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Form 6 Student: Timothy Somai

Have you ever exhibited you work before?

No, this was the first time

How do you feel, as an art student to showcase your work to the school
There was a sense of honor and the good feedback, has inspired me to do more art work. Showed
me that Art is not just a hobby.

Do you think this exhibition was beneficial to yourself as well as the lvapa
Individual- Art affects persons and what they are going through and through my artwork it can
benefit them in their struggles.
Lvapa Department- Raised awareness to the students as well as the parents have seen what can be
achieved by QRC students.

As a Senior student of the college, how would this event impact on the younger
ones in terms of the Arts?
Students can be inspired and didnt know the work produced by the older students were even

Form 4 Student- Dominic Bodkin

What did you display in the exhibition?

The QRC Clocktower

How did you feel knowing that people would be viewing your artwork on
There was a somewhat nervous feeling as this is the first time putting up my work for display, but
at the same time I felt some pride.

Has this encouraged you to do more art/poetry/compositions?

Yes this has encouraged me to do more work as well as seeing that there is a much greater
competition out there.

You hear about science, business and p.e in the college, but what about Art? Is
it really known other than doing it a few times per cycle?
There is not much business about art here, it seems as though its a waste of time for most people
and not very popular.

If there were more art related activities and events would you take part?
Yes I was very much inspired and will take part if such events arises.

Do you think this exhibition had a meaningful and positive impact on the wider
school population?
Yes it have peaked other students interests to take part and do more work.

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