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Host welcome to ................................................ Im your host,Rahayu.

got a hot show for you! Todays topic is Young Enterpreneur. If you
are in a young age, please be advised that the content of todays show
very urgent, I mean its very important for younger viewers. (ketawa)

Our 3 main guests are Robi, Annisa, and Siwi, they are a young
interpreneur. They decide to make own business way. So, let give
applause for our special guest today..

(applause)(guest keluar)(salaman)(dipersilahkan duduk)

Okay, as you see, this topic is pretty cool for teen, Young Enterpreneur .
Now im going to open up the floor of question, let share your business
At the first for you, robi.

Whats your business? Lets tell how you be brave to being young
Robi (hhaha) im being profesional broker in one of populer agent property in
our beloved city,Jember. ...... (ceritakan ttg bgaimana kamu memulai
menjadi broker dan knapa alsanmu memilih bidang itu)

Host How great! How old are you? Hmm 20 years old I thing, is that allright?
Then i really want to know hows your business works?
Robi (ceritakan bgmn krjaanmu berjalan, ngapain aja, sudah berapa lama,
dpet apa aja)

Host Its nice boy! Next to annisa, hy nisa how are you? Cmon tell your
experience.. what is that? Bonju? You sell it? Lets tell why you choose that
snack to being your begining of your business
annis Yes i choose this one for learning how the business wok. I starting in our
a city, jember. To acquaint bonju in jember is not easy, because this snack
is strange. Starting from blackberry messanger, I tell my contact list, and
offer this snack. And then it become familiar as spicy snack that popular
in youngster of jember.

host How your selling system? Are you sell it by your self to customer?
annis No. In our city, I become an agent that have some reseller, they take
a bonju from me and selling it. Certainly i prove special price for reseller,
because they also want to have a profit right?
I dont make it by my self, i take bonju from yogyakarta
Host Yogyakarta? how the shipment? Sorry, is that safe for our health?
annis I use train shipment for bonju because it the most fast, we just need one
a day acording with train schedule. Dont worry it use natural ingredients,
like onion, chili, garlic, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and chicken broth. We
dont use preservatives components and also we have legality from
host Wow great! I hope your business be bigger and bigger
The last, she has online shop that sell cloth, shoes, pulse, blazer, jacket.
Is that right siwi?
Siwi Yeah thats right ayu, i choose that people need. So i can easily sell my
product. Same with annisa i starting my business in blacberry mesagger
and creating a group to share the picture of the merchandise.
Host How your system selling? Is that ready stock or pre order system?
Siwi Our system is pre order. People can see our product in bbm group and
comment to order the chooses things.

Host Whats your motivation to have your own business?


host Okay viewers thats why this episode so special, we can know how and
why teen want to have own outcome
Robi,nisa and siwi is little sample of young enterpreneur.
Succes guys with your business, and dont forget to your primary job,be
good in academic side. Make your parents proud of you.

Time is up today, we continue this progame tommorow with other topic in

...................... See you


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