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Regulation of digestive secretions In order to conserve energy the digestive

system isnt constantly active. Nerves and

hormones ensure resources are devoted to
digestion only when needed and diverted
elsewhere when needed.

Regulation of gastric secretions The volume and content of gastric secretions

are controlled by nervous and hormonal

Exocrine glands - Release secretions into ducts as opposed to

endocrine glands which secrete directly into
the bloodstream.
- Extensive RER, many mitochondria and
secretory vesicles containing digestive
Digestive secretory glands
- Salivary glands- saliva - amylase(breaks
down starch)
- Gastric glands- stomach- gastric
juice(acid and proteases)
- Pancreatic glands- pancreas- pancreatic
juice(bicarbonate, lipase, protease and

Adaptations of the villus Absorption takes place through the epithelial

cells covering each villus
Tight junctions: ensure that materials must
pass through epithelial cells granting lots of
Microvilli: Brush border is the collection of
microvilli on the intestinal side of the epithelial
Many mitochondria: High amounts of ATP are
needed for active transport.
Pinocytic vesicles: Endocytosis of dissolved

Identification of exocrine glands

The role of acid conditions in the process of Acid conditions in the stomach favor some
digestion hydrolysis reactions and help to control
pathogens in ingested food.
- Acid is secreted by parietal cells
- It assists enzymes (optimum PH)
- Activates stomach proteases (pepsinogen
- Prevents infections by killing pathogens

Bacterial infection as a cause of stomach Helicobacter pylori infection

ulcers - Stomach ulcers are open sores caused by
partial digestion of the stomach lining by the
enzyme pepsin and hydrochloric acid.
- Bacteria is also associated with stomach

Proton pumps Maintain the PH in the stomach

- Active transport of more H+ ions into the
PPI(proton pump inhibitor)- medication
prescribed for digestive discomfort/stomach
ulcers helps increase PH in the stomach

Egestion Materials not absorbed are egested

- Dietary fibre(Cellulose or lignin) are edible
parts of plants that are resistant to digestion
- Excretory products including unabsorbed
water and undigested dietary fibre are
excreted as feces.

The role of dietary fibre The rate of transit of materials through the
large intestine is positively correlated with
their fibre content.
- Make stool bulky: increased bulk of material
passing through intestine prevents
constipation as it draws water into the
intestine. (higher water content of intestine
faster movement of fecal matter)
- Reduced risk of various large intestinal
diseases(bowel cancer)

Dehydration due to cholera toxin Cholera is caused bacterium vibrio cholera

which releases a toxin which
- Binds to receptors in intestinal cells
- Then brought in the body by endocytosis
- Triggers cascade of responses leading to
afflux of Cl and HCO into intestine
- Water moves from blood into intestinal cell
through osmosis
- Severe dehydration can result in death

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