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Cain // The Necessary Murder(s)

The body hung on the cross. The shadow, looming over the square as the
Sun began to drop below the Great Walls of Eden. The people were
cheering, for the Great Purge had begun.
Cain looked up, the carcass began to whiten as the life (heat) drained
away (left the body?). After another day the body would undergo rigor
mortis. A few more and the flies shall begin their feast. It will take only a
week for only bone to remain. In front of him was Abel, delivering his
speech on the podium:
Fellow citizens! This is merely the start of what is to come. As promised
by our Great Leader we have brought reform. We will cleanse the corrupt
scum and filth of our society. That figure on the cross, Jack OMalley, once
was the respected treasurer of our beloved nation. But behind that facade
was the filthy Pirate King, caught embezzling the taxes of our people and
hence, justice was served. While the Great Walls protect us from the
outer world(external threats?), there are still hidden enemies among us,
parasites which must be removed from our society. We must work
together for Eden! For the Great Leader! For the Great Walls! (May the
Great Walls protect us all?)

Cain did not care for these fanciful ideas of justice and equality. They
were mere pretty lies, nonsense, used to rally the weaklings who cannot
gaze upon the darkness of the world. What they believed in was
hypocrisy after all. How strange it was that he would think of these
matters. He had a single role, to end, not question. He only needed to
follow the orders, and life would be simple. Life IS simple. Death is
simple. After all even a child realises that an ant will not move after it is
stepped on (stepping on an ant breaks/squashes it?). Even the ex-
treasurer (Pirate King), once bathing in wines and riches, will soon bathe
in dirt, the property of the Lady Worm. Ha! How simple life is!


The day of the arrest. Abel led the operation. Under the cover of night,
the soldiers surrounded the ex-treasurers 2-bedroom mansion. Cain
crept in, it was dark, no servants could be found. *sniff* The smell of
incense, there was a faint glow under the door. Men gathered around the
entrance, awaiting their orders...
Abels command. They charged, The door went, The windows shattered.
The women screamed. The prostitutes ran. The red, sweaty figure rose.
Dazed, spears pointed at his throat. Thousands of bills laid around him.
Caught in the act of spending stolen government funds on prostitution, it
was deemed that no official enquiry was required. His cries of innocence
were simply met with a beating for obstructing justice.
How far OMalley had fallen! What a fool. If he had only followed his
orders, life would have remained pleasant. Are his beliefs that important
to him?
Cain was in charge of guarding the man now know as The Pirate King.
The man convicted of theft, adultery, smuggling, political espionage and
the attempted murder of our Great Leader. A towering man with a figure
stuffed full with the pleasants bought with plundered money. A ruthless
tyrant whose dark, solid eyes penetrate your soul. Behind the bars was
Jack OMalley, with grey hair, protruding bones and lifeless hollow eyes.
The repeated raspy question:
When can I die?


Cain lept up from his hammock. Sweat was on his forehead. His heart,
thumping. The image of Jack OMalley (or say the defeated? _____ man)
stayed within his mind.
When can I die?
Indeed, when is one allowed to die? If the scriptures forbid self-slaughter,
then does that not mean one cannot have control over ones death?
A fat rat scurried across the window and he grasped it, tightening his grip
until the creature began to squeal in pain.
Are we just meant to be played like a toy by fate?
He released the rodent and watched as it darted down to the streets
below and found a beggar to feast on.
Is the purpose of life simply to be born, and then - to die? If so, then why
are lives so long? What does it mean to live?
Cain peered at the darkness that lay beyond the Great Walls of Eden, the
undiscovered realm as unknown to man as death itself. Perhaps, just
maybe, there exists some great role for each individual.
(I CAN TOTALLY END MY STORY HERE. I probably dont need both The
Great Walls and the Great Leader, pick one. Probably walls. Could replace
Cain with The Solider to depersonify him until the very end. Could have
him crying after killing Abel to show he values life now? I swear my
discovery ain't explicit enough.)

With a pack of food and a sword, Cain headed towards the gate.
Standing between him and freedom was Abel, his sword drawn and
Its Hell out there. Why would you leave paradise?
Leaving behind a pool of blood, Cain left his/the world (or went to
With a pack of food and a sword, Cain headed towards the gate.
Standing between him and freedom was Abel, leaning against the gate.
Where are you going Cain?
Theres nothing out there. Why would you leave paradise? /or/ " Theres
nothing out there. Why would you willing enter Hell? Turn back Cain."
They drew swords. Leaving behind a pool of blood, Cain left the world.

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