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Parent Permission Form

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Students in my class have been studying the different aspects of the novel
To support this unit, I plan to use a video which has No Rating by the Motion Picture
Association of America. This rating was assigned to the film because there will be
images which may be disturbing to younger viewers including, but not limited to,
periods of violence, drinking, and smoking. There is also a brief drowning scene of a
young child.
We will use this film in order to compare and contrast the differences in plot from
the movie version to the novel version. Students will make connections to the
characters they read about on screen, and will further their study of Gothic
Title of Video: Frankenstein
Rating: NR
If you agree to grant permission for your child to view this video please sign below
and return by:
__February 27, 2017______.
Your child is not required to view this video. An alternate assignment related to the
unit being taught will be provided if you do not grant permission for your child to
view this video.

I, __________________________ grant permission for my child,

____________________________ to view the Not Rated video listed above

Signature of Parent Date

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