MBS organizes dive trips especially tailored for beginners and outdoor
lovers. This year, this open dive is open to persons in the Creatives Industry:
bloggers, photographers, social media enthusiasts and writers.

Connect: A networking opportunity

This open dive is an opportunity for those in the Creatives Industry to
connect with each other while exploring the outdoors, stargazing and skin
Participants are also encouraging to takes photographs and videos of the site
and the activities so as to share the open dive with their respective online
communities. This dive will thus provide the participants with the opportunity
to connect with their respective audiences in a manner that promotes travel,
skin diving, beaches and outdoor activities. n

Reconnect: Remembering nature

The UP MBS will provide participants with a pre-arranged travel plan that
includes bus rides, boat transfer, camping outdoors, cliff jumping (optional),
skin diving in a wreck site (optional), star gazing and other outdoor activities.

Fortune Island: Our Connection to the Stars and the Sea

Located in Nasugbu, Batangas, Fortune Island is well-known for its Greek
Arches and picturesque landscape. At night, instead of seeing city lights, the
stars are expected to glimmer and reflect on the sea. The island is also a
known to have several trails that are suitable for short hikes (?) and cliffs for
cliff jumping. A marine environment is also present in the area, as coral reefs
line the shores of this island. A nearby wrecksite accessible by boat is also
one of the islands attractions.

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