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Formation of the Solar System

Name: _______________

In this slide, we think about the scale

of objects in the Universe, with the
largest being 500,000 ly across to the
size of an atom. How does this range
of distances affect your thinking of
the Universe?

How can it be understood that the universe is

93 billion light years across and yet only 13.8
billion years old? (Come up with a prediction
of how this can be possible, then check your
prediction with information researched.)

Other Notes: Other Questions:

Define these terms:

Solar Nebula:

Fill in the blank:

A globular cluster is an assemblage of _________________.
Nuclear Fusion is the process where

Online Activities
Super Planet Crash

1. Go on to: and explore creating your own

Solar System.
How quickly can you get your Solar System to crash? What observations
can you make about the type of objects and placement that causes

Galaxy Zoo

1. Log onto: and click Begin Classifying. Classify

several galaxies and record the observations you made about each one.
Make at least 5 drawings of galaxies you classified.

2. How many shapes of galaxies are there?

The Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan speech
1. Go to Library of Congresss page here. As you listen to Carl Sagan, think
about our predicament on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
What does this speech make you think about? Does this speech change
your understanding of life in any way?

2. Choose a piece of the speech that you found most thought-provoking and
write about why you chose that segment. What makes this part of his
speech especially captivating?

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