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The monster has a lumpy army color, pear shape build that has foot long thorns sticking

out his

back with a huge mouth that makes up most of his body, but his lips are a swampy black color

that are dry and crusty. His teeth smell rancid and it is unbearable to breathe when he opens his

mouth before he kills. The odor is exceeding intolerable that it is acidic and his victims defecate

from the stench of his disgusting breath. His dark large mustard teeth are jagged due to gnawing

on his victims head and they constantly pulsate because he is always looking for his next prey.

Before the monster attacks his prey, which is mainly women and only men if he is desperate

enough, speaks to them in a hush tone to make the human feel comfortable, but realistically the

woman knows better and attempts to run, but he isolates them into a corner where she can not

escape. Eventually, she defecates herself and her skin starts shriveling off her body due to the

monsters acidic breath. She screams from the pain due to her muscle exterior being exposed and

that is when he goes in for the kill. He lives for the deafening scream that the woman makes and

then finally bites her head off. He only makes his kills at night when his prey is sleeping and then

he slips into their room through their window by transforming into a miniscule thorn shaped bug

that is able to slither through the cracks of window sills. He mainly chooses woman that are

vulnerable and insecure about themselves. While the woman lays asleep in bed, the monster

admires her laying peacefully until he begins to whisper in her ear, I am your best friend. The

woman then awakes from her sleep startled and glares at the creature gazing at her. She begins to

scream and scatters off her bed attempting to escape from the monster, but he corners her and

entraps her until the final steps of killing occurs.

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