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Be A an oer rn es Oca rae Two of my favorite James Brown lyris ore: "A dog don't wont his bbone, that’s why he buries i." (Sexy, Sexy, Sexy: 73) ond "Got to se what you got to get just what you want” (Het Ponts: 71). Perhops the frst is not os relevont here (or anywhere for thot ‘matter) as the second. IF you are going to record a Funk 45 ‘before you start locking For what you need you should frst take stockin whot youhave. Is much more valuable tobe resourceful ‘and creative thon to have al the ‘corret” equipment. Never be cfroidtotry some stupid shit ke puting the micino bowl of team cheese or whotever. You might unexpectedly discover 0 great sound. (You con tl ol your fiends later thot the mie ocidentaly dropped into a boul of efits.) Use whatever equipment you con find, steal, orborrous. Ihave included some tips in hereto save you ‘money on fancy effects andother shit ‘There are obviously diferent types of mics, but we ore besically concerned with dynamic, uniirectonal, moving oll microphones. "Professionals often use condenser mics for overheads or hi-hat. Fuck thot, theyre morons. Condenser mics move too fest ond respondto allkinds of really annoying high frequencies thot dont ‘wens krous about. You alse donit need to be messing with oma for bi-trectional mis. (OF course, if that's what you got.) You ‘can often find really cool fuckedup old mics ot pounshops for nextto nothing. Most of them uillsound too dleoa, but you might ‘get lucky and find some military broadcast mic thot makes crums soundlike banone cream pi. quessthe thing about microphones is just that you got to exoeriment. Use anything. 've even used headphones. The shitter the prettier ‘The best guitor tone for funk 45's comes of course from really shitty guitars. IF you can find 0 shitty hollow-body guitar like © Harmony Rocket ora Fender Coronado. Jon from the Poets of Aythm showed me 0 cool way to get a real sity tone, Ploy through a woh-woh pedal. Dori rockit back ond orth, Just Find ‘real shty sound and leave i there for the whole song. This \whot usualy end up doing with the EO inthe max onyuoy. Ue everything else, o ot of people insist thot you must use valve ‘amplifiers for your guitors, basses, etc. Isay bullshit. Just dont Use @ Roland Jazz Chorus or any omp thot looks real fancy. Shitty mae recordreally wel Fy shity drums wil do. If you can, try to find some riveted cymbals (or throu some rivets the ones you got.) This ohuoys sounds straight up 67. The hey to really good drum sounds s turing (which | know relatively ite about), and mic placement (which we willdscussloter) Ik hord to find @ cheap organ nowadays, but if you can find ‘onything with droubors youll probably be in good shape. Just

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