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(2-3 servings)
cubed paneer 200 gm
halved or quartered button mushrooms 100 gm
quartered baby onions 100 gm
whole dry red chilly 1 or as per taste
slit green chilly for granish
turmeric powder 1 tsp
kashmiri chilly powder 1 tsp
crushed ajwain seeds 1/4 tsp
crushed nigella seeds 1/4 tsp
crushed fennel seeds 1/4 tsp
salt to taste
mustard oil 1 tbsp
lime juice 1 tsp


Make a paste of all the powdered spices in 3 tbsp of

water and keep aside.

Heat oil in a kadhai and tip in the spice paste slowly.

Let it cook till the oil separates, stirring occasionally
for about a minute or so.
Now add the baby onions, mushrooms and paneer in
that order and keep stirring it for a few minutes. The
ingredients do not need much cooking but the spices
should penetrate them, high heat and frequent stirring
does the needful.

Finish with lime juice and slit green chillies, add

coriander greens if using and serve hot or cold. This stir
fry stays well at room temperature for a day and
refrigerates well for a week or so.

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