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JULIUS CAESAR William Shakespeare

SYMBOLS The women in the play, Portia and Calpurnia, symbolize the neglected private
lives of their respective husbands, Brutus and Caesar. The men dismiss their wives as
hindrances to their public duty, ignoring their responsibilities to their own mortal bodies and
their private obligations as friends, husbands, and feeling men
Themes Fate vs. Freewill Caesar brings up questions about this but Cassius tells Brutus
that people can control their own fates. // Public self vs. Private self The conspirators
neglect private feelings and focus on politics. Examples of this would be the moments
between Brutus and Portia as well as Caesar and Calpurnia.
// Misinterpretations vs. Misreadings Cassius manipulates Brutus into joining the
conspirators by forging letters from Romans. Pindarus tells Cassius that Titinius has been
captured, when he was being congratulated by Brutus's men, this causes Cassius to take
his life.// Inflexability vs. Power Brutus and Caesar are quite stubborn. Antony seems to be
the most flexible. // Rhetoric and Compromise Antony convinces the conspirators that he
means them no harm and turns the plebeians against Brutus

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