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Kayla Progress Report

Product Description (who/what are you going to write about and what will the final deliverable
be/look like?): The final deliverable will be on the web page. With a picture of my person and all
the details he gave me in our interview.

Article on __Travis Good________.

[ Into the beginning of the first week of the project, I got the chance to interview Travis Good
from his point of view into technology I asked him main question like what are they going to be
doing for this project and what does their role have to do with the overall project?, also like what
are the biggest challenges or opportunities facing the company/team at the moment? He talked
about his experience he had during the presidio project, he has been doing technology for 8
years. It was nice seeing his point of view and how it made him know more about history. Travis
Good talked about the pros and the cons about the presidio project, he said a there wasn't really
any cons with the project but the pros

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