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Currently student dazed by fullday school at school.

this fullday school's system arranged

since the marks sense K13'S system while Anies Baswedan becomes minister of education.
even though, anies baswedan not in the position again, the fullday school's program still last
even improved. Formerly been made compulsory for all school, now just school that still
want to utilizes it can use the system. As example, the SKS'S method at SMAN4.

for schools who apply the SKS'S learning system, this fullday school's program really backs
up. Students who take 4smstr and 5smstr can more shortemn time that is utilized to study all
lessons of grade 10 until 12 in 2 years.

but at other side, this fullday school's program can give bad impact for mental and the
students physical. students will be stress and sick if back home in evening then given so
many tasks by the teachers so theres no time for rest.before, Saturday was an off day but
now the law erased so the school time is 6 days per week. So it fewer the students time for
rest. This system also take the students time to interact with social, even with their parents.

so in conclusion, full day programs are useful to learn the lessons of school briefly. However,
students must maintain their health by resting as much as possible. Parents also have a role to
pay more attention to their children, by setting aside time to talk with their children about
school. So children can express their emotions have been expressed to her parents. Thereby
reducing the stress experienced by students.

so in conclusion, fullday program bermanfaat untuk mempelajari pelajaran sekolah dengan

singkat. Namun, para siswa pun harus menjaga kesehatan mereka dengan istirahat
semaksimal mungkin. Orang tua pun punya peran untuk lebih memperhatikan anaknya,
dengan menyisihkan waktu luang untuk berbincang dengan anaknya mengenai sekolah. Jadi
anak bisa mengungkapkan uneg-uneg nya ke orang tua. Sehingga mengurangi stress yang
dialami siswa itu.

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