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The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly of Tax

L ike the old spaghetti western movie,

our current taxation condition can be
analogous to the triad relationship
between The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. The
widely held belief that those who have more
should pay a greater proportion of their
resources in tax. But the idea of treating people
equitably is what complicates tax system more
Good is the symbol of tax abiding citizen. While than anything else. Arguments of economic
The Bad is the representative of the evaders, efficiency, fairness, and effect on tax rates aside,
including corporations, with all its kinds of tax various credits and deductions increase the
aggresiveness. Then The Ugly represents the tax complexity of the tax code and the costs of
regulations. What do I mean by ugly? Tax paying taxes. Slemrod (1992) stated that the tax
regulations over the years have simply become regulations and complex administrative
uglier, much more complex than ever. This potentially make taxpayers find it difficult to
complex tax system makes some new problems, meet their tax obligations, thus make them spend
taxpayer become more reluctant to pay, more more time and cost. Makes administering the tax
loopholes to exploit, more rules from The Ugly to system more time-consuming and costly. And
evade by The Bad, and finally The Good was more complicated systems have lower levels of
betrayed. This is why the principle of simplicity is compliance.
important: the more complex the tax design, the Why dont we make the simple ones? On
more lawyers and accountants will find loopholes,
the other hand, the simple regulatory and
encourage the appearance of unfairness, and
administrative systems may not be able to meet
drive up the cost of its administration.
the objectives of taxation as expected by the
Why'd you have to go and make things so state. Tax simplicity almost always conflicts with
complicated? A lyric from one song American pop other policy goals. Our tax system could be
singer Avril Lavigne, the same questions to assess simple if its only purpose were to raise revenue.
the complexity of the rules. As we know that tax But it has other goals, including fairness,
rules was made, one of them is fulfilling the efficiency, and enforceability. And government
principle of equality. Vertical equality reflects the has used the tax system to influence social policy
as well as to deliver benefits for specific groups stated that simplifying the tax system may not be
and industries. As a result, policies usually an effective deterrent to tax evasion because
represent a balance among competing goals, and taxpayers do not necessarily consider a complex
simplicity often loses out to other priorities. For tax system to be unfair.
example, Indonesia tailor tax burdens to the But still, its worth to try! As a purely
characteristics of individual taxpayers. That can
technical matter, tax complexity and tax evasion
make taxes fairer, but more complex.
can be reduced, and tax administration can be
So what should we do? Try to see from the made more just and efficient. As a political and
different perspective. Simpler taxes have policy matter, however, making these
numerous benefits. Margaret McKechar (2007) improvements has proven quite difficult. Efforts
stated simple policy is a precondition to having to simplify the tax system typically run up against
laws that are simple to understand, to implement, conflict with other tax policy goals, political
and to administer. To some (uncertain) extent, factors, taxpayers efforts to avoid and evade
people do not pay taxes because they do not taxes, and revenue requirements. Thus,
understand the tax law. Clarifying and simplifying simplification is an important goal of tax reform,
tax rules can only help to make people but lasting and significant simplification may
understand the law better, and would likely make prove difficult to establish. Policy makers and
it easier to enforce tax law as well. People know grassroots should, therefore, weigh the costs and
that with simple taxes other parties are also benefits of simplification against the other goals
paying their fair share, and all this enhances the of tax policy. And finally we hope that The Bad
legitimacy and therefore the compliance of the can turn to be the Good while The Ugly turns to
tax system. Although Forest & Sheffrin (2002) be The Beauty.

- There is Beauty in Simplicity -

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