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;Altering this number will cause the app to overwrite this file with defaults

Version 15
;The previous language set by steam.
SteamLanguage english
;The language to use for all text in-game.
DisplayLanguage en_US
;The language to use for all audio in-game.
AudioLanguage English(US)
;Set to 1 to enable subtitles.
EnableSubtitles 0
;Enable language fall-back.
EnableFallback 1
;Device ID of the GPU device to use (as provided by the OS).
DeviceID 1042
;Render width in pixels.
RenderWidth 1920
;Render height in pixels.
RenderHeight 1080
;0 : windowed, 1 : fullscreen, 2 : windowed with no title bar
FullScreen 1
;UI will be scaled by 1 plus this value, non-integers may cause small artifacts
UIUpscale 0.000000
;Set to 1 to allow the use of software renderers such as Microsoft's WARP
AllowSWRenderer 0
;Set to 1 play the intro video on startup.
PlayIntroVideo 1
;0 : never grab, 1 : only in full screen, 2 : always grab
MouseGrab 0
;Number of engine job threads (including main thread). Use -1 to let game decide
MaxJobThreads -1
;Frame limiter. Tick app every N ms. 0 means tick continuously.
TickIntervalInMS 0
;Tick every N ms during game start. 0 means tick continuously.
LoadGameTickIntervalInMS 16
;Tick every N ms while the app is inactive. 0 means tick continuously.
InactiveTickIntervalInMS 32
;Should we throttle the game when its not the foreground app?
ThrottleWhileInactive 0
;Enable FireTuner.
EnableTuner 0
;Enable Debug menu.
EnableDebugMenu 0
;Set to 0 to disable audio.
EnableAudio 1
;Enable MemoryTracker.
EnableMemoryTracker 0
;Enable Debug information in the plot info tooltips.
EnableDebugPlotInfo 0
;Enable Automatic Bug Collection.
EnableBugCollection 1
;Enable Log Collection with Bugs.
EnableLogCollection 0
;Enable Data Error Collection.
EnableDataErrorCollection 0
;Enable Local Build Bug Collection.
EnableLocalBuildCollection 0
;Enable ArtManager loading in the background.
EnableBackgroundArtLoading 1
;Enable assertions.
EnableAsserts 1
;Forces the game to load only that save file.
;Log all game core events.
EnableGameCoreEventLog 0
;Enable WorldBuilder.
EnableWorldBuilder 0
;End game state.
;Tutorial state.
TutorialState 3055162199736244162
;User has accepted the unknown graphics device pop up.
AcceptedUnknownDevice 0
;User has accepted the outdated driver pop up.
AcceptedOutdatedDriver 0
TelemetryUploadNecessary 0
;Is the touch screen support enabled?
IsTouchScreenEnabled 0

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