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My project demonstrates that I am scholarly because of my extensive research I took part in to

fully understand the specifics of my project. I had to research the specifications for certain
hardware such as the Arduino Uno and the Easy VR Shield. I used scholarly articles using the
techniques that Mrs. Forbes taught us and found really useful and insightful articles.


This project demonstrates that I am skilled because this is not something that simply anybody
can do. For example, the soldering process was extremely difficult and required some practice
before I went on to the actual project. In addition, programming the voice recognition software
has been difficult, as it is a completely new software needed to code.


My project demonstrates that I am humane as I wrote in my research paper about the opinions
people might have on voice recognition software. I programmed the robot to recognize
commands not only in English but also in French, in order to further the scope of those who
would be able to use it.

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