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Writing templates

Question 1

The article discusses a fascinating topic pertaining to and provides three

reasons of support. However, the professor explains that and opposes each of the
authors reasons

First, the reading passage discusses that. . In contrast, the professor provides
information that . . He states that . Clearly a disparity exists between the
article and the evidence exhibited by the professor. As a result, we can safely
assume that .

Second, the artivle pushes forth the idea that . However, the classroom
discussion contends that by . According to the professor, . . Consequently, we
can argue that indeed the claim made in the reading is unsubstantiated and.

Finally, the reading posits that .. The professor refutes this point by explaining
that. We also learn that .

In summary, while both the reading passage and classroom discussion provide
interesting information with regards to. , a significant amount of evidence
supports that. Therefore the reading passage fails to justify claims towards.

Question 2

(General statement question praise). Certainly, some people if asked would agree
with the statement . While others would mention that the question depends on a
great deal of factors; for example, somebody . Compared to As far as Im
concerned, I adopt a firm position that . Particulary if (condition)..

First of all, its important to consider. . Certainly, (concession statement) .

However, in most cases . To illustrate that idea lets consider the following
example. I remember.. This turn in . Similarly , I can recollect. As you can see,
(conclusion of idea)

Equally important is. Of course, for some people in some situations, (Concession
statement). However, it would be fair to say that(for most people)it will be . Take a
case of a friend of mine whom Ive known for 10 years. He This experience
taught him that (Explain your position) (Conclusion)

Finally, . Ill be first to admit that(concession statement).. Despite this

possibility, . By way of example, I can recall .. I think that this is the case for
many other people as well. In fact, I believe(conclusion)

By way of conclusion based on arguments explored above, Im of the opinion that in

most cases.. Not only will . But also . Thats why everyone should . (final

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