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Dear Interviewer,

My name is Victoria Behling and I am currently a senior at Alverno College in

Milwaukee, Wi. Currently I am an Elementary/ Middle Education major with a
support in Social Studies and I am set to graduate in the Fall of 2017. First and
foremost, I want to thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio as well as
assess my work of what is hopefully a positive glimpse into my beginning stages of
becoming an educator over the past few years here at Alverno.
Starting my Education at the University of Whitewater, I transferred to Alverno
college in the fall of 2013 and have spent the last few years developing and
learning all that I can in becoming an effective teacher through classes, fields,
assessments and so on. I feel extremely confident that that the School of Education
at Alverno College has given me the necessary tools and experiences to take my
next steps forward into my teaching career and I cherish the relationships and
mentors that I have gained along the way. I look very much forward to being able to
soon represent Alverno in my own classroom and put into place the practices that I
have been so diligently learning about.
This portfolio contains evidence and artifacts that I have carefully selected from my
work as an Education student and are meant to highlight my experiences as well as
my learning from the past four years. My portfolio contains many different
components which you will find in the tab buttons along the top portion of the
website. These tabs include Reflection and Resume where you will find a resume
of my teaching experiences along with a letter that I wrote to beginning 201
students, Standards and Abilities which is where I connect specific artifacts to the
ten Wisconsin Teaching Standards as well as the five Alverno College Education
Abilities, Video Tapped Lessons which will contain actual video of my teaching,
and under the more tab you will find my Observed Lessons page which will
include all the material from my four observed lessons.
Again, thank you so much for looking over my portfolio, and being a part of my
journey into becoming a teacher, it is very much so appreciated!


Victoria Behling
Alverno College

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