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Monsters Note

You are in pain for the longest time

I thought I could heal those wounds from your childhood memories
But things turns out that I made it worst.

I thought I can be that hero you are longing for

But I failed, I became the villain in your life
With all the lies and broken promises
I let these wounds be fresh as the crimson blood
Flows down to your numb body and your soul left you behind.

Darkness surrounds you as you think no one cares for you

You let yourself drown in the sea of misery and loneliness
I tried to hold on to you but you dont let me in to your life
And you choose the person you want to be.

And death comes holding you so tight

I came and save you but you dont let me do it
For you said I dont deserve to be save by you coz I dont deserve
The love youre giving me, I am a monster and no one wants me.

You die that night

Without knowing that even you are a monster
You deserve to love and be love by someone who
Wants to take care of you
Wants to love you
And wants to die with you..
- L. R -

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