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1. No explanation for how the PC got here or why theyre ------.

Were they
kidnapped? Do they have amnesia? Did they have a crazy night? We never
get any indication that the PC cares about how they got here or if they have
real confusion and questions about their situations, much less an answer. And
the ------ thing. Why are they ------? The PC is evidently not a citizen of NT
considering the supposed shock they have at seeing everybody ----- so why
the heck is the PC ------? What purpose does it serve for them to be naked in-
universe? Is it a law to be ----- and not just a cultural thing? Do visitors to the
country have to ------ themselves whenever theyre in the borders? Are there
police ready to enforce such a law? And why was the PC brought naked to an
apartment bed and just left there? Why were they there at all?
2. Exposition is just dumped on us about the country in a very abrupt way and
its not even some guy explaining it exposition. Its just remembered this
exposition, the laziest type of exposition.
3. The countrys name. Nudisma Terena? I know thats just fuax Latin but that
only raises more questions. Why this name? Why a poor version of Latin?
4. Where is this country? No, seriously, where? Europe? Asia? The Americas? Is
it an island nation? Where is this place supposed to be?
5. Cvb
6. 4
7. 5
8. 2
9. 6g

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