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25 Things to Remember When Life

Gets Rough

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5/1/2016 25ThingstoRememberWhenLifeGetsRough

You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.
Because it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can
know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still
come out of it.
Maya Angelou

Oftentimes things have to go wrong in order to go right. In fact, if

the road youre traveling is always easy, youre likely going the
wrong way. Some part of you knows this is true. Nevertheless,
when life gets especially rough, it can be hard to remember.

So print this post out and let it remind you that, in the darkest
moments, every failure is only a necessary step toward success,
every discovery of what is wrong directs you toward what is right,
every arduous trial today exhausts some tempting form of future
mistake, and every adversity will only hide, for a short time, your
ultimate path to happiness and success.

Heres what you need to keep in mind when life gets rough:

1. It is your resistance to what is that causes your suffering.

Remember, happiness is allowing yourself to be perfectly OK
with what is, rather than wishing for and worrying about
what is not. What is is whats supposed to be, or it would
not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life. Think about
that for a minute. This means your suffering only ever occurs
when you resist how things are. You cannot control
everything that happens to you; you can only control the way
you respond to what happens. In your response is your
2. Where you are right now is a necessary step. Sometimes we
avoid experiencing exactly where we are because we have
developed a belief, based on our ideals, that it is not where we
should be or want to be. But the truth is, where you are right
now is exactly where you need to be to get to where you want
to go tomorrow.
3. Not getting what you want can be a blessing. Yep, not
getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of
good luck, because it forces you to reevaluate things, opening
new doors to opportunities and information you would have 2/18
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otherwise overlooked.
4. Things will change (again) sooner than you think. Youre
not going to avoid change. Change is the process of life
itself. In fact, everything is changing every single minute of
our lives. However good or bad a situation is now, it will
change. Thats the one thing you can count on.
5. You have to be specific about how you intend to move
forward. Dont be someone who goes through greater
lengths to avoid change than you do to obtain what you
desire. Your life will begin to improve when you define
precisely what improve means to you. The agonies and
frustrations will start to ease only when you have something
real and positive to replace them with. Be specific.
Happiness is not a goal, its the result of a life well lived. The
question is: How do you want to live going forward?
6. You cant change situations you dont take responsibility for.
Sigmund Freud once said, Most people do not really want
freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most
people are frightened of responsibility. Dont let this be you.
When you blame others for what youre going through, you
deny responsibility you surrender power over that part of
your life. (Read Awaken the Giant Within.)
7. Your attitude can improve your situation, or degrade it. No
matter how bad things are, you can always make things
worse. Remember this. You cant have a positive life with a
negative attitude. When negativity controls your thoughts, it
limits your behavior, actions, and opportunities. If you
realized how powerful your thoughts were, you would never
think another negative thought again.
8. Other peoples negativity isnt worth worrying about. Truth
be told, what others say and do, and the opinions they have,
are based entirely on their own self-reflection. Dont take
things too personally.
9. Anger is poison. Always forgive people and move on, even if
they never ask for your forgiveness. Dont do it for them do
it for you. The best medicine is a strong dose of love, laughter
and letting go. Just like we would never allow even a tiny bit
of poison to be in our food, let us not allow even a tiny bit of
anger to live in our heart.
10. You are strong enough to rise above this. Dont allow your
temporary wounds to permanently transform you into 3/18
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someone you arent. A strong person is not one who doesnt

cry; a strong person is one who cries for a moment openly,
and then gets up and fights again for what they believe in.
11. Your struggles are the path. You are not what you have
done you are what you have overcome. Your struggles
arent found on the path they ARE the path.
12. You have to rough it and risk it sometimes. Life is
inherently risky. But there is only one risk you should avoid
at all costs, and thats the risk of doing nothing. Get out there
and make something happen, even if its just a small step in
the right direction. Strive for progress, not perfection.
13. Failure you learn from is always a step forward. When he
was working on inventing the light bulb, Thomas Edison
famously said, I have not failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways
that wont work. In other words, he believed he never once
failed at inventing the light bulb, he just first found
thousands of ways that it didnt work, which led him to the
one way that did. So take your so-called failures and learn
something from them. Learn how to do it better next time.
Thats whats important.
14. Finding the lesson is the key. A happy, effective mindset is
really dependent on perspective. If you think something is a
problem, then your thoughts and emotions will be negative.
But if you think its something you can learn from, then
suddenly, its not a problem anymore. In almost every case,
nothing is stopping you, nothing is holding you back but your
own thoughts and ideas about yourself and how life is.
15. Everyone has their own challenges everyone has their own
journey. It is meaningless to compare one with the other.
We all need our own time to travel our own distance. Its
perfectly OK to be different. Today, the only person you
should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.
16. You really are pretty amazing. Even when life gets rough,
you need to be willing to bet on yourself. Its the one
investment in the world you can control better than anything
else. YOU are worth it! (Read Choose Yourself!)
17. Being kind to yourself is the best medicine. Your self-worth
has nothing to do with your craft, your calling or your
success, and everything to do with how you treat yourself.
Always be kind.
18. Being kind to everyone around you is imperative too. Kind 4/18
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words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are
endless. Be kind whenever possible. And realize that it is
always possible. What goes around comes around. You know
19. Letting others in when youre in a dark place helps. No, they
wont always be able to pull you out of the dark place youre
in, but the light that spills in when they enter will at least
show you which way the door is.
20. Gratitude improves every situation. Even in the most
peaceful surroundings, the ungrateful heart finds trouble.
Even in the most troublesome surroundings, the grateful
heart finds peace. Remember this. There is always, always,
always something to be thankful for. Life is better when
youre smiling. Being positive in a negative situation is not
naive; its a sign of leadership and strength. Youre doing it
right when you have so much to cry and complain about, but
you prefer to smile and appreciate your life instead. Ask
yourself: What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things
you were grateful for today?
21. Rough times help you appreciate the good times. If
everything was always smooth and perfect, youd get too used
to that, you know? You have to have a little bit of chaos and
disorder in your life now and then. Otherwise you will never
really enjoy it when things go right.
22. All the small victories are worth celebrating. Sometimes we
forget to pause and appreciate all our little victories. Remind
yourself: Its the small things done well that make a big life.
23. Its OK to give up on things that arent getting better. Move
forward with no second-guessing, no guilt trips, no
hesitation. Your purpose is to let go and then recreate
yourself anew in each moment. Theres a big difference
between giving up and knowing when you have had enough.
Sometimes we have to move on to move forward. (Angel and
I discuss this in detail in the Adversity chapter of 1,000
Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)
24. You are not trapped; you just need to re-learn a few things.
We all have doubts that make us feel trapped at times. If you
doubt your ability to make a life-altering decision, to take on
a new chapter in your life, or to fend for yourself after years of
being overly-fostered, consider this: Surely if a bird with
healthy wings is locked in a cage long enough, she will doubt 5/18
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her own ability to fly. You still have your wings, but your
muscles are weak. Train them and stretch them slowly. Give
yourself space. Youll be flying again soon.
25. Great things take time. By all means, find ways to be more
efficient in your work. But make no mistake that it takes
diligent effort through good times and bad to build something
worthwhile. There are certainly some success stories out
there about people who excelled rather quickly, but you will
often find they had put in years of related work long before
anyone was paying attention to their seemingly rapid
success. In other words, their current state of achievement is
simply all those years of work coming together flawlessly in
the present. So start every morning ready to run farther than
you did yesterday and fight harder than you ever have before.
It wont be easy, but it will be worth it in the end.


One of lifes greatest gifts is the fact that life is difficult. Because
in dealing with lifes difficulties, we build invaluable strength.
This strength enables us to successfully fulfill our deepest, most
meaningful purposes. It is precisely because life is difficult that
we are able to make it great. It is because life is difficult that we
are able to rise above the difficulties. We are able to make a
difference and we are able to truly matter.

So keep this in mind:

When times are tough, you must be tougher. Dont pray for an
easy life; pray for the strength to endure a tough one that leads to

The floor is yours

What do you try to remember when life gets rough? What

thoughts, beliefs, quotes, etc. give you the strength you need to
take another step forward? Please leave a comment below and let
us know.

Photo by: Jack Fussell

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Debbie2 says
September 16, 2014 at 12:35 am

I LOVE what you two write! Thank you for being you. My life has
never been easy and it continues to get harder, the older I get. Yet
you put it so simply in this one statement, Dont pray for an easy
life; pray for the strength to endure a tough one that leads to

I sent that quote to my 19 year old daughter whose Dad died in

December unexpectedly (my husband) and we are really
struggling in every way possible. Thanks for giving me hope


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chasity says
June 4, 2015 at 12:05 am

My dad passed unexpectedly 11/29/11. My mom and dad were

together for 28 years. We were both so lost. I even lost my faith in
God! But one day we went to a Christian grief counseling and it
helped tremendously with my grief. I still miss him very much
and the pain is still grand but this class helped me deal with grief
in the proper way. I will keep you and your daughter in my


Mark Iron says

September 20, 2014 at 7:41 am

So many awesome points! Loved the article especially #20

Gratitude improves every situation. When the moments is tough
there is always someone worse off just push on and be grateful
you can!

Thanks for this great post


Joy Jarman says

October 8, 2014 at 10:55 am

@David Johnston: David, thank you for your insight. I would

welcome any sharing of ideas, stories, or discussions on any topic
if you would care to post. I agree with what you said about the
real difficulties of life and I believe those things should not be
overlooked. By sharing or discussing real struggles or tragedies,
you may be helping someone like myself who is experiencing life
struggles, and who oftentimes has difficulty talking about them.
For me, reading other peoples posts helps me to identify what I
need to work on and change, and most importantly, open up
about. Thanks again. I hope you got something out of this! 8/18
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MaryAnn says
November 11, 2014 at 1:15 am

Ive had 8 years that have been very challenging for me

sometimes things were okay and other times immensely painful.
Ive lost a significant family member or friend every year for the
last 4 years. Now after 10 years at the same job, I just found out
that its ending in December and for reasons that i cant
understand or explain.

Im trying to be in a place where Im thankful for the experience

and also for the opportunity to get a better job. Ive needed to
leave my current job for a few years now and have been stuck due
to fear and inaction, frankly.

I cant tell you how much your posts mean to me as i go through

this time. You are a blessing in disguise and I hope you, Marc &
Angel, know that.

Anyway, I needed this today because I find myself sliding back

into lots of negative self talk which makes life seem like Im
walking through molasses in those moments. I bookmarked this
article (and should print it out) and plan to read it every time i
start to feel down. It reminds me that Im not the only one going
through hard times and also that I have gone through many hard
times and still can smile and laugh.

That has to mean something.


Rrajeshh Rathod says

December 6, 2014 at 7:28 am

One of my favorite things to remember when life gets rough is

that when one door of opportunity closes, another opens. So I 9/18
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focus on not trying to beat down that closed door, which gets me
nowhere, but instead to look around and see where theres
another one opening


Tom Ogren says

December 10, 2014 at 6:01 pm

When I was a lot younger and sometimes would complain about

how tough things were, or how my life wasnt going the way I
wanted it to, my grandma used to say something to me that I still
remember well.

Tommy, shed say, youre not dead yet.

My wonderful old grandma has been dead and gone a long time
now, but her words of wisdom still stick with me. As long as Im
not dead, Im still alive, and I can change, things can change, good
things can happen.


Patty Stout says

December 10, 2014 at 11:02 pm

This is a wonderful article! Quotes I love are:

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new

landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust

There is no need to run outside for better seeingRather abide

at the center of your being; for the more you leave it the less you
learn. Search your heart and seeThe way to do is to be. Lao-

We all have within us the ability to move from struggle to grace.

Arianna Huffington

Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort 10/18
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and letting it be there until some light returns. Anne Lamott


Jane says
April 29, 2015 at 6:32 am

When the going gets tough, I make sure that I have support from
other people. I have learned to be extra kind to myself when I
need some shelter. I use positive language to overcome my
negative thoughts.

Here are the phrases from this post that spoke deeply to my

No matter how bad things are, you can always make things
worse.what others say and do, and the opinions they have, are
based entirely on their own self-reflection.You are not what you
have done you are what you have overcome.But there is only
one risk you should avoid at all costs, and thats the risk of doing
nothing.Today, the only person you should try to be better than, is
the person you were yesterday.Kind words can be short and easy
to speak, but their echoes are endless.Surely if a bird with healthy
wings is locked in a cage long enough, she will doubt her own
ability to fly. You still have your wings, but your muscles are
weak. Train them and stretch them slowly. Give yourself space.
Youll be flying again soon.Dont pray for an easy life; pray for the
strength to endure a tough one that leads to greatness.


Godwin says
April 29, 2015 at 12:57 pm

Thanks a million for your teaching, I really learned alot from it.

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Michelle says
June 26, 2015 at 2:05 pm

My life so far has always been a fight. My father passed when I

was in college, my career isnt going in the direction I would like,
and now my husband and I are separated and we have a 3 year
old. Wonder when things will ever get better. and if Ill ever be
able to smile again. Thank you for this article, I really needed to
hear this and will keep it whenever I feel down.


Gav says
September 9, 2015 at 4:08 am

I am heading towards a very similar situation to your own. I hope

things improve for you and wish you the very best.


Carol Newlands says

July 22, 2015 at 1:49 am

It is normal for us to have trials, struggles, and problems in life.

Life will be boring without this. First and for most you should
know the root of the problem. You can never solve a problem if
you kept on complaining and blaming. Second, relax your mind.
You can think well if you are bombarded with different thoughts.
You should clear up your mind. Third, make a plan on how you
could solve it. Analyze the problem. Its just like Science and
Math. Maybe you have different ideas on how to solve it but there
is only one way to get lost of it. You cannot run away from your
problem. No matter where you go it will always be with you.
Never let that problem destroy you and control you. There is
something waiting for you after that storm. Just dont give up.

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Kris says
October 9, 2015 at 5:12 pm

Thank you so much for the points you made in your article. When
youre going through tough times, its so easy to forget these
things. And some of the points you made I had never even
realized at all. But I appreciate your website because I have such
a tendency for my mind to always go to the negative and that
always brings me down. Trying to take your words and advice to
heart and remember that the strength we acquire from tough
times leads to an even greater life


Quiara says
October 25, 2015 at 6:21 pm


I would like to thank you for the post above. Life can really be
hard to live which some may know better than others. I cant
remember a time when there was no sorrow, but I always manage
to still find ways to be happy (in a small way). Most of the points
you mentioned, fortunately, are already part of my outlook on life
or character and I think that is what has helped me to keep on
going even when just giving up on life seems an attractive option.


Simra says
November 8, 2015 at 5:11 pm

Thanks for the words of wisdom.

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Hannah says
December 11, 2015 at 11:56 pm

I want to thank you for this. I feel like my life has been nothing
but hardships. Sometimes I just need a voice to tell me to keep
going and that itll be ok. Im pregnant with a barely running
vehicle with no tags or insurance, meaning I cant use it. I have
no job now, meaning no money and no place in walking distance
to work. Probably about to be kicked out with nowhere to go. My
life feels like its falling to pieces. Sometimes I just need
something like this to remind me to keep going.


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