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IMProvised combat

Summary : When a magical plague struck Aitkens village, he was forced to find the cure a cure that
could be easily acquired by the local church Except they refused him.

Armed with nothing but a rusty sword and a glaring lack of training, Aitken decides to go get the cure on
his own thats when he discovers the truth about the plague. The plague is a prototype fabrication
from the church itself. Unfortunately, he isnt the only one discovering something and quickly winds up
in an outmatched fight. On his dying breath, Aitken swears to bring down the church even if it costs
him his soul When he opens his eyes, he is in a place known only as Damnation, with a wise old imp in
front of him. I am your grandfather. the imp tells him.

Will Aitken stop the church before it unleashes their plague on the world, saving only the true believers
of light? or will Aitken be stuck in damnation forever? And how exactly does a demon go about fighting
a church, in the name of justice?

[18+]: Blood, gore, some swear words. (Anyway is damnation qualified as one? whoops, mighta
messed up there).

[Warning: Inter- & Personal Challenge]: Heavy time constraints, Little editing. National Novel Writing
Month. Updates daily for the rest of November. Will be finished before December. Can be considered a

[Participating in the NaNoWriMo]

Categories: Action , Fantasy , Mature , Original ,

Chapter 1 - Alpha and Omega

Authors note:

This is a personal and interpersonal challenge, as its an entry for the National Novel Writing Month - as
a result the author(Yay thats me!) is on a tight schedule, and will do very little proofreading, editing and
rewriting - Youll have to excuse this, and complain your heart out in the comments instead, which I will
read. Also, feel free to add ideas in the comments. Inspiration will be sorely needed towards the


What do you mean I cant have the flower? Aitken asked.

The steel-clad man, carrying the typical white tabard from the church of light, scoffed. As I said, you
cant have it.

Let me get this straight. My entire village is infected by a plague... and you have the flower that can
cure it, right in there But I cant have it?

Thats correct. Orders from higher-ups.

What if I had this little pouch for you? Aitken shook a small coin purse.

Im a church guard You think I can be bribed so easily?

Then what do you want? I need the cure!

You cant have it. End of discussion.

With that, Aitken had to leave the church empty handed. He threw a last glance at the building. The
building was square, and had an open garden in the center, surrounded by walls on all four sides.

I could sneak around and get there from the back. Aitken thought as he put his hand on an old sword
placed by his right side.

Aitken followed the road for a bit, until he was out of sight for the church guard, after which he snuck
around and attempted to enter the back entrance of the church.

The wooden door in the back of the church creaked as Aitken opened it. He was met by a stone hall.

The stone hall had plenty of wooden doors to enter, but only pointing towards the middle.
Aitken froze for a second, before walking to the nearest door, grabbing it and slowly pushing it open. He
was met by a small room with a lot of empty vials standing around on a small wooden desk, along with a
small note.

Aitken squinted and slowly moved closer to the note.

Test this on the water supply in Dragonsbreath. The guilty will die in a week, the innocent will survive for
two. ~Ramiel

Footsteps echoed in the hallway outside.

Gotta hide.

Aitkens eyes darted around. The room was completely empty except for the table with the vials and

The footsteps got louder. That door is open. a male voice said.

Aitken started shivering and put his hand on his sword.

The door slowly opened, and several church-guards stared Aitken down.

uh Hi.

One of the guards pulled his sword, and pointed it straight at Aitken. Who are you, and what are you
doing here?

Aitkens heart beat faster, and sweat dripped from his forehead. Im The new cleaning boy?

Funny, they are all informed not to enter any rooms No, I believe you are an intruder. Do you know
what we do to people trying to steal from the church?

You let them go?

Of course not. We kill them. I will give you a moment to pray, before your death.

Wait! Can I at least have a last request? I need a cure for the plague. Aitken said.

No The guard took a deep breath, and waited in silence for a brief moment. Your time is up, I hope
you prepared yourself for the forgiveness of the holiest one.

All the remaining four guards pulled their swords.

with shaky hands, Aitken unsheathed his sword as well.

The guards lined up, and each of them put their left hand behind the back. The sword-tips hovered
around eye height, extending from the hilt placed a hands-length from their stomach.

Aitken grabbed his shaking hand with his other hand, putting both his hands on his one-handed sword.

The guards slowly crept closer, still maintaining their stances.

The guards reached the range of attack, and a rattling of teeth could be heard.

Aitken grit his teeth, as his vision tunneled. I need that flower!

He leapt at the nearest guard, holding his sword over his head.

Aitken looked down, to see a hilt extending from the middle of his chest. His shirt turned red, and the
unmistakable smell of blood spread in the entire room.

No. Not yet. I need to save my family I need to save sis Akane!

The fire in the pit of Aitkens stomach flared up. Not yet!

Aitken forced his sword down from above and as the sword danced through the air, it sounded like the
very fabric of reality was split in its path.

The guard flinched and threw a boot to Aitkens stomach, while simultaneously pushing himself


the rusty sword slid along the guard's face, creating a deep-red rift in its wake.

With a juicy-crunchy sound, the guardsmans left eye was shredded open.

ARGH! Damn cultists! Damn you all! May you return to the fiery pits of damnation from whence you
came! the guardsman howled, as Aitken fell to the ground.

The guardsman held his hand to his eye as deep red blood dripped to the stone floor.

Aitken coughed, and the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. Black spots appeared before Aitkens
eyes, as the sinking feeling of blood leaving his head struck. a single image of his little sister Akane filled
his mind.

With his dying breath, Aitken howled. I will tear your entire church apart! Even if I have to do it from
the afterlife itself!

The darkness caught up to him, and overwhelmed him. He thought he heard a faint whisper, before
suddenly a complete silence fell over him. Aitken was left in the vast emptiness of nothing for what
seemed an eternity.

When Aitken could finally see, he was inside a small sphere or something - much like an egg. One side of
the egg had a faint red glow, and the entire area reeked of sulphur.

Aitken pushed all the sides, until he found that the glowing areas had the consistency of wet clay - it was
also warm to touch.

Finally, he noticed his hands. Scaly and soft red-orange, his hands had three fingers on one side and an
opposable thumb on the other. All his fingers had long black nails with a gentle curve protruding from
the fingertips.

What the heck. He thought.

Aitken started digging and pushing the soft wall, slowly working his way out. For each fistful of soft
warm wall, the underlying layer was glowing even brighter and lighter in colour.

Finally he fell through the wall, into a stream of white-glowing liquid. Aitken felt as if he was swimming
through warm honey before he finally reached the end. With a greedy breath for air, Aitken stared in
front of him.

Right in front of him was a wrinkly, red-orange, scaly and small creature. Leathery, bat-like wings
extruded from the back of the Imp, and the imp had the very same clawed hands Aitken had noticed
from himself. The imp had horns extruding from the upper corners of his forehead, curving gently
upwards. A long, slim tail with a sharp barbed tip whipped around behind him.

The wrinkly imp wore tiny imp skulls in a necklace around its throat, and held a staff with a larger skull
with long horns on the top of a black staff.

Me Atethukhollaadda, the mightiest sorcerer-god-emperor-grandfather in the entire pit of

damnation! the imp said.

You did what now?

... No Me is Atethukhollaadda!

Oh great, an idiot.

Okay, and you are my grandfather? Aitken said.

The small imp frowned. What? How did you know?

You said that.

Thukhollaad shook his head. No me didnt.

...Moving on, who am I, and where is this?

Me dont know who I is, but you is imp Zagmar. You is only hope of Imp-kind Thukhollaad waved his
staff behind him.

Aitken finally noticed the vast plains of black sand. The plains had large hills, mountainsides and cliffs as
well as volcanoes spewing lava everywhere - just like the one right behind him.

Aitken thought the most peculiar thing about the place was the blood red sky and the one large purple
eye-like sun in zenith.

Can you sense that? Thukhollaad asked.

a tingling sensation overcame Aitken. You mean that feeling?

Thats a summoning happening. He pointed at the eye in the center of the blood-red sky.

A ray of light shone from the eye, and landed on a large area around a fleeing imp. The ground made
cracks, and the entire piece of land was suspended from gravity, and lifted towards the sky - the imp
floating around splashing helplessly.

We will never see this one imp again. The great eye is our greatest adversary. ThuKhollaad explained.

What does this have to do with me?

You are the chosen one! Only you can defeat the demon king and attain one of his pendants - the
pendants that can cancel the very summoning itself!

ThuKhollaad waved his wand at a large volcano. on top of the volcano, you will find your destiny!

Why me? Aitken peeked over at the imp, who was now facing a new imp hatchling that had just
crawled out of the volcano.

Me Atethukhollaadda, the mightiest sorcerer-god-emperor-grandfather in the entire pit of

damnation! You are the chosen one!

Really? the imp-hatchling said with sparkly eyes.

So in other words, I could become king of the demons with this pendant? that might not be such a bad
idea. Aitken thought, ignoring the old imp and the hatchling. I wonder why the old imp wants anybody
to go there in the first place.

Aitken decided to undertake the journey to the volcano to meet the demon king.

Rumble rumble rumble.

Aitken looked around, and saw a small plant.

Thats a potato, you can go ahead and dig some up to eat. Thukhollaad said

Oh, you didnt run off yet?

Thukhollaad shook his head.

When the potato plant was dug up, a single, large potato was underneath it. The potato was pitch black,
like the volcanic-ash from which it came.

Aitken opened wide, and Thukhollaad intently stared at him, with a small smirk, holding his hands
clenched near his face.

OWW! Its a freaking rock!

Thukhollaad fell to the ground in laughter cramps hahahah!

Ahaha! you bit it without ahaha! without cooking it first!

Aitkens lips tightened, while he glared at Thukhollaad. Then what am I supposed to do with it?

Thukhollaad slowly composed himself. Here, mell show you.

He grabbed the potato and walked over to the fresh stream of lava seeping down the volcano.

Thukhollaad put the potato into the fiery lava.


A popcorn-like structure the size of an imp came out from the lava.

Soft in the middle, hard on the outside Great to eat. he promptly threw the popcorn in his mouth.

My potato!
Consider it payment for me teaching you.

Aitken found his own potato and ate, then he started walking towards the volcano

Are you gonna follow me all the way? Aitken said

Most certainly. Thukhollaad answered.

Couldnt you have followed that other hatchling?

But you are special.

this is going to be a long walk.


Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow.

My worries for this chapter:

Pace of story, too much/little description, Not even remotely catchy start.

Chapter 2 Gatekeeper

So I promised you updates. Updates you shall have. I promised nothing about the quality, so you should
probably not read a draft if you feel the quality of my updates is severely lacking (I know I do.) Go ahead
and give me hints on how to improve it - as long as you don't ask me to edit my chapters
heavily, becausethe NaNoWriMo pace I need to maintain is just too much for that. It's simply not
designed to be published right away, and with all the other stuff I gotta do, it's terribly hard to find the
time to even punch in the words.

Also, tomorrow mi~ight be a shorter chapter, I really don't hope so, but I have terribly much to do. I'll
see if I can get a full chapter up - otherwise I'd just be getting behind and have even more to make up
for in the weekend.

If you spot any mistakes, tell me. I don't like mistakes. Especially logical mistakes - I gotta keep those
under control. (Grammatical mistakes... Well, I've probably got tons of run on sentences and other
flaws... You can point them out if you like I guess.)

Word count

This chapter: 1785 words

Total so far: 3589 words

So what can I expect when I meet this demon king? Aitken asked.

He might eat you if you get to him. Thukhollaad answered.

What do you mean get to him?

You have to pass the gatekeeper and scale the volcano.

Whats this gatekeeper like?

That's me secret.

Would you tell me if I gave you a potato?

No, me not so easy to bribe!

What if I gave you two?

Maybe Thukhollaad rubbed his clawed hands together slowly.

And if I popped them for you?

Then me would tell you something, yes.

Hah, he is so easy.

Aitken felt a faint tingling feeling.

You feel that? Thukhollaad asked.

Aitkens eyes widened. Its that frequent?

Me told you, its the greatest adversary of imp-kind.

Only imp-kind? Arent there other demons? Aitken asked.

Yes, like demon king.

And what is he?

Demon king is Ohoho, me almost fell for it.

The eye from above shone its bright beam of light far out in the distance, slowly pulling a chunk of land
up together with it.

Its really far away...Is that why the tingling was so faint?

You are quick to notice this. Me was right about you.

Oh, look. A potato and another oneand a third one...Oh, this one is the size of a head. Aitken
narrowed his eyes and looked over at Thukhollaad . Theyre actually quite common, arent they?

But tasty. Thukhollaad answered.

Pop, Pop!

There you go.

Thukhollaad happily munched the two popped potatoes.

And? will you tell me now.

Yes, me will tell you something, as promised.

Aitken clenched his fists, leaned forward and stared intently at Thukhollaad.

Me will tell you... The more apostrophes a name has, the more powerful the demon.

Aitken frowned. Thats not about the gatekeeper or demon king.

Me never said me would tell you about that. Thukhollaad smirked.

You little Imp!

Thukhollaad merely responded with a high pitched laugh, which echoed from the nearby cliffs.

The gate of which Thukhollaad became visible in the distance - at the foot of the volcano was a stone
wall, as tall as forty-two imps. The wall was pitch black, blending in well - but it clearly covered all the
way around the volcano. The gate itself was half the height of the wall, and made of a dark wooden
material, decorated with carvings of demons and flames. On top of the gate was a series of gargoyles
created from the molten obsidian of the volcano itself.

Aitken grabbed a large ring from the gate, and pushed as hard as he could. The gate slowly crept open
with a squeaking sound of metal grinding metal coming from the hinges. Then the smell hit him like a
frying pan - a smoked yet metallic smell.

A large round indention in the ground was revealed on the other side of the gate, appearing the size of
fifty imps across and five imps tall. In the middle a large - by imp standards anyway - imp was standing
with quarterstaff made of the same dark wooden material like the gate.

Ah, another challenger The large imp said, as it threw a lifeless imp-body up the side of the indention -
just to have it dragged away by a second imp.

Aitken gazed around, then he frown at Thukhollaad. Was this your plan all alo-

Welcome, challenger! The imp in the indention said. Come, come. Enter my arena!

Aitken looked back through the gate from which he came, then back at the imp in the arena. He stood
motionless for a while.

You dont think Id actually let you leave, right? The imp said from the indention.

Aitken slowly approached the arena.

What are the rules and whats the price/penalty?

Its simple. If you die or get knocked out, you become food for the demon king... But if you win, you get
to meet him.

So I gotta knock you out? Aitken asked.

Exactly. Any more questions?

... Do I get a stick?

The imp made a slight nod and threw the stick at Aitken, before a second one materialized in the hands
of the imp.

Aitken grabbed the stick and slid down one of the sandy edges of the makeshift arena.

I am Sakon. What is your name challenger?


Your name is Zagmar, not Aitken. Thukhollaad yelled from the sideline.

I wish this imp would stop following me already

Prepare yourself, Zagmar. Sakon said, as he put his one leg in front of the other and bent the front
one a bit. His wings laid close to his body and his tail wrapped itself around his waist.
Aitken imitated this stance, and slowly crept forward.

Sakon swung his staff downwards. The wind howled as the staff split the air, and it almost seemed to
vanish for a brief moment.


Aitken staggered backwards with a stabbing pain on the side of his right knee.

I could almost see that one Next time I can block it.

He grit his teeth and proceeded forwards once more.


Yes! now for the counter


Aitken received a swift staff to the face. As he staggered backwards, Sakon rushed forward sending a
flurry of blows at Aitken.

Aitken fell to the ground, blocking a blow intended to crush his skull.

I cant win like this! I just.. gotta improvise!

Look! theres a naked she-imp! Aitken pointed wildly into the distance.

You do realize we are gender-less, right?

Well A succubus then?

You really thought that would work now, didnt you?

Yet, It was enough that Aitken could break the momentum. Aitken clenched a fistful of the dark dust
from the ground and sent it flying towards Sakon. At the same time Aitkens tail whipped towards
Sakons hand.


Drops of neon orange blood flew through the air, and a faint smell of smoke and iron spread.

Sakon winced and rubbed his eyes, as Aitken rolled a few imp-lengths away and jumped to his feet.
Sakon wrinkled his nose. You dishonourable imp!

Aitken grinned, as he dashed towards the edge of the arena.

You come back here!

Aitken climbed up the steep, sandy edge of the arena, and ran for the top of the volcano. After climbing
higher than even the wall, he looked over his shoulder. Sakon was gaining ground at an incredible pace.
Aitken turned around, and flapped his wings once.

I guess its truly time for flight or fight.


Like a bald-eagle diving for its prey, Aitken glided at great speed towards Sakon, staff ready to strike.


Both of the two imps tumbled down the edge of the volcano, bleeding bright orange from their pointy

Aitkens mouth filled with sand and his nosebleed got clogged as he tumbled down flapping

His trajectory suddenly changed, and he felt the wind under his wings as he was gently carried towards
the wall from which he came.

Aitken flapped a few times, but only managed to lose height from his attempts to fly. A rough landing on
the top of the wall ensued, as he flew into a gargoyle statue. The statue promptly fell down the wall and
broke in two halves.

A few grunts echoed from the wall. Aitken looked down the wall, and saw Sakon already climbing the
smooth stone wall.

What do I do, what do I do? Another fly-by? No

Aitkens eyes narrowed. He went over to a nearby statue and pulled it rigorously, to no avail.

It wont budge. Darn.

He took a glance at the staff in his hands.

Of course.
The staff was quickly jammed under the gargoyle statue. Aitken quickly climbed the statue and leapt
down at the staff.

A popping sound was heard as the statue was forced loose.

grunt grunt.

loud grunts? Hes near!

Aitken dashed to the side and noticed Sakon just a few imp-lengths down.

Aitken hurried back and pulled in the statue with all his might, but it barely budged. His eyes darted
around the place, looking for any clue he could make this. He finally went to the wall, and lifted his staff,
sending a powerful stab towards Sakon. Aitken felt resistance in the staff, but when he tried to pull, it
was stuck.

Below, Sakon was grinning with his tail wrapped around the staff. Now Ive got you. Ill tear your
dishonourable skull from your neck!

Aitken grit his teeth, and attempted to shake Sakon off from the wall, to no avail.

Darn. So close, but Im out of tricks.

Sak'on grinned as he slowly gained ground. "Hehehe, die for me."

Wosh Wosh wosh wosh.

Like a boomerang, a familiar black staff with a skull mounted on top flew towards the wall.


With surprising force, Sakon was stuck and tumbled several imp-lengths down.

Now, its a race! Thanks, Chocolate!

Aitken dashed to the statue and put in every inch of force he could, pulling the statue towards the wall.

The panting from Sakon grew louder.

More... more a bit faster!

A scaly three-fingered hand grabbed the edge of the wall.

Aitken threw in the last remaining bit of his force, and the statue fell on the hand, crushing the fingers
with a grim sound.

GRAAAA Sakon screamed.

With a final kick, the statue finally lost balance and fell, dragging Sakon down with it.

Klonk. Klonk.

A crunchy snapping sound echoed as the statue hit the sand, leaving a splatter of neon orange in the

Aitken sighed in relief and fell on his back. He swallowed up air as if he had been holding his breath for
the entire fight.

You going to lay there all day? Lets go, to the demon king! a familiar voice yelled from below.

Aitken took a final deep breath, and got up. He placed himself on the edge and glided down towards the
volcano, landing near Thukhollaad.

Aitken stared a bit at Thukhollaad. Say, Chocolate Why did you save me?

... Me am not Chocolate, me am Thukhollaad and me saved you because thats what grandfathers

But you didnt even flinch when you saw the hatchling getting dragged away to become food.

You are special, me can feel it Have you come from beyond the eye?

Aitken frowned. I dont know. I have come from somewhere different, but I dont know what lays
beyond the eye.

As me thought. You are truly a returned imp. Thukhollaad nodded solemnly.

The rest of the way to the top of the volcano was relatively quiet and problem free. Apart from the
occasional potato here and there, it was completely barren and still covered in black sand - albeit the
ground became coarser and coarser the further up the two went. The ground leveled when they
reached the top, and the floor was made from shiny black obsidian.

I see you have finally reached me, king of imps. A deep dark voice echoed from a silhouette in the

Thanks for reading.

Chapter 3 - The eye in the sky

Authors note:

Phew, barely made it.

It's a short one today, and I am throwing out every last word I have written thus far, meaning I've got
plenty of stuff to work on tomorrow.

Word count

This chapter: 1684 (Barely scraping by the daily standard)

Total: 5273

The demon known as the king of all demons was about three-imps tall. Shiny white horns extruded from
the forehead arching upwards to completely vertical. he held a golden, flaming trident in his one hand,
and a double bladed axe in the other. His black hoofs made small bump sounds as he slowly turned
around, revealing his devilish grin.

What have brought you here in person, king of imps? I thought you were busy sending new hatchlings
here to die?

Me have come to topple your regime!

You and what army?

Me and Him! Thukhollaad pointed directly at Aitken, who responded merely by peeking around

We just need the pendant to control the eye, that is all. Aitken said.

This pendant symbolizes the power of the demon king and you expect me to simply give it to you?

Aitken scratched his neck. Yeah..? Well, I can give you some potatoes for it?

The demon king frowned. Potatoes? Have you lost your mind?

What if I pop them?

Me think thats a good deal! Take it!

The demon king sighed. In a flash, he stood in front of Thukhollaad. I will have a conversation with this
imp. Alone. A hoof thundered through the air, and Thukhollaad flew several imp-heights into the air,
only to glide down towards Aitken. Like an aerial supply drop, Thukhollaad dropped off the third, head-
sized potato to Aitken. He then continued gliding by, headed towards the vast open plains. Good luck,
Zagmar! You are the chosen one! Use the potato as a last-resort bribe!

Aitkens eyes widened. What. The. Heck?

The demon king smirked. Let me explain. I have a deal with the king of imps - I get food, and he wont
be killed Perhaps he thinks you can do the same with a simple potato?

So.. that means Im food?

Yes and no If you are strong enough, I will recruit you. Just like the gatekeeper - he too, was once and
imp drafted by Thukhollaad.

Recruit? To what end?

I am gathering forces to fight the angels, of course What worth is a title of king, if you cant even
make a proper little invasion?

I just have to get strong enough to beat this devil, and I will become the king myself Hmmm..

Your little fight has nothing to do with me. I want no part of it Aitken responded.

Thats a pity - I would have granted you a pendant that could stop the summoning And all you had to
do, is to destroy an angel Or rather, a half angel. He goes by the name of Ramiel.

Aitkens eyes grew wide. Ramiel The leader of the church of light

So you do know him?

Aitken clenched his fist and narrowed his eyes. If you can send me to Aitken, I will destroy him for you.

The demon king smirked, and summoned forth a pendant in his right hand, which he threw to Aitken.

Then I shall send you to-

Aitken suddenly felt a faint tinkling feeling - as if an imp was summoned a thousand paces away, yet the
demon king's lips spread in a smirk.

Thats great timing Now I wont even have to spend much power - a witch is doing it all for me Just
hope you end up in the right time and place. The demon king grabbed his own pendant with his right
hand, and closed his eyes briefly. He turned around with a deep laughter.


Aitken felt the tingling feeling grow to the point he started feeling restless and anxious. The eye from
above shone its light down on him.

A chunk of the obsidian from the volcano started floating, dragging Aitken along. He flapped his wings,
but didnt move even a hairsbreadth. After which he simply grabbed the head-sized potato that was
levitating next to him.

Alas, poor potato! It would seem you got caught up in all this. INERTIA Go! he threw the potato
with all his might, only to have it float about half an arm's length away, still leaving himself fixed in the

He sighed deeply.

I guess I can only hope to end up in the right place at the right time.

With that, he grabbed the potato. If Im in the middle of a desert or something stupid, I want a last-ditch
ration of food with me, at least.

Aitken and his floating island approached the eye. An uncanny smell of rot met him as he approached
the top. A faint ticking noise, as well as a quiet whisper - sounding as if someone was chanting in the

Aitken swallowed his spit and peeked directly at the eye, as he felt the small island stop in its tracks, just
two imp-heights under the eye.

The purple eye stared him down - as if the round black pupil was inspecting his very soul. A gentle
purple light illuminated the entire mini-island which he floated above.

A salty smell suddenly met him, as if the eye itself was about to cry.

a large drop gathered in front of the eye.

No! NO! You are not gonna cry on me! that's ju-


A large round droplet engulfed Aitken, before he was suddenly sucked into the blackness of the pupil.

As Aitken vanished into the blackness, the small island, he was sucked up with, came tumbling down.
Aitken was floating in blackness, when small sparks of light flew by. Together they materialized into a
picture. The picture contained a dark haired man stabbing a large hydra. From that picture, the amount
of pictures grew exponentially.

After a moment, the pictures had duplicated to the point that everywhere he looked he saw the
pictures. The faint ticking noise from before grew deafening, and an array of smells hit his nose. Each
noise fit to its own picture - some as simple as the smell of red wine, and some the smell of a thousand
rotting carcasses getting chopped up on a battlefield Then the noises came - the noises of a hundred
thousand people yelling, crying, laughing and talking at the same time. Aitken couldnt understand a
single thing, except for the constant overlaying ticking noise.

Aitkens eyes darted around, as he flapped his wings in vain.

Then he heard a voice - at first it was quiet as a whisper.It was a female voice, but unlike the rest of the
voices floating about, the words were intelligible. Come to me they echoed gently. Aitken started
helplessly floating in the direction from which they came.

A single smell started taking over, covering up the others. It was the smell of a pine forest - much like
the one he had played in when he was a (human) child.The female voice grew stronger - no longer
simply a whisper. I summon thee, demon of demons.

A single picture grew stronger and stronger, and Aitken felt a strong temperature drop, as if a cold wind
had just swept by.

The picture was a dark-green pine forest, and in a small opening containing green grass was a lady
dressed in a black dress. The dress was rather simplistic - the only things of notice was the sleeves
widened in the end and the belt buckle formed a perfect square with a hole in the middle.

The top of the dress almost covered her slim pale neck, and the bottom would probably have almost
covered her black flat-heeled boots if she didnt hold it above her navel, revealing her short black

But the things that really stood out to Aitken was a metallic pentacle pendant with a large purple crystal
in the middle, which she held tightly in her right hand, and the left hand skewering her own left side
with a needle with a wooden handle. The needle was drawing blood from the middle of a pentagram,
permanently burned into onto her skin.

(I am pretty bad at drawing, but here it is! yay! Only drawing I will make for you in this story as far as I

Obey my will the lady whispered.

Aitkens eyes grew wide. if Im summoned, does that mean Im enslaved as well?

Like a fireball from the sky, Aitken struck down, and landed next to the witch.

Why have you summoned me? Aitken asked.

The witch frowned. What? an Imp? out of all the

She sighed deeply. The one of the most powerful demons of its kind and I forgot to specify which

Aitken clenched his fist. Hey! are you listening to me?

The witch glanced over at Aitken. Oh, would you shut up with your high-pitched demon-crap, Im trying
to think here!

What? You summoned me here for no reason?

The witch sighed again. Very well, Im Rosedriah. And no, I dont understand your high pitched
squealing, so zip it.

Come along, Imp. I hope you are useful in a fight. She waved her hand arbitrarily.

So she doesn't understand me? I'm talking gibberish?

Aitken peeked around, and suddenly his eyes shot up like a lightning bolt. I recognize this place Its
near Dragonsbreath? mom, dad sis Akane The cure!

It all came back to Aitken, and in an instant, he had made up his mind. Aitken stared at Rosedriah for a
brief moment, before leaping at her with the ferocity of a wild animal.
Rosedriahs eyes grew wide in surprise, but she quickly latched her hand onto her pentacle-pendant and
yelled Stop!

In that moment, Aitken felt he hit an invisible wall, as all his momentum disappeared in an instant,
leaving him to the mercy of gravity.

Rosedriah frowned. Youre quite the stupid one, arent you? I have full control over you.

Aitken clenched his teeth. I have to get the cure in a hurry! Maybe there is still time!

Aitken thought for a second, then he looked down at the skull-sized dark potato he had brought along
from Damnation.

You might control me But What if I ...

Aitken grabbed the potato in one hand and spun around himself once.

GO, Potato of darkness! Save the day!

With a mighty thrust, the potato flew straight at the witch, who only managed to widen her eyes in


Rosedriah fell to the ground, and Aitken dashed over and snatched her pendant from her neck, as well
as his potato.

Aitken ran with all his might towards the woods, he was somewhat familiar with them, so he was
confident he could outrun the witch for now.


Thanks for reading!

Chapter 4 IMPact

Author's note:

This chapter is really 18+

Blood will be split.

Also, Poll! Help me with some response here?

Word count

This chapter: 1855

Total: 7128


Aitken quickly entered the forest and dashed towards the nearest road - he took a single look backwards
to see the witch struggling to get up.

Perfect, she will never catch me. First stop, the church. I still need the flower, perhaps I can even learn a
thing or two about their plague and about Ramiel, while Im there.

Sure enough, he quickly reached the road and when he looked over his shoulder, the witch was
nowhere to be seen.

He continued towards the church, which was located outside a larger town, placed adjacent to the very
woods he walked parallel with. Along the way he would try to fly - he figured he might need it soon. As
he flapped his leathery wings with all his might he would fly up one inch, but for every inch he flew up,
he would fall two at the discretion of gravity.

He thought long about this, and how he could use his wings. He reached about halfway to the church,
still unable to come up with an answer. The air was getting even chillier and the darkness of the night
fell over the forest.

In the meantime, Aitken had started flapping his wings at an angle, in hopes he could perform some long
jumps. This proved impossible, since he could hardly lift himself off the ground with his wings in the first

After a while of flapping his wings to no avail, he saw the gentle glow from the torches near the church-

An armoured guard stood in the front once more.

So here I am, once more I just have to do better than last time. I cannot fail my family again.

He stood still for what seemed an eternity, peering at the church in the distance, considering his
options. Nearby, a twig snapped. Aitkens head turned in a flash, and he saw a shadow move nearby.

Is it guards? Are they onto me?

His mind filled with questions. But he quickly dashed towards the darkness of the woods, still in the
direction of the church.
Ill try to lose them and slip in the back of the church.

As he dashed into the woods, he heard the footsteps pick up the pace, keeping up with him.

Damnation! But how come they didnt alarm the other guards?

Finally he reached the backside of the church-compound.

What? One two five. Five guards? How?

He noticed that one of the guards wore a black eyepatch.

So thats how they found me so quickly Why werent they at their station in the first place?

Aitken desperately peered around, trying to figure out how to slip in unnoticed.

It was first now, he realized exactly how small he was compared to the humans. He would measure no
more than half their size if he stood back to back with one of them.

Suddenly he was snapped out of his trail of thoughts, as his pursuer arrived.

Give me back the pendant! The witch said, as she swung her sword from above.

Aitken grit his teeth, as the sword dived straight for his head.

He let his feet collapse under him, as he raised a potato above his head in defense.

Sorry potato!


The witchs eyes grew wide - but more importantly, Aitkens eyes grew wide.

It was that solid? Woops, no time!

Aitken quickly sent his tail around the leg of the witch, and pulled with all his might, right as she took a
step forward. The witch promptly fell forward, onto Aitken.

Gah! Face justice, witch! Aitken yelled, as his horn rammed her shoulder, and the warm sensation of
blood dripped onto his head. The sweet scent of the witch mixed with the metallic smell spread. The
witch winced in pain.

A guard quickly surveyed the entire area, as he poked one of the other guards You hear that? Was that
an imp?

The other guard narrowed his eyes and pointed. Its coming from over there. And with that, three
guards headed towards the sound to investigate.

This is bad!

The witch grabbed her sword and thrust it towards Aitken, who rolled away, pulling the horn out of her
shoulder, narrowly dodging the sword as it flew past his wing.

Its an imp and her familiar! Kill them! Doe, bring the holy water and some reinforcements!

All three of the guards took their stances, as a fourth guard dashed into the church.

Aitken looked at the witch Rosedriah, and she looked back at him. Stupid imp!

They both jumped to their feet, and ran as fast as their legs could carry them towards the woods.

Dont let them escape!

Rosedriah quickly got ahead of Aitken.

If she is outrunning me

He looked back and saw the guards gaining on him, fast.

GAH! Aitken turned his wings sideways and flapped harder than he ever had before, in his entire short
imp-life. His pace picked up marginally, to the point of keeping up with the witch, still further behind
than her.

He peeked over his shoulder, and stared almost directly into the face of a guard, who was almost within
sword's reach.

AH! Faster!

He felt the wind of a blade on his neck.

Ball mode enabled!

Aitken curled into a ball, stopping himself dead in his tracks with his tail.

The guards legs rammed into the tiny imp, but to no avail. His momentum pulled him over the imp face-
first, and he slammed onto the ground.
A second guard followed suit, but just barely.

Aitken dashed to the side, but the third guard had already swung his sword. A deep cut opened a gaping
hole in the left wing. Neon orange blood decorated the ground as the wing bled.

he flapped his wings again, but stopped dead in his tracks as a pain shot through the left wing. a faint
tearing sound could be heard, as his face twisted from the pain.

I guess theres no more running.

He sent his tail full-force backwards, aiming for the guards legs.


Aitkens tail felt like it was falling off, as a sharp pain swam its way through Aitkens tail..

Note to self, dont tail-whip chain armour.

The guard swung his sword, and it hit Aitkens horn, taking the top piece off of the left one. In response,
the tiny imp grit his teeth and backed off several steps, still staring down the guardsman, who was now
joined by the last two. Aitkens eyes darted around the place, looking for anything that could be of help.
His eyes fell on his one and only weapon - the skull-sized potato.

Aitken shrugged and threw the black potato over his shoulder, putting his arms into the air.

You surrender? There shall be no mercy for demons and witches, followers of darkness itself! the
guard howled as he swung his sword from over his head.

Aitken smirked, as he turned rapidly, pulling his tail along. The tail went past the guards arms and struck
him with a skull-sized, hard-as-rock potato fixed in place by the spikes on the tail. The guard was hit
square in the face, and tumbled to the ground.

Black hammer of potato.

Aitken quickly snatched the sword from the guard, but before he could deliver a coup de grace, another
guard had already engaged in the fight - swinging his sword.


Sparks flew as the two swords clashed.

Once more, the potato hammer whipped by, and struck the guards knee from the side.

With a crunching sound, the guard fell to the ground.


The potato rammed the guard in the face.


And again and again...

Smock. Smock Smock.. Smock. Smock

Warm red blood splattered onto the face of Aitken. With malice in his eyes, he glared at the second
guard who had received the potato-to-face in the first place.

The third guard started screaming. Its a monster! Help! Holy water, now!

As footsteps approached, Aitken bashed the arms of the guard who was lying down. Cracking sounds
could be heard all the way to the church, from the guards arms, and he howled in pain.

five more guards arrived at the scene, one held a large glass jar filled with a clear liquid.

Throw it at him! quickly! the downed guard howled, as the demon approached him.

The guard with the jar fumbled with the lid, but finally got it off.

Aitkens sword slowly dived into the wounded guards throat, and strangling sounds became gurgling, as
the ground was dyed red.

A the clear liquid flew through the air. Aitken lifted his right wing, and shielded himself with it.

A pain like that of lava thrown onto human skin coursed through Aitkens entire body. Sizzling and
bubbling sounds could be heard as his wing swelled up in small bubbles everywhere the liquid struck

An unholy screech was let out from Aitken.

We got him now! Kill it, before it recovers!

Aitken backed off as fast as he could, narrowly dodging a few attacks.

Throw my pendant here, you damn monkey! A familiar witch yelled.

In his confusion, Aitken complied.

Rosedriah smirked as she caught the pendant with her right hand.

She stabbed her left side with a thick needle, and her dress turned red.


The two dead guardsmen started twitching.

She took out the needle and stabbed herself once more.

Hellfire, from the depths of damnation. I summon thee! Aid me!

She stabbed herself several more times, and her once black dress was dyed red - not only from the
shoulder - but also the stomach, from which blood was slowly dripping from the bottom to the ground.

A wave of white flames rolled over the ground, searing dirt and turning leaves to ashes. The flame
washed over Aitken and all the guardsmen, lightly burning them - but not Aitken.

At the same time, the corpses had shambled to their feet, and one stabbed a stunned guard, while the
unarmed corpse pounced a second one, pinning him to the ground while the first corpse made short
work of him.

Terror showed in the eyes of a guardsman. Retreat! Retreat! Its the grey witch! The other two
remaining guards hauled butt as they all sprinted for the church.

The animated corpses fell to the ground, as Rosedriah sighed deeply. She grabbed her pendant with her
left hand, and fumbled for a bandage with her right. Command: Follow!

Aitken felt his will drain, as his feet moved on their own. For a brief moment, he considered if it would
truly be so bad to follow this Rosedriah Then he thought of home. He had to get the cure - he had to
enter that church - with this thought, he grit his teeth and sent a scaly hand to the second pendant he
wore around his neck. This pendant was given to him under the promise of being capable of controlling
the eye that summoned imps, so he tightened his hand hard enough the black bones showed through
the scaly skin on his knuckles.

He forced his feet to turn the other way, and he started talking.

Command: Follow!

Aitken glared at Rosedriah. No

Command: Stop.
Aitken felt compelled to stop, but didnt.

Rosedriahs face twisted in rage.

Command: Unsummon! she howled.


Let's take a quick look at why the grey witch returned, in case you missed that.

She needed her pendant, okay? You wouldn't leave your laptop for the church either... erhmn... Bad
analogy, unless you have... Unholy... things on there...? ... Yeah, there's no escaping this hole I dug
myself into... I'll see you tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 5 IMPart

uthors note:

Word count

This chapter: 2041

Total: 9196


Rosedriah clenched her fists tightly, glaring at Aitken.

Command: Unsummon! She yelled.

Aitken felt a familiar tingling feeling, and gazed at Rosedriah in disbelief, while still grasping the metal
pendant with blue crystal core he had received from the demon king.

The large purple eye faded in above him - whether or not it was visible to anybody else, he did not
know. The eye hung about two imp-heights above his head, and it stared him down from above, almost
as if it was glaring at his very presence. A certain salty smell spread around Aitken. He gazed briefly into
the abyss of the pupil above him, as the pupil distorted slightly from a build-up in liquid.

I cant dissapear now, I need to save my family. Ill outrun it

Aitken rolled sideways to the left, but winced in pain as his wings ached when he rolled over them. To
his surprise, the eye didnt stop him from moving. Instead, it casually levitated right above him, no
matter how much he squirmed and struggled to get away from it - almost as if it could see his very
movements before he himself could.

A scary thought suddenly struck him. If nobody had ever returned from being summoned from
damnation, where exactly would they go if they were unsummoned?

The thought of getting stuck in limbo sent chills down his spine, as the eye hanging above him seemed
more menacing than ever. A large drop of liquid fell from the eye, and encased Aitken in a sphere-shape.
Aitken tasted the nearly unbearably salty liquid, but there was a hint of something else - Sulphur.

Aitken watched helplessly as the liquid was slowly drained into the darkness of the pupil, dragging him
along as if he was flushed from a toilet.

As he passed through the pupil, he was engulfed in darkness - no pictures, no smells and no sounds. The
only thing visible was the eye behind him, slowly closing.

Aitken could hear his own heartbeat, and see the eye narrowing. Perhaps this was what his destiny was -
to be stuck in limbo for eternity Or perhaps this was but a pocket-dimension, storing summons until
they were once more summoned Either way, he did not have the luxury of time to wait for this witch,
just to realize she would never even summon him again.

Aitken yelled, but to his surprise the darkness carried no sounds. As the eye grew closer and closer to
shutting completely, leaving him to limbo for eternity, he flapped his wings once more. The pain was
nearly unbearable, as the torn and burnt wings forced their every inch of movement Yet nothing. Not
even a single hairsbreadth did that move him.

The eye had but a sliver of light left, and Aitken started flailing his arms, legs and wings wildly.

No! Dont close, I still havent done what I needed to do Im not done! Let me out!

He grit his teeth as the last speck of light was hastily slipping away.

no.. No NO!

The last speck of light disappeared right outside his grasp. His entire world had slipped between his

Almost as soon as the light had left his world, he started to doubt whether his eyes were open or closed.
His heart was beating loudly and was the only comfort he would find in this forsaken place.

After what seemed ages, but might just have been a few hours, his teeth started to rattle.

There is truly no escape from this abyss, this darkness?

He flailed wildly and shouted in fury, but his voice didnt reach his own ears - not even through his own

I had so much to do, so much to stay for.

He sighed, although the sound still didnt carry to his ears. He moved his tail towards his hands, only
coordinated by his own sense of relative limb positioning. He grabbed an oval thing he had stuck to his
tail what seemed eons ago.

Potato What should I do? he whimpered in his mind. I cant stay, but I dont know how to go either.

Potato Just answer me What should I do?


He sighed in frustration. You are just a potato... just a damn potato. You cant help me. Heck, I cant
even help me.

He lifted both his hands with the potato in between, up over his head in a fit of rage.

Damn this place.

Stop. A voice echoed within his mind.

Immediately, Aitken stopped and his head and eyes darted around, inspecting the darkness to no avail.

What was that?

I am the potato? Yes, I am the potato.

If there had been any light - or anybody to see him - they would notice Aitkens disbelieving squint.

Youre the potato?

Yes, I am the potato.

You could talk? Are you perhaps some magical dragon-egg that will save me from this abyss?

I mean, Im a potato but if thats what youre into, I guess I can play along?

...So can you save me?

Im a potato I dont think so But you can save you. Just channel your inner rage.
Are you sure you are a potato?

What would make you think otherwise? I dont see anybody else here.

So Why can you speak?

Lets skip the technicalities - all you need to do is release your inner demon.

Why are you so bent on that?

N-no reason justI erh, Potato.. thinks its a good idea to release your inner demon.

Im talking to myself, right? Im mad, right?


So you say to channel my inner demon?

Hello? Potato?


What seemed hours of complete silence passed by.


He flinched.

The pendant! Of course!

Aitken grabbed the pendant he had once received from the demon king. He clenched his fist so hard he
was afraid he would break the locket.

Get me out.

Get me out of here, now! I command you!

It has to work! there is no alternative.

Sesame open! Alakazam alakabim, open.

Eye, eye on the wall, Open up and stop the stall.

Please open? with sulphur on top?


Command: Open!

The darkness still didnt budge.

Work, damn you! work!

Summon. the voice echoed.

Huh? potato, is that you?

There was no response.

With all his might, both his voice and his thoughts, Aitken focused.

Command: Summon!

Pictures, smells and sounds all flew by at an incredibly rapid pace. White lights, blue skies, towns,
battlefields and witches. Smells of death, births and cheese flew by.

That one! Aitken yelled, and to his surprise, his voice carried through the noise.

He felt as if glass shattered in front of him, as he flew with an incredible pace into the picture he had
pointed out. Had he not been immune to heat, the very friction might have been cause for worry.


Aitken tumbled through the air, far up over the square church with a green hole in the center. It
worked it actually worked He looked at the inanimate potato in his hands. I could not have done
this without you.

Suddenly he felt the wind fly by underneath him. The church was but a tiny speck, far below. He noticed
the fog was dense all the way up here.

The wind rapidly whistled by, as Aitken fell at incredible speeds. His eyes grew wide.

If I dont slow down, Ill end up a splatter!

He spread out his burnt wing - at least it wouldnt tear.


He oscillated a bit back and forth as the wing pointed straight up into the air.
Aitken grit his teeth and put the potato onto his tail again. This will hurt. A lot.

He retracted both his wings, and put his hands behind the most damaged areas.

He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Slowly, he spread his wings, supporting the most damaged places as well he could with his scaly hands.

The wind tore into his wings, and a sharp pain spread through the wings as they started to tear. Flakes of
burnt skin and tattered pieces of wing fell off. Neon orange drops of blood flew up all around Aitken.

The wind whistled by, and the pain steadily grew as pieces of wing and blood flew into the air. Then the
wind picked up under the tattered wings. Blood and pieces of wing showered him as their speed became
higher than his.

He glided around in circles for a while, as his wings continued to deteriorate. Not far above the church,
they could no longer sustain his glide, and he tumbled onto the roof of the church - and went straight

He landed in a small stone-room with sloping walls supported by wooden beams.

Aitken laid perfectly still for a while, recovering from the tremendous pain. He looked at his wings - both
of which could hardly be called wings at this point. black bones extruded from his back, with small flaps
of leathery tatters hanging from them. Neon orange splatters covered the tatters and his back was
sporadically dotted by blood. The smell of smoke mixed with metal spread in the entire room as he
splattered blood from moving.

I need to get out of here. Its impossible that this went unnoticed.

Aitken forced himself to his tiny legs. He heard hasty footsteps somewhere outside the door.

No support beams are broken, it must be something else!

Aitken felt his hands turn damp as his eyes frantically darted around the place, searching for anything to
help him.

His eyes fell on the small window - it would be a tight fit, but he was confident he could make it.

He slowly climbed to the window, pressing himself through it. Even with the tattered wings wrapped
around his shoulders, and the long tail pushing with the potato from behind, he had to squirm his way
through. On the other side was the garden several floors below him.

Aitken swallowed his spit, and grabbed the edge of the window, hanging down on the other side.
He heard the door click open on the other side of the window. Its in here! he heard a familiar voice
yell. Something came through the roof.

He recognized the voice as the very guard who had killed him.

Youre leaving the temporary storage unguarded? Do you know what would happen if a witch caught
wind of whats in there?! A woman howled in fury.

Ah! Ill go back immediately. the guard said.

Take the other back-door guards with you. Even if something did come through the roof - No, especially
if something came through the roof - you cant under any circumstances leave it unguarded. The
woman said with a strict tone.

Aitken heard footsteps leave the room, and he slowly dropped himself into the garden.

With a light thump, he stood in the garden, in front of the very flowers he had so long sought.

Aitken peeked around warily, before he picked a handful of the white flowers. They looked like de-
thorned roses, but completely white leaves and yellow middle with a black stalk.

He looked at the flowers in his hands.

I really need a backpack, or some pockets or something And a sword and a scabbard - pretty bad move
to leave that behind, but what could I do?

Aitken snuck into a narrow hallway, across from where he had jumped down.

Now, for the back exit.

He snuck through the surprisingly deserted hallway.

It must be my entrance making so much commotion. Theres literally nobody here I guess Im short on
time, then.

Aitken moved silently through the hallway towards the back exit.

A voice echoed in the hall.

ARGH! Damn cultists! Damn you all! May you return to the fiery pits of damnation from whence you

Aitkens eyes widened. Deja vu? I know I have heard this before somewhere
He heard a voice he thought he would never again hear. I will tear your entire church apart! Even if I
have to do it from the afterlife itself!

It came from none other than his own human body.

The words of the demon king echoed in his mind. Just hope you end up in the right time and place.

Aitkens pupils narrowed and he started shaking. This cant be for real.

Sorry for the cliffhanger-y ending. (again).

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 6 - Whats truly IMPerative

Authors note

Several hours late, and riding on the wave of procrastination from a Friday night, I present to you,
today's chapter. (Yesterday's, since "today" was only an hour or so.. but whatever.)

Word count

This chapter: 1831

Total: 11027


This can't be for real I killed myself. No the witch killed me Wait, I traveled time?

Aitken pondered in confusion what had just transpired.

But Im already dead in there that was my dying breath Im not ready to die here again - Ill find my
corpse later, when they dispose of it if they dispose of it? It doesnt matter either way - Im probably
not going to use my own corpse for anything. My family might still be alive, I cant linger But can they
use my body for anything? I wish I had put any measure of interest in magic.

Aitken froze for a moment, considering his options. On one hand, he had his family. On the other hand
he had his corpse, and the few belongings he had brought with him. The choice was a no-brainer -
especially because of the risks involved in each course of action.

Aitken stood still, considering how to make his retreat. I wish this church had windows on the ground

He snapped out of it, as some voices echoed in the hallways.

You need to go to her, if you want even a chance of recovery.

I know, I know.

The footsteps lead towards Aitkens side of the hall. He hurriedly opened a door and made very sure to
close it slowly and completely. On the inside was a library with bookshelves lining the walls and a table
dead in the middle for reading. Aitken pressed his ear to the door, as the footsteps passed by.

One.. two.. three? three pairs of feet? or was it two? or maybe four? Im not sure.

Aitken waited till the footsteps had completely faded and he slowly opened the door, just peeking

When he decided it was safe, he went to the end of the hallway and peeked around the corner.

One guard. I can take him Wait, I can shoot him?

Aitken fastened the potato on the end of his tail, and spun his tail into a spiral.

He leapt around the corner, rapidly spun his tail out. With a spinning motion, the potato was fired
towards the guard.


The guard raised an eyebrow, as the imp had flung a potato a few meters in his direction.

A moment of silence passed by, and Aitken stared at the guard, who decided to knock violently on the
door to the outside - presumably alerting more guards.

Aitken felt his hands get damp. He dashed towards the guard. The guard raised his blade, pointing it
directly at his attacker.

Aitken made a sharp turn, and entered the storage room, slamming the door behind him.

Indeed, Aitkens human corpse was laying there, in all his glory. Blood was still slowly seeping from the
chest-wound. Aitken quickly grabbed the rusty sword from his corpse and jumped above the doorway,
latching onto the rocks.

The door opened, and a guard ran inside.

Aitken let himself drop down, thrusting the sword in between the helmet and body-armour along the


The guard fell to the ground, and blood seeped in sync with his heartbeat. The familiar metallic smell of
blood spread through the room, yet Aitken didnt even notice it. He looked behind him - and indeed, a
single guard was about to strike.

Aitken blocked with the rusty sword, and quickly snatched the first guards blade with his free hand,
stabbing the last guard in the chest.

That was almost too easy.

Aitken ran to his corpse, and grabbed his old backpack. he carefully put it on over his tattered wings and
onto his back.

For a brief moment, he pondered what to do. He grabbed his corpse and tried dragging it.

The corpse slid effortlessly over the floor, and was quickly dragged into the hallway where he picked up
his partner - the potato - along the way and stuffed it into the backpack. Aitken dragged his corpse out
of the church, heading for the forest. Even the roughness of the forest-bottom did little to hinder the
dragging of his body, almost as if the body weighed next to nothing. Perhaps this was why he could
knock somebody out with a potato - he was many times stronger than he ever was as a human.

He placed the corpse at a safe distance, gazing at it for a moment. I will leave you here At least they
wont be doing anything wicked to you. Rest in peace, my past self. He said solemnly, staring at the
corpse for a while longer than he probably should have.

He turned around, and headed for his first objective - his village and family.

End of Ark 1
771 words above.

This is the end of Ark 1 - Death & Damnation. Ark 2 continues right here and now.

1060 words below.

Start of Ark 2

Aitken arrived at his village. It was a small village, with nothing more than a few hundred villagers. Most
buildings were made from wooden planks. The air smelled of days-old fires and tar. The occasional
white clouds would drift by on the sky, but the sun was shining, yet even the sun was barely hindering
the cold air from going through Aitkens scales.

He barged into the house, but the only thing that met him was the gut-wrenching stench of a decaying
corpse. Aitken took a brief glance at the source, and as he expected it was the old alchemist - bloated
and already far in the process of decaying.

Aitken covered his mouth, and looked over at the alchemy stove. A handwritten note with a list of
ingredients and a procedure was on the front. One of the ingredients were indeed the flowers Aitken
had picked up.

He followed the directions as exact as he could, until he had a vial full of clear liquid.

Aitken lifted the liquid up, and let the sun shine through it from the nearby window. This will do.

He grabbed the handwritten note and headed for a large wooden manor with stone statues and colorful
flowers in front of it. The grass was already a bit longer than he remembered it - a little longer than one
could wish for.

Aitken pushed the door open with a creaking sound.

Whos there? A female voice asked.

Akane? Akane, is that you? Aitken answered - before he remembered that all his mouth would let out
was a series of grunts and screeching sounds.

The voice didnt respond.

Aitken entered the manor, and the smell of boiling water filled his nose. The smell somehow made him
realise how he had not eaten a thing since the potato in Damnation, and suddenly his stomach was
screaming for food.

Ignoring his hunger, he entered the first bedroom on the right. The sight that met him made him go
numb. No No Dad Aitken ran over and checked for any sign of his father still living, to no avail. He
lingered for a bit, before he grew worried about his remaining family members.

Mom? Akane?

Aitken entered the second bedroom. A large bed was in the side of the room, as well as a cupboard in
the center of the far-end. Red carpet decorated the floor and a few dry plants stood in the window next
to the cupboard.

On the bed his mother was laying - her brown hair had turned gray and her face was pale as a sheet. She
had a cloth over her forehead and a bucket filled with water next to her.
Aitken approached his mother, who had finally taken notice of him. The look she had in her eyes were
that of resignation. She was already prepared for death - even if it would be more sudden than she had
anticipated. Aitken took a few steps closer to his mother, but the cupboard barged open and a lady with
long chestnut hair, brown eyes and a dagger pointed directly at Aitken stood in front of him.

Stay away from mother

no Akane The mother said.

Aitken stood completely still for a moment - for how was he supposed to communicate with his family
like this?

He took a step backwards and fetched the flower and vial and note out of his backpack. He placed them
on the floor and backed off slowly. In the doorway he sat down, staring at them.

Akane frowned. What do you want?

Aitken shook his head slowly - this was the only means he could muster to communicate.

Akane warily approached the items, and she briefly stared at them, making sure to peek at Aitken

This is the alchemists handwriting She narrowed her eyes and stared at Aitken. Why are you doing

Aitken pondered for a second what to do, and he decided he would try to write out the response in the
air. But as soon as he put his finger up to try, the letters completely disappeared from his mind - as if he
had never known writing in the first place.

He decided to shake his head gently again. She put her nose over the vial and sniffed it. Im not trusting
that. She placed the vial on the floor in the corner, and pointed the dagger at Aitken. Walk.

Aitken sighed and got up, walking in front of Akane to the alchemist's house.

How can she even think that a demon would normally do as she asks, just because of a small dagger?

Akane entered the room, and immediately her stomach turned and she ran outside to empty it, yet
nothing came despite her best efforts.

After a small while to recover, she put a cloth over her mouth and entered. She proceeded to have
Aitken sit down, waiting for her to make her own batch from the flower she had gotten and the few
ingredients left from the alchemist's house.

After she made the batch she entered the house, making sure Aitken was on the outside.

Aitken waited patiently for a while, just to realise that of course she would lock a demon outside their

He decided to search the rest of the village, and he quickly realised that the only survivors were in fact
his mother and sister inside the manor. The rest of the villagers were mostly already decomposing or
ice-cold and long dead. He found this to be peculiar, but had no clue as to the reason behind it - perhaps
his household simply got infected later, due to a water reserve? He was not present when the village
was infected, so he did not know.

Aitken thought back on the day he heard of the plague. It was in the middle of the not-so-nearby city,
and he was representing his father - the mayor - at the city council for the first time Then the news
struck, and he hurried home. Four days of travel, even at his pace - the entire town was already sick
when he arrived. The Alchemist had asked him to retrieve the flower that could cure the plague Yet
how did the alchemist know? and would it truly cure the plague? Aitken did not know.

That night, he had very little sleep, as he twisted and turned in worry over his mother.


Thanks for reading!

Chapter 7 IMPlications

Authors note

Indeed, this chapter is even later than yesterday - three hours late for the "new day-deadline".
The story is taking a darker turn now - one can only sustain so much before you have to change.
I also sharpened up on where things are going now. Enjoy the brutality.

I'm barely doing the quota for today, but I planned ahead a bit more, making sure my story is aiming the
right way along the way.

PG 18 [Excessive violence] - I'm not joking when I said it was for mature audience on the summary page.
Consider yourself warned.

Word count

This chapter: 1670

Total: 12697

Aitken awoke when the wooden door to the manor slowly creaked open.

It was dark, the stars twinkled in the night sky, and the moon illuminated the entire town in a soft light.

Akane was standing in the doorframe, staring down into the floor, clenching her dagger so hard the
white was showing on her knuckles.

Aitken stared at his sister, for a brief moment, before she started a slow walk towards him.

He looked up at her, from just in front of her, realizing her eyes were red from crying.

Is mom de-

Akane swung her dagger at Aitken, who stumbled backwards, barely dodging it. She looked directly at
Aitken. You killed her, you and your damn concoction. Her eyes filled with a grim mixture of hatred
and sorrow. Die, you and your entire kind. You should all just die! She swung her dagger again, fueled
by an incredible rage, slicing Aitken across the forehead.

Aitken felt a deep sorrow in his heart. As he pondered this, Akanes dagger cut lightly into his arm when
he failed to dodge properly. She swung again and again, but Aitken kept dodging, a bit more focused
than before.

Aitken turned and started running. He could not fight his sister, but neither could he allow himself to be
killed by her - not until all the guilty had suffered.

A series of sharp turns designed to throw Akane off did not fulfill their purpose - in parts due to her
speed being greater than his.

He ran into the manor, and jumped over furniture, with her following closely. He jumped over a table,
but Akane saw the opportunity to ram the dagger into his tail. A deep orange rift was cut about a
quarter of the way into the tail, leaving a trail of demon blood in his wake, but Aitken kept going. He
jumped out a window and ran around some bushes. She followed him. As Aitken turned around a corner
he stood still.

When Akane passed by, he extended his leg and tail, and she fell to the ground in front of him. He
dashed around a second corner and smashed a window, only to hide in a bush.

Akane took the bait - she went into the house once more, with her eyes darting around looking for him.

Aitken hid in the dark of the night, and ran off towards the woods, away from his sister. There was
nothing he could do right now, even if he wanted to. His presence would only do more harm than good.

After running for quite a while, even nearing the church once more, he crawled into a tree.
He pulled out the potato from his backpack.

Potato What do you think I should do?

He stared at the black potato for a while, not getting any answer. Potato

He put the potato away, and sat alone for a while with his thoughts. He thought about all the happy
times with his family, all the sad times His thoughts shifted to the church, and how they might have
been the perpetrators behind it all.

Aitken pulled out the potato once more.

Potato Do you think I should take revenge? Thats the only right thing to do, isnt it?

Thats what I will do Ill take revenge. For my father, my mother For how my sister has suffered. The
entire church of light will suffer Starting with the specific church that is the most guilty of it.

For a brief moment, he thought he saw the potato shine brighter than it had before. Then he packed it

His eyes narrowed a bit and he grit his teeth. The guilty will suffer. Ill kill them, Ill kill them all. Starting
with their leader.

He looked at his battered wings, and all his cuts and bruises. But first things first, Ill fix myself up. Then
Ill kill them No, Ill loot their church, then I will kill them.

Aitken clenched his fists for a brief moment, before packing the potato into his bag once more, heading
straight for the church one last time.

He arrived outside the church, this time on the opposite side than the forest. He stared at the small
windows high up the complex.

This shall be my entrance.

He walked up to the church, and crawled up the stone wall, peeking in at every single window. He saw a
dark room filled with shelves with vials and bandages and different herbs. He
carefully maneuvered around the window, peeking in everywhere, making sure the room was empty
before he slowly squeezed his way through the narrow window.

He browsed through the shelves.

Bandage, Healing salve, flammable liquid and some long metal nails from the cupboards and few
candles That should be all I can use from here.
He packed the transparent jars of liquid into his backpack, as well as the candles.

He rolled out a coarse piece of cloth, wrapping it around his forehead and another for his arm.

Now, the salve.

Aitken dipped his finger into the salve.

Good, It doesnt hurt me, so I guess its not harmful to me.

He smeared the salve onto his tattered wings, then poked the broken horn.

Will this heal? Ah, well. Wont hurt to put this stuff on.

He packed the rest of the salve and the few remaining bandages into his backpack.

Now, I should be on my way to being in better shape Next point - revenge.

Aitken once more inspected the roof from inside. Straw, as well as wooden support beams. He crawled
outside, onto the top of the roof, spending the night observing - he had time, but not the luxury of
messing up. Nothing much happened at night - the guards didnt even stand around outside - possibly
from the fear of a night-time ambush. They might be standing just inside, behind barred doors.

The entire next day went with scouting their daily routines. He listened from on top of the roof,
carefully. Their leader was a priestess, and she slept in her own room. After further observation
he realized she was sleeping in a room with a window - mostly due to the fact that all the rooms on the
top floor had windows, and she was indeed on the top floor.

He heard an imp scream, and saw a troop of guards run for the forest.

Ah, today was that day. Less guards he had to handle himself - that was helpful.

He patiently awaited the return of all the guards. They ran inside and barred the doors.

Perfect, if there would be any survivors, they will blame this on the witch.

Aitken slipped down on the front side of the church, Bending several of the long metal nails around the
rings for pulling open the double-door entrance. Likewise, he did the same in the back side, after making
sure the grey witch did not approach the church.

Aitken went to the room he had observed their priestess was located at, carefully peeking in. She was
dressing up for battle, putting on a thick robe. Perfect.
You will suffer for what you did.

Aitken grabbed a jar of flammable liquid in one hand, and a candle in the other.

He carefully squeezed his way into her room, and lit his own candle on a candle placed on the wall just
inside the window. He proceed to lob the jar onto the priestess.


She was soaked in the liquid, and turned around with a deep glare.

An imp? Ill smite you. She lifted her hand, but in that moment the lit candle flew at her.

The liquid caught on fire, and she combusted into a living torch, spitting fire all the way to the very roof
and support beams over her head.

She howled and rolled around on the floor, as Aitken slowly approached.

This is for having your lackeys throw holy water on me. He drew his rusty sword and in one swing, her
arm was cut off, and she screamed in pain.

...And this is for my family.

He swung his sword, impaling her throat. She gurgled in her own blood as the fire burnt her skin to black

Aitken stared for a brief moment, before he crawled out of the window as fast as he could, just barely
snatching the wall-mounted candle on the way. He threw jar after jar onto the roof and lit it on fire.

Finally, he snapped the candle in half and lit both ends, dropping a jar and a flaming candle at each
entrance to the church, spreading a wildfire around both exists.

Aitken leisurely climbed down the church - after all, he did not mind a little warmth from a fresh fire.

Soon after, horrible screams and rattling with the gates resounded. The gates held up, and the flames
and smoke slowly seeped out through the small cracks.

Soon after, a silence fell on the church. Only the gentle crackling of the burning building could be heard.
Smoke rose in a great cloud, that could be seen all the way in the capital.

Aitken headed towards the forest - but the part of the forest away from the gray witch and the place he
had been unsummoned. He meant to disappear from the site, leaving all the potential reinforcement to
ponder what happened.
He turned around and marveled at what he had done - the entire local church, and everybody inside of
it had been burnt to death.

A small smirk spread on his face, and he felt a small measure of satisfaction from the revenge he had
dished out.

Now it was time to heal back up. It was time to figure out a plan to hurt the church, before they spread
their plague somewhere else it would hurt him. He couldnt fight them directly all alone. He was not as
strong as in the fairytales, where the hero would battle all evil, gods and dragons with nothing but a
sword and a glistening armour - no, he would simply have to improvise his way to victory.

He pulled forth the potato from his backpack.

Look what we have done. he smiled, for the first time in a while. It was not a smile of happiness, but a
smile of twisted satisfaction. Together, we can defeat the church. One by one, they will all fall before

Now onward, to the downfall of the church.


Thanks for reading!

Chapter 8 - IMProbable targets

Author's note

Nothing much to say, didn't edit this chapter at all, as I should have been to bed half an hour ago. You
can point out any mistakes you find and I'll correct them - otherwise I might just look the chapter
through tomorrow sometime.

Words in total: 14373

Words this chapter: 1676


Aitken disappeared into the forest, leaving the flaming church behind for good. Aitkens feet made small
twigs snap as walked through the pine-woods, with only the smell of smoke as his companion.

Aitken walked till sundown before he climbed a tree, to finally get a full night's rest. As he laid down on
a thick branch, he noticed that his hunger had all but disappeared, since the ignition of the church. He
pondered briefly if imps had different eating habits than humans, then he fell into a deep sleep.

Aitken awoke from footsteps far below him. When he peeked down, he saw a familiar black-haired

Uh oh, what is she doing here?

He carefully hid in his branch as she walked by.

I wonder where she is going Does she perhaps have some ties with someone who opposes the church?

Aitken kept at a long distance, silently shadowing her from afar. She walked straight for a little larger
town, located about half a days travel away.

She stopped to eat soon after, making a small fireplace and putting a metal contained with water and a
handful of grains in there.

She boiled it for a while and calmly put spoonful after spoonful in her mouth.

You can come out, I know you are there. She yelled, not even looking away from her spoon.

Aitken hesitated. Perhaps she knew he was there, but did she really know where? and did she really
know exactly who was there? And how did she figure it out?

A few moments passed by without a reaction.

What are you hesitating for? Come out already. She lifted her hand, and slowly pointed it Aitkens
direction. If you dont come out, Ill make you.

Aitken put his leg outside the cover and shifted his weight.


A dark male voice suddenly reacted, from two-thirds the way to Rosedriah.

Did you hear that? I told you this place isnt safe. Someone or something is out there.

Rosedriah grabbed her pendant and stared around carefully.

You are right, this isnt as safe as I had thought.

Rosedriah and the man started walking - but at a fast pace.

Aitken struggled to keep up and remain hidden at the same time.

The two picked up the pace as they neared the town, and Aitken was slowly set further behind where he
could speed up safely.
As darkness fell on the forest, the witch and her new companion reached the town, and the two talked
to a guard outside the wall.

Aitken froze.

I didnt think. I cant just enter a town, Im considered a demon now, Ill be attacked on sight. Damn,
they might just have slipped away this time No, perhaps not yet.

Aitken stared briefly at the wooden palisade, then he proceeded to walk up to it and dig his claws deeply
into the wood. He put one hand over the other and forced himself up, finally silently tumbling over the

Where did they go?

Aitken looked around, and realised he was in a small alley. He saw a villager walking around on the
street in front of him. The villager squinted and looked into the alley Aitken was placed at, and Aitken
slowly crept backwards, into the darkness. He clenched his fists tightly.

Darn, theyre gone. My hands are tied while Im in settlements.

Aitken climbed the nearby stone house, it was really dark between the palisade and the house, as they
didnt put torches on the palisade itself.

When Aitken got onto the straw-roof he laid down and very carefully moved towards the top, making
sure to stay around the edges where he figured the support would be the strongest.

He peeked up, looking at the town itself. It was medium-big and had a fairly large church in the center -
much unlike the solitude of the first church he had encountered. A few stragglers would be walking
around the streets, but at this hour it was nothing major. He didnt spot the witch or her companion,
and likewise, he didnt spot a place he thought they would be likely to go either.

I guess Ill have to give up on the witch and a prospect of an organization She probably just met this
man for something like supplies anyway No, Ill simply have to handle the church on my own.

He glanced over at the church in the center of the town. I will start my crusade on the church of light
with you. Perhaps I should go investigate first, like last time. It seemed to go better that way.

So Aitken slowly made his way towards the church, approaching as far as he could along the darkness
from the palisade. He crept along an alley, and crawled over a house to get near the church. Finally, he
arrived on top of a house, looking down on the plaza surrounding the church.

The church itself wasnt even as big as the complex he had burnt the last time, but it was situated in the
middle of the town. To make matters worse, the open plaza would make for a terrible escape path. The
church itself was made from stone with a wooden roof covered in tar, it was a single long building but
somewhat wider than the average building. No spires or third floors of any kind was present, but as
before, the bottom floor did not have any windows except for small ones located at the very top of the
two-times-normal-height ground floor..

Whats with them, and their lack of windows?

Aitken swallowed his spit, as he saw the sheer amount of houses facing his way. If a single person inside
one of those houses would see him and alarm the guards, he would be in a bad pinch.

He looked at the church in front of him. Wooden roof, huh? Ill simply torch the church again, it cant be
much easier.

Aitken decided to go inspect the church up-close, while it was still dark. He hid as well as he could in the
shadows, slowly moving to the church.

He crawled up the church and peeked in through all the windows.

While there was a rooms for different things, nobody actually slept at the church.

This complicates things. So if Im to harm them, Id either have to burn it during daylight, or find and
murder their members individually? But again, its empty now...

Aitken could barely squeeze his way through the tall but narrow windows, but when he finally made his
way through, he looked around the room. Shovels, brooms, old tables and chairs were all stashed away
in this room. Aitken shrugged as he grabbed the door handle and opened it carefully.

A long deserted hallway met him, consisting of grey boulder-walls and darkness.

Aitken snuck around, looking at the layout for a while Then he arrived at the kitchen. A large kettle for
large amounts of food was above a similarly sized fireplace. The stoves and kitchen utensils witnessed of
large amounts of food.

Are they that many in this church?

His stomach rumbled and he stared at all the fresh fruit.

How much could I take without them noticing?

He wasnt sure, so he only grabbed a few pieces of fruit and chowed one down quickly.

He walked down some stairs, and arrived at a large room. The room was large enough for a great deal of
people to stand inside. At the end, there was a platform several imp-heights above the floor. This
platform was accessed from a door, as the platform ended in a vertical wall, cutting it off from the place
where people would stand.

I do wonder why Ive never been in any of these before Speaking of which, our village only had that
guarded fortress church.

Aitken pondered for a moment. If he had decided to assassinate, it might have been effective to kill the
priest in front of the crowd.

He looked up at the roof, staring at the wood. No support beams, huh? This might be the case of igniting
the entire thing from ontop.

He stared at the large gate at the very end of the room, opposite the platform he was next to. The first
floor was utility, while the ground floor was for gathering people, while being around two times taller
than the first floor.. The stairways were located next to the platform.

Had it not been for the gentle moonlight shining through the small windows on top, it would have been
completely dark in the room.

He stared at the large wooden gate.

Good, only one place I have to block off. This should be easy enough.

He continued inspecting the large pillars supporting the room, figuring out where to hide and block off
the gate. It seemed it would be a difficult task to block off the gate, unless he was inside already, finding
the perfect time for blocking it off when nobody was around.

He finally settled on hiding in the room behind the platform - the room had plenty of cupboards,
wardrobes and crates filled with robes, vials and other effects - it seemed it was essentially a room for
things he could show off as well as a place to put on special robes, should the need arise. Behind the
platform room was a hallway leading to the stairs to the first floor.

Aitken hid in a wardrobe, hoping the priest would not be needing to switch robes - or that the mass
wouldnt even start the next day - but which days and times the church of light had its masses, he did
not know.

Aitken napped inside the wardrobe, and finally dawn arrived. The clicking sounds of the gates opening
and the footsteps of a myriad of people over the course of many hours could be heard.

Aitken felt ready to set the entire church ablaze, but this was first possible when the opportunity
presented itself - thus far, footsteps had been outside constantly, and he had not had the opportunity to

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 9 IMPairment

Author's note

It's the tenth! What? Oh yeah, you are right, it's technically a third of the way, but that was not what I
meant... Well, if you do know what I mean, you'll be too busy to read my chapters anyway.

Word count

This chapter: 1685

Total: 16058

NaNoWriMo target for the 9th: 15000


If only I was a human, I could move unseen around here Instead, Im stuck inside this wardrobe,
waiting for all the humans to leave, so I can conduct my operation.

The noise of a myriad men and women speaking picked up over time - to the point it was overshadowing
everything else going on around Aitken. Yet suddenly, he heard footsteps from right outside the
wardrobe. He peeked through the gap to see a bald man in a white robe - a robe which had golden
edges around the neck, sleeves and the bottom. The bald man simply passed by the cupboard in which
Aitken was sitting, opening the door to the platform.

The bald man faced the crowd in front of him. Good people of Woodsburg, I know what is on your lips.
I have heard it too - the darkness has risen once more, closer to home than ever before. A witch has
burnt down the village of Dragonsbreath, and even the churchs heavily guarded outpost has been burnt
to the ground by the flames of Damnation the darkness brings. But know this - when darkness comes,
the light will banish all darkness to the shadows from whence they came.

The bald priest lifted his hands above his waist. At the darkest hour, the light will always find a way to
triumph, never forget this.

A man shouted from the crowd. They are attacking everywhere at once! What can we do?

The priest simply answered in a loud voice. Yes, the darkness is coming at us from all sides - but we, the
people will never let ourselves be bullied into submission. They try to frighten us, its a part of their
tactics to make good men stand idly by - for that is all the darkness needs to thrive. They may be burning
our churches, they may be torching our homes and they may be assassinating good men on the very
streets we thought were safe, but we will never cower in fear! Steel yourselves, and aid the church of
light in our quest for true freedom - the freedom from darkness itself. Do not stand by idly! The priest
raised both his fists into the air.

The crowd roared wildly at that notion, and their voices echoed throughout the entire church.

After a while, the cheering died down.

We have a guest today. Someone with a burning desire to speak out against darkness. The lone
survivor from Dragonsbreath village. She will tell of her experiences - let this be all the proof you need
for my words.

The door into the small room behind the Platform opened, and Aitken spotted his sister Akane walking
by. With a determined look on her face, Akane walked onto the platform.

Aitken hurriedly, but silently opened the wardrobe and went to the door, peeking through the crack. He
could not enter, nor could he make his move with Akane here.

Men and women of Woodsburg! I have seen, with my own two eyes the evil that threatens our peace.
Akane yelled. The demons from damnation itself has taken my very own mother. The curses of a witch
and her familiar have slaughtered my entire village, just for them to set the forest on fire afterwards,
burning the remains of my village to the ground. I urge you all to join the church, like me. I have chosen
to train to become a paladin, and so should you. I will not let darkness consume my world, neither
should you.
Aitken was stunned. The crowd started cheering once more, but Akane merely turned around and
walked to the room behind the platform.

When Aitken snapped out of his trail of thoughts, Akane was already about to open the door.

He quickly hid behind the door as it opened. When Akane slammed the door again, she was left to stare
directly at Aitken, who was pressed against the wall.

Her eyes narrowed, and she spoke a single word Demon.

She quickly drew a shiny steel sword from a brown leather scabbard hanging down from the left of her
waist. Aitken slowly stepped backwards. She grabbed the door behind her and swung it open.

Aitkens eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, when the back-row had a clear view of him. They
started yelling uncontrollably, and the priest turned around and spotted Aitken as well.

Even now, the demons are among us! For the light!

He lifted his hand and started chanting.

Aitken turned tail and ran with all his might towards the other exit, narrowly escaping the fury of Akane.
When he arrived at the small pathway behind the room, the crowds had already mobilized, filling both
of the exits. Behind him was the wrath of a priest and his very own sister. To either side was a mob
ready to flog him.

Aitken grit his teeth - there was only one way out of this - back towards the platform.

He snatched a torch on the wall and started running towards Akane. She lifted her sword above her

Aitken swung the torch full-force, narrowly missing Akanes face. She evaded backwards, and Aitken
passed by unhindered due to this maneuver.

The priest finished his chant, and a golden thunderbolt shot from his hand. Aitken felt the holy magic
tear into his flesh, as thunder-bolt shape burns appeared on his skin. A smell of sulphur and burnt flesh
spread in the room, as Aitken forced his way towards the priest, through the golden thunderbolts.

Die! Aitken howled, in a garbled unintelligible and squeaky voice. The torch in Aitkens hand thundered
onward, striking the priest on the chest. Not a drop of blood or a bit of fire spread - so it had done very
little damage tot he priest. Aitken had to dodge as Akane swung her sword from behind, about to cut
him in two.

Not enough power. Tch.

While running towards the outer wall, Aitken rummaged his backpack for a second, grabbing his last jar
of flammable liquid. He held it up in one hand and the torch in the other. He popped the lid and squirted
a bit backwards, towards Akane and the priest, igniting it in the air with the torch.

Both Akane and the priest stopped their pursuit and stared at the fire for just a moment, and capitalizing
on this, Aitken splashed the rest of the contents down from the platform, towards the outer wall. He
jumped down onto the liquid and ignited it. People fled from the wall of fire Aitken had created,
essentially opening a flaming pathway to the wall. He quickly ran along it, and climbed the wall as fast as
his tiny claws would allow. The mobs started lugging anything they could get their hands on at him. After
being hit by everything from rocks to shoes to alter-wine, he finally forced his way through the tiny
window, reaching the outside of the church.

From the outside, shouts from villagers were heard. Its an imp! Evil has come!

Aitken flapped his wings gently.

Its no good. I wish I could just glide out of town.

Aitken quickly descended the church by hand, and found himself on the plaza filled with people and
guards slowly seeping into the plaza from other parts of town.
Not all of them will attack me, right? they gotta be scared Right? Well, not the guards, but the

Aitken started running towards the nearest piece of palisade he could spot. He pulled his sword and
swung it around, yelling demon-gibberish in an attempt to terrify the civilians. It had some degree of
success, but the guards suddenly had an easy time spotting him, as people would actively run away from
him when he approached.

He finally reached an alley leading to the palisade, with a troop of guards right behind him. Aitken leapt
with all his might, clawing himself onto the palisade and forcing himself towards the top.

I cant believe it, I made it through all this with only minor bruises and some burns.


The sounds of crossbow bolts being released met Aitkens ears, as a sharp pain struck his lower back and

As he climbed the barricade, he dragged a orange line of demon-blood behind him.

Idiots! How can you miss him from this distance? A man howled. Give me that crossbow!

Aitken felt fear creep up his spine, and despite the burning sensation in his arms, he increased the
climbing pace.


Aitken grabbed the top of the palisade with his claw, and pulled with all his might. He coughed and
tasted the ashen taste of his own blood.

A lung? I wonder if this is as bad to imps as it is to humans.

He tumbled over the edge of the palisade and fell to the ground. An unbearable pain overwhelmed him
when his back slammed onto the ground.

Gurgghh.. Argh

Aitken slowly got to his feet and walked at a fast pace towards the forest. The guards were hopelessly
behind, so he was in no great rush.

When he arrived at the edge of the woods, he continued into the depths of the woods - an unknown
place, even to him who had once lived there.
Aitken kept going, until he could no longer hear the commotion from the town. He kept going until he
could no longer even see the lights, or smell the smoke. And then he kept going further, at a slow and
steady pace.

In the middle of nowhere, he saw a wooden construction - not really a house, it was simply too small for
that, but a tiny tree house with a low ceiling placed in the trees. Aitken slowly climbed up there, and laid
down. Whoever had this would simply have to deal with him borrowing it. He closed the small door and
barred it with a wooden board that could be flipped down for this very purpose.

Only now, did Aitken begin to pull the arrows, wrapping himself up with his last few bandages, applying
liberal amounts of healing salve underneath. He ate a fruit and simply laid on the wooden floor of this
tiny wooden house.

After failing so majestically, I will need time to heal up. I cant go about these missions without my
wings. Now, I can barely run with that trashed lung, Its hard to breathe because of it.

Aitken coughed once more, spitting blood on the floor. I should be okay With plenty of rest. Should be.

His eyes eyes started closing on their own, and he fell asleep in this unfamiliar place.


Can't always win, huh?

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 10 - It's IMPossible for you

Author's note

Sorry for the short.. fallout. I'm tossing 2k words your way today as a means to make up for it (Not that
it's much making up for anything, but my word count looks a bit better now.)

Not so polished today, I'm running on pure will-power for NaNoWriMo at this time... I'm off, I've got
stuff to do.

Word count

This chapter: 2007

Total: 18065

NaNoWriMo target for the 11th: 18333

Oh, I'm behind.

Aitken awoke from somebody banging on the door outside

Oh crap, the owners are home.

He slowly got to his feet and pulled his old rusty sword from its scabbard, then tried to look out through
the cracks in the door.

An imp?

Whos there? Aitken yelled through the wood.

What do you mean whos there? Its my place youve locked up.

Aitken frowned lightly at the lack of surprise from the other imps side.

He unbarred the door, and an imp slightly shorter than himself entered.

The imp eyed him up and down.

So why have you come here? also, lower your sword, you couldnt fight me even if you wanted to in
your condition.

Aitken lifted his eyebrows briefly while tilting his head, and proceeded to sheath his blade.

So why do you have a hut out here anyway?

The imp stared directly into Aitkens eyes. You should answer first, whyre you all the way out here?

... Some humans didnt like my presence, so I needed somewhere to recover. And I stumbled upon
your place.

The imp shrugged. I guess thats a good answer. Im on the run myself - I guess we are in similar
situations. Your master dead too?

Aitken hesitated a moment, then gave a nod.

And now theyre hunting you?

Aitken nodded again.

The imp sighed. If only us summoned creatures would be returned when our masters died, this mess
wouldnt happen so often.
Aitken flinched What do you mean often? Know of anybody else?

Its pretty common.

So do you know of any?

The imp stared off to the left, into the wall. So whats your name?

Im A-...ahhh, Zagmar.

The imp lifted an eyebrow. Giving me a fake name under these circumstances?

Its not fake.

The imp slowly lifted its eyebrows and slowly turned its head to the right. Whatever you say,

Look, Im Zagmar, and just Zagmar. Now, are you going to introduce yourself or not?

Look who's talking, the home invader demands my name.

Its rude not to introduce yourself after asking for someone's name. Aitken said

Just like it's rude to enter someones house without permission the imp answered.

I had no choice.

Of course you did. There's always a choice.

Like what, bleed out on the ground?

Exactly, you could go bleed somewhere else, or you could tell me your real name.

Aitken hesitated for a moment. Okay, Im Aitken. And you are?


Aitken gave the imp annoyed look. Your real name?

See? Thats what it feels like.

Okay, then Ill just call you Bobby Aitken grinned a bit.
Wha- hey! Im Flasor.

Too late, Bobby.

Flasor sat down in a corner, motioning for Aitken to do the same.

Aitken did as requested, and sat down against the opposite wall.

So what happened to you, struck by a lightning? Flasor said.

Something like that. Aitken gazed into the floor.

Well, youre quite defensive. Flasor sighed. So let me guess, you ran around on top of a mountain and
got fried by a thunderstorm?

Aitken peeked up at Flasor. Seen any thunderstorms around here lately?

You have a point So youuu got attacked by an electrical mage?

Aitken shrugged How do you think my master died?

Aha! so I was right?

Aitken stared down into the floor again. Ill just let him think that. It's probably for the better.

Aitken noticed he had no trouble breathing or talking.

How fast do imps heal? or is it due to the healing salve? I wonder how my horn is doing?

Aitken touched his horn, and felt a rough circular plateau.

About that, how does one go about losing a horn?

Aitken flinched. Ah, it was a close call with a blade.

Youre pretty messed up, how much do you fight?

Aitken sighed deeply. As much as I have to

Flasor smiled you opened up more he proceeded to open a brown leather pack on his right hip. And
tossed a piece of raw meat Catch

Aitken caught it and looked at it. Shouldn't this be cooked first?

what are you, a human? Flasor answered, already holding a piece himself.

Aitken stared at the raw meat. Really?

The smell of cooked meat spread through the room, and Aitken quickly looked up. Didnt you sa- wait,
how do you do that?

Flasor roasted the meat with a flame springing from his hand. Huh? Youve been in that many fights,
but you can't use fire magic?

Aitken slowly nodded I had no idea

Flasor slowly shook his head. The old-timer don't teach you jack these days.

You mean thukhollaad?

That what you call him? But yeah, him.

I might teach you later, but for now, enjoy your raw meat.

Aitken hesitantly chowed his slab of meat.

Wanna do an affinity test? Flasor asked.

Like fire magic affinity?

No, its a holy magic test.. Of course it's a fire magic test, youre an imp. You can't have any other magic.

So how do I take the test?

"Simple. Put your hand here, and focus your energy to your hand."

Aitken put his hand on Flasors. Like so?

Focus it like you mean it. Flasor said a bit annoyed

I am

... Yea, I can feel it now wow You are so.. So very

Aitken nodded and stared intensely at Flasor

Weak. Ive never even heard of an imp with so little affinity. Magic will be impossible for you.
Teach me anyway

Why? It would be a waste of time. You have no measure of talent, you will never cast a fireball

Talent? Who cares about talent? Talent is an illusion, created by the quitters. Teach me, and i will wield

You almost sound like you believe that.

Actions speak louder than words. Let me show you my resolve Aitken said.

Okay, I guess its a basic skill all imps should have. I will show it to you - but only once. You have to
practice it yourself.

Aitken nodded.

Flasor put his hand forth. Focus your energy, and let it seep out of your hand. Feel the burning
sensation inside your veins.

A small flame ignited in Flasors hand.

That is what it means to perform fire magic, as a resident of Damnation. Of course, you will need
chants for more advanced magic, but I suspect you wont need that. Ever.

Flasor laid down. You should rest up as well. Ill be heading out in the morning.

Aitken nodded, and laid down on the wooden floor. He thought for a second how it was strange how
very empty the wooden house was, but was distracted by some light snoring stemming from Flasor.

Aitken extended his hand.

Focus. Focus.

He focused all his energy into the hand, and tried to let it seep out - but it felt as if he had a glass of
water and needed a fountain of magical energy. He felt how he needed pipes with pressure, but he had
only a faint trickle. And he felt as if the toilet was just flushed and he needed to flush it again to suppress
the remains.

He sighed deeply, at the staggering odds against him.

I can do this. I will simply have to work harder and longer than anybody else.

Night turned to day, and Aitken still hadnt slept.

It feels as if Its almost trickling out. I can do this, I have time while I recover. Ill return stronger than

Flasor woke up. Ah, awake already? You should really rest.

He looked at Aitken briefly, before walking towards the door. Anyway, its your own problem. Im
heading out.

With those words, he calmly exited and slammed the door behind him. Aitken was all alone once more.

Aitken extended his hand once more, trying to force a flame.

Grr Its no good, it simply wont come out.

He turned his hand around, hoping a trickle would drip to the floor - but it didnt. No matter how much
he tried to force it, twisted, turned and focused, not a single flame would exit his palm.

Aitken sighed, and grabbed his last apple from his backpack. As he munched it, he thought about what
his problem could possibly be.

So, I dont have pressure enough, huh? What If I waited for a build-up?

Aitken tried to focus his energy in the wrist, and stack it up - but as fast as it could arrive, it disappeared
into nothingness.

He kept at it for a long time, still trying to build up any measure of pressure.

The morning passed and noon arrived.

No, this approach is not working. I have to do something different. He pondered what he could do,
and came to the conclusion if it was lacking in force, he would have to swing his arm meanwhile.

He spun his arm in circles, and focused on making flames appear in his palm. He swung and swung, but
still - nothing would come out, no matter how long or hard he tried.

Noon turned to evening, and evening to night. The moon stood above the woods and descended down
once more. Aitken was exhausted, and had achieved no progress in the entire day. He fell to his back
and panted. He narrowed his mouth, and his breath picked up in speed as a result.

His eyes lit up. Thats it! Thats the answer.

He focused on the tip of his finger - as small as he possibly could - hardly more than a needlehead in

He felt it this time - a small trickle achieved a measure of pressure. This is it.

He tried to force it for the better part of the morning, to no real avail. Thats when he swung his arm in
circles, and a gentle spark flew from his finger.

Ha. I can do it. Wait, its a spark and this is a treehouse

Aitken hurriedly stepped on the spark repeatedly, until it extinguished.

So I can make sparks Thats Lame.

Yet this time, he felt it was easier. When he focused on his finger, he could make a few sparks without
swinging his hand this time.

He kept at it, making sparks after sparks, catching them in the other hand this time.

And over the course of the next week, the sparks grew in strength - First small sparks, then more of
them, and stronger A tiny flame, no bigger than a flickering candle.. Then a decent sized candle - but
he hit his limit. No matter what he did - the past three days he had no progress at all.

Today, Flasor returned to the hut.

Youre not around a lot, Bobby.

Ive got other places to be. Have you reflected on your lack of talent?

Aitken smirked. Ill show you. He extended a finger, and fire equivalent to a large candle struck from
his finger.

I see you managed to produce fire. Thats good but.

But? Aitken asked.

Fireballs are at least this size. Flasor extended his hand and a flame-jet the size of a bonfire shot
from his palm. Anything less will simply not do. Flasor took a deep breath, and blew out Aitkens
candle-sized fire. Theres no way this will be useful for anything but lighting candles, but hey, at least
you can become a firestarter servant for some noble witch. He shrugged. Better than nothing.

Aitken felt a burning sensation in his stomach. Well, its not how big it is, but how you use it.

Flasor lifted an eyebrow. Oh? Wanna show me how to use it then? Wanna have a go?
Aitken pondered for a moment. When Im healed up, we will have a fight.
Flasor slowly nodded. I guess youre gonna need that, considering your wings are still in tatters

Aitken looked at his wings - they were slowly growing together along the edges of the bones, but they
couldnt carry even themselves at this point - as the holes between the bones werent mended yet.

Its progressing though. Another week or two, and we can go at it. Flasor said.

Aitken nodded. Indeed. Lets await that.


I bet you thought he was gonna have awesome affinity? Yeah, I'm here to make my main character
struggle for his achievements.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 11 IMProving

Author's note.

Yay, another half-arsed chapter... Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Time is tight. I guess that's what words like
"Draft" and "NaNoWriMo" stands for though.

Word count

This chapter: 1655

Total: 19720

NaNoWriMo target for the 12th: 20000


Flasor dropped off a bunch of freshly cut out meat. Thisll be the only freebie, okay? Heal up, and you
can get your own next week.

Aitken nodded.

Youre only here once a week?

Every seven days, yes. Lowers the risk of detection. Flasor answered.

When I hunt, somebody might spot me, more so if Im regularly in the area. My hope is they think Im a
stray, so I cycle my location every day.

Aitken nodded slowly.

Im off. Flasor said.

So early?
Imps gotta eat.

Flasor left out the door, and climbed down the tree, leaving Aitken to ponder what Flasor meant.

Aitken quickly shrugged it off, he had training to do today. He focused the flames on his finger once
more, making a candle-sized flame appear.

Now grow.

Nothing happened.

He tried to focus on two fingers, but nothing would come.

Aitken tried every single thing he could come up with, to better himself and his magic, but no matter
what he did, it didnt improve in the slightest.

In this manner, he kept on practicing his magic day after day, but the flame simply would not grow in
size, intensity or quantity.

After a full week of futile training, Flasor returned once more.

Hows the training coming along?

Aitken mumbled something, looking down the floor.

So its no good? exactly like I had told you?

Aitken looked up at Flasor. Ill get it down, eventually.

Heh, thats what you think. Its all wishful thinking. Here, just make your flame and focus on curling it
into a ball. Perhaps you will be throwing fireballs yet.

Aitken pondered for a while, then he made his flame and focused all his might on shaping it as a ball.

Thatll take a while Anyway, you seen your wings yet?

Aitken looked over his shoulder, to see his wings were almost healed up - still a few sporadic holes in
them. I still cant use them.

Thats not the point. Youre gonna have to pull your own weight this time around. Come along. Flasor
said with an ever so faint grin on his face. Were going hunting.

Like, for wolves?

Flasor turned around and walked towards the door. I guess you can call them that.

Aitken shrugged lightly, then he climbed down as well.

Sh now, weve gotta find some prey.. Well, without being spotted ourselves, that is.

Aitken nodded and they quietly walked around for a while.

So hey Bobby, how did yo-

Shh. Youre scaring them away.

But there arent even any here.

Which part of shh didnt you get?

The s part. Aitken answered, rolling his eyes.

Flasor stopped and looked at Aitken. He put his finger in front of his mouth, pushing his head forwards
in the process for emphasis.

A while more passed by in silence.

Flasor motioned for ducking and pointed over at some wolves.

Flasor pointed at Aitken and then at one wolf, then he extended a hand with five fingers pointing up.


Three.. Aitken nodded and stared at the wolf for a moment.

One Zero!

Flasor darted forwards, sword raised. After a moment, Aitken followed his lead, and they each attacked
their wolf.
As Aitken ran towards the wolf, he noticed the completely dark fur and skin of the wolves, as well as the
blood red eyes. Thats Unusual?

Their size was large - even compared to a human, but to Aitken its back was about as tall as his head.

Flasor gathered two fireballs and threw one with all his might at his target. Effortlessly, the black wolf
dodged it, but Flasor simply sent the second fireball straight at the mid-air wolf.

Aitken had a bit more trouble, he lounged at it with his blade, and it simply sidestepped and went for
Aitkens arm.

Gah Aitken threw himself backwards. The wolf leapt at him, aiming its jaw straight for his throat.

Aitken felt his vision tunnel, and the adrenaline kicked in harder than ever.

This is familiar Wait, this is what I felt when I died. Im not dying to a damn wolf!

Aitken forced his swords towards his chest and it felt like it stood still as the wolf flew towards him
through the air.

Move.. Move

The sword tip of his sword slowly redirected towards the wolfs chest.


The wolf fell on top of Aitken, snapping for his neck with its powerful jaws. He barely managed to hold it
off while its movements slowed down, as it slowly bled out.

Ah, still at it? Flasor said calmly as he arrived, dragging the corpse of his wolf behind him.

... Nah, Im done at least now.

If you say so. Flasor shrugged. Lets skin these and get going.

Aitken nodded, and Flasor unsheathed a small knife, removing the skin from the wolf and cutting the
meat up.

Aitken grabbed his sword, and tried to skin his kill as well. The fur was stiff - like the hair of a boar. When
he cut it, it didnt come off smoothly, and ended up as a mess of small pieces of skin.

... Youre skinning it with a rusty sword?

What else was I gonna do?

Flasor sighed. Not the type to rely on other people, huh?

Aitken frowned Huh?

Ive got a perfectly good skinning knife. You could have lent it after I was done.

Aitken blinked twice, then his eyes turned more serious.

Flasor frowned lightly Whats with that reaction?

Aitken shook his head shortly, but quickly. I wouldnt have you figured for the type to rely on others
either, based on how youre all the way out here.

Flasor shrugged. Nobody worth my time since my master died. He looked over at AItken, who was
once more staring off into the distance.

A beef for your thoughts?

Aitken frowned. I-... Its nothing.

Flasor turned around and waved his hand. Were heading off for the night. He started walking.

Aitken grabbed the fur from both dead animals and stuffed it into his backpack.

A short while passed.

Flasor, what are you planning on doing later?

Flasor flinched, staring at Aitken. You sure youre okay there? You used my name.

Aitken sighed. Just answer the question?

Flasor shrugged. Havent given it much thought.

So theres really nothing you want to do?

Didnt say that.

So what do you want to do?

Not be persecuted. Its tough being a kill-on-sight target. Flasor said with a short sigh.

Aitken pondered for a second. How are you going to achieve that?
Simple. Im probably not. Im far too realistic to believe in a magical imp-nation somewhere else than
Damnation. If I cant go back Then thats that.

So youre intending on running from the church of light all your life? Aitken said.

Unless some better offer comes along. How about you?

Ive got a beef with the church of light.

Brave And possibly stupid. He suddenly frowned. So thats how you ended up looking like that

Aitken froze for a moment. Ive said too much.

Flasor started grinning. Now, next you are going to tell me is that your name isnt really Aitken and your
master didnt die.

Aitken stared off to the side.

Ah, here we are.

This time, the residence was an abandoned hut made from stone. The inside had a lot more furniture,
including a bed and a couch.

This your real house?

Im.. sort of a drifter, but I sure like this place.

Light the fireplace, will you? Flasor asked.

Sure where do you have the flint and ste-

I dont. Use your fire. Flasor said.

Aitken moved closer to the fireplace.

From there. Flasor pointed over at the couch.

How am I going to do that?

Throw the fire, of course. Well, its that or freeze, Ive got a blanket. Flasor laid down on the wooden
bed stuffed with hay, covering himself with the linen blanket.

Aitken laid down on the couch - which was really just a wooden frame stuffed with hay and a piece of
cloth covering it. The wind howled outside, seeping in through every crack in the house - almost as if
there wasnt even a house, the wind was blowing out Aitkens flame every time he ignited it. Its so cold
in here. How am I supposed to sleep?

Aitken lit up his fire again and again, without any luck.

Flasor sighed. Catch. he lobbed a fireball at Aitken, who quickly caught it, and juggled it between his

Throw it at the fireplace whenever you have it under control Look, just focus on the energy until it
stabilizes, okay?

Aitken juggled the fireball for a while, until he felt the energy. He stabilized it with his own energy, and
held the fireball in his hand firmly.

He lobbed it at the fireplace, and it ignited the wood with a small pop and a splash of fire.

Good. Time to sleep

Aitken nodded, and fell asleep rather quickly.

A night passed, and daytime came once more.

They got up, and grilled some meat from last night's catch.

So, tired of meat yet?

You bet. Aitken said.

Dont worry, itll get worse. it always does.

Think we should find something different, then?

In the settlements? Bad idea. They are quite hostile.

Aitken shrugged. Isnt there any kind of demon-gathering places?

Ah, that would be with the cultists Not sure where they are, though. Generally, imps are used as

Sounds rough.

Such is the life of an imp Flasor said.

So theres no place to call home for imps?

Not here there isnt.

Lets go get some more kills, they can be hard to track down. Flasor said.

Im starting to suspect youre trying to teach me, instead of hunting.

Flasor shrugged. Would that really be so bad?

Aitken smiled a bit. I guess not, no.

Good. lets get going. Flasor said as he extinguished the fire from the fireplace, and walked out the


Thanks for reading!

Chapter 12 Hogzilla

Author's note

Today the title is not "IMP" anything... And also, I started this chapter super late - so light late-night
proofreading (Like, going over it once fixing a few things I think didn't fit.. Yay, I'm half-arsing it again.) It
is, however, over the daily word-limit this time, so a bit less half-arsed than yesterday in total... but still a
bit rushed. Yeah, I got caught up with stuff...

I'm getting caught up with stuff a lot lately, didn't even read Trolls chapters yet - like all three of the
new-ish ones. You should totally do that, and I know I will when I finally get around to it here in the
weekend. (You can read it here, in case you are wondering - don't let the number of chapters throw you
off, he has got more words than I in total, by a large margin.)

Word count

This chapter: 1734

Total: 21454

NaNoWriMo target for the 13th: 21667


Several days had passed, and they stood in the middle of the pine forest once more. In the middle of a
large glade, a boar was standing flipping grass with its tusks and eating the roots. The boar was not small
of stature, as it was the size of a modern-day car, dwarfing any and all other animals in the entire forest.
It was golden-brown, with long stiff hair, and a mane as red as the morning sun. The tusks were about
the size of a grown mans arms and as pristine white as newly fallen snow. They extended from its snout
on both sides, ending in a menacing razor-sharp edge.

With a lowered voice, Flasor spoke. You see that? Ive seen it before, but I didnt dare trying to take it
down.. Its been feeding on settlement garbage, growing from it. If we took it down, we would have
food enough for quite a while and additionally, we might stand a chance at showing the local villagers
we mean no harm.

Aitken nodded slowly. I wouldnt count on the villagers, though.

Flasor shrugged. Worth a shot. He looked back up at the gigantic boar in front of them. So they
have a thick armoured skull and shoulder plates. If it charges you, you dodge. If you can counter attack
its sides, where its almost fully unarmoured, you do that. Priority number one is to avoid getting
stomped or crushed to death - all it takes is one good charge and were mashed imps.

Ill grab its attention, and you strike it from the side? Aitken asked.

Flasor nodded. Thats the plan. He conjured up a fireball.You might need this

Aitken caught it and juggled it a bit, before Flasor threw a second at him.

Ah, hold up. Aitken juggled them and struggled to keep them under control.

Ill head over here, and prepare a large one to strike from the side.

Aitken nodded. Okay.

Flasor went into position, and when he had a fireball about half his own size, Aitken prepared himself
mentally for a minute.

Okay, here goes.

He threw a fireball, striking the boar on the behind. In response, the boar turned around and snorted,
scraping its hoof against the ground several times. Then it took off - With the fury only matched by its
size, the boar charged at Aitken. The grass was pushed into the ground from under the hoofs of this
mighty beast, and it approached at an alarming rate.

It had taken the boar several seconds to half the distance, and Aitken already considered his options at
this point. He bent his legs, preparing for a last-second leap. He patted the thigh-thick tree behind him -
the boar was gonna get it when it ran into that.

Flasor threw the firebolt towards Aitken, and he jumped sideways, leaving the boar to its fate - the plan
was perfect.

The boar got struck by the large firebolt, and headed straight for the tree.

A crunching sound combined with the sound of something splintering to pieces resounded.

It had continued straight through the relatively thin tree, smashing it in the process.

The boar slowly grinded to a halt and turned around, barely fazed by the firebolt thrown at it.

It set off once more, towards Aitken with full speed. In response, Aitken leapt sideways - but too soon.

The boar changed its direction, aiming for Aitken as he was laying down.

He rolled with all his might, narrowly avoiding the deadly tusk.

He rammed the boar with all his might, straight for the heart - but the sword danced across the thick
leather as the boar charged past him.

Flasors eyes grew wide - it was now running straight at him. He, too had to jump sideways, narrowly
avoiding the deadly charge.

Get to the trees! Were blowing this off! Flasor howled.

The boar turned around as Aitken approached a tree. When he finally got to the tree, the boar was
already at full speed headed for him.

Aitken quickly grabbed his sword and put it in front of the tree, with the hilt pressed against the trunk.

Come at me, and use your own inertia against yourself!

Get out of there! Youre sacrificing an arm if you keep holding that blade!

Aitken hesitated a moment, and lifted the blade slightly. That should do it.

The boar thundered towards him, and was only a few meters from him - in other words, around a full

He let go of the blade, and threw himself to the floor.

An ear-splitting crash was heard as the boar smashed this tree, as well.

Aitkens jaw dropped as the thick tree was splintered under the charge from the boar. His sword had
embedded itself into the skull - but only a short bit of the tip - the rest of the sword was shattered like
the tree.

The boar howled in fury as it left a small trail of blood behind it. - It was pissed, and wished to tear
Aitken apart at this time.

He felt fear grip his heart and In the blink of an eye he had leapt for a nearby tree, heading for the top of

The boar came thundering towards the tree - hopefully this one would hold.

The boar rammed into the tree, and Aitken latched onto a branch as it shook violently from side to side.
He felt his feet on the tree slide away and he clenched his fists around the branch so hard his knuckles
turned black from the dark bones under his scales. The branch shook under the sudden shift in weight,
but both the branch and the tree held up, and Aitken regained his foothold.

Think itll just turn around and leave? Aitken yelled.

Not after that move of yours. Flasor yelled back.

Well, darn.

Aitken broke off a branch. Im not intending on staying unarmed.

Despite his words, he had no means to make his branch anything but a stick-o-war, and thats all it was -
a stick of war. The boar shook the tree from the ground, but Aitken held on.

Its unharmed by all our attempts, except your sword-sacrifice. What are you intending on doing?

Well, Id show you if you could pass me your dagger. Aitken yelled back.

From here? Okay.

Aitkens eyebrows flew up, as the dagger flew through the air towards him. He ducked as the dagger
struck right above his head.

What in damnation are you doing? Aitken yelled.

Passing the dagger? Flasor shrugged.

Aitken sighed and grabbed the dagger, cutting the stick into the shape of a spear.

The wood isnt gonna go through its hide Flasor yelled.

I know.
Then what are you doing?

Trying to get the jump on it.

Flasor remained silent until Aitken was ready.

Aitken leapt down at the boar, and landed on its back, digging the spear hard into the side of the boar.

The boar howled and started rolling over, breaking the spear in the process.

Panic spread in Aitkens eyes, as he desperately tried to stay on top of the rolling boar - which he stabbed
multiple times all the way around as it rolled.

Not a part of the plan. Definitely not a part of the plan.

When it ended on its legs again, Aitken stabbed the knife into the side of the boar, and it howled and
charged straight at a tree.

Aitken pulled the dagger and stabbed the eye of the boar.

The boar jumped towards the tree, but turned sideways mid-air. Aitken barely managed to jump off and
the boar struck the tree full-force with a cracking sound.

Aitken dashed at it, and went for its eye.


He flew several meters away.

Flasor was dashing towards Aitken, grabbing the dagger as the boar stood up once more. Gimme that!

He shot a jet of flames into the face of the boar, and under the cover of the flames, he gouged out the
remaining eye.

The boar howled and swung around wildly - but it was an easy target for the experienced Flasor, who
quickly stabbed it multiple times in the sides.

Die already! He howled as he shot more fire at it

The puddle of blood spread, and the energy of the boar slowly disappeared. It fell to the ground, and
stopped moving.

Aitken slowly got up. He had received a mighty bash but nothing was broken as the boar had smashed
him sideways with its tusks on his upper arm.

Thats gonna leave a mark.

After a while of breathing and relaxing, Flasor went and put his knife the boar, peeling off the skin.
Were gonna need the meat.. but what do we do with the rest? Want a bone to pick with somebody?

Ah, Im good.

Wanna make a tent from the hide? Flasor asked.

You dont think that thick leather would make for great armour?

Hm, maybe. You know how to sew?

Not really. Aitken answered.

But what? Youll just wing it?

Thats what I thought, yes.

And add the black wolf hide on top?

Thats a good idea. Aitken answered.

Well good luck with that.

How come you dont have any armor though? Aitken asked.

Never needed it, the crushing blow from an animal isnt something a slab of leather will protect against.
Sneak attacks is the best for that. Quick in, quick out - live to tell the tale.

But you never got attacked by humans?

Well, thats why I take the precautions I do. Flasor answered with a shrug.

Flasor kept cutting and chopping for a while, until a large sheet of hog-hide was in front of him, and a
whole lot of meat on top of it. Bone sword? he asked.

Aitken sighed. I might try something with the bones, some other time."

Flasor shrugged. Suit yourself, Ill just grab the head for showing the villagers.
Aitken nodded. Well, good luck with that. Wheres your nearest safehouse? Ill go there and you can
bring the head of hogzilla here to the villagers.

Flasor smirked. I see, well you do your thing Ill do mine. Just head that way until you see a cave He
pointed over in a direction.

Aitken nodded. Okay.

Ill be off, then. To the village

Be careful Aitken said.

Worried about me? Ill be perfectly fine, just you see. He smirked once more before he walked off with
the severed head in hand.

Aitken sighed, and put the bones and meat on the hide, and dragged it all along with him, ever so
slowly.This will take ages. he thought, as he dragged it over the forest floor.


Thanks for reading.

Chapter 13 - IMPolite villagers

Author's note

I'd like to thank the two people who gave my story five stars, It's very motivating and supportive. I do
have my personal doubts whether or not my story deserves this, however (Especially since it's a
NaNoWriMo draft - Hopefully newcomers will take this rating the right way.)

Regardless, Thank you for the ratings, and thank you all for reading.

Word count

This chapter: 1967

Total: 23421

NaNoWriMo target for the 14th: 23333

(I should totally have these chapters out before midnight, otherwise I'll be a few hours late on the last
day... I guess that ain't happening for now.)
We're gonna do a POV switch this chapter, but it's a fluent transistion, I trust you can keep up with it
due to the third-person nature of it. Also, the chapter is very relevant to Aitken, and the plot in general
so it's not some lame filler-esque chapter about a side character off on a sidequest we will never see
Aitken finally arrived at the safehouse. It was indeed a cave, and to the uninformed, it could easily pass
as a simple bear cave. It consisted of a large hole in a rock, but went deeper than it would initially seem.

Aitken dragged the boars corpse to the end of the cave, and fell to the ground exhausted and breathing

Around him was all sorts of hunting things lined up on neat tables, placed against the rough stone edges
of the cave. The tables were splatted with plenty of animal blood, presumably the remains of Flasor
cutting up his dinner from smaller prey.

Finally, that took forever. The sun already set. I guess Ill sleep on it and get to work tomorrow. Bobby
wont be back for another two or three days anyway.

Aitken got up, and went to work immediately. The tables would under no circumstances hold the mighty
beast, but the knives were going to be useful.

I do wonder where he got all these things from. Theres even needles and thread, despite his claim he
cant sew or tailor.

Aitken walked over to his backpack. I guess Ill need to design it to fit the black wolf-skin on top from the
beginning, otherwise itll be a mess.

Aitken opened his backpack and pulled up the wolf fur, as he did so a familiar black potato fell to the

Oh hello there, I almost forgot about you. Aitken said to the potato. Here, you can help me make my
new armour. He said, as he placed the potato on one of the tables.

I should start by measuring out myself and the materials I have, right? He looked over at the potato.
Ill take your silence as a yes.

With a stick, he measured out the lengths of himself and the skin, and cut the important lengths
permanently into the stick with a skinning knife.

With that, his work began. He made a crude tanning rack from wood he gathered outside and started
scraping the skin, removing fat and hair. After this, he would cut it and sew the black fur of the wolves
on,camouflaging himself for his future stealthy missions. This was long off, however - he had several
days of hard labor ahead of him before any measure of results would be achieved.
In the meantime, Flasor was already approaching a village. In his hand, he held the head of a mighty
beast that had terrorized the village for years, eating their crops and destroying sheds and even hurting
and killing people in the dead of the night.

Flasor was optimistic - upon seeing their saviour, the villagers would surely realize he was not evil.

The small village formed in the distance - it was made mostly of wood and had no fence around it. Each
little home had a garden with crops, as well as a few fields - some of which looked like an army had
trampled over them during heavy rain.

Flasor simply lifted the head of Hogzilla and approached the village. Not long after, he was spotted.

Look mom! Its a funny little red-orange man! A child yelled.

The mother looked out, and terror spread in her face. Help! Demons! she yelled as loud as her lungs
would allow, grabbing her child and running into a house.

Yelling and panic spread in the town like a wildfire, and soon after a bell was ringing.

Flasor didnt stop his slow approach, still holding the head higher than ever.

A lot of voices could be heard. Its an imp., It killed the boar menace, it will kill us all!

Yet one booming voice broke through the atmosphere. Silence! Grab any weapon you can find, we will
not let our entire town be destroyed by a single imp.

Fleeing villagers suddenly stopped, and went for pitchforks, sticks and other makeshift weaponry.

Line up! If theres a witch you want a man by your sides to help you The scarred and bulky man
howled. He had a large scar across the eyebrow and below the eye on the right side.

The scarred man pointed at somebody. Call the nearest priest, paladin, inquisitor or even a guy with
some holy water. Just get somebody with something holy here.

He proceeded to point at another man. You! get the guards, army or whatever you can find. Theres a
witch in town!

If theres a witch we should run. Some people mumbled. But I dont see a witch.

There might be a witch - we will assume the worst and work from there. Now line up, before she
sneaks by. the scarred man said.

The villagers lined up in a crude shape resembling a line, in front of the village.
Flasor stopped around twenty steps from the line formation and threw the head of Hogzilla forwards.
He still, awaiting their response.

What is it doing? someone shouted.

Its trying to get us to lower our guards - the witch will kill us all if we start feeling safe. The scarred
man said, as he stepped forward.

He stared directly at the imp. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists around a rusty spear he held in his
right hand. Back off. We will not go down without a fight - there will be no point in attacking us for you
or the witch So just leave. he said.

Flasor pointed at the severed head of Hogzilla.

I know you defeated the boar, but we wont go quietly.

Flasor shook his head and pointed at the boar again. He continued to point at himself and at the scarred

The scarred man shook his head. We dont deal with demons. You will have no rewards from us, and
you will have nobody to possess, no sacrifices in your honor. Leave.

Flasor shook his head again.

The scarred man sighed irritably. Get out here in the open so we can talk, witch! I know youre there.

Flasor shook his head violently and stomped on the ground. He pointed at himself and on the ground.
The he scanned the horizon with his fingers and shook his head.

The scarred man drew his spear. If you wont come out, Ill simply have to remove your little

The scarred man thrusted his spear towards Flasor.

In response, Flasor dodged sideways, and leapt at the man. Flasor latched onto his shirt and formed a
fireball in the other hand. He moved the fireball closer to the scarred mans face and then suddenly
closed his hand. The fireball disappeared as suddenly as it had come.

Flasor let go and dropped down, walking several steps away from the unharmed man. He pointed at
himself, and at the hogs head. Then he pointed at himself and then the villagers.

The scarred man broke out in cold sweat and backed into the villagers formation.
T-Throw rocks at it. Its a demon.

The villagers threw rocks and everything they could find and grab a hold of at Flasor, who had to retreat.

Flasor ran off into the forest, but he had no intentions of giving up from this minor setback.

The very next day he returned, and the villagers lined up.

You again? Away! The villagers threw rocks at him again.

The third day they had prepared rocks in advance, as well as pitchforks for everyone. Flasor persistently
continued showing up every single day, just to get driven off. Always with new approaches of trying to
communicate that he would like to be a part of the village - he wished to have somewhere to belong.

The sixth day a priest had arrived, and when Flasor approached once more, he was met by the priest.

There he is! The imp besieging our village The scarred man howled.

The priest slowly nodded. But where is the witch, I wonder He raised a glass jug of transparent liquid
while chanting and pointing with the other hand.

Flasor kept pointing at himself and then at the villagers.

In the name of the light, face righteous judgment! The priest howled, as golden lightning shot from his

Flasor felt the incredibly painful burns of the holy lightning, as it tore into his skin. Grr-aaaaah!

And now, for the exorcism itself! He threw the jar of holy water towards Flasor. Go back to
Damnation, demon!

The jar flew through the air towards Flasor, who was pinned to the ground due to the constant stream
of holy lightning burning his skin.

Flasor looked at the jar, as time slowed down for him. The jar spun in the air as it approached him faster
than he could react to.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

In that moment, a flame-tsunami swept across the vicinity, pushing the jar with the sheer force.

What are you doing, Imp? Wheres your master? A black-haired witch with a Pentacle pendant holding
a purple core said. Next to her stood a goat-hoofed, -legged and -horned humanoid about her own size.
Flasor blinked several times.

The priest started howling There you are, witch!

The scarred man backed off slowly. Its the grey witch, father. Lets just back off... His teeth started to

Go to the imp, Cepath. Ill deal with the priest.

The satyr nodded and headed towards Flasor.

The grey witch approached the priest slowly. This is not my imp, but I have an interest in him. Please
move along, and I will not be killing you.

The priest frowned. You burned down the church near Dragonsbreath, and destroyed the town itself.
Why would I, a holy man, back off from you?

Because otherwise Ill make you a hole-y man. The grey witch smiled menacingly.

The priest frowned. Is that a threat?

It could be She answered.

Then lets have a little fight. The priest said.

The grey witch grinned and waved her hand nonchalantly. Lets.

An arrow struck the priest right in his chest, and he stared at the satyr in disbelief, as the satyr had had
pulled his bow and shot.

Told you that you'd be hole-y. The witch said as she turned around, walking over to Cepath and Flasor.

I heard theres another witch in town. I believe this to be the villagers own perception, but I had no
choice but to show up anyway. She said to Flasor. Im Rosedriah by the way. Now please explain what
you are doing here?

Flasor waved his arms around for a bit.

No. Just talk. Rosedriah said.

Flasor froze for a moment. But you cant understand me?

Right after Flasor had spoken, Cepath spoke in the human tongue. But you cant understand him, he

Flasor turned to Cepath. You can speak human?

Most humanoid demons can.. That is, if the face look remotely like a human. Now please answer her

Flasor sighed. Im a masterless imp, I had killed a large boar that terrorized the village, so I hoped I
could find a place to stay.

Cepath quickly translated this, and Rosedriah nodded. I see. Your wishes have been fulfilled. You can
come with me and Cepath.

Flasor shook his head. Im no slave, thats not how I wish to live.

Cepath didnt translate this time, but instead he talked directly to Flasor. This is the grey witch. She is
not like the rest. She does do jobs for the cult, but she is only loosely affiliated No, the grey witch is
named this due to her not being directly affiliated with the light or the darkness, she is kind of her own.
If you join, youd be on equal footing with a human, just like I am.

Flasors eyes lit up upon hearing this. So Id have a place to call home?

Cepath nodded. Yes.

What are you talking about, Cepath? Rosedriah asked impatiently.

I just convinced him to join us. Right? Cepath looked at Flasor.

Flasor nodded. But theres a condition. I said I was masterless, but Im not alone. I have someone else
with me, he will need to come with us as well.

Cepath translated and Rosedriah nodded. That wont be a problem. We would be glad to have you and
your companion.

Flasor nodded in gratitude. Its about a day away. Follow me he said as he lead them towards his safe-

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 14 - When enemies meet

Author's note
Yay, I had a surprise springing on me yesterday, so I missed out on my time to write the chapter.

Word count

This chapter: 1839

Total: 25260

NaNoWriMo target for the 16th: 26666

Aitken held up the armour he had crafted over the last week. The helmet was made from the black head
of the wolf, and the shoulderpads had the paws on them. Underneath was the thick leather from the
boar, and likewise, the rest of his armour covering his body entirely was black from the fur of the
wolves, and reinforced by the leather of the boar.

Aitken stood for a moment and took in the view. I guess its pretty good, thanks to your guidance,
potato. he said, throwing a glance at the dark potato still firmly placed on the table.

He put on the armour, and felt how it fit perfectly. I cant wait to see Bobbys face when I show him.

Footsteps echoed in the cave, and Aitken put on his scabbard,, purely out of habit. He glanced at the
emptiness of the scabbard. Ah, thats right... it shattered.

Aitken walked towards the exit. Ah, youre back, Bobby. How did it go?

Flasor smirked. I found a place to call home.

Aitkens eyes immediately grew wide in response. They accepted you?

He shook his head and waved someone over. I found her instead. he nodded towards Rosedriah.

Aitken saw the silhouette, and as the features became apparent one by one, Aitkens eyes narrowed
again, and he put his hand right above his scabbard.

Rosedriah stared at Aitken briefly. Your horn

They both spoke at the same time. You.

Flasor smiled Ah, you know each other, that makes it all a lot ea-

Aitken pulled up his empty sheath holding it defensively across his chest and Rosedriah grabbed her
pendant with one hand, and the needle with the other. Cepath, prepare for combat.

Cepath nodded and pulled his bow forth.

Flasor started flailing with his arms Hold up! You cant fight, whats this all about?

How are you still here? I unsummoned you. Rosedriah said with a hint of spite.

Flasor was flabbergasted, and his gaze went between the two. unsummoned?

Lets get this over with. Aitken said.

Cepath repeated the words one by one in human tongue.

A translator? You can tell her thanks for last time, Ill make sure to return the favour tenfold.

Cepath narrowed his eyes menacingly. You dont know who you are messing with, pup.

Oh? When someone sentences me to eternity inside the darkness of limbo, I will not take kindly to it.

Cepath grit his teeth. Ill tear your soul out and send it to damnation personally!

Whats all that, Cepath?

Cepath reluctantly gave her a brief translation of what they said.

You assaulted me upon summoning, stealing my pendant. You forced my hand.

Cepath looked at Aitken It seems the time for words are over. He nocked an arrow.

Flasor summoned forth two fireballs and threw them between the two parties. STOP!

Cepath released his arrow, and Aitken quickly rolled into the middle in response, snatching up both
fireballs and sending them towards Rosedriah.

Effortlessly, Rosedriah waved off the fireballs and they flew over, igniting a tree.

Cepath shot again, and Aitken dodged, only to retreat towards the cave.

Got you now! Cepath darted after Aitken.

Stop! Flasor yelled again, latching onto Cepath. Stop this madness, right this instant he howled, as
Rosedriah darted by.

Cepath shook Flasor off. I cant let him go, you must understand - he is dangerous. he said, before
heading towards the cave as well.

Aitken grabbed a bunch of skinning knives and stuffed the potato in his backpack. He noticed Rosedriah,
and threw a hunting dagger at her, lightly cutting her side.

Rosedriah grit her teeth. Im bleeding now So Ill just use that. she howled. Rise and obey, murder
the imp.

Aitken looked over his shoulder, and saw the fearsome skeletal-carcass of the boar stand up once more.

Crap, I should have used those bones for something.

The skeletal boar charged at him full force, and he sidestepped.


An arrow flew in the air, striking Aitkens shoulder through the wing.

The skeletal boar ran between Aitken and Cepath, as Aitken darted at Rosedriah and swung the heavy
backpack at her.

Rosedriah threw herself to the side, and Aitken darted by, tossing a hunting dagger at Cepath, who was
hit by the handle.


Cepath pulled back the bow, but Aitken had already disappeared out of the entrance. Lets go,

What met Aitken outside was a burning forest, engulfed in flames from a single fireball.

There he is Rosedriah yelled.

Aitken darted into the burning forest - after all, fire would not hurt him.

Go, Skeleton.

The bone-boar charged straight at Aitken through the flames.

Aitken ran behind a tree, and the boar quickly lost its momentum.

He crawled into a tree near the fire, but not yet on fire. He pulled forth his backpack, and started
swinging it in circles, holding it in a leather strap. The speed of the backpack slowly picked up as Aitken
swung it with all his might.

Whats that sound? Cepath said.

Aitken smirked, as he leapt down. Kill them all, potato! he howled as he released a skull-sized black
potato at incredible speed from the backpack, converted into a makeshift sling.

The potato shot at Rosedriah like a missile, yet she flipped up her long dress, pulling a long, thin silver

The flames of the forest reflected in the blade as it danced across the air towards the high-speed potato.

The blade made contact with the potato, and the potato was forcibly split in two, as if it had hit a sharp
triangle, the two halves of the potato shot out to each their side, completely missing Rosedriah.

Potato? Aitkens mind went numb. The only companion he had had in limbo and during the raid of the
church, When his sister attacked him and even the guide for when he made his armour. The potato was
now gone forever.

He felt a fire in his chest. Hotter than the forest on fire around him, the burning sensation in his chest
overwhelmed him. As if every single bottled up emotion inside him was released at once, in an

Release me. Release your inner demon. The familiar voice, he once thought was a potato, echoed in
his head. Aitken grit his teeth, and grabbed the last hunting knife as well as his scabbard in the other
hand as his eyes filled with a fury straight out of damnation itself. Ill kill you, Ill kill you all! He
screamed with wrath.

He went down on all four limbs and set off, basking his wings sideways - like a bullet, he himself flew
towards Rosedriah.

Cepath shot an arrow at Aitken, an arrow which embedded itself deeply into the scabbard, poking out
on the other side.

With the very arrow sticking out of the scabbard, Aitken attempted to impale Rosedriah, who swung her
sword, cutting the scabbard in two.

Aitken slammed into Rosedriah, and sent the dagger dancing down towards Rosedriah.

NO, Aitken! Flasor leapt at Aitken, tackling him off Rosedriah before either combatant cut the other.

Get off of me Aitken yelled as he pushed Flasor to the ground.

Aitken, stop this madness Flasor desperately yelled.

Cepath shot another arrow at Aitken, and he was struck in the same shoulder he was already hit in.

The adrenaline pumped around Aitkens body, and his vision tunneled, as he once more leapt towards
Rosedriah, with his hunting dagger raised high.

Rosedriah lifted her blade, pointing it directly at the leaping Aitken.

Enough is enough! Flasor yelled as he threw two fireballs, each knocking one of their weapons to the

Aitken fell unarmed into Rosedriah, whose blade was also pushed to the ground.

The both of them tumbled to the ground, Aitken on top of Rosedriah.

Flasor threw a fireball on the ground and it exploded in a loud bang.

We are all on the same side, I dont know what you two had to do with each other in the past, but
its in the past. Today, we will cooperate. All four of us wish for demons to fit in. We have a common
goal, so put your petty squabbles aside. We will talk this over.

Flasor coughed lightly, upon seeing Aitken laying on top of Rosedriahs chest with his stomach. So,
please stand up, Aitken And refrain from sexually harassing Rosedriah any longer, okay?

Aitken flew up backwards, to his feet. Wha- I .. Imps dont even have genders. How could I possibl-

Huh? Sure we have genders. Flasor frowned.

Cepath walked over to Rosedriah and started translating everything that was said.

Oh yeah? How do you know one from the other? Aitken asked.

The pretty pink bow around the horn of the females, of course. Flasor answered.

Ahem. Rosedriah said. I dont think this is the time for joking around.

Flasor looked up at Rosedriah. I would disagree. If you take a good long look at him, is he truly so
demonic you have to murder him? Even when hes flustered like that?

Rosedriah hesitated for a moment. He assaulted me when I summoned him, and h-

Lets not squabble like petty demons, you did send him to Limbo, right? Youve both done wrongs to
each other. Now go make up.

What? They both said at the same time. Thats not happening! He- She-

So, in the face of changing the very world, you think you can do it alone? Even if were against the
church of light?
Both of them stared at the ground.

Good. Now give each other the hand, and lets put the past behind us.

Reluctantly, they extended their arms and shook hands.

Now, I believe we have some things to talk over, seeing your hostility. Flasor said.

He looked over at Aitken. Aitken, why did you assualt Rosedriah right away?

Aitken took a deep breath. I had somewhere to be in a rush.


Aitken sighed deeply, as if he didnt want to talk about this. I was a human before becoming an Imp,
and I wasnt done here There was something I had to do, in a rush.

Rosedriah flinched when it was translated. You were a human? How is that possible?

Aitken shrugged. Maybe when the church people cursed me to damnation?

You wouldnt happen to be related to Dragonsbreath? She asked.

Aitken reluctantly nodded.

And you were killed by the church?

I couldnt get the plants I needed for the cure Even if the cure didnt work. Aitken answered.

I was sent there to investigate There is no cure, never was. Rosedriah said.

Rosedriah pondered for a moment. Wheres your human body?

Aiken shook his head. Oh, no. I know Flasor said I sexually harassed you, but you leave my human body
alone, missy!

She sighed. Look, I want to know what happens if I reanimate your body - your soul would be bound to
your dead body

What? No you wont, thatll be over my dead body!

She smiled jokingly, for the first time near Aitken. Yes, yes it will be.


Inflict not on an enemy every injury in your power, for he may afterwards become your friend.
- Moslih Eddin Saadi

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 15 - The enemy of my enemy

Author's note

I once heard that you don't show your first draft to anybody. Now I know why. Enjoy...

Word count

This chapter: 1706

Total: 26966

NaNoWriMo target for the 17th: 28333

After walking a ways away from the small forest fire they had started and bandaging Aitken, they
stopped to decide their course of action.

So what are we going to do now? Cepath asked.

Were going to sit down, and see where our goals line up, and where they dont. Flasor said.

Aitken sighed, staring off to the side, while Rosedriah quietly looked over at Aitken, lifted her eyebrows
slowly and averted her eyes.

With Cepath ready to translate the words of the two imps, they started talking.

Okay, lets start. Rosedriah, you wish for demons to be generally accepted, correct?

No, Its a part of it Do we really need to do this? With him here?

Flasor shook his head slowly, sighing a bit irritated. Look, we all dislike the church of light, correct?

Aitken and Rosedriah nodded.

So why do you dislike the church of light? Flasor asked.

I just dislike the fact that the birth circumstances of somebody decides their fate Witches, demons,
children of witches and so forth, we are all judged Mostly by the church of light.

Good, good And Aitken?

Aitken sighed. Look, they killed me. What more do you need?

Thats not a good enough reason, it cant be that fire in the pit of your stomach that drives you.

Thats all there is to it. Im done.

Do you want to make an impact or not? Do you think you can tear down the church all on your own?
Havent you tried already? Did it work?

Reluctantly, Aitken answered. Felt like water under the bridge.

You mean lava Lava under the bridge, thats how the saying goes. Flasor corrected him.

Wha- Its not.

Yes it is. Anyway, you want to make a difference or not?

Okay, okay I get it. Look, they put a plague on my entire village, almost everybody I knew is dead
Including my former self.


Doesnt matter.

It does.

No, really. It doesnt matter.

Flasor sighed. Okay, okay. Look, can we all agree we need to make an impact on the church of light?

Im with Rosedriah.

You mean to say your burning desire is to be with Rosedriah? Or to do as she asks?

Cepath hesitated. I want to become a chef.

Flasors jaw dropped. What?

I like cooking.

Aitkens eyes narrowed a bit in disbelief. With lava?

That too, its another gastronomical tool.

Why Why are you here? Whats this got to do with disliking the church of light? Do they dislike your
food or something?

They cook differently. Cepath held a serious gaze fixed on Aitken.


Cepaths facade cracked up a bit. Of course I dont dislike the way they cook. Itll be a glorious
inspiration But they are against me, and thus against me showing my cooking to the world.

Flasor hesitated for a moment. Okay Fair enough.

A period of silence passed by.

Ahem. So, our course of action should be figuring out how to hit the church where it hurts, unlike.. say,
burning a random church or something like that. Flasor said.

Rosedriah sighed. Look, we should go to their enemy, the cult of shadows. Ive had a few dealings with
them in the past, as even I need allies against the church... Since they are so hostile to my kind.

Aitken pondered for a moment. Im not keen on working with the cult, after hearing how they treat

We would be working with them, not joining them. Just imagine we are using them to get information.

Im not quite sure theyre going to let us do that so easily. Aitken said.

Flasor broke in. Were going to have a talk with them, see what they can offer us.

What? they would just use us. Aitken protested.

So what? If their goal is the same as our goal, we are furthering our own goals as well. Flasor

Reluctantly, Aitken agreed to contacting the cult of shadows. The four started their long walk towards
the contact Rosedriah knew.
You sure we shouldnt have a look at that corpse? Rosedriah asked Aitken.

I wouldnt trust you with my lunch, much less my former body. Aitken said, as he walked more to the
left, away from her.

She responded after Cepath translated. Too bad, it would have been fun. Perhaps I could have had you
talk human language again, so Cepath didnt have to translate everything.

Aitken flinched, and looked at her for a brief moment. Return to my human body?

Now youre intrigued?

Tch. No way, youre full of it. He turned his head away, and walked over to the other side of Flasor,
striking up a conversation with him.

Cepath shrugged. He said he would consider it, and that you have lovely eyes.

Wha- I- he- what? Rosedriah said, frowning and narrowing her eyes, finally lifting a single eyebrow.

Cepath let out a deep laugh.

He didnt actually say that, did he?

Cepath shrugged. He didnt deny it. Go figure.

The rest of the walk through the forest went by quickly, but in relative silence. Aitken mostly talked to
Flasor, and Cepath with Rosedriah. A gentle forest fire still burnt in the distance, as the four of them
headed to a port city to meet a contact from the cult of shadows.

Lets make camp here. Flasor said.

Aye-aye, captain. Except, we dont have tents or anything like a camp. Cepath said.

How did you sleep under the sky, then? Flasor asked.

Simple, a fireplace and well, an open sky.

Flasor looked around. They had been walking for half a day after exiting the forest. This place was
essentially a grassy meadow, with no trees in sight. The evening dew had already fallen, and the grassy
meadow was wet, making boots and pants soaking wet after walking through the tall grass. I guess we
will skip the fire.
Laying on the gravel road, the party went to sleep. Yet Aitken, didnt. After a while, he got up, and
headed further out on the meadow.

He sat in the grass, and the dew clung to his black armour.

He extended a finger, and ignited a flame the size of a candle. Grow.

He poured energy into it, once more. Tonight, this night I will make a breakthrough.

He sat for a while, trying to increase his flame, to no avail. He grit his teeth. Its hard work not having any
innate talent. Perhaps I will never be able to do it.


Aitken was startled, and looked over to see Rosedriah.

He put his hand on his hunting knife. What do yo-.. Ah, you cant understand me.

Now now, dont be so hostile. I havent come to finish off what I started yet.

Then what, gloat at m-.. Ach, this is frustrating.

I wish to ask you about your time as a human.

Does it look like I can speak with you, smartass? Or want to, for that matter. Aitken said annoyed.

He said that he appreciates your concern, and that he wishes his magic was as strong as yours. Cepath

Aitken glared at Cepath. You lying son of a succubus.

Hey, Im just translating your true feelings. Cepath shrugged, speaking impish.

What do you think you are, a mindreader? I dont think what you indicated I did.

Really now? Then whyre you practicing magic here?

Thats completely irrelevant to your statement! Aitken said annoyed.

What did he say? Rosedriah asked.

He said he has trouble being honest with his feelings. Cepath answered.

Frustration showed on Aitkens face. She condemned me to eternity in the darkness of a void! How do
yo-.. Just stop putting words in my mouth. Gah! The only reason Im not stabbing you right now, is
because of Flasor.

Whoops, that looked like he was annoyed. Rosedriah said.

Hes a bit embarrassed that he likes you the way he does.

Wha-.. Rosedriah was stunned. She looked away briefly. Wait, are you sure thats what he said?

if imps had blood veins that could burst on the forehead, it might have at this moment. Oh, thats it. Ill
tear your throat out Aitken yelled, as a flame burst forth in his hand. The flame was the size of a small

Aitken was so surprised at the size of the flame, that he lost focus and it disappeared right away.

Youre welcome. Cepath said as he turned around.

Aitkens eyes filled with confusion. Huh? Wait, Im not done with you!

Im a demon, Im immune to fire as well. Yes, we are done here. Cepath said calmly as he and
Rosedriah walked away.

Aitken stood completely still for a moment, then decided to see if he could recreate the flame.

Cepath looked at Flasor. You sure about this? It seems Aitken is getting more angry rather than less.

Flasor nodded. Ive seen this work. The old demon king used this on the succubus princess and the
prince of fiends.

That actually worked? Wait, didnt the old demon king get assassinated by an incubus?

That was an angry lover, and its unrelated to this.

I sure hope you are right, Ive got the feeling Aitken might be using that dagger on me one of these
nights. Cepath said, scratching his neck.

Many uneventful nights later, they arrived outside the port town of Wildburgh.

We gotta go in? Flasor asked.

No, thats too dangerous. We will see her outside. Rosedriah pointed over at a single tree, poking out
of the grassy meadows. The tree was an old and large oak, filled with yellow leaves.

Place and arrow there, will you, Cepath?

He nodded and shot the arrow at the designated spot.

Now, we will wait by that tree, till midnight. Then we can talk with the cult.

Time passed by, day turned to night. Finally, in the distance, a shadow moved slowly towards the tree.

A dark haired lady with lips as red as blood looked at Rosedriah. Quite the following you have here.
What gives?

We have decided to aid you against the church of light.

The lady smiled Excellent, We could use some more direct action from you, Rosedriah.

Investigating a plague isnt direct enough for you, Molly?

Youve had a particular lack of blood shedding, something you are very good at. Now, lets get to

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 16 - (Definitely) Peace and Tranquility

Author's note

Motivation is fleeting, but when it strikes mid-chapter, stuff's going down. Today, I present to you, the
new new experience of: Chapter and a half-sized chapter!

Also, this chapter is totally and most definitely extremely much about peace and tranquility and like
quiet meditation and reflection on your inner self. Pretty 'Zen' if you ask me. Heh that was a pun,
because I'm Zen-lith... See? ...No? Okay, I'll just get on with the chapter. Enjoy.

Word count

This chapter: 2985

Total: 29951

NaNoWriMo target for the 18th: 30000

It would seem you already have a team with you. We would like for you to undertake some...
missions. The witch said.
Missions? Molly, cant we just go in with all flames blazing? Rosedriah asked.

Against the entire church of light? Even with our combined forces, just taking down all the twelve
paladins is going to be an overwhelming task Well, just Emblema the warrior and Ansel the swift on
their own would be a daunting task. No, we will use the typical strategies used when behind and in
hiding Strike true and fast... and run like death itself is clawing onto your tail.

Rosedriah sighed. Yeah, I knew that already Things would just be so much simpler if we didnt have to
sneak around all the time.

Molly shrugged. A witchs gotta do what a witchs gotta do.

That again? Youve been saying that since before I left the swamp.

Because Its true Molly said.

Mollys face went a bit more serious. Okay, so Normally youd have to go through the long process of
being observed, trained, a sidekick and all that before getting to the action, but Ill pull a few strings -
nobody can deny the skill of the grey witch, after all. Ill have a friend from the area show you the ropes,
just show up here tomorrow night.

Any good ideas to how we should spend the day?

Molly smiled. I dunno, take a stroll in town. The guys love that, theyre all after you Well, with swords
and pitchforks, but whatever Oh, oh, I know! You can gather some ingredients, theres a few cool ones
nearby Speaking of which, you still got the end bit of that imps horn? Im working on this new

Molly, youre rambling again. Im just not that into brewing, you know that. Rosedriah said.

Right So about that horn?

Rosedriah frowned lightly. What does this potion do thats so important?

You know, its really simple. The combination of an acidic environment artificially created from citrus
and mana-infused heart of oak will, together with the horn remnants, extrude magical plasma, resulting
in amplified incandescence, which I will refract around the consumer of the concoction using a crushed
magically enhanced mirror suspended in time and place relative to the ingurgitated, by utilizing the
time-contraption established during the summoning technique... This in turn will render the consumer
of the mixture completely indiscernible to observers.

So If youre doing that how do you plan on seeing anything?

She gasped and froze up for a moment. Ill need to work on that, I need to talk to Circe about this.
Molly slowly walked away in a haze, talking to herself about all the methods she could possibly fix her
little problem.

Shes a weird one. Flasor said.

Shes one of the great witches, of course she is weird. Cepath answered.

One of the six witches? She didnt seem like shes eating baby souls for breakfast, though. Aitken said.

Ah, you sound like a human. Cepath said. This is why most witches are the way they are.

Only now had Rosedriah started paying any attention, gazing at Cepath in expectation.

What does he mean? Aitken turned to Flasor.

Flasor scratched his neck You know, you could ask him?

Aitken lowered his voice. But I dont like that guy. He puts words in my mouth, and i cant even dispute

Allow me to explain. Cepath said a bit too cheery, while Aitken let his upper body hang down a little
bit and sighed way too deep.

So, witches are despised. Which means they have to at least act tough. This also means they have fairly
little contact with people around them, excluding other cultists, of course.

So what are you talking about? Rosedriah asked Cepath.

Well, he wont stop asking about you. Cepath said with a light smile.

Thats odd, he should talk about himself Like how he is still here after an unsummoning.

No way, he is way too busy ranting about you Cepath laughed a bit.

Youre pulling my leg here, arent you?

Dont be ridiculous. Cepath said.

Meanwhile, Aitken talked to Flasor. You see? you see what Im putting up with?

Flasor pondered for a moment. I dont know, I think he is doing you a favour.
A favour? Gods forbid, what if she succumbed to his lame advanced on my behalf? Firstly, Im still
pissed about her nearly casting me to the void for eternity. Secondly, I havent even talked to her,
nevermind the stupid things he claims Im saying. Finally, Im an imp.

Minor obstacles, nothing you couldnt handle. Cepath said over his shoulder. Even you gotta admit,
shes pretty cute, right? Her long, straight, black hair, the pale skin and purple eyes together with the
long black dress...

Keep your ears to yourself, Satyr. Aitken said irritated.

Cepath grinned. You didnt deny it.

Thats just your twisted fantasy Ah! Aitken flinched. I suddenly remember what they say about
Satyrs! Aitkens eyes grew distant for a moment. Its said theyre the male version of nymphs, and
they even have a permanent er-

Shhh! Flasor held his hand in front of Aitkens mouth. Someones on the road. He pointed over at
the path leading out of town. Ah no, maybe they went the other way? My bad.

Aitken frowned. What was that all about?

Nothing, I think they left.

Aitken blinked a few times, in mild confusion, before looking at Cepath again.. Anyway, just keep your
wickedness away from me, okay?

Cepath shrugged. Im just helping things along, it will have happen sooner or later anyway...

So whatre you talking about? Rosedriah asked.

He likes your dress.

Rosedriah fiddled with her pendant, moving it between her fingers on the left hand. She tilted her head
a little. Youre mistranslating on purpose, arent you? Nobody talks like that to a witch.

Ask him Cepath shrugged.

Finally! Now I can get to clear this up. Aitken said.

That savage? Im not sure Rosedriah said.

Cepath smiled. You fail to realise, he attacked because he thought someone he held dear was in
danger, he would do the same for you.
Rosedriah looked away for a moment. You really know what to say, Cepath Even if it isnt true.

Just ask him, he can nod for himself.

Rosedriah turned towards Aitken. A-

There they are! get down. Flasor howled, as an arrow came blazing towards Rosedriah.

Aitken instinctively threw himself towards Rosedriah, and they both tumbled to the floor, with the
arrow flying right over them.

Rosedriah frowned at Aitken. If you hadnt done that, I would have retaliated tenfold, now get off,
weve got fighting to do. She pushed Aitken, but perhaps a bit more gently than Aitken expected. He
quickly sidestepped, and Rosedriah stood up.

Ah, shes back to how I remember her.

Stand! A man howled as he himself stood up. He was clad in full white plate armour with silver

An aura surrounded the man, and it suddenly felt like the very air around them was as thick as syrup.

A paladin? How did he sneak up on us? Why is he here? Cepath asked, in the human tongue.

The white armoured man drew a silver shield and a long blade, as reflective as a clear-polished mirror
but with a guard looking like two silvery, spread angel wings. His completely white hair and wrinkled
face witnessed of his age, and probably his combat experience as well.

I am Daw the loyal, lowest order paladin of the church of light. One of the mighty twelve But you
should already know that, grey witch.

With him, followed a squadron of at least five armed assailants, as well as a small horde of guards
rushing towards the site from nearby.

You were careless, loud and didnt bother trying to conceal yourselves. You didnt even hide on the way
here, the guards spotted you from miles away - the unmistakable sight of several demons. You didnt
even move. Are you that confident? Or are you just stupid? Daw said.

Rosedriah spoke up. Ive had an understanding with the church as of late. I dont bother you, you dont
bother me. Why have you come?

I need information about the next black sabbath. I know you have this information. I cant let this
opportunity slip, regardless of your dealings with the church, witch. He spat the last word out in

The black sabbath? You think Id tell you anything after the 21st sabbath? You think any witch would
tell you anything about it?

Ah, yes. The 21st sabbath, a great victory for all that is good On that note, have you ever bathed in
holy water?

Rosedriah stared at him in silence.

They say, if your soul is corrupt, itll feel like getting burnt alive by lava... But you wont die. You will
have the chance to stand before the light itself, one last time. Confess your sins, and dodge eternity in
damnation, granted you aid the church. Truly, the mercy of the light itself Not many witches have
resisted that. I doubt a young upstart like yourself could either, just barely two decades of age, right?
Youd barely remember the 21st sabbath, yet I was there, in the thick of battle.

Are you going to talk me to death? Rosedriah answered coldly, as her eyes narrowed in calm anger.

Of course, forgive an old man's rambling, I wished to give you a chance to serve the light, for once in
your life. Let em have it!

Tens of guardsmen threw transparent jars filled with a clear liquid towards the four.

Holy water?

Get it out of the air! Flasor howled in panic, as he lugged fireballs at two of the jars, stopping their
momentum mid-air.

Cepath fired his bow at one, shattering it into a rain of holy water. Its no use!


Rosedriah bagan bleeding from her side.

a circular fiery explosion scorched the ground as all the jars were forcibly hurled backwards. The
explosion continued out, and singed the ground around the guards.

I see they didnt exaggerate, youve got some skill, kid. Too bad you are a decade too early to challenge
me. Dew said.

Kill the demons, capture the witch. For Ramiel! Dew howled, as he charged towards the witch.

Fireball me! Aitken said, and Flasor rapidly complied with two fireballs.
He continued to hurl some of his own at a guard, who merely lifted his shield up high.

Aitken counter-charged the guard who had received the fireballs. As he ran, he heard the popping sound
of needle-on-flesh repeatedly.

He glided under the legs of the guard, and jumped up on the other side, ramming both firebolts to the
guards head. Two minor explosions, and the guard fell to the ground.

Aitken quickly grabbed the sword, and shield - both about the same height as himself.

Several guards stopped in the area, and went towards Aitken instead.

A tsunami of blue flames from the depths of Damnation swept over the paladin, who merely lifted his
shield. An arc behind him was untouched by the flames.

Ill show you magic. Holy smite. Dew the paladins sword glowed golden, and he swung it sideways,
creating a resonance with the air. Like a golden shockwave, the holy light spread fast and with brutal

Rosedriah stabbed herself several more times, and grabbed her sword with her left hand. she cut the
wave in two, and the energy scattered and did no harm.

This wont last, we have to act fast! Cepath yelled, as he shot another arrow at a guard, who was
about to cut Aitken.

The guard was struck and fell to the ground.

Aitken leapt into a guardsmans knee, bottom of the shield first. The guardsman staggered backwards,
and received a sword to the leather boot, followed by an upwards slash into the hole between the man
and his armour from below.

Stab stab stab.

Rosedriahs dress turned blood red, as the corpses of the fallen stood up once more, ready to fight their
former allies.

The paladin charged forward, and Rosedriah blocked with her sword.

Thats a nice blade He sent a powerful blow with his leg to her stomach - right where she had
stabbed herself.

She winced in agony.

Help her! Aitken howled at Flasor and Cepath - both of which were busy in an outmanned melee with
several guards.

He grit his teeth, he had to do this himself, Rosedriah was their ace in the sleeve, and she was losing
decisively. Aitken slipped in between a guard's legs, and skewered him from the bottom as he passed

The paladin swung his sword at Rosedriah again, and she seemed to lose her momentum. She threw up
her blade in defence, as she stabbed herself once more.

Dew smirked Holy wrath! A shockwave was shot at Rosedriah, who had to stab herself several more
times to block it, and her already soaked dress started dripping blood to the ground, covering the green
grass in the bright red blood, leaving a trail of blood whenever she moved and spreading the metallic
smell in the air.

I can do this all day Dew taunted.

Their swords clashed with a metal-on-metal sound followed by the grinding of the metals against each

Aitken finally arrived at the Paladin, leaping at him shield-first.

The paladin raised his hand towards Aitken. Hammer of justice! A golden shockwave pushed Aitken,
the air rippled as he flew towards a guard with incredible force. Aitken spun around, and slammed into a
guard shield first, resulting in a snapping sound that echoed over the meadow, as the guards neck
twisted into unnatural positions.

Most of Aitkens inertia was absorbed by the guard.

Rosedriah sloppily stabbed herself several more times, as the corpse rose.

You idiot! Youre wasting your blood! Aitken howled, forgetting how she couldnt understand him.

He darted at the paladin once more, as he saw Rosedriah staggering. Had she never really been in a
tough fight before?

Got ya! Dew howled, as he charged up an even more powerful shockwave than those before. His hand
started glowing, as the air felt even heavier than syrup - like walking through a pool of quicksand, every
limb had to be forced more and more the closer it came to the shockwave. The adrenaline pumped and
every single voice in Aiktens head screamed for him to flee, yet his determination overcame this.
Without the grey witch, he would stand little chance against a paladin - and this was the weakest of the
lot, after all.

Aitken focused all his might on his hand, and a small fireball grew forth.
Go! He threw it with all his might towards Dew.

When the small fireball hit Dew, he glared at Aikten. Dews iris was glowing golden yellow, illuminating
his face and helmet in a soft golden glow.

Aitken felt a chill down his spine, as the hand with the mighty holy burst of energy moved towards him.
A feeling that can only be compared to a battleship pointing its main cannons at a simple soldier
overcame Aitken - he dodge, or die. There were no other options.

Aitken noticed Flasor and Cepath getting overwhelmed by guards behind him. Even with the help of the
undead warriors, they too, stood little chance in the face of the massive amount of guards. What was
this Sabbath? Aitken didnt know, and had no time to consider it.

Dodge! Aitken howled, before he skid across the dirt, trying to outmaneuver the paladin.

He flapped his wings with all his might, picking up extra momentum, towards the paladin.

Ill get him, he cant get me now. Ill reach!

Dew smirked as he pointed his arm downwards, where Aitken would be momentarily. Rel- Hellfire!
Rosedriah howled, as a thin wave of lava swept towards Dew. She staggered, barely standing up from
the loss of blood.

Dew hesitated, and turned towards Rosedriah. Rele-

Aitken thundered into his leg, tipping him slightly.


The shockwave blew a hole in the ground, narrowly dodging Aitken and Rosedriah.

Aitken swung around Dew, and leapt at him from behind.

Dew turned his head and smirked, as he pointed his sword backwards.

Aitken raised his shield, but the impact sent him spinning into Dews back. Dew followed up by sending
the blade towards Aitken.


Aitkens right shoulder and wing was skewered. He lifted his left arm in response. Fire! Fire!

A barrage of minor fireballs flew at Dew, each getting smaller and smaller. Dew responded with a smile.
Youre dead, Imp.
Aitken looked over at Rosedriah, she already laid down on the ground, a few guards standing around
her. Cepath and Flasor was at their wits end, surrounded by guards, struggling and bleeding profusely.

Dew lifted his sword above his head, and it slipped out of Aitkens shoulder with a squishy sound. The
pain spread in Aitkens body.

Aitken sighed deeply. This is it. Im done.

Drink! the voice of Molly reached his ears as a potion flew through the sky.

Dew looked at her in disbelief. Molly the ritualist? Here? One of the great six witches?

Aitken seized the moment Dew was interrupted and drank the mixture. It felt like someone had jammed
holy water, lava, acid and the taste of vomit from a demon from the core of damnation - burning like
swallowing a sun, but the taste of actual vomit. Aitken felt like screaming, and he opened his mouth.

A jet of flames not unlike a dragons breath scorched Dew, who staggered backwards.

The cavalry has arrived Molly said with a smile, as several guardsmen around Rosedriah collapsed
from a shadow. You attacked your target too early. She said more cheerfully than what would fit the

Dew grit his teeth. Two of the top ten witches was going to be tough, even if it was one at a time.

So Zen! Had a nice and quiet time? Good, I'm popping a dose of plot, as I felt it was already stretching it
thin, I need to finish within the next 12 days after all, if I'm to do the NaNoWriMo RoyalRoadl at least.
(Well, it's not a requirement for the real NaNoWriMo to finish then and there, but still.)

Oh yeah! My google-Docs just rounded 100 pages. Neat!

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 17 - Falling like Dew

Author's note

Inspiration is a cruel, cruel thing. One day it's there, the next you're back to struggling. I'll need to edit
this chapter up, but that'll be in the editing time. In NaNoWriMo, we tune out our inner editor -
otherwise 50K words is really hard... Not that it isn't already.

Perhaps I just need some more chapters from Troll, J0nn0 and potato of darkness, to get me inspired,
like yesterday... Yeah, get typin' guys, need that inspiration!
Word count

This chapter: 1729

Total: 31680

NaNoWriMo target for the 18th: 31667


Weve got the grey witch! Dont move a muscle! Dew howled, as the guards quickly pointed their
swords at Rosedriah who was lying on the ground in a small pool of her own blood.

Ah, you got me. Molly said with a smile on her face, as she lifted her arms, with her palms slightly
above her head. For a brief moment, she held her arms fixed in place. Just kidding. She smiled, and
lowered her hands again.

Cut off her arm to show this witch Im serious! Dew commanded.

The guards fell to the ground, small daggers poking out of them from various places.

Cutting off somebodys arms? thats not very nice, Dew. Molly said.

Show yourself, assassin. Dew demanded.

But theres still guards to kill. Molly said, as a slight hint of cruel enjoyment showed in her eyes.

Dews hand faintly started glowing.

This is why we dont like your kind. Sadists, all of you.

Dont be like that, youre the ones who made us like this in the first place. Molly answered.

Dews hand glowed brighter golden.

We wouldnt have antagonized you if you didnt eat babies and kill villagers.

Ah, the age old discussion - what came first? The wrath of the church or the cruelty of the witches?
Molly answered. In any case Catch! She threw a mixture at Dew, who completely evaded any contact
with it, his hand still glowing ever brighter.

The mixture cracked on the ground, and Molly exhaled. Thats no fun.

Or is it? She smiled, as Dew was staggering from the shock-wave unleashed by the shattered vial.

Aitken saw his chance, and darted at Dew, sword raised high.

Dew turned around and blocked, but a mixture was lugged after him from behind.

Aitken stood still, locking swords with Dew for a moment, until Dew dodged the mixture and Aitken had
to jump sideways to avoid it.


You should stay out of this, Imp Molly yelled to him.

Aiken decided to heed the warning, and went to help Cepath and Flasor fight off the last remaining

A handful guards were lined up against Cepath and Flasor, both of whom were heavily bleeding from
both shallow and deep cuts and bruises.

Aitken circled around, and leapt at a guard along the side of the formation, stabbing him with the sword.

the second-in-line guard turned towards Aitken, but was taken by a fireball by Flasor.


Shes still throwing those, huh?

The remaining guards seemed to waver, and this gave Aitken an opening - combined with an arrow from
Cepath, a fireball from Flasor and Aitkens own blade, another guard succumbed. The remaining guards
started running for the city.

Cowards! Dew yelled in fury. Youll all die in shame!

This did little to rally the guards, as they continued their flight towards the gates.

In a flash, a shadow swept by, cutting them down. Their blood flowed to the ground as each of their
hearts beat for the last time.

Now, for the paladin. The shadow said. The shadow was a humanoid figure covered in black leather
from top to toe, hardly even revealing his eyes.

Flasor and Cepath backed Molly up, and the shadow went and fought with Dew in melee.
Aitken hesitated, there was little for him to do. He walked over to Rosedriah and bandaged her stab-
wounds as best he could with some leather scraps. It wouldnt last, but it would hold up for now.

Aitken looked over at the battle - it seemed as if they had as good as won. Dew wasnt even retaliating,
and he had a hard time dodging. Aitken noticed the hand still glowing, but shrugged it off, it was just a
faint glow, after all. He couldnt even gather up energy for an attack.

Aitken looked back at Rosedriah, who seemed unconscious at this point. Aitken inhaled, as if he wished
to say something.


Aitkens eyes darted to the paladin, who had unleashed an incredibly powerful, golden shockwave. The
shadow warrior stood in the way, and the wave neared Aitken, who threw himself to the ground. The
shadow warriors upper body fell to the ground, leaking his internal organs onto the meadow
grass, coloringit mostly red.

Aitken, Cepath, Flasor and Molly were all stunned. Dew used this moment to gather up holy energy and
ram Cepath in the stomach with a fist, sending him flying into a tree. Cepath stopped moving.

Aitken threw his shield to the side, and dashed at Dew, grabbing a large rock along the way.

Flasor scrabled to put a salvaged sword up in defense, as Dews sword impacted his, resulting in small
sparks and a ringing metal-on-metal sound. Flasors sword cracked, but didnt fully break.

Aitken arrived, swinging a sword relentlessly at Dew, who merely sidestepped it. Aitken followed up by
throwing the rock at Dews face, and it struck the open helmet with a sound not unlike a medium-sized


Flasor threw a fireball to Aitken before he retreated backwards.

Aitken flapped his wings, and rammed the fireball into the open helmet, scorching Dews face, yet still
not exploding like Aitken had planned.

Dew swung his sword - this time glowing at Aitken. The paladin's sword cut through Aitken's sword, as if
it was a hot knife through butter. The sword was cut in two and Aitken narrowly dodged a blow to the
face, receiving a light cut along the cheekbone. The blade continued and amputated a part of Aitkens

Aitken winced in pain. At the same time, Molly had recovered and howled in fury. Zyrath.. No! NO!

She threw dozens of flasks towards Aitken and Dew.

Aitken ran with all his might, flapping his one-and-a-half wings, squirting his orange blood everywhere.


Multiple explosions and instant fires started where Aitken and Dew had stood.

Dew had evaded as well, and now darted at Molly, who responded by throwing another dozen flasks at

He evaded them all, and arrived in front of Molly in the matter of mere moments.

Molly was frozen in the face of Dew, as he lifted his glowing sword. Die, witch!

Stab stab stab stab.

Aitken looked over at Rosedriah where the sound had come from. A slim but long wave of dense flames
swept towards Dew.

Like the fury of damnation itself, Dew howled as he was heavily burnt.

Die, for what you did to Zyrath! Molly howled as threw just about any and all flasks she had left at the
paladin, while leaping full-force backwards herself.


Multiple ear-wrecking explosions occured, and Aitken saw a charred arm fly by him, landing far away on
the other side of Rosedriah.

Aitkens eyes quickly fell on Molly, who was laying on the ground several meters from the point of
explosion - heavily wounded herself.

Aitken frantically looked over at Flasor. Help Cepath and the assassin, Ill help the witches!

Aitken threw a scrap of leather to the heavily panting Rosedriah. He nodded slightly at her, as he ran
over to help Molly in any way he could.

Molly spotted the imp. Red potion, belt. Wounded Drink. hideout.. north east, F-five thousand

She heaved for air. Aitken snatched two red potions from her belt, and popped the lid of one. He let the
contents slip into Mollys mouth. Almost instantly, Mollys pupils widened, covering most of her iris. She
stopped talking, but her breathing stabilized.
Aitken looked over at Rosedriah, who struggled to keep awake from the loss of blood. He popped a
second vial, and poured the contents into her mouth. Indeed, as expected Rosedriahs pupils grew large,
covering her iris.

Flasor approached, supporting Cepath, who was otherwise walking on his own.

The assassin is dead. Flasor said. "May he face his fate with head held high."

Aitken nodded. He had expected as much.

Lets get them back to that hideout she talked about.

Aitken noticed the paladins sword was still intact, unlike the rest of his gear. He proceeded picked it up
and brought it along. They carried the two drugged witches towards the hideout. (AN: That sounds
dubious... I should fix that before posting...)

The cave wasnt as much a hideout as Molly had made it out to be, considering it was an overgrown and
mossy graveyard with an old cracked mausoleum in the middle.

I guess thats the place. Flasor said, still carrying Molly over his back.

Cepath nodded, as he supported himself with his unstrung bow.

Lets just get in there and see what theyve got. Aitken said.

Cepath walked into the mausoleum ahead of the others.

Ah! it echoed in the mausoleum.

Flasor and Aitken looked at each other, rushing inside, just to see the vast blackness of perfect darkness.
Cepath was nowhere to be seen.

What in damnation? Flasor said, eyes darting around the place. Cepath? he hollered.

Only the echoes answered his voice. Flasor looked at Aitken and Aitken looked back. They both formed a
fireball in their left hands, still having the right one occupied holding each their respective witch in place
over their shoulders. Lets go down and find him. Flasor said.

Aitken nodded. But carefully, wouldnt wanna be caught by somebody in this situation.

As they descended into the darkness, the soft glow of the fireballs illuminated the smooth stones
surrounding them.

Pretty steep... Hm, I wonder how Cepath disappeared so fast? Flasor said.
Aitkens eyes darted around the place. Traps. Just be on the lookout for them.

Ah. Hold up, I'll scout for traps. Flasor said, as he threw his fireball forwards. a long hallways with small
plates all over the floor was revealed.

Pressure plates. Follow me, Ill check them with fire.

Aitken frowned, lifting a single eyebrow With fire?

His answer came shortly as Flasor threw small fireballs on each of the pressure plates, securing them
before walking. Ah, thats the last of them. Ill scout with a fireball once more.

Flasor threw a fireball and took a step forwards in the process, the vicinity was only lit by a dim light,
stemming from Aitkens torch-sized fireball.

Flasor's voice suddenly reached Aitken's ears. Mmmbbhll

Flasor? Aitken turned around rapidly, lighting up the place Flasor had been in, just to see the smooth
stone wall next to where Flasor should have been.

Youve got to be kidding me. "Whos there?

Aitkens only answer was the echoing of the hallway.

Hello? Aitken walked over to where Flasor had stood, peeking around. It didnt seem like any traps
had been triggered - more like somebody or something was there, taking them through the very floor. A
chill ran down Aitkens spine. Could it really be a lich?

Aitken swallowed his spit, but gave up finding Flasor here - surely he was taken somewhere else.

Aitken pressed on, still carrying Rosedriah on his back. He peeked backwards, noticing her enlarged
pupils. Suddenly Aitken felt very alone, amidst the darkness and the unknown lurking somewhere,
waiting for a single misstep, or perhaps just waiting to get back from abducting Flasor.

Aitken had no intentions of finding out, and he rushed forwards in an attempt to out-race the abductor.

Ah, I forgot to fix the mid-chapter thing I labled "AN:" as "author's note." Yeah... I'll keep those to a

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 18 - The cult of shadows.

Author's note

This chapter is a bit darker, showing a side of the cult I haven't shown you before.

Word count

This chapter: 1840

Total: 33520

NaNoWriMo target for the 18th: 31667

Aitken darted forward, into the darkness in an attempt to outmaneuver whatever was lurking in the

He illuminated the narrow halls with a small fireball, as he darted past traps, narrowly avoiding
everything from auto-fired arrows to floor-tiles disappearing under his very feet.

The path seemed to lead in a circle downwards, as if it was leading down to something. Aitken noticed a
tapping sound, approximately at the same pace as Aitkens feet hammered onto the floor - something
was following him, fast.

Aitken grit his teeth and mentally prepared for combat, after all there was no way in which Aitken could
outrun whatever was in the shadows - especially considering he was carrying Rosedriah and had a pre-
existing disadvantage of shorter-than-usual legs.

He lowered his hand with the fireball, hovering it just above the paladins blade, crudely stuffed into his
black-furry leather belt together with another blade looted from a dead guardsman - the latter was a
crude thing, appearing more like an over-sized machete than an actual sword. In the confusion of the
battlefield and the haste from treating the wounded, he had missed the opportunity to grab a shield and
check for other loot As usual.

Ive got my pursuer running, at least I will know his location...Wait, is he coming closer?

Indeed, the volume of the footsteps increased, at least from Aitkens perspective.

Ill get the jump on it.

Aitken threw his fireball towards the sound of feet, rapidly forcing a new fireball to appear in his hand
shortly after.

As Aitken peeked backwards, he saw his pursuer. It looked like a humanoid, covered in dirty white wraps
from head to toe, only having holes cut for the eyes and mouth. The humanoid wore leather armour
above the wraps, wielding two sharp sickles. This looked tough, when accounting for defending the
fallen ally meanwhile.

Aitken heard an otherworldly moan from straight ahead - the sound of a tortured soul, shackled to its
mortal coil.

Immediately in front of him stood yet another mummified creature. Aitken grinded to a halt, and put
Rosedriah on the ground - he was out of options.

He took the paladins blade into his right hand, and kept the place illuminated in a soft glow with the fire
from his left.

I really hope those bandages burn.

A twisted and dark moan echoed in the hall, as did another and another.

Aitken looked around him, spinning in circles next to the unconscious Rosedriah.

He was surrounded by half a dozen moaning creatures with sickles.

Those creatures couldnt possibly have abducted my allies, right?

The creatures approached, seeming more coordinated than Aitken would have liked. They took steps
towards him in complete sync, narrowing the circle.

Lets see if you like fire Aitken threw the fireball at the mummy in front of him. The fireball flew at it,
and the flames ignited the bandages, resulting in what appeared to be a humanoid torch.

Yep, flaming undeads. Just my luck.

While the prospect of flaming undeads seems terrifying, Im not actually vulnerable to fire But
Rosedriah is I just messed up.

The mummies got so close that one ignited the next.

Awh come on!

Aitken swung the paladins blade at the nearest.


Sickle-on-sword, metal-to-metal rung through the air.

Aitken grabbed his other sword with the other hand - seeing how the wall of flaming undeads made for
a great source of light.


The machete swept through the head cleanly, and the undead fell to the ground.

Aitken hesitated for half a second, sheathing his machete-like sword, before grabbing Rosedriah by the
leg and forcing his way through the opening he had made, blocking two simultaneous sickles sweeping
down for Rosedriah.


Aitken felt the stabbing pain of two rusty sickles digging their way into his side, as the undead on the
other side of him had an open flank to attack.

Aitken kept running, leaving the flaming undeads behind - yet running off with two rusty sickles.

He thought he heard two voices behind the flaming wall of undeads.

Serafine, weve secured the others. Theyre with Molly.

A twisted parody of a little girl's voice resounded in answer. I dont care, this imp is entertaining. Im
killing him Or skinning him alive.

The voices slowly faded, as Aitken headed towards the bottom of the crypt with all his might.

Aitken arrived at the end of the path, in a flat room. Darkness surrounded him as the reach of his small
flame wasnt enough to illuminate the entire place.

He hurried to the side of the room, searching for any kind of door or pathway.

It has to be here, its supposed to be an area controlled by the cultists.

A voice softly spoke into in Aitkens left ear, so close he could feel the breath. Fooouund youu

In that moment, Aitkens blood froze to ice. Chills ran down his spines, and his every instinct yelled for
him to flee with all his might.

He tossed himself wildly away from the source of sound, and let Rosedriah land on the ground with him,
letting go of her. He grabbed the paladin-sword from his belt, still illuminating the place with a fireball in
the other hand.

A small girl, only a little taller than himself stepped into the dim light from his fire. She had long black
hair, and wore a black dress not unlike the one Rosedriah wore yet there was something different
about it - like it had been torn apart and stitched together a thousand times over.

She took another step closer, and the light struck her eyes. Pitch black eyes, not even a speck of white
was to be seen. She laughed cheerfully. Id like to see your insides. Would you let me turn you inside

Wait, wait! Youre a witch. Im on your side. Aitken yelled, nearly forgetting he didnt speak the human

She stepped towards Aitken with a hunched over posture, upper body seeming limp.

Aitken noticed her fingernails - they were cut into triangular shapes, sharpened. As if she would be
ripping her prey to pieces. He lifted his sword.

Were on the same side. He repeated.

She dashed at him, hand raised, pointing out to her side.

Aitken pointed his sword directly at the witch, as she charged forward.


She impaled her own shoulder on Aitkens sword. Her fingernails turned pitch black, and she swept her
arm towards Aitkens throat.

Like acid was dripped onto the nails, Aitkens throat burnt where he had been scratched. Had he not
moved, he might have lost his head entirely. His sword was now stuck in the witch, who didnt seem to
pay it any attention.

She simply walked over to Rosedriah, as Aitken backed off. I wonder if she tastes nice.

Aitken flinched, and snatched a sickle out of himself, leaving behind an open wound in the process. He
threw the sickle with all his might at the witch, and it struck her right in the eye.

She simply looked over at Aitken. Thanks, I needed that.

With those words, she simply pulled the sickle out of her eye.

Aitken froze. Shes simply pulling a sickle out of her bleeding eyeball? What sort of a monster is she?

The witch lowered the sickle towards Rosedriah. I wonder if her skin is soft.

Aikten threw his fireball at the witch, and immediately snatched the other sickle out of his side,
attacking the witch with two blades at once.
Splosh splosh.

Her chest was skewered by both blades. She looked at Aitken and smiled, revealing a mouthful of jagged

Aitkens eyes grew wide, as she grabbed his arm, immediately slamming the sickle into his upper arm,
sliding the rusty metal through his skin, and pulling it towards his hand, severing muscles in the process.

Aitken howled and slammed his fist into her mouth, trying to shake her off wildly.

She bit together around his hand, the jagged teeth sinking deeply into his hand.

The girl lifted the sickle again, aiming sideways after she cut from his upper arm to his hand.

Aitken slammed his foot into her stomach, pushing her backwards just enough to shake himself free.

Aitken staggered backwards, conjuring another fireball. The arm was already soaked in blood - this deep
kind of wound would easily prove fatal.

He immediately tried to burn his wound shut - to his surprise it worked despite his fire resistance. His
blood dried up upon contact with the flame, sealing the wound. He looked up again, noticing the witch
was located two steps from him, already running and with the rusty sickle held high.

Aitkens heart rate grew a tad, and he suddenly became short of breath. He threw his fireball at her, and
turned around, running.

He heard the footsteps of the witch getting closer. Aitken lit a fireball once more, circling around,
arriving at Rosedriahs side, quickly grabbing her silvery sword - this was his last shot.

Relentlessly, the witch darted after him.

The witch swung her claw towards Aitken, who responded by swinging the sword at her arm, attempting
to sever it cleanly.


The witch's arm fell off cleanly and she flashed a jagged, childish grin.

Her other arm turned dark all the way to the elbow. Die!

Stop! A voice called out from behind her. Hes with me.

Ah, Molly Do you want to see him skinned as well?

No, Serafine. I need those two.

You can have them after I played with them.

No, I need them alive and with their skin intact. Molly said.

Then take them if you can. Serafine grinned.

Im not up for your games. Let them go, or Ill bury you in a hole under a mountain of rocks. See if you
can cheat death there.

Serafine responded with a sadistic laugh.

Mollys eyes narrowed and she sent a flask flying in a straight line into Serafines face.


Next time, itll be one that freezes you over. She continued to wave Aitken over, and in response
Aitken picked up Rosedriah and circled around Serafine over to Molly.

Serafine simply ducked down and picked up her severed arm.

Molly went towards where Aitken had come from, and opened a door next to the path up.
I would have told you welcome to the cult But Im afraid I missed that opportunity. Not all of the six
great witches are on good terms, as you can see...

And my allies? Aitken asked in his impish language.

... Treatment of my wounds, you ask? Ive made a mixture for that. Ill give the second component of
the cure to your master soon.

Aitken frowned. Master, huh? So thats what you think.

They continued into a hallway that was actually lit up by torches. Aitken noticed the ladder extending
upwards above him. This might be how they arrived so fast.

He followed Molly through the hallway, and they entered a large room with all sorts of mixtures, vials,
and different glass items to mix and match liquids with as well as mortar, pestle and an overwhelming
supply of different ingredients - from the simple garlic all the way to the exotic fairy wings.

She grabbed a black vial and poured the contents into Rosedriahs mouth. In response, Rosedriah's
pupils normalized almost instantly.
And as always, Thanks for reading!

Chapter 19 - Black Sabbath

Author's note

No time to fix up the chapter, if there's horrible spelling mistakes... You can point them out. If not, too

Word count

This chapter: 2501

Total: 36021

NaNoWriMo target for the 22nd: 36667

Rosedriah blinked several times, staring at Aitken and Molly, who were staring back at her from above.

What happened? The paladin, did we get him? Is Cepath okay?

At that moment, Cepath entered the door together with Flasor.

I am fine. Cepath said. But Zyrath and the paladin both died.

Aitken quietly handed over Rosedriahs sword.

My sword Why did you? She narrowed her eyes, as if she was a policeman staring at a suspected

Well, I couldnt just let this creepy witch with jagged teeth eat you, could I? Aitken answered.

Rosedriah kept staring at Aitken suspiciously.

Ah, right... He said that he couldnt just let the creepy witch with jagged teeth eat you. Cepath

Serafine. Shes here?

Molly nodded. Unfortunately.

Would you rather it was Glinda Hart?

Molly had shivers run down her spine. Brr. Glindas not trying to kill us But Id still prefer Serafine
Ive got some problems handling her personality.

Dont we all? Rosedriah said.

Whos Glinda Hart? Aitken asked.

Glinda Hart is the leader of the cult. Cepath answered in the human tongue.

Youll meet her soon enough, the black sabbath isnt a long time away by now. Considering you
participated in bringing down a paladin, youd probably be invited. Molly said.

So.. I have to ask, this black sabbath Is it really what they said in the town it is?

Cepath pondered for a moment. I am curious about this black sabbath as well he said, before
translating what Aitken had said.

I dont know, what did they say it would be? Rosedriah asked.

Aitken took a deep breath. The witchs sabbath is a great meeting of witches, all the great six plus a lot
of other witches would be present. Its said to start at midnight and last till dawn. The procedure would
starting with a procession. After which, a great banquet takes place.

Rosedriah nodded. Seems about right so far.

Aitken continued. The banquet would serve a lot of beautiful dishes, including human bones stew,
children and babies not yet put under the protection of the light by the church, human fat dishes and
more. Plenty of alcohol and hallucinogens would go along with this, as side dishes, of course.

Rosedriahs one eyebrow shot up, and the other went down in a frown. She opened her mouth as if she
wanted to say something, but couldnt decide on what.

Aitken continued. Then a black mass would occur at an altar area, where several human and animal
sacrifices would be made to summon the demon god Oh, and some witches would offer up their body
for demon possession... After which, the witches would give the demon god their clothes and kiss
hisWell, his behind It would all culminate in a large orgy, including demons in both male and female
forms, satyrs and of course the witches themselves.

Rosedriah went pale. Thats what you think we do?

Thats what I heard. Aitken said.

Molly grinned slightly. If it was up to Glinda, that wouldnt be far from the truth.
Rosedriah sighed. Look, while the order of the things are somewhat right, we dont actually eat
humans Well, most of us dont anyway She hesitated for a moment as her gaze grew distant.
Ahem. We dont engage behind-kissing and orgies and such things either.

So I was pretty much spot on? Aitken asked with a worried look.

Yep! Molly answered a bit too cheerfully.

Im creeped out and intrigued at the same time Aitken said.

It does sound like quite the party. Flasor said.

Ah, I still need my weapons How can I get them back from having stabbed that witch?

She removes them and drops them on the floor, Well pick them up on the way out. Molly said after
Cepath translated once more.

Molly cleared her throat. Were heading to black sabbath. Tonight. This time its at full moon.

Full moon? It was full moon ten days ago, itll be almost twenty days till then. Cepath said.

Weve got a long journey in front of us Molly answered with a shrug, sending a gaze in Rosedriahs
direction. Rosedriah made a slight nod and looked at the wall.

Aitken lifted an eyebrow at this, but didnt take further action.

Lets pack up. Come along, Rosedriah. Molly said.

Flasor took a step in the same direction, prompting Molly to put up a palm in response. This is not the
time for either of you to come along. Wait here.

Aitken, Flasor and Cepath looked at each other and shrugged.

Whats that about? Aitken asked.

Well see Flasor said with a shrug.

The rest of the time went quietly. Quite a bit of time passed by, and finally the two witches arrived, both
armed to the teeth with Aitkens weapons. Yet, they both wore a plate armour making them appear like
a pair of muscular male-knights.

These yours too? Mollys voice echoed from within the armour, as she showed the two rusty sickles in
her hands.

Oh, and put these on. Molly said cheerfully as she handed each of the three demons a large chain with
handcuffs on.

Youve got to be kidding me. Aitken and Cepath said at the same time.

Look, if we get caught were dead and the black sabbath is dead. This is standard procedure - hide
under their noses and you wont be caught.

Of course we wont be caught, wed already be caught. Aitken protested.

I know what youre thinking - but you wont be endangered I mean, except the occasional rock.
Molly said.

I just hope you know what you are doing. Cepath said, as he put on a pair of shackles.

Flasor shrugged and followed the lead.

No. No way. Aitken said. Im not putting on shackles and pretending to be a prisoner.

Cepath spoke in the human tongue. You dont want to, Aitken? What if it was for Rosedriah?

Rosedriah froze in place, staring at Cepath.

Aitken put his hand on Cepaths shoulders and stared him directly into the eyes. I dont know what you
are trying to do, but Ill tell you this. No matter how hard you try, what you say or how you act There
will.. Read my lips on this one.. NEVER... be anything more between her and I, ever. Its impossible. Shes
nothing more than a powerful asset to me. Shes a great help in taking down the church of light and
shes nothing more, nothing less than that.

Rosedriah leaned a bit forward. What did he say?

Cepath took a deep breath, and looked at Rosedriah like a hurt puppy. He said that you are nothing but
a tool to take down the church, and this will never change.

Four sharp breaths echoed from within Rosedriahs suit of armour. She quietly walked over and grabbed
the chain that Cepath and Flasor were shackled to.

She pulled the chain hard enough Cepath and Flasor staggered, and the loose shackles behind them
rattled over the stone floor. Were leaving.

Aitken took a step forward, and Rosedriah pulled her shiny silver blade, and pointed it directly at Aitken
with one hand. You are not coming along. If I as much as see you, I will not hesitate to send you back to
damnation from where you came, demon.

Aitken froze to the ground, as she walked out of the door together with Molly, dragging the chained
Flasor and Cepath along.

Flasor looked back at Aitken for a moment, before getting dragged along.

For a while after they left, Aitken simply stood still, his legs frozen to the ground. He couldnt move, no
matter how hard he tried - as if he had gazed deep into the eyes of a gorgon.

Outside, the childish figure with pitch black eyes and sharp teeth walked by. The witch took a look at
him, and then continued up the catacomb.

Aitken woke up. He had to go to the black mass, it was his only chance to take down the church of light.

Aitken quietly followed the witch from afar, hoping his black armour would help him stay concealed.

They left the catacomb with no incident, and the witch didnt seem to have spotted him yet.

He stayed remarkably far in the distance along the way - after all, he had no wish to become the dinner
of a mad witch.

Night fell, and the darkness of an almost new moon arrived. Shadows turned to darkness, and the
visibility fell considerably. Aitken went a lot closer to the witch, in order to keep following her.

Serafine finally stopped and leaned against a tree.

Sleep, huh?

Aitken crawled into a tree, sitting on a branch. He opened his backpack. Pota-...

Aitken took a deep sigh, and sat all alone with his thoughts. He felt something akin to a claw around his
heart, digging its twisted fangs into it. He lost the desperation he had had, and the burning anger
disappeared as well, turning into a numb feeling - a numb feeling of hate, despite not being able to
pinpoint exactly what it was directed at.

The witch had still not moved and Aitken slowly dozed off, with this numbness inside of him.

Aitken was awoken by a firm grip around his neck, fingernails digging their way into his skin. The black
eyes of Serafine stared deeply into his soul.

The stray followed death itself. she said with her twisted voice. And death took the stray.

A twisted grin showed on her face.

Aitkens arm shot like a rocket, and latched onto her forehead in response. Back off, or by damnation,
Ill crush your skull with my dying breath.

Slight surprised showed on her face. Your eyes

Her eyes lowered to a frown. Death?

Serafines grasp loosened around his throat. Useful Kill Glinda hart You will help me.

I would rather crush your skull than give you any measure of help. Aitken answered coldly.

You would like to go to the mess, yes? Then you will help.

Aitken hesitated for a moment. So I just need to help you kill this Glinda Hart?

She nodded.

Okay, Ill tag along.


It took two days to reach the destination, and on the night of new moon, at the darkest part around
midnight, Serafine waved Aitken over. They walked in a ceremonious manner in a hooded robe, each
carrying a pentagram. Soon they joined another flock, consisting of dozen witches and a few demons.
Several heavily armed acolytes checked up on each and every single witch, demon and acolyte. On
occasion, one would get skewered for reasons unknown to Aitken.

Two heavily armed acolytes stared Aitken and Serafine down. In response, Serafine clasped her fingers
around the throat of one, and simply ripped it out while lowering her hood. The blood flooded her hand
and ran down to the ground. For each heartbeat the blood would squirt and the remaining acolyte was

I am Serafine. Never question me again. She said coldly, as she continued the ceremonial walk.

She munched on a piece of the throat while they walked. Finally, they reached a hastily erected stone-
circle with a crude altar in the middle. All around it was wooden tables and chairs. Witches, demons and
acolytes sat around this altar by the hundreds.

Serafine walked straight towards a table several times the size of the remaining tables. At the very end
of the table, a purple haired lady sat. Her eyes were crimson red, and there was something about her,
Aitken couldnt quite pinpoint - as if the air contained a sweet smell, but so faint it could scarcely be
Thats Glinda! Kill her! Serafine said as both her arms turned pitch black and she leapt at Glinda like an
infuriated demon.

Glinda grabbed Serafine by the throat mid-air, and in response, Serafine sent a black arm towards her.

With a quick swing of the arm, Serafine had lost both arms.

Her surprisingly deep, yet feminine voice spoke to Serafine. If you wished to attack me, you shouldnt
have sent a mere puppet.

Kill him, demon! Serafine howled at Aitken.

Glindas gaze shifted to Aitken. The piercing red eyes felt like they dug into the very core of Aitkens soul.
It felt like she could see everything, perhaps even before Aitken himself could. Despite Aitkens numb
feelings, he felt fear latch onto his heart. A deep fear, as if he couldnt even breathe, or risk his soul
getting ripped out of his body and sent to an inescapable eternity in the deepest and darkest corners of

Glinda put a palm to Serafines face, and a the back cracked open from sheer force, blasting out a jet-
stream of bloody mush.

Glinda dropped the lifeless corpse, and fixed her gaze on Aitken. Sit.

She motioned at the chair to her right. I know about you.

Aitken sat down on the chair, in complete silence, looking back at her.

You were among those who took down a paladin - you were instrumental in saving not one, but two of
the strongest witches of our time Yet you have no real power yourself. Quite frankly, you are weak,
even for an imp. You make do with what you have, and in turn, match stronger opponents. But you are
way out of your league. Is this correct?

Aitken hesitated before saying a word in Impish. Yes.

Glinda looked at him for a moment. Write. Her words echoed, and Aitkens world shook - as if her
commands had shifted the course of the very earth.

Pictures of characters he had long forgotten returned to Aitken. His expression must have shown the
most genuine measure of surprise imaginable, but he had no time as an Acolyte arrived with a bucket, a
flat piece of stone and a chunk of chalk.

Aitken hesitated, and then wrote the characters for Yes, showing them to Glinda.
Now for the important matter. Why have you come here, and why did you agree to aid Serafine in
assassinating me?

Aitken wrote down some characters. I had to enter the black sabbath. I need allies in taking down the
church of light.

Glinda looked at the slab of stone. You are a naive idiot. You will find no allies here, you arent worthy
of being an equal to the cult of darkness all on your own. Either you perform the tasks weve set for you,
or you die.

Aitken swallowed his spit.

I am willing to bet youll perform the tasks we give you Particularly since you cant tell the church
about us. Now begone, assassin. Considering your actions, dont expect to survive the first task.

An Acolyte grabbed Aitken by the throat and dragged him through the dirt. Aitken squirmed a bit, but
quickly received a boot in the backside of the skull. He was tossed aside adjacent to a smaller table.
Dont even think about leaving, she will know. Nobody leaves the black sabbath before it is over. The
Acolyte said before he himself walked away.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 20 - Black sabbath part 2

Author's note

Final-stretch sequence initiated. Plot bleeding set to [Max] effect.

I didn't actually have time to reread today, so I'll just go with a grammatically flawed chapter. (heh, not
like that's any different normally, considering I have the grammatical skills of a turtle.)

Word count

This chapter:3998

Total: 40019

NaNoWriMo target for the 24th: 40000


Indeed, the acolyte was right - Aitken couldnt leave. This was not due to some magical force, or a even
a broad-shouldered acolyte wearing full plate armour. Aitken had a purpose with being here. He simply
could not leave yet.
Aitken clenched his fists. I have to find a way to bring down the church of light. Tonight is my best
chance to find that one thing that can help me bring them down.

Aitken looked at the piece of chalk he held in his hand. I was given a gift, perhaps on purpose or perhaps
unknowingly. I have to use it.

Aitken sat at a chair by the table he was thrown at. He looked at the witch next to him, who was already
fully occupied consuming dubious looking mushrooms.

Aitken pondered for a moment. This is not the way to go about it. he mumbled to himself.

Aitken stepped up once more, ignoring the mushrooms and weird dishes served. He walked towards the
altar. Perhaps theres something here.

But alas, a few acolytes kept him from entering - the place seemed to crawl with acolytes.

So which one is your master? A passing succubus asked. Seeing how youre just lazing about, perhaps
I can get on her good side, too?

Aitken frowned as the succubus left. What was that all about?

It struck him that the demons are a force to be reckoned with all on their own and they liked neither the
witches nor the church of light. If he couldnt get the witches to join him, there might still be a chance at
establishing some sort of army out of freed demons. The thought was rather quickly dismissed when he
measured all the combined power of the demons he knew, against the power of a single witch.

For a moment, Aitken pondered what would happen when he finally toppled the church of light - would
the cult of shadows take over? Then the image of Serafine and Glinda showed up in his mind. The cult
seemed to be a loose organization, established as a countermeasure to the power of the church At
least that was Aitkens hypothesis.

This still didnt bring him closer to a resolution, however. He thought hard and long about a resolution,
but came up with no better idea than simply aiding the cult of shadows. He had no power to challenge
the church on his own, and he didnt have the means to gather intelligence to use against them.

Aitken pondered if he had made the right choice, going to the sabbath in the first place - while he did
get a foot in the door of the cult, he hadnt made much progress in the downfall of the church by
arriving here.

Aitkens thoughts were dispelled at the start of the mass itself. A crowd lined up around the stone-circle
that made for an outer perimeter for the altar.

Glinda Hart herself passed through the crowds with a goat. She arrived at the altar, facing the crowd.
Welcome to the forty-second black mass. Today, we will as per custom, summon forth the god of
demons. Before we do this, we will discuss the current affairs. As you might have heard, our fellow
cultists in Dragonsbreath have recently been wiped off the map. Even the leader, mayor Aleto, did not
survive. We all know the power he commanded, yet even this could not fend it off.

Aitken flinched. My dad? The town had a full week to report on this Did the church of light catch the

The church has been testing a new magical weapon - we dont know much about it at this time. It
seems like some sort of illness, curse or even a magic capable of instantly killing off people in a large
area But we simply dont know yet. That is why we need to brace ourselves, and stand more united
than ever before.

Aitken bustled through the crowd, pushing and shoving his way towards the altar. This was his chance to

A loud horn echoed from afar. Witches, demons and acolytes turned around. The nearby hill appeared
as though it was suddenly lit on fire, as hundreds of torches arrived one by one over the top of the
mountain. A small army appeared seemingly from nowhere, heading towards the black mass assembly
at a grueling pace.

The witches at the black mass started speaking up, and within a moment, the entire crowd yelled in the
mouths of each other.

Glinda howled with a booming voice. Line up! Prepare for battle. Its the paladins.

In the chaos, witches, demons and acolytes were split - some scattered, some lined up. The paladins
surprising assault had given them an advantage, and as they rapidly approached on horsebacks, it was
clear they had gone all-in.

Its the 21st mass over again! a witch yelled.

Stand fast! This time we will not fall so easily. Glinda howled with all her might in response.

The riders approached fast, and soon they were within 300 paces distance.

Prepare your best ranged offense Glinda yelled.

A moment passed by - a myriad of witches stabbed, charged up and prepared for attacking in different

Fire! Glinda howled, as she herself sent a bolt of shadows at the enemy cavalry, splattering a handful
of them.
Arrows, flames, ice, small meteors and an entire array of colourful magic was lobbed, thrown and shot
straight at the approaching cavalry. The effect was devastating, as at least fifty paladins or paladin-
trainees laid bleeding on the ground, dead or near-death.

The cavalry continued their relentless charge, and the lines of witches scattered as a second shot wasnt
even an option at this point. Each prepared their own strategies as the cavalry led a charge straight into
the scattered lines. Like death sweeping the floor, witches, demons, and acolytes fell to the mighty
momentum of a hundred angry and mounted paladins.

Corpses littered the battlefield, a great deal of them from the initial charge itself.

Aitken had been at the back of the line, as he had pushed himself forward towards the altar, but was
standing on the side furthest away from the attack.

During the initial charge, he had managed to acquire a small sword, and Aitken was now engaged in
combat with a young mounted female. She swung her sword at Aitken, and he dodged, only to swung
his at the leg of the horse, chopping it off cleanly.

The lady fell to the ground, as the horse collapsed under her. She stood up, and swung her blade at
Aitken from above.

After all his encounters, Aitken felt an ease about dodging the blow - as if he could see the swing more
clearly than ever before.

He sidestepped and stabbed her in the side with the looted blade. She swung her sword again, but
Aitken Blocked, and sent his tail around her leg.

When she tried to swing once more, Aitken simply forcibly moved her leg with his tail. As she tumbled to
the ground, Aitken stabbed her throat, resulting in the blood flowing to the ground.

That was easy, I really ha-

Aitken didnt have time to finish his trail of thoughts, before he noticed witches falling left and right,
around a group of exceptional fighters.


Eight paladins carved a bloody path as they walked straight for the altar - and between them and the
altar, Aitken was standing.

Witches, acolytes and demons scattered or died in front of the paladins, as they rapidly approached
He inspected them - A woman with burns in her face wearing chain armor and a hammer, a female
archer wearing brightened leather, and two women in full plate armour with a large sword and shield,
as well as four males, all of them wearing bright plate, except for one wearing a long coat and a sword.

Finally, Aitken noticed the one in the middle of their formation. An angel in a golden metal breastplate
and a flaming sword.. and one wing. A single, pure white, feathery and fluffy looking wing extruding
from his back towards his right side.

Run! Its Ramiel! a witch howled, as the crowds scattered even more than before, most fleeing
straight away from the party.

Aitken froze for a moment. Ramiel. He grit his teeth. He had a shot now, but could he possibly make
it? Was his chance of successfully destroying the leader of the church really fixed at 0%?

Aitken pondered his options, and how he possibly could take down the man in the center of the
formation. Meanwhile, the party closed in on Aitken, who had been standing deep in thoughts,

Aitken gazed up at the party, who were mere inches from him.

Take that imp out, Merwenna. The man in the center calmly said.

The female archer in bright leather responded with a single nod, and she drew her bow.

The instant her fingers started slipping, Aitken leapt to the side. Like a thunderbolt, the arrow shot past
Aitken and flew straight through one of the rocks forming the perimeter around the altar.

Steel bolts?

Ah, this one dodged. Merwenna said with a hint of surprise in her voice.

Hm, hes surprisingly fast for a demon. Go, How of the west. The Ramiel the angel said without
stopping his partys slow advance.

The man wearing a long coat stepped forward, holding his single-edged blade an armslength from

Aitken braced for impact, holding his sword up in front of him.

For a moment, he lost track of How - as if the man had vanished into thin air.

Aitken leapt, and flapped his wings, trying to put some distance between him and a potential blade - just
to remember how half his one wing was cut off.

Aitken guarded himself with his sword as How struck. The borrowed blade turned to butter under the
force of Hows sword and Aitken narrowly dodged by lifting his feet.

Aitken looked at his blade, then back to How of the west. The man covered most of his face with a
brown hat matching his long brown coat, yet his half-long black hair showed underneath.

How lifted his hat just enough to reveal his deep brown eyes. Yer a dodgy one, ain't ya?

Aitken looked at the angel behind him - the very reason he was here. His end goal, the final destination
The true reason he had lost his sister, mother and father. The cause of his death, misery and everything
he knew. Soon, his struggle would be over - he just had to get through How somehow.

Aitken lifted his halved blade with conviction.

I should run A voice said inside Aitkens mind, but he drowned it out, there was no point in listening to
that when hes come this far.

Aitken grabbed a nearby rock with his tail, he held his broken sword tightly in his fist, and a small flame
grew in his other hand - a little larger than a torch, but not by much.

If I put everything Ive learned to use, I can take down a single opponent.

Aitken waited for how to strike again and How responded with a swift attack once more.

Aitken leapt into the air with all his might, tossing the fireball directly at where he predicted How would
strike from.

Indeed, How took the bait and received a fireball right on his hand as he was about to strike. In that
moment of confusion, Aitken swung his tail with a large rock upwards, smacking Hows solar-plexus.
How threw himself backwards as the broken blade cut through his hat.

Ramiel narrowed his eyes and motioned for the party to stop. Who is this imp?

How lightly lifted his shoulders. Aint got-a clue he said as he threw his hat off, and swept back his
sleeves. Hows black glove tightened around his one sword, as he lifted an identical sword with his other
hand. Lets play, demon.

At an ever-increasing pace, How blitzed towards Aitken. This time, there was no escape, as How cut
Aitkens sword down the middle, severing his fingers.

Gotcha, try n die quick. How said, as his sword thundered towards Aitkens throat.

Aitken tossed himself backwards, but swept his tail around Hows arm, yanking it sideways.

How smirked in response as the second sword severed Aitkens tail.

Grraahh! Aitken howled in pain, as his severed tail fell to the ground, dying the grass orange.

There we are. Now its the end of tha line.

Aitken looked at his right hand, and he felt the blood flowing out of his hand, as it dripped to the
ground. Sure enough, the smell of sulphur and metal mixed, but Aitken felt it differently.

A voice echoed in his head. So youve finally figured out how to use me?

Aitken looked back at How, and saw time slow down. He couldnt physically move, but his mind went
into overdrive.

You Who are you? You are not the potato.

No, I was never the potato. I am you, or rather.. I am the you who would be inside that body, had it
not been for the flow of time getting disrupted.

Disrupted? Aitken asked.

Simple, I was forced out of my own body, in favour of you. Who did this, I do not know But I dont
think we have the luxury for this discussion right now. The voice said.

I am indeed the true imp, so use me. Use the demon inside of you. Let the blood flow, and draw power
from all youve lost, what youve struggled to get through Turn your pain into power

You mean my blood?

Yes, use the fire in your blood.

Suddenly Aitken understood everything, and time started speeding up around him.

Let there be flames! Aitken howled - this time, however It was in the human tongue.

How flinched, as a maelstrom of fire started swirling around Aitkens right hand - the hand without four
of his five fingers.

No doubt, even Ramiel could feel the intense heat from the fire - even at that distance.
Like a massive, horizontal waterspout of orange and red flames and fire, the maelstrom of fire spewed
forth, incinerating everything in its path, including How.

The smell of burnt hair filled the air, and Aitken started breathing heavily. He felt the warmth, and a
speck of sweat drip down his forehead.

How staggered backwards, his eyebrows burnt to a crisp, hair looking flimsy and burnt But most of all,
his skin was filled with burns - large burns.

You will not survive this encounter, Ramiel! Aitken howled, once more in the human tongue.

Youre speaking? Ramiel said, staring intently at Aitken. Why do you stand in our path?

Ive come for revenge, you killed my father, my mother, my sister and my entire village.

Youre from Dragonsbreath? So youre the end-result of a full demon possession, yes?

No. I am the son of the mayor of Dragonsbreath, Aitken. I have come to bring down the church.

You dont understand. Ramiel said. Were the heroes. You are protecting this rabble, look at them!
Look at them eat human flesh and feast on the good graces of mother nature.

I know of your plague. One week for the good ones, huh? You killed them all, it was a failure.

They were all cultists, this much was widely known You dont see? Its a cure. A cure for all evil - not a
plague. Imagine everybody who lied, bullied, tricked and murdered would disappear. Everybody who
deserves death, would get death - and all the civilians would survive. Its the ultimate cure for what ails
this world More than anything, the cultists after the 21st Black mass, would cease to exist. The threat
of getting killed at night by a bunch of cultists gone mad would be eliminated. The frequent attacks
would simply vanish. The very reason people are afraid would die out, in the matter of weeks.

Youre insane. Aitken answered coldly.

If curing the world of all those who wish to harm others is evil No matter, I see bandying words with
you is pointless Prepare for dying together with all the evil that resides here, at the last black mass -
the very extinction event for organized evil.. Ramiel waved his hand. Fan out, kill this dark prince of

A familiar voice echoed. No you wont! as a tsunami of flames swept over the paladins.

Aitken looked over at the witch. Her dazzling straight black hair, black dress, snow white skin and her
purple eyes.

Rosedriah Aitken said, once more in the human tongue.

Look, Rosedriah, Im sorry abou-

Lets take that later. Rosedriah said with determination, as she stared directly at the paladins. Weve
got a different problem.

Aitken nodded. Lets take them out.

We cant. After we killed How and the ranger, we will leave.

What? Aitken stared at her in surprise.

Its not In the cards. Just do as I say.

Okay, Cepath, Flasor, are you wit-...

Theyre not here, Aitken. She said, as she lifted her hand towards the group of paladins.

Chains of flame, burn my enemies.

Four white-glowing chains shot out from her hands, all of which smashed into How of the west. The
burnt paladin was suddenly nothing more than a lumpy goo.

What? How! Ramiel yelled as he dashed forward.

He swung his blade, it danced and sung in the wind as it descended on Rosedriah. She pulled her sword
and put it in the path.

The blades rung as the fire from Ramiels blade gently brushed flames against Rosedriahs face.

Aitken thundered towards Ramiel Die!

In response an arrow struck through Aitkens leg.

Gah! Aitken tumbled, but threw the broken blade at Ramiel.

Ramiel flapped his wing, and a powerful wind made the blade fall to the ground.

Ramiel put more force on the blade, and Rosedriahs silver sword started cracking.

She grit her teeth and leapt backwards, stabbing herself in the process.

Chains of the depths of damnation, ground this angel!

Chains shot up from the ground and latched onto his legs.

A battle of magic, huh?

Ramiel pointed a flat hand towards the chains. Holy light!

A ray of light opened up through the night, illuminating Ramiel. The chains withered and turned to dust,
as he pressed his advance.

Ive got you now, gray witch!

Rosedriah started looking pressed, as she blocked blow after blow.

Aitken opened a hand towards the ranger, and a flame-jet shot out.

Inertia-strike. Glinda harts dark voice echoed as a black bolt was shot through the air. The air rippled
as the bolt flew with incredible velocity at the ranger, who was instantly smashed to bits.

Cover, Rosedriah! Molly shouted as a barrage of bottles flew at Ramiel.

Rosedriah threw herself backwards.


No! Get out of here Molly! Rosedriah howled, as she seemed panicked about Molly's mere presence.

What? I cant let you fight alone. Molly said.

Youll die, hurry and run away! Rosedriah howled.

Finally, the paladins stopped hesitating, and they rushed an opponent each.

Retreat, we are no match for their numbers. Glinda yelled.

Molly threw another barrage of bottles as she dashed backwards.

Out of the flames, Ramiel flew. He rammed sword-first into Molly, who was stunned as her chest was

Im sorry, Rose Molly said, as she rapidly popped a potion as her vision grew dark.


A large crater was left where Molly had stood. Ramiel looked heavily damaged, but still alive. The three
cultist-combatants retreated with all their might as the six paladins charged for them.

No, MollyIm sorry I couldnt save you. Rosedriah said, as she ran with all her might, tears in her

Aitken looked to the ground, he felt a sadness grow inside of him - while he hadnt known her for long,
she had been a great ally when she was alive, perhaps even a friend.

Glinda chanted something, and suddenly leaked a thick black smoke behind her as she ran - effectively
blinding the paladins. Im heading this way, you better not head straight either We will regroup later,
outside Dragonsbreath Glinda notified Aitken and Rosedriah.

Aitken and Rosedriah headed to the other side, into the darkness of the forest once more.

After they had ran for a while, she stopped him.


Aitken looked up at her. We speak for the first time, huh?

She shook her head. Im Under a spell, currently Wait, can I tell you what spell? Im not sure
whether or not that would mess with Well, anyway... Im not really the me you know at this time. The
Rosedriah you know is that way, she is safe. Rosedriah pointed straight away from the altar.

Just go talk to me, err... Her. You can tell why you said what you said, that worked well last ti-err Itll
work, trust me.

Aitken narrowed his eyes What is going on here?

I cant tell you.

I have a suspicion And I dont like it one bit. Aitken said.

... Ill see you around soon, just dont get yourself killed ag-err dont die. Okay?

Aitken frowned. I think I get what youre saying Ill go talk to you over there, then Aitken pointed.
But really, why have you come?

Just dont die. Rosedriah said again.

Aitken nodded I dont plan on it. Ill talk to you in a moment.

Rosedriah nodded. I dont hope thisll be the last time we meet, Aitken.
Aitken looked at her for a brief moment, before he turned away and walked towards the real

On his way there, he thought about what Rosedriah had said, and in particular he thought about Molly,
who died in vain.

Aitken felt angry, angry at himself and his inability to do anything - despite his newfound powers, he was
still weak.

He clenched his one fist, and looked at his right hand. I will need fingers I hope they regenerate on
imps like my wings.

Aitken spotted Rosedriah, and she spotted him. Flasor and Cepath stood next to her.

Stay away, Imp. Rosedriah pointed her clean silver sword at Aitken.

Look, Rose Im sorry, I was out of options but to tell Cepath that I disliked you at the time. He
wouldnt stop mistranslating me. Aitken said, once more in human speech.

Rosedriahs eyes shot up. You can speak?

Yes, but thats not important right now. The paladins may come soon, as you might have realized, they

Yes, we left because they brought an army and almost all the highest ranking paladins. Flasor said.

Molly is dead. Aitken said, as he looked at his right hand. And I have a feeling, she isnt the only one.

Rosedriah started stuttering. Y-you.. wh-what? Molly is dead?

Aitken nodded slowly. She died saving Y-erh Me and Glinda. Aitken said as he lifted his hand,
showing the lost fingers.

Rosedriah turned around and fell on her knees. Her back didnt conceal the tears dropping to the
ground, or the light sobs. Aitken went over, and put his healthy hand on her shoulder. She died fighting
for what she believed in. he said, as he himself felt the pressure on his eyes return once more.

May she finally have peace.

Cepath and Flasor didnt speak, and a while passed by before Rosedriah got up again, and stopped
sobbing. Yet her red eyes betrayed her facial expression. Lets get those church bastards. she said with
determination in her voice.
Yes. Lets. We should regroup with Glinda after making sure its all safe She is probably our only hope,
now that the cult has been almost exterminated.

Rosedriah nodded without a word.

Lets avenge her. Cepath said. The man who did it will not get away.

Ramiel himself. She died trying to blow him up when her heart was pierced. Aitken said.

Then he will die for what he did. Rosedriah said with anger in her voice. I will make him suffer.

The party left, heading for Dragonsbreath beyond the forest.


Thanks for reading!

Chapter 21 Regroup

Author's note

As usual no editing or even second read-through done.. Ah well, this is why they don't post drafts.

Word count

This chapter:1521

Total: 41540

NaNoWriMo target for the 25th: 41667


In the distance, the smoke from the once proud village of Dragonsbreath started showing. Rosedriah
looked over at Aitken, to see him looking everywhere but the direction of the village. You okay?

Aitken was startled and looked up at Rosedriah. Ah, Im fine Its just Well, never mind Ah, my
corpse should be around here somewhere.

Aitken ran in a direction to the side.

Dont run off like that. Rosedriah said, as she followed along.

Flasor and Cepath looked at each other.

You curious too? Cepath said with a large smile.

Flasor smirked back. You bet but lets keep in the background.

Aitken looked at his corpse - the hair was as short and black as the day he had died, the eyes as blue as
the sky and his body was as flimsy looking as the day he had died. Not even the blood had turned to

Rosedriah looked at the corpse, and bent down, putting a hand on the forehead.

Its still warm Didnt you die weeks ago?

Aitken stared at his corpse in disbelief. I did Its been here for a long time, I dont understand.

What if I tried to reanimate you?

Woah woah, It would shackle my soul to my corpse, right? Then what the hecks gonna happen with
me? Would I be torn from my body? Id die, right?

Rosedriah hesitated. I have no idea But granted, free will isnt a thing when youre reanimated.
Theres no such thing as bringing back the dead.

Aitken sighed. You know, if I did have my old body, things would be different.

Rosedriah tilted her head. How so?

Well, for starters, I would have been able to speak with you the whole time That would have been a
plus, considering our... misunderstandings in the beginning.

You think that would change a lot? She lifted an eyebrow.

Well, I would also not be an imp, which would also be a good thing.

Because what? You wouldnt have the powerful flames or the strength you have now.

Aitken sighed. I might have something else But nevermind that. We should go to the meeting.

Aw come on! Cepath yelled from behind a tree. Just when you were getting to the good part, too!

Aitkens eyes fell on Cepath. Dont you think you did enough yet?

Cepath sighed. Nothing like a little romance on the long travels though. Dont blame me too much, I
dont get much entertainment out here.

Aitken sighed. Im an imp, just forget about it Cepath. Weve got a walk ahead of us. Lets go.
And your body? Flasor asked.

Leave it, Its of no use to us now. Aitken said as he started walking.

Cepath and Flasor followed along.

Rosedriah looked a bit more at the corpse, as if she was deep in thoughts. Maybe.. She muttered to
herself, as she turned around and walked along with the others.

The charred remnants of a once prosperous village was in front of them.

Aitken looked at the ashes of his childhood home, with a sadness in his eyes.

Rosedriah responded by putting a hand on his shoulder, which startled him. He looked at her for a
moment. She had been so angry before, so how could she suddenly be so kind and gentle?

Aitken couldnt quite wrap his head around the entire situation before Glinda hart walked in front of
them, followed by twenty witches.

I see you made it. She said, as she faced the crowd standing next to Rosedriah. Were all thats left of
the once mighty cult of darkness. Glinda said.

Two of the six great witches have fallen But two of the twelve paladins died in this battle as well,
totalling three dead paladins. Molly and Circe have both fallen at the forty second black mass.. and
Serafine has gone rogue, leaving us for good. This leaves me, and The grey witch, Melusina and Maura
as the only top ten witches we have track of.

Aitken stepped forward. We will avenge the fallen. Ramiel will fall.

Whos that imp? some witches muttered to each other. Isnt he the prince of imps? I heard he burnt
one of the paladins alive.

A bold proclamation. Do you have any clue how little of a chance we stand against the church of light
after this blow?

Then we will simply have to Improvise. Aitken said. Even the church will have a hard time if we dont
face them head on.

So what do you propose?

We need to find Ramiel and cut the head off the organization. He is the influence keeping the branches
together, as far as Im informed. Aitken said.
Hes constantly guarded by at least five of the great twelve paladins. We cant just go there and kill
him. Glinda said.

We will need a plan. Aitken said. But its doable.

Glinda pondered for a second. We may just be out of options. At this rate, and with this new weapon
looming, we wont have the luxury of stalling and rebuilding.

Exactly. Aitken said. So were going to need a plan Or at least a way to get the information we need
to make a plan.

Glinda nodded. We will need Melusina and Mauriel, they are currently on a quest to obtain crucial
information as we speak At the headquarters of the church of light. Glinda turned to Aitken and the
grey witch. Ive got preparations, scavenging and rebuilding to do. Go find Melusina and Mauriel, they
will need your help in infiltrating the church of light. The cult of darkness will not take this lying down,
we will strike back one last time before one of our organizations fall May it be the church and not the
remains of us that fall.

Aitken nodded, as he turned around and walked up.

Rosedriah shouted to Aitken Wait!

Aitken turned his head and looked at Rosedriah. We have to do this. This is the only way we can bring
down the church. If we fail, we will die and whats worse, their plague will eliminate every person who
isnt a fanatic of the light There is only us to do this, Rose.

Rose? Ah.. Well Its just, the capital is that way She smiled and pointed the opposite direction.

Oh. Uhmn. Lets go that way, then.

A witch or two snickered in the crowd.

Weve got a lot of work to do Glindas voice grew fainter as Aitken and the party walked away from

So, you dont like me calling you Rose? Aitken raised an eyebrow and looked at Rosedriah.

Its not like that, Its just so sudden.

Weve known each other for a while now, right?

We just started talking today, Aitken. Rosedriah said.

Weve been talking a while, with Cepath as the translator Even if it was Faulty Translations at

Its just Rose was what my mother used to call me.

Now Im intrigued. Where did you come from, and who was your mother?

Rosedriah started fiddling with her Pendant.

I was born in the swamp beyond hope My mother was a great witch I havent seen her since the
twenty first Sabbath They killed her, Aitken.

I.. Im sorry. Aitken responded. I shouldnt have brought that up, and today of all days.

Its okay, Its been She merely sighed, and left her sentence unfinished.

Silence fell over them, as they kept walking towards the capital.

A while had passed, and Flasor suddenly asked. Who are those two witches we are going to meet?

Cepath quickly translated.

Melusina the broomrider is the fastest broomrider alive Well, she is one of a handful who knows the
art, Not sure whether or not she is the last remaining witch to use a broomstick after today Rosedriah

And Maura is. Maura.

Whats that supposed to mean? Aitken asked.

Well She Speaks with the dead Shes a bit odd, like Glinda, she has her peculiarities.

Glinda seemed pretty normal to me, though. Aitken said.

Thats because youve only seen her as a leader Just dont talk to her personally and youll never even

So how is this Maura special? Cepath asked.

She Speaks a lot.

Thats not really unusual? Cepath asked again.

Well.. She speaks to herself Or dead people, as she claims.

Im not really surprised after Serafine. Aitken said.

In any case, we will meet them and they might know something, right? Flasor asked.

Yes, they might have information. If not, then we will have to improvise the rest. Aitken said. Its
worth a shot though.

The party approached the capital after several days of travelling. It was huge, with thick stone walls and
a large gate manned with tens of guards carrying chainmail and large swords, checking every single
person entering.

Were never getting in. Flasor said.

We will just need to sneak in. Aitken said. Over the wall, tonight.

How do you propose we do this? Cepath said.

Ah, you dont climb so well Flasor can carry you?

Heh, you just want to carry Rosedriah. Cepath laughed.

Ah, Ill go through the gate in disguise. Rosedriah said.

You sure itll work? Aitken asked.

Better than climbing walls She answered


Thanks for reading!

Chapter 22 - How to meet a half-angel

Author's note

We're entering the final stretch. Soon our adventure will come to and end. Yes, you can all start picking
up on the criticism so I can get better for the next one I'll make!

Word count

This chapter:1866

Total: 43406

NaNoWriMo target for the 26th: 43333

Indeed, during broad daylight, Rosedriah waltzed right through the gate with nothing but a different
hairstyle and some old rags she brought along.

Aitken sighed. Being a human was so much easier.

So how are we going to cross that wall? Flasor asked.

We have to wait. Three demons inside of the walls are sure to cause problems if spotted. Aitken

Aitken sat down on the ground, staring at the capital in the distance.

I wonder what Rose is going to do in all that time.

Probably find the two witches. Flasor answered.

Rosedriah approached the gate.

Halt! A guard covered in gray chainmail said, as a drip of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Who are you, where do you hail from and what is your purpose?

I am Rose, a farmers daughter from Crullfield. I am here to buy crops for the next harvest.

This early?

Were harvesting soon, sir, its by no means early.

Hmmm I could show you around town, maybe we could You know Get to know each other.

The guard next to him smacked him with the back of his halberd. Its not the time to pick up girls now.
Were on the lookout for those witch scum, seeking to poison our wells and eat our children in their

Thats why it makes sense to make some new babies, right? The first guard said with a big grin.

The first guard received another jab from the blunt end of the halberd.

Just ignore him and move along, maam. The second guard said.

Rosedriah walked inside, smirking slightly behind their backs.

She walked onto the crowded street, and she continued walking to the end of the street, arriving at the
large church, at least a hundred paces tall and as many wide. It was a huge area, with green areas in
front and in the back of the church. The large, black pointy-ended fence went all the way around the

Rosedriah grabbed the handle and pushed the metal gate open, closing it behind her and continuing
through the large wooden gate, directing her into the church itself.

Have you come for soup? A white haired priest, wearing a similarly white robe and a kind smile asked
her. I have come to give thanks to the light, for letting me pass the wilderness in peace.

Certanly. Take your time. The priest in a white robe said.

Rosedriah placed herself near the wall, furthest away from the platform of the priest.

She put her right hand over her heart, and bent her neck.

She stood like this for a long time. The priest came by.

Miss? Anything the matter?

Ah, Im sorry, Im not done yet.

Thats understandable. The church needs more dedication as of late. Take your time. the priest smiled
again, and walked back to his duties.

Another while passed by, the sun rose and lowered again. The day started darkening soon outside.

Hey. A lady with long blonde hair said.

Hi. Rosedriah responded. Its been a while.

Come along, Ill show you to my grandfather's place. The blond lady said.

Thank you, ive been waiting for you Do you want to share a prayer first? Rosedriah responded.

The blonde lady nodded, and after a short time putting the hand on the chest and bending the head in
silence, they both left the church.

The blonde lady quietly walked around town, and Rosedriah tagged along.

Were here. The blonde lady said as they entered a small wooden shack.

Cast the spell. The blonde lady said to a black-robed woman with fiery orange hair.
Hang on, Ill get back to you. The orange haired lady motioned into the air, turning her attention to

Let there be silence! The orange haired lady said. So, Melusina, which of the two is it? The old wrinkly
one or the young black-haired one?

Melusina sighed. Maura, its the one thats not a ghost Lets just get on with this.

Melusina grabbed Rosedriahs arm, pulling her along.

Ah, wait! Rosedriah protested.

Sit! Melusina threw Rosedriah into a chair.

Uf! Rosedriah exclaimed and immediately had a chain crudely wrapped around her stomach and arms
from Maura behind her.

Melusina dropped her dark robe and revealed a red and black, gothic corset with somewhat
mismatched long black pants, as one would sooner expect a skirt. She put her foot on the armrest of the
chair, leaning forwards, yet tilting her head backwards, looking down on Rosedriah. Who are you,
where are you from? Why have you come here? What do you know about us? Do you know who we
are? Any idea who youre messing with, huh?

Woah woah, one question at a time Rosedriah said.

You little punk, youre not in charge here! Melusina almost yelled at her face.

How about a welcome back. Melusina? Rosedriah said. or how about I havent seen you since

Melusina frowned. Youre full of crap. Were getting the nine-tailed, see if you wanna talk then.

Ah Hold up! Rosedriah said.

Thats too late. Maura said with a much more timid voice. Shes getting the cat, now.

Youre kidding me. Maura, punch some sense into her head.

Maura shook her head. Cant. They know They know everything They can even look like your best
friends Theres nothing you can do.

Maura, youre talking crazy!

That was to him. She pointed into the air next to her.
Rosedriah rustled with the chains, trying to slip out.

Where do you think youre going, Priestess? Melusina said.

Okay, Ill tell you. Im the grey witch, Rosedriah. Ive come here for information on taking down the
half-angel known as Ramiel.

Melusina grabbed all nine ends of the whip and pulled it, forcing a twoing sound from the whip.

Melusina, we were sitting next to each other on the last Black sabbath Well, I guess its the second
last now We talked about your new broom?

Melusina suddenly changed her expression. Ah, it really is you, Rosedriah. she said cheerfully, as she
threw the nine-tailed whip over her shoulder. You could have said that from the start!

Said what?

Something only a member of the cult would know. She said with a smile. Lets get out outta that.

It would be appreciated. Rosedriah said.

Moments later Rosedriah stood up. You do that to everybody?

Cant be too careful around these parts, they have a whole lot of tricks and clever disguises up their
sleeves. Melusina said.

So, Violet, why have you come?


Yea, your pendant. So, answer me.

Rosedriah sighed. Okay, look, as I said, I need info on how to take down Ramiel.

But w-we dont have-. Maura said.

We know how to make it happen. Melusina said. We just gotta get in ere and snatch her.

Ive got a few allies with me, as well. Rosedriah said. Theyre currently outside town.

Then lets go see them, its dusk anyway. Melusina said as she grabbed a black broom and opened the
door out. Pssh, theyll be able to hear us out here.
Here, put this on.

Rosedriah looked at it. A belt with a strap in the back? Rosedriah looked at the broom, to witch the
belt was fastened. No. No way. Im not going to act as living cargo for your broom.

Awh, thats too bad. I guess youll have to hop on. Maura, keep the base secure, aight?

Rosedriah placed herself behind Melusina. This is rather uncomfortable with a dress.

Relax, not like youre wearing panties under there. Just hold on tight.

Rosedriah grabbed onto Melusinas shoulders with her hands.

If you want to fall off, you should have put on the belt. Melusina said teasingly.

Rosedriah latched onto melusina with both arms wrapped around her chest.

Thats better. Hold on tight, were taking off.

Rosedriah felt the sheer force from the acceleration in her face - she mustve looked like someone who
was hit by a frying pan, as she felt her skin stretch and she barely hung onto Melusina.

Ah, here we are. So where are your friends? Melusina said, looking down through the cloud.

Rosedriahs fingers started tingling, as she saw the city far, far below her. She wanted to latch onto her
pendant, but couldnt due to holding on tightly. They should be down there. Rosedriah carefully
pointed, but quickly latched onto Melusina again.

Yeah, I see them. Hold on, this is gonna be fast.

Rosedriah clenched tighter around Melusina, as melusina pointed the broom at an angle downwards.
This is gonna be fun!


Their hair fluttered as the broom shot towards the three demons faster than a crossbow bolt.

Here we are. Oh... Its all demons. I thought a neutral like you, would have at least one good looking
guy in the lot, Alas, I got my hopes up for nothing.

Rosedriah got off the broom, a little shaken. I found them.

I can see that. Aitken said. Did they have what we need?
Nah, we gotta do a little kidnapping first. Melusina said.

Who are we going to kidnap? Aitken asked.

Sure as heck not a talking imp.

Whats that got to d-

You sure this guys not a spy? Melusina asked.

Yes, Im certain. Rosedriah said.

I shouldnt bring the nine tailed just to be sure?

I would appreciate it if you didnt go about threatening me with a whip while wearing a corset.

Oh, okay. Can I borrow your dress, Violet?

Aitken sighed. Look, lets just abduct this person we need to ask about Ramiel, okay?

Its just a heavily guarded paladin in training And, well.. We dont need to ask her anything We will
abduct her and leave a note Ramiels got a girlfriend, this will be his downfall.

Were kidnapping his girlfriend and leaving a note that she wishes to see him alone at a romantic
spot? Aitken asked in surprise. Im starting to doubt were the good guys.

Hey, Im from the cult. I dont know about you guys, but I had no illusion an organization called the cult
of shadows would be the good guys. Melusina said with a slight smirk on her face.

So how do we get to this lady? Aitken asked.

Well fly in there, I can carry two people and one of you shorities. Im guessing itll be the talking one
and the two of us witches Melusina responded. The lady should be in the garden behind the church,
shes taking an evening stroll. Its a great time to go for her right now.

Then what are we waiting for? Aitken said.

Rosedriah took a deep breath and put herself onto the broom behind Melusina.

Here, put this on. Violent cant hold you both.

Aitken looked at it. Its a belt with a string attached to the broom? Thats odd.

Put it on, or get left behind.

Aitken hesitated, but put it around his waist regardless.

Hold on tight, were going in. Melusina said with a grin.

The wind whipped by and Aitken started feeling nauseous as he was dangling behind the speedy broom,
suddenly stopping just to be looking down on the garden from above the clouds.

See her? Lets get this started.


Thanks for reading!

Chapter 23 - Silence before the storm

Author's note

Word count

This chapter:1666

Total: 45072

NaNoWriMo target for the 27th: 45000

Rosedriah goes on the right, Youll take the back, Imp. Ill take the right - she wont have a chance.
Melusina said. Going down, hold tight

Aitken felt gravity shift as he was forcibly pulled upwards, yet dragged down by the belt. The wind
howled around his wings, and the ground got nearer a bit faster than he was comfortable with. The
curve straightened, and Aitken detached the belt and levitated down towards the female paladin.

In the blink of an eye, the paladin was surrounded by Aitken, Melusina and Rosedriah.

The paladin calmly looked around, putting a hand on the still sheathed sword.

She turned to look at Aitken, and her expression changed.

Akane? Akane, is that you? Aitken said, with wide eyes from shock.

You. Her stare turned ice cold.

Akane, Im Aitken! Im your brother.

Her nose wrinkled and her eyes glared at Aitken. Do not invoke his name, demon scum! she yelled in a
fury, as she unsheathed her sword.

Akane, the church of light is spreading a plague, they killed our parents! You cant stay here.

Hold your tongue! Ramiel would never do that. The time for words is over. Ramiel, In the name of the
light, Ill borrow your strength. Her sword started glowing pure crystal white and she swung a heavy
blow towards Aitken. He leapt backwards and grabbed a large rock with the still intact hand. Akane!
Dont aid those who killed mother.

She lashed out at Aitken again, yet this time Rosedriah and Melusina were prepared. Rosedriah jumped
forwards, lashing at Akane, who noticed and dodged. Yet, Melusina was already on her broom.

Woosh! Like a railgun, she shot herself towards Akane, and turned in the last second. The end of the
broom struck Akane in the face, knocking her over.

Almost instantly, Rosedriah turned her sword towards Akane. Surrender.

Akane glared, and kicked Rosedriahs sword away, rolling a bit away, getting up.

With all the power she could muster, she yelled. Witches here! Aid me!

In the matter of mere seconds, the phrase Witches are attacking in the garden! spread throughout the
entire area.

Aitken grit his teeth and looked at his severed fingers on the right hand. Akane, last chance. Surrender
or Ill have to make you.
Melusina flew by once more, but Akane wasnt taken off guard, she managed to dodge.

Rosedriah stabbed her blade forwards, but Akane dodged backwards.

Metallic boots shook the ground as a small army of paladins and trainees rushed to Akanes aid.

Abort! Were outmatched. Melusina said as she missed the second time.

We have to get her! Aitken yelled back.

It wont work, they already know about it! Forget about it, we will find another way!

No. Aitken slammed the rock into the stub around his fingers. Blood started pouring from the barely
healed wounds. He quickly peeked behind him - the guards were naught but ten steps away. Rosedriah
swung her sword at Akane, who dodged.

Aitken threw the rock with all his might towards where Akanes head would be.

Akane was struck in the back of her head, and staggered forwards.

In the meantime Melusina flew by, attaching the belt loosely around Akane.

Woosh! she flew by with mighty speed, dragging Akane behind her, grabbing Rosedriah on the way.

No choice! Drop her off somewhere and return. Go! Aitken howled as he pointed his bleeding hand at
the paladins. Flames of Damnation!

Like a flamethrower, a huge jet of flames shot out of Aitkens hand. The paladins backed off from the
flames, hesitating. Get the shields! a strong male voice yelled, as a troop of paladins with huge full-
body shields formed a defensive wall, moving forward.

Aitken backed off but kept shooting fire.

Flank him!

Aitken darted backwards as fast as he could while shooting fire, yet to no avail. The guards quickly
surrounded him as they ran around him in the side he didnt shoot fire at.

They circled around him, forming a defensive wall all the way around him, moving wherever he didnt
shoot. They approached rapidly. - 20 steps 15 steps..

Aitken looked at his severed tail and grit his teeth. Thisll hurt like hell.

His left arm and tail converged on a single point.


Blood dripped from his tail.


A jet from the tail sprung forth.

10 steps Grr More flames!

The flames intensified, yet the paladins kept approaching. 7 steps.

Theyll reach me at 3 steps.. Im going to die.


Aitken leapt into the air, flapping his one and a half wing, shooting flames over the shields.

Raise the shields, cut off his landing.

Almost in an instant, shields with swords and spears raised between them replaced his safe spot on the

He basked with his wings in sheer desperation while shooting jets of flames downwards - the floor was
transformed to a row of deadly blades.

I can almost hold me up.. A bit more! More!

Shoot him!

Aitken saw a handful of guards scatter out, drawing bows and throwing spears.

Aitken basked with all his might, and the spears and arrows came flying through the air.

Time slowed down as Aitken let out a loud, primal, demonic howl. The flames extinguished and the
arrows were three-quarters of the way to skewering him, striking in but a second. Additionally, Aitkens
feet went inside the range for the longest pikes to stab him, and they lowered, about to impale him
from the bottom up.

The air rippled around a broom and a rider that flew by with incredible haste, snatching Aitkens tail in
the process.

A cracking sound resounded as Aitken was forcibly accelerated by the tail, narrowly escaping the arrows.

AAAHH!! A howl of sheer pain was let out from Aitken, as the bones in his tail disconnected, pulling
him in the flesh of the tail itself.

Melusina shot by, flying directly to the hideout.

She landed, and put Aitken down.

GAH! My tail! Aitken looked back at his limb tail.

I had to do it. Melusina said. Only way to save you. Well patch it up inside, come along.

They went inside, and Akane was tied up in the very chair Rosedriah had been pushed into, semi-gagged
with a piece of cloth around her mouth.
Aitken looked at Akane with worry.

Aitken, Violet will get you patched up.

Aitken lifted an eyebrow. Violet?

Thats me. Rosedriah said, as she grabbed a stick and some loose cloth, and started tying it around
Aitkens tail.

Youre in pretty bad shape, sure you can do this? Melusina said.

No, but thats not an option. Aitken said as his face twisted in pain.

Maura, you done?

Maura nodded and held a stack of papers up. The notes are all here, now we just need a fly-by and a
trap to spring.

MMmfgg Mffhhh Akane said, glaring at Melusina.

Lets get everything ready for the final showdown. Melusina said. Ill inform Glinda and move the girl.
Maura, youre with me this time, Ill take the two others after moving the hostage and the two demons
outside the walls. Just tryn get him fixed up as well as you can in the meantime.

Melusina and Maura put a strap around the chains binding Akane, and slowly dragged her outside.
Taking off, hold tight.


Rosedriah wrapped a bandage around Aitkens still bleeding tail.

Youre pretty battered I kind of wish it didnt have to come to that all the time.

Aitken shrugged with a slight smile. Gotta do what you gotta do.

Yeah. Its just She sighed, silencing herself.

You know, Aitken sometimes I wish you werent a demon.

Aitken pulled his lips into a crooked, but less-than-happy smile.

I would have wanted that too. he said. But we gotta play the cards were dealt, as father always
Rosedriah sighed. Yes, lets focus on the upcoming battle instead. We will take it from there when
were done.

Aitken nodded a few times. Lets.

Lets get this bandage on your hand Oh, and theres a blade laying around here somewhere you can
use - seeing how you went in completely unarmed the last time. She searched a few places and found a
longsword, it wasnt anything spectacular but it looked sturdy.

Thisll be your weapon, for our one last fight. She said.

Aitken nodded, and put the sword in the sheath, attaching it to his right side.

You know, Rose For what its worth, Im sorry I smacked you in the face the day we met. Aitken said.

Dont be, Things turned out okay between us regardless perhaps it may have been for the better.
Rosedriah responded.

Aitken felt a lump in his throat. Look, whatever you do out there, Rose Promise me you wont die.

Rosedriah opened her eyes in surprise, then she smiled. It wasnt the kinda smile youd give a stranger -
it was a smile directly from the heart. Yeah You too, Aitken. Dont die.

They gazed into each other's eyes for a while, before Rosedriah broke the eye contact. What about
your sister?

Aitken sighed. Ill talk some sense into her after all this is over. Lets just focus on surviving this first.

Rosedriah nodded slowly. Okay I guess were ready Lets head outside, she will be here any

They walked outside, and looked up in the sky.

This Its so tranquil right nowBut Itll soon be raining fire and death The final battle is near
Rosedriah said.

The winds picked up and after a moment, Melusina arrived on her broom. Ready?

They both nodded.

Then hop on.

That actually works without a strap? Aitken asked.

Melusina grinned. Sorry, but I couldnt resist having you dangling behind. The magic pushes those who
sit on the broom forwards, not just the broom. The pull is rather neglectable because of this. Thats how
I could pull you by the tail without falling off - my arm was propelled by my magic.

Aitken sighed. Youre quite the scumbag, leaving me dangling there.

Youre welcome.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 24 - IMPrinting [End]

Author's note

I couldn't find a place to split the chapter - so the final chapter will be a 5279 words monster.

This is the final chapter. Remember to criticize the heck out of me - You will gain nothing from not doing
this, but at the very least you'll have a shot at reading better novels in the future if you hit me up with
every single point you felt was odd, bad or plain horrible. I'm not soft skinned, give me all you've got so I
can rewrite this into an actually good piece of fiction.

Oh, and I'm perfectly aware I butchered "Show don't tell" and grammar, thought you are still extremely
welcome to tell me this once more, if you feel like it!

That's it. Enjoy the final chapter, it's been fun having you all along.

Word count

This chapter: 5279

Total: 50351

NaNoWriMo target for NaNoWriMo: 50000 words


The wind whipped by the broom as they shot through the air, passing over the city and beyond the
forest. Where are we headed? Aitken yelled.

Huh? Melusina responded.

I said: Where are we headed? He repeated, slower and louder than before.
To the swarmp beyond hope she yelled back.

Indeed, after a while of flying, a dense forest appeared in the distance - the leaves were as dark as a
moonless midnight, the faint sun was completely blocked out, and the vast area was flooded by dark-
green water. The trees crooked and twisted around, appearing like their only wish would be to snatch
up and consume any who venture close to them.

We will have to go by foot, I cant land through the trees Melusina yelled as she turned the broom

They landed at what seemed an artificial entrance to the swamp - tree had been cleared and a wide
wooden bridge had been raised. Far in the distance a town of sorts could be seen. The town was placed
on top of the watery swamp, with several large wooden stakes holding each and every house a mans
height above the water. The crude wooden houses had already sunk in several places, making the
houses look like they were about to fall into the swamp, forever lost to time.

So this bridge, where ten men could stand shoulder to shoulder, is going to be the place of our final
battle? Shouldnt we have picked somewhere more tactically advantageous? Aikten asked.

Rosedriah smiled. This is home. Cant you feel it, in the air?

Aitken took a deep breath. N-... Wait, magic? Lots of it.

Indeed Melusina said. Theres a reason this swamp is the birthplace of most witches. The magic is
strong here, we will take on the paladins with our full force, risking our very existence

And after the massacre, they will be cocky enough come. Rosedriah chirped in.

Aitken looked at the trees next to the path, men and women, witches, acolytes and demons were
working together. Faster! They will be here soon, we have no time to waste. Glinda yelled.

Glinda, I got the last two. How can we help? Melusina yelled.

Glinda eyed the three up and down. Hop on your broom and help us out. The other two of you can go
to the white witch in town, she will fix you up before fighting. You look like you need that and we will
need every ounce of your strength.

Aitken nodded and headed for town with Rosedriah. On the way to town Cepath and Flasor were
moving logs.

Whats that for? Aitken asked.

Aitken? You look pretty battered Broken tail? Howre you going to fight like that? Flasor asked.
I have no choice But theres a white witch that may be able to fix me up. He shrugged.

if not, then lets just hope the traps will do the fighting for us. Glinda is thorough with the
preparations. Flasor said.

That sounds a bit optimistic Cepath replied.

Well, theyve got a lot of fighters, I sure wouldnt want to fight all of them without a few tricks up our
sleeve. Flasor said.

Right, so lets get them their logs so they can make those tricks. Cepath said as he walked down the
wooden bridge.

Aitken looked at Rosedriah. We should get going too.

Welcome. Lets get that tail fixed, shall we? A hunched and wrinkled woman said. She had a large nose
and warts in her face, her cane tapped multiple times as her tiny steps led her over to Aitken.

Uhm Well, can you fix it?

She pulled up the tail. Hmm I see the problem No, theres and there She moved her hand over
the tail, feeling the bones.

Hmmm.. Missing fingers, missing part of tail - which is also damaged in most of the joints Missing part
of the wing, cut horn Well, at least your toes are still intact.

So what can you do?

I could fix it, but itll take a while Quite a while.

We have maybe a day.

Hmmmm.. Ill try to do it, we need all the manpower we can get. Here, drink this, this and this Ill rub
this on there, then Ill throw spells and put this and this seal on there. She found several huge flasks,
each containing liquid equivalent to an entire jug, as well as several gems, stones, papers and salves.

Ill try my best, your limbs should be recovered tomorrow.

You can do that? Aitken said, frowning. Well, I can Today. Theres a small sacrifice Ill have to make,
otherwise the magic wont be strong enough Its of no consequence to you, however.

She started her complicated rituals, application of salve, chanting and generally putting gems, stones
and other effects on Aitken.
In between two rituals the white witch looks at Rosedriah. You can stay the night, in the bed right over
there. she pointed at a bed only separated from Aitkens by a table.

After several more hours of chanting and rituals, the white witch walked off. Its done. Im out of magic
for now. We will wait and see till tomorrow if it worked.

Rosedriah and Aitken stared at each other for a moment in silence. You think we have a chance
tomorrow? Rosedriah asked.

Yes, with all the preparations theyre doing, it has to work.

Rosedriah sighed. I wouldnt be so sure, it looks like the cult took a heavy blow at the black sabbath.

But we will simply have to use what we have to the best of our abilities.

Rosedriah nodded. Yes, I hope it works out. Lets get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be one heck of a

Aitken nodded quietly, and Rosedriah put herself on the bed next to Aitken, still wearing her dress.

Time to get up. The white witch announced.

Aitken looked around groggy eyed. Huh? Wheres-

Shes already out there. You should go as well, the paladins have been spotted on the horizon.

Ah! Aitken yelled, as he sat up. He looked at his hand, which had grown the fingers back. Wh-.. How
is this possible?

With all my skills, I can make a few limbs grow back overnight. You havent ever seen a witch without
her limbs, but you really dont think none of them had ever lost one in a fight, did you?

Ah... that... I hadnt thought of it.

Glinda Hart of nightmares is a hardened veteran from before the twenty first black sabbath, even if she
doesnt look like it. She lost an eye and an arm that day, before escaping Well, no matter. You have
preparations to do, Aitken of words and flames.

Aitken flinched before nodding. Right. Ill get going. Thank you for your help.

Hold up, youngster. Your battle armour and a silver blade as well as a shield is ready for you right in
here. She opened a door, and Aitken entered.
Indeed, his black armour was fully restored and waiting for him. A shiny silvery long blade was ready for
him, not unlike the swords some witches had. A large shield, almost covering himself from top to toe
was ready as well. Aitken wriggled his tail and put on the equipment. I am ready.

He walked outside, to see imps and acolytes in full metal armour, carrying large shields and long spears.

Glinda hart was standing in front of them, facing the crowd. Witches, demons and followers, the
paladin fanatics have come knocking on our door, seeking to destroy our very cradle of existence.
Whats worse, even if we decided run, their new plague will find us and kill us. We are standing at the
end of the line, we have two options; Win or perish. Defeat would mean there will be only death and
destruction, not only on us, but everything and everyone we hold dear and everyone we have ever

She took a deep breath to let the line sink in.

But today, we will not lose. They have come knocking on our door - our home. In our home, nobody,
not even the wrath of a mad half-angel and his brainwashed fanatic followers can intimidate us, which
means theres no way they can win a fight against us! She raised an arm with a large silver blade in it.
Today, we will show the world we are not going to lay down and die. Today, we will show the world
what it means to assault and kill witches on the black sabbath.

She picked up her voice for the last few lines. For our existence, For the fallen at the black sabbaths and
for our future, lets send them all to damnation!

The crowd roared and those who had spears slammed them into their shields.

Aitken felt his spirit lift a bit, but looked at the path out of the swamp - nothing short of overwhelming
army would describe the sight.

An army - at least three to one stood before them, and in the front was a one-winged angel with a
flaming sword.

Across the bridge, out on the open green in front of the swamp, Ramiel held his flaming sword high, his
speech was almost done.

So I tell you this, today we will destroy the very root of evil! For the light!

The army cheered and walked towards the forest, maintaining the battle formation.

They reached the entrance to the swamp.

Stop Ramiel yelled, and the army stopped.

An armoured man walked up to Ramiel. Sire, we can simply charge them. They stand no chance against
our might.
He looked at the man. Do not underestimate the power of the darkness. We will play it safe, we will
smoke them out.

Light the arrows Ramiel yelled.

a full formation of archers lit their arrows on fire.

Burn the witches! Fire!

A hundred flaming arrows darted towards the swamp.

Do not worry, the recent rain means theres no way they can light it on fire Glinda howled.

Indeed, the arrows rained fire onto the swamp, but no trees were lit on fire.

Instead, several smaller fires started over the water.

It is the will o the wisps. They have answered our call. They cant hope to best us! Maura yelled.

The army of the cult slammed their shields and weapons together.

Sire, it has been raining, we cant light it on fire.

Thank you, I can see this. Ramiel answered the armoured man. Archers, shoot for the unshielded
witches. Paladins, move out

Arrows rained over the town in the swamp, yet the witches hid under shields from nearby demons - this
was already planned. As such, very few casualties were sustained.

Shoot back, witches!

Magic in all the colours of the rainbows rained down upon the archers, who scrambled for cover.

Attack! Ramiel yelled, and an overwhelming force of paladins and trainees, holy warriors and pilgrims
ran onto the bridge.

Phalanx formation, imps on shoulders Glinda yelled.

A formation of warriors with large shields and spears lined up at the end of the bridge, each had a
second set of shield and spears on top due to imps on their shoulders, shielding their heads from
arrows, and providing a second set of deadly spears.

Around a quarter of the paladin army fit on the long bridge, and they reached the wall of spears,
resulting in the blood of paladins seeping down onto the bridge, and into the water itself.
Traps! Glinda howled.

Large logs flew down sideways, slamming paladins from the bridge into the swamp, the logs got cut
down along the way to crush those who fell into the swamp.

Those who dodged, stand and fight! use the holy blades to crush those wi-


The entire entrance piece of the bridge blew up in a large explosion, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

Why did it go off early?! Glinda howled.

A fallen warrior must have crushed a vial. In any case, we have wiped over a quarter of their fighters.
They should be beaten back for now. A demon answered.

Glinda hesitated. Prepare for the next assault, this will be a dragged out battle.

The warriors of darkness turned their backs on the paladins and went to prepare more traps.

On the other side of the swamp, Ramiel yelled. We will make a way to cross the water. Start chopping
down wood.. Archers, prepare for raining death.

Ramiel himself drew a bow, and the arrow glowed golden. Glinda, dont turn your back on the enemy

A rain of arrows flew towards the disorganized witches and demons. They scrambled for shields or

A glowing golden arrow made its way towards Glinda, who put up a hand and shot a bolt of pure

She smirked. You cant possibly hope to get me with something as simple as an arr-

The golden arrow flew past the bolt of darkness, and directly into Glindas right upper chest. The rest of
her sentence was a cough of blood.

Glinda! Rosedriah yelled, as she ran towards her.

Return fire, do not become disorganized. Get those shields up! Aitken howled with the full power of
his lungs.
For a moment, the entire army of darkness was frozen, staring at Glinda, but Aitkens words reached
them, and they grasped for their shields, and returned a stream of magic appearing like rainbows.

I messed up. Glinda said with blood seeping out of her mouth, as Rosedriah held her.

Lets bring her to the white witch, an arrow to the lung is not necessarily fatal. Cepath said.

He, Flasor and Rosedriah carried the wounded Glinda hart into the hut of the white witch.

Do not worry, I will take care of her. The white witch responded.

Their leader is down, push the momentum. Destroy the heretics! Ramiel yelled.

This time, Ramiel and the remaining top tier paladins rushed through the swamp water, right behind a
lot of eager trainees.

Stab them in the water, before they crawl onto the bridge Aitken commanded.

The swamp ran red from trainee blood, yet Ramiel approached the bridge fast.

Push through. He calmly said to the remaining elite paladins. Swords glowed, and the first line of
warriors on the bridge was cleaved down, and the elite paladins crawled up the bridge.

Witches, attack! Aitken yelled as he himself jumped into the fray. He came face to face with a paladin
carrying a large axe and a bastard sword. I am Esteban the relentless, fourth strongest paladin. Die,
talking demon!

Aitken dodged a powerful blow from both hands. The blow made a hole in the wooden bridge.

Aitken wrapped his tail around Estebans arm, and used the momentum from the brute lifting his arms
to fling himself upwards. With a little help from flapping the wings, Aitken slammed his sword down into
the helmet of the warrior.


Heh, puny demon!

Aitken leapt backwards as another part of the bridge was smashed to pieces.

A glint appeared in Aitkens eye, as he dashed around the warrior.

Another piece of bridge was trashed.

Aitken smirked as he ran towards another spot.

Aitken heard a sound from behind, and he turned his head as the glowing blade of a paladin thundered
towards his back.


Rosedriah had arrived, putting up her silvery sword in his defence. I told you not to die, Aitken. I wasnt
kidding. she said with grit teeth, as she pushed the paladin back.

Aitken turned around as a pair of large weapons flew towards him from Esteban. Aitken leapt sideways,
landing on the stomach and the weapons trashed down onto the bridge. Esteban smiled and lifted his
weapons again, as Aitken was getting up.

Crack crack

The segment of bridge collapsed under Esteban, and he fell into the swamp he himself had smashed a
hole for.

Aitken slit his left hand with his sword and pointed down at Esteban.

As Aitken gathered energy, he felt the energy of the area.

Like the exhaust of a rocket, Esteban was grilled by a jet of flames and a lot of steam. Aitken turned
around and saw Rosedriah delivering the final blow to the paladin who had tried to backstab Aitken.

Rose, glad youre here. Aitken said, and she nodded in response. Lets go for the big fish.

Aitken and Rosedriah hurried behind their own lines, scouting for problematic areas. They saw a paladin
with glowing sword, chopping down an imp and a reanimated paladin in one swoop.

Aitken! Cepath yelled.

Cepath, were hunting the twelve! On me!

Cepath hurried towards Aitken and Rosedriah.

The voice of Serafine echoed throughout the arena. Aitken, Ive got Akane. Face me or she dies!

Aitkens face twisted. Take down this guy, I have to go! Aitken said to Cepath and Rosedriah as he ran
towards the back of the town.
Aitken, whyre you all the way back here with the rangers? Flasors eyes grew wide.

Flasor, I need you. Its Serafine Shes threatening Akane.

Akane? Flasor asked as he hurried along.

I honestly have no idea how she knew Akane is related to me. Aitken responded as he arrived in front
of a large hut, just outside the battlefield. But she might just think its our trump card shes destroying.

An old and wrinkled woman with toxic green skin and a large wart on the oversized nose waited for
Aitken in front of the town hall. Next to her stood a reanimated paladin with a sword pressed firmly
against the chained Akanes throat.

Serafine, we need you to crush the church of light, we are not your enemies.

Serafine laughed He - he - heeh. I never had any intentions of dancing after your pipe. You will fight me,
or your sister will be lost to the grim reaper.

Ive got a church to fight, cant you take your aggressions out on those?

Serafine laughed menacingly. Im no ally of yours.

Aitken grit his teeth. Traitor. Then come at me, I have precious little time to waste on you.

Now, now, dont be in such a hurry. The main guest didnt arrive yet.

Aitken frowned. He looked towards the battle and saw a one-winged angel leaving a trail of blood and
corpses in his wake.

Hes coming here? Aitkens eyes grew wide.

Of course, he wishes to save his damsel in distress Serafine cackled.

Ramiel stopped ten steps away from Serafine.

You heretics dare to threaten her in this manner? Ramiel almost spat out with disgust.

Two leaders, both seeking the life of a girl. Can they unite despite their differences? Serafine said.

Aitken looked over at Ramiel, and Ramiel looked at him.

Why would a kidnapper wish for her not to die? Ramiel asked.

Cant you feel it in his soul? In life, he was her older brother. The witch smirked.
Akanes eyes grew wide.

Liar. Ramiel said, as he charged towards her, with the sword glowing.

Aitken dashed towards Serafine as well.

Kill her. Serafine commanded the undead

At the same time, Aitken sent his blade flying and Ramiel sent a shockwave of light. Aitkens blade
penetrated the skull of the undead, It loosened its grip before getting turned to dust by Ramiels blast.

Ramiel quickly rushed to Akane and cut her free.

Ramiel. She said.

As Aitken approached, Ramiel pointed his sword. The sword glowed, and the air rippled as another blast
of light flew towards Aitken.

I cant make it in time to dodge!

He threw himself sideways, but the bolt arrived faster.

A blast of fire struck Aitken in the side, while the fire didnt touch him, the inertia was similar to a
friendly push - just out of harms way.

Flasor nodded as Aitken looked back. Ive got your back.

Ramiel shifted where he pointed his sword, and he now aimed at Flasor.

Aitken looked at Ramiel, there was no way he could reach Ramiel in time by foot to save Flasor. He
looked at his only real weapon - his claws.


Who needs a little finger anyway?

Aitken clawed his own little finger off in an instant and tossed it at Ramiel.

Ramiel was struck in the face by a severed imp-little finger. Confusion showed on his face in that brief

A fireball shot out of the severed finger, resulting in a large explosion, pushing Ramiel backwards.
Get back, Flasor! Aitken yelled.

Youre self-detonating your limbs? Crazy imp! Ramiel yelled.

A bolt of shadow was shot at Aitken, and he narrowly dodged.

You really are an interesting one. Serafine said. I didnt even hit you.

Aitken dashed towards Serafine. Traitor!

Serafine pointed her index finger at Aitken, and darkness gathered in front of it.

Aitken flapped his wings with all his might.

The bolt flew towards him.

Aitken changed his direction with the wings - he barrel rolled mid-air, dodging the bolt.

Die, witch! Aitken yelled as he clawed her relentlessly, slamming into her. She fell to the ground and
he kept on clawing her.

Ive got you now! Ramiel yelled as he pointed his sword at Serafine and Aitken.

Aitken looked behind him, preparing to try to dodge in time from a sitting position.

The sword glowed and as the bolt started appearing, Akane kicked the blade. The bolt rippled through
the air and made a hole through the bridge next to Aitken.

Akane Aitken said, as he jumped to his feet in anticipating of a second bolt soon to come.

Akane?! Ramiel said.

Ramiel. Ive heard you are responsible for the plague. She said.

Its specifically made to kill all evil. You of everyone should understand!

My family died to the plague. I was told the cult of darkness made it But i heard differently as well. At
first I didnt believe that the church of light would do such a thing But now, with confirmation this
demon is the reincarnation of my brother Aitken...

Ramiels eyes shot up. Youre from Dragonsbreath? Youre a cultist No, Akane he backed off slowly.
It cant be You cant be.

You are all demons! Every one of you! A golden glowing, semi-transparent wing shot out of the back
of Ramiel, replacing the missing wing. His eyes shifted character. Ill smite them all and get you back,
Akane. They have brainwashed you.

He lifted his sword.


Aitken ran forwards as a lighting-fast blade came from behind.

Ramiel looked over at Flasor.

Cepath started running towards Flasor.

No, Flasor! dodge!


Cepath had thrown himself into Flasor, knocking him to the ground. In return, Cepath was cut in two.

Im coming home, Ieleasa Cepath said, before his eyes turned matte.

No! Cepath! Aitken howled with fury in his voice as he darted towards Ramiel.

Ramiels sword glowed, and a bolt flew towards Aitken.

Aitken narrowly dodged the bolt, but approached Ramiel fast.

Aitken! Rosedriah said as she threw her sword.

Aitken grabbed it and rammed into Ramiels sword.


Aitken! Rosedriah yelled a second time, from the other side. An identical, but cracked sword came

Finish it!

Aitken grabbed the sword and immediately stabbed it into Ramiel, who dodged sideways receiving the
sword through the lower part of the shoulder.

Ramiel smiled, as his sword glowed and it slowly melted through Aitkens borrowed blade.

Aitken looked at a sword pointing through his chest.

Im already dead.


Aitken neither felt, nor heard any more. He put his claws onto Ramiels shoulders and pushed himself all
the way in.

Aitken mouthed a word. Die

The hole in his chest started leaking purple flames.

Ramiels face was painted with horror as he tried to pull away, but the claws were fixed in his shoulders.

Crazy bastard! Ramiel howled as a column of purple flames shot into the stratosphere, engulfing both
of them.

Rosedriah looked at the charred remains, and tears streamed down her face.

Tunnel visioned, she staggered towards Aitkens ashes.

A howl of frustration came from elsewhere. Time cant be changed! Its impossible! Everything already
happened, no matter what I do.

Rosedriah put her hand into the ashes. She felt a pendant.

No! the voice that had complained before yelled. Its not stable! Dont!

Command Summon.

A puffy blue wave shot out from Rosedriah, swallowing up everybody in the vicinity.

They each saw a large purple eye, before being ejected at random into pictures floating in the air.

Rosedriah opened her eyes. She looked down on the corpse in front of her. It was the corpse of Aitken -
his human corpse. I should keep this from decaying. Its still fresh Then I will save him... this time.
Soulbinding! dark air swirled around the corpse, and a wail from a lost soul was heard. I cast you into
the body of an Imp from Damnation.

She shot the soul into her pendant. Youll be back here again soon, Aitken.

Flasor opened his eyes and stared around. This is Damnation? When did I get here Or rather, when
is now?

He looked around.

Theres no black potatoes here Am I early?

He looked at the half potato he had recovered from when Aitken first allied with Rosedriah. Ill plant
this It must be time travel, otherwise Rosedriah couldnt be there twice I wonder if Im before
Aitken I wonder if I could upset the balance of the world by telling him my name before he met me?

Flasor sighed, and kneeled down, planting the lone half potato.

I will call myself a different name Hmm...Atethukohllaad This way, I can meet him despite coming
from his future. I will have to see every single imp hatchling from now on, but Im sure I will recognize
him when I see him

What Flasor didnt know about was the many, many centuries he would have to wait for that one day to

A demon looked down himself. Im no imp And Im not possessed by a human any longer Now, this
is damnation I will finally, finally get to live my life the way I wanted to Ill become the first king of all

He looked around at the barren black soil, with nothing in sight as far as the eye reached, and smirked.

Rosedriah stood frozen as she looked at the swamp. Im unaffected? She looked over at the sobbing
Akane, pondering what to do.

She stepped towards Akane, and put her hands on Akanes shoulders. We will get your brother back.

Akane looked up at Rosedriah.My brother is dead. My fiance is dead. My entire family is dead Ive got
nothing left.

We will get him back. Rosedriah said, looking into Akanes eyes.

You cant bring back the dead. Everybody knows that. Dont try to comfort me, we were enemies until
a moment ago.

Rosedriah stared at Akane, silently.

I know where his corpse is. Its well preserved due to a spell. I can make this work.

Akane shook her head gently. Its impossible.

Watch me. Rosedriah said as she turned around and walked towards the forest in which Aitkens body
was located.

Akane looked up at Rosedriah, and silently tagged along, tears still running down her cheeks.

Its funny, how your mortal enemy suddenly becomes a friend, perhaps even family. Rosedriah said.

Akane sniffed once and nodded from behind Rosedriah.

Here we are. The forest Its almost poetic. From the ashes of your home, Aitken will stand once

How can you be so confident? Resurrecting the dead - necromancy - will not bring him back. He will be
a hollow shell, forever tied to this reality. It would be better to let his soul into the afterlife And hope
the light will guide him.

Rosedriah shook her head. We I Still need him. Hes coming back, the costs be damned.

Rosedriah pointed. Theres the corpse.

Aitkens body laid on the spot he was put in the first place. He looked peaceful, as if he was merely
Its time to wake him up. Rosedriah said.

Akane stood next to her and stared at the corpse.

Rosedriah fiddled with her pendant with one hand, grabbing her needle with the other.

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab.

The blood seeped down Rosedriahs side.

Arise, Aitken.

The well-preserved corpse moved a finger. Then another, then got to its knees and stood up.


Uuuuuaaaahhhh.. An unearthly moan was let out from Aitkens corpse.

I told you, you shackled my brother to his corpse. Let him rest in peace, cant you see its hurting him?

Command: Free will!

This has to work.

Command: Free! Command: do as you like! Command: Be Aitken.

The corpse let out a second unearthly moan.

Aitken is dead and gone, at least give my brother peace. Akane said persistently, seeming resigned to
having lost her last remaining family, right after getting him back.

It has to work! Rosedriah stabbed herself several more times, blood flying everywhere. Free will!
Resurrection! Live! Be Aitken!

Please Rosedriahs eyes filled with tears. Come back

Akane stared into the ground. I told you, Its impossible No amount of stabbing will change this.

Tiny specks of blood flew everywhere as Rosedriah violently stabbed herself. Come on!

A speck hit Aitkens mouth, and his eyes changed character.

Rose, stop i- iiiiuuuaaaaahhhhhh.

Rosedriah and Akane both looked at Aitken in shock.

Its your blood Akane said, with her jaw hanging down.

Rosedriah looked at the needle, then went over and wiped it in Aitkens mouth, dripping blood onto his

He squeezed his eyes together and opened them. Rose Akane He looked down himself. Whats
going on?

You Youre back Rosedriah said, eyes filling with tears once more - this time not from sadness.

I Ive been gone? Did everyone survive the fight with Ramiel? What about Cepath?

Cepath is dead I honestly dont know about Flasor, I was sent back in time But Im here now, with
you The past cant be changed, but the future is endless.

Rose.. I-... His eyes grew a bit more matte. Im I have this urge for blood.

Rosedriahs eyebrows shot up in surprise. You can feel that?

I His eyes were fixed on Rosedriahs bloody dress.

With almost animalistic desire, Aitken pulled up her dress and put his mouth to her side - at the stream
of blood.


A glow in Aitkens eyes changed his eye color permanently.

He stopped and lowered Rosedriahs dress again.

Im sorry I dont know what happened.

It doesnt matter. You are back now. She smiled.

She looked into his crimson eyes.

I guess this is the price for defying death You will be forced to drink my blood - the seat of my
powers Rosedriah said. But this way, we can be together.

Aitken nodded, and moved closer to Rosedriahs face.

She pulled her head backwards a little bit. Aitken..?

He gently slid his hand down the backside of her head, whispering Im not a demon anymore, Rose.

A slight blush sprung forth in Rosedriahs face, as Aitkens head moved closer still.

Their lips connected, in what felt like an eternity.

Ive loved you for a long time, now. Aitken said.

Rosedriahs blush grew stronger. M-me too

At this time neither of the two knew, but a few years down the line they would be standing in the
largest church in the kingdom - with a priest of light in front of them. Attending, would be the two
founders of the unified organization for magic and religion - an organization made from the fusion of the
church of light and cult of darkness, with the purpose of equality for everyone. Grand paladin Akane and
Grand witch Glinda would congratulate the hero Aitken on his wedding with the Heroine Rosedriah.

The end

Don't forget to leave your unsweetened response for me to grow on! I'll reiterate: I'm not soft skinned, I
wish to improve.

Thanks for reading! Until next time!

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