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I'd like to share my thoughts on Goblin's Silver and hear your opinion on the ma

tter. Please post what you agree with and what you don't, also feel free to comm
ent your own ideas.
Ok, so here's the facts:
1- It is indestructible [I]"Firs' we presented him with a nice battle helmet -go
blin-made an' indestructible, yeh know - an' then we sat down an' we talked.'" Ha
grid OotP[/I]
2 - It repels mundane dirt [I]"Goblin-made armour does not require cleaning, sim
ple girl. Golbins' silver repels mundane dirt" Phineas Nigellus DH[/I]
3 - It absorbs that which strengthens it [I]"Golbins' silver repels mundane dirt
, imbibing only that which strengthens it." Phineas Nigellus DH[/I]
Now, out of the relevant goblin made items the only one that comes to mind is th
e Sword of Gryffindor.
A bit about the sword:
1 - It was enchanted to present itself out of the Sorting Hat to a worthy Gryffi
2 - It absorbed the Basilisk Venom.

Ok, my english is not so good so ill make another list with a few points. My per
sonal thoughts will be included in the list.
1 - Notice that the venom did not spread to the whole lake in DH. So you can't s
imply put a few drops of Phoenix Tears and "multiply it", you would have to rub
it or consume the metal.
2 - The Sword is enchanted so it can be affected by magic, as long as it's not d
estructive magic or something that would make it weaker.
3 - Just by touching the sword does not poison you, only by the act of cutting,
doing what a sword is supposed to do. Based on that, rubbing a Sword that had ab
sorbed Phoenix Tears would not heal you.
4 - We must also consider the nature of magic, why phoenix tears have healing pr
operties in the first place? Is it just because of the tears or because the phoe
nix is willingly crying to heal you? If that's the case then you can't replicate
this property.
5 - Is there a limit to how much the silver can absorb? Could it absorb both som
ething that would make it sharper and something that would make it poisonous? My
answer is yes as long as the substance would make the item more powerful.
6 - But then again it comes to nature of magic, a Sword would be able to absorb
whatever makes it more deadly and effective, so there would be no need to take o
n something that has healing properties.
7 - A Shield imbued in Dragon's blood however, most likely would give the wearer
Dragon's resistance. I believe that armor alone cannot protect you from a spell
, and Goblin's Silver alone won't protect you either, its indestructible yes, bu
t the spell will do what its supposed to do should it hit the target. Avada Keda
vra will still kill you even if you are wearing the armor, but the armor will be
8 - But what about the 12 uses of Dragon's blood? Well, as long as it helps the
armor fulfill its purpose its going to be absorbed. It might be able to heal you
, or better yet, in this particular case (Assuming that Dragon's blood have heal
ing properties) a spell with the intent to harm your body would not affect you a
s long as the substance can counter it.
9 - So can Goblin's silver absorb magic? No.
10 - Can it absorb the effects of a spell? Hm it depends, magic only happens bec
ause of the intent + incantation. However, once the magic is fully cast, say Fie
ndFyre, then it would most likely absorb it. Now, what the silver would do with
it depends on the object, a Sword would burn to ashes anything that it cuts or b
reaks, an Armor might turn into ashes any material that tries to harm it and so
11 - Could a sword made out of Goblin's Silver take on both the Basilisk Venom a
nd FiendFyre? Yes, but in this case it would not absorb any lesser venom or fire
, even if they have different properties.
12 - "It would make a hell of a weapon, absorbing both Dragon's Blood and Basili
..." You can't ! A Sword would only take what makes a sword better, and a piece
of Armor would only take what makes an Armor better, if the basilisk venom kill
whoever wears the Armor then its no longer fulfilling its purpose, therefore its
a weak item. Remember, its magic, it works with different concepts, Goblin's ac
tually made the bloody armor, they might use different enchantments. Its not a c
omputer with one single rule "Absorb whatever is more powerful", no, its whateve
r makes it Stronger. When Harry summoned his firebolt "Accio Firebolt" did it su
mmon every single firebolt in the area? No, cause magic knows what its doing + H
arry intent. Or another example, "Accio Rosmerta's brooms" in HbP, i bet he did
not know where her brooms were kept, he also didn't have to say word by word th
e location.
Anyway, i hope i made my points clear. Please let me know what you think, thank
you very much for reading.

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