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Student Name: Aman Jassal Course Code: ECS 4070

Age Group: Toddlers Date: February 16, 2017
Learning Experience: Parachute Activity
(Programming Purpose: Toddlers are extremely active and I believe this activity will gain
their interest. Also, I noticed turning taking and sharing can be an issue in the classroom so
hopefully this activity encourages turn taking and sharing.
Children will strengthen social development in perspective taking (1.2) as they learn to
wait their turn.
Ex. Child A and B switch spots under the parachute
The children will enhance communication, language and literacy in expressive
language (3.2) as they attempt to join conversation, ask questions and use common
verbs and adjectives (big, small).
Children will enhance gross motor (5.1) as they use their arms to help the parachute
fly and run.
Sensory balls
Opening (Introduction): Children, look at this colorful parachute, who wants to play?
Body (Content)
1. Place the parachute on the carpet and allow the children to hold one handle each
2. Begin with allowing children to cross under while the parachute is up in the air (model
with an ECE in the room than use do-it singals)
3. Add the sensory balls and let the children explore how high the balls fly
4. If a child is not participating, invite them (Here is a spot for you)
5. Allow the children to free play and explore
Closing (Ending): Today we had so much fun with the parachute, maybe next time we will
add beach balls?!
Transition: Okay everybody, who is hungry and ready for lunch? Lets put all the balls into
the green bag and I will put the parachute away!

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