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Population genetics is the study of the structure of populations and of the

evolutionary processes that shape these structural patterns. The patterns of distinct,
divergent populations are inferred from the genetic diversity of contemporary
samples made from the field, including clinical patient populations. The
evolutionary processes include mutation, gene flow, recombination, selection, and
drift. Population divergence resulting from such evolutionary processes.
There are some factor that affect to population genetics that are human
impact, like Habitat loss, habitat degradation, resource extraction, invasive species.
Human impact everywhere so we can improve that with kept the environmental
around. The second is climate change in tropic area the cimate change very quickly
to change, so if climate change spin, that can cause impact also. Climate velocities
in the Coral Triangle are among the worlds greatest. Species can move with
habitat/climate and adapt to new habitats/climates.Rapid environmental changes are
prompting increased interest in understanding current and future threats to
biodiversity. Their consequences for ecosystem health and services. However, the
areas of enquiry required for understanding the mechanisms driving biodiversity and
ecosystem changes progress at different paces thus limiting our ability to make long-
term predictions. For instance, while the capacity of organisms to tune their
phenotype to changing conditions is widely recognised as an important mechanism to
avoid migration or extinction under climate change. phenotypic plasticity is not
generally considered in models of species responses to climate change . However,
species are usually treated as if individuals from all populations respond equally to
environmental pressures. Differences in genotype and phenotype interact with
environmental factors such that fitness can vary among populations as a function of
both local adaptation and local environment.
Many benets of healthy ecosystems are Larval dispersal and the black box
of marine biology. The larvae have habitate terestrial and waters. Larva deep water
before the long adult fish. Second is fisheries can protect population and also able to
young fish and sea world it show the picture baby fish that want to move to different
location, because movement very important to fisheries.
There are outline that we can focuss :
1. Inferring processes using spatial population genetics
Historical movement (connectivity)
Historical connections between locations can be quantied using
genetic statistics use the relationship allelic genotype and DNA sequence.
Distance based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) allows us to look at
multiple spatial variables and remove those that are not as important.
Historical movement (connectivity) in giant clams The combination of
overwater distance and barriers (arising from historical land barriers and
major ocean currents) predicts dierences between major evolutionary
units of giant clams. Once gene and genotypic diversity are determined by
means of markers as allele frequencies among single or multilocus
haplotypes, a range of analyses can partition this diversity as patterns of
distinct populations or subpopulations. From these patterns, inferences of
gene flow or genetic drift can be made. Reviewed the concepts, analyses
(including virulence) and standard statistical approaches to determining
population structure. These include measures of genetic variation and
determination of partitions (patterns) of this variation by means of F
statistics, notably FST introduced tree-building methods for inferring
similarity among individuals.
The theory of island biogeography had seminal inuence in
stimulating ecological and conservation interest in fragmented
landscapes. It predicted that species richness on an island represents a
dynamic balance between the rate of colonization of new species to the
island and the rate of extinction of species already present. It was quickly
perceived that habitat isolates.
Adaptation capacity
The ability of a system to adjust to climate change (including climate
variability and extremes) to moderate potential damages, to take
advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences. Land &
seascape features that support high genetic diversity.
2. Strategies for increasing inference
Population genomics takes the genetics of natural or experimental
populations steps further to study changes in genotype and gene
expression during adaptation, one of the many applications of microarray
technology. Mitochondrial DNA shows long term patterns; undoubtedly if
we used more markers (genomics) we would nd that many populations
are not well connected.
Multiple species (community phylogeography)
Must use multiple species to understand how species traits affect
connectivity, adaptation. Macroclimate plays a key role in shaping large-
scale species distributions cahanges in annual climate means and
extremes are thus expected to lead to geographical shifts in the habitats
suitable for many species. Where species ranges shifted in response to
changing climate condition. The dynamic forest landscape model was
used to estimate migration rates under combinations of different
environmental, forest compositional and habitat connectivity conditions.
3. How to do high impact science (including genetics) with limited
The high impact of science with limited resources, scientist can seacrh
anywhere website like NCBI, journal, Text-book, and the other resource
and must be creative to critism the problem.
4. Fitting it all together - using genetics for specic conservation and
management plans
The practical role of population genetics in plant conservation
remains unclear. Using theory and the available data, we examine the
effects of genetic drift, inbreeding, and gene flow on genetic diversity and
fitness in rare plants and small populations. We identify those condition
that are likely to put these plant species and populations at genetic risk.
Warning signs that populations may be vulnerable include changes in
factors such as population size, degree of isolation, and fitness.
Signicant factors for explaining genetic dierentiation are distance,
oceanographic distance, depth, habitat conguration, coastline topography, salinity,
temperature, chlorophyll. Most studies focus on populations, not individual few
studies consider multiple spatial factors most studies focus on genetic dierentiation
not local diversity.

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