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7} 81, Eeplata and Gitigie ie cate tacity tneciy oe exchange, ny ere 3 Q-22. Critically examine the purchaain, * theory of exchange rates! @.28. Explian clearly the bal: f power parity 2S E Explain the main features of B Setors caused the breakdown o Q.24. Discuss the mane @.25. Explain the postt exchange, Point Bretton Woods Syst the abandonment of gold ; al monetary conditions during t $e being felt to evolve a more effici System. In 1944, the representa , New Hampshire in the Unite of the international monetary sys Woods outlined certain principles the world monetary system HD The international monetary sy Bieted trade and investment $2) The national currencies would be d iahd there would he fixed exchange rat Gmental disequilibrium in the BOP woul its exchange rates, $9 The international liquidity would be folio balance approae to rate of outits shout comings, Q.26. @27 Explain the meaning and iastiuments of foreign exchange, @%8. Explain the meaning and :fanctions of fore exchange marker. ei Q.29/ What is the foreign oxchange m, importance of sueh a market. 105} Explain the various sources of short-term finance. 116 plain the Concept of ‘Chan; Financial Environment! 32. Explain the rece financial markets, 101 103 arket? State the ging International 121 nt trends in the international 3 Bs re 126 je= for overcoming the temporary BOP« 33, Peplain-in- detail ‘the Concopt of "Politics risk Sins Bretton Woods meet sought to com! Analysis, Bid gold standard witha greater desree SSE What is Cash Management ? Discus the vablous nivel over international Nee reasons for holding cash. 138) at the Bretton Woods was to create a O35 Wistar themnsin enctioneofCarhdanagestens? a detailed note on ‘C; icundesirable aspects ofthe old system Q.A7-Bxplain in detail The Cas ‘ash Conversion Cycle. 142 =. The things that were to be avoide *h Management System. 145 erates and associated deflationary adj 288, Write a detailed note on ‘Hlectronte Merde Transfer Pee a, the instability ofthe freely FTy, ae {national economic policies, ¢ Discuss the process man: Setion and the repressive and distorting = The features, on the other hand, the e4 stability of gold standard, casy ad A ireedom of floating rates, the diseretiona © &f the flexible rate system and the select nt in receivables. 159) - Discuss the scope of receivables management, 161 » Explain the. procedure for evaluating credit applicants. (= b accomplish these objectives, new prac i 165 [Redta be devised » Mepis the wipibOds for mon toring and contol of The most far-reaching result of the Brettor receivables. 108 ()S=stion of International Monetary Fun Bhat asetsilednoteon Collection Analysis‘Toais, 1°2 Se=Promise betiweon the British plan put forwa © Short Answer Types Question 180-192 || Baseriean counter-plan put forward by Dextor UN BSBEF sas for the creation of an internations | tier was for 2 loss ambitious stabilisation fu

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