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La chununa

La Chununa is traditional legend of the Piura city, It is a beautiful woman, of

small size and abundant red or black hair, she lives near the rivers, the
lagoons and piuranas ravines.
She appears in the evenings and Its overwhelming beauty tempts the
people to stop and surrender to its charm.Once they have fallen under the
effects of her beauty,
They make love uncontrollably, over and over, until the man is exhausted,
without strength. Some men have managed to escape from this monster
and they have recovered their memory to tell the story, In most cases many
men have not been lucky and die from fatigue but there is a way to not fall
into her charms and is to look at her feets.
La Chununa has a deformed foot, with the heel forward with this strange
physical defect he warns of his presence to the solitary mens, even the
children who are lost by the effect of his look.
Today, She still walks along the Andean and coastal hills, giving away her
irresistible beauty and making fun of weaks

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