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Employee Table:

Emp_no Emp_nam DOJ Dept_no Gender Salary Commissi

e on
1001 Satish 19-DEC- 10 M 10000 1000
1002 Dinesh 01-JAN-87 20 F 8000 500
1003 Vignesh 05-JUN- 10 M 7000 400
1004 Ramya 23-AUG- 10 M 12000 1500

Department Table:

Dept_no Dept_name Location

10 Finance Chennai
20 Accounts Bangalore
30 Manufacturing Pune
40 Engineering Delhi

1.Create the two tables. Build relationship between the them. Create all the possible
constraints which you feel to be fit for the columns of the tables.
2. List the details of all departments.
3. Find the names of all employees.
4. Display the name, department & salary of all employees.
5. Show employee name along with Total Salary which is sum of

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