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2/22/2017 IndexofBotanicalNamesofMyanmarPlants

Update: 2007-02-28 05:21 AM -0500

Botanical Names of Myanmar Plants
of Importance
Index given in order of Burmese-Myanmar common names
by Agricultural Department (Planning), Government of Union of Myanmar, 2000, pp 65
Set in HTML by U Kyaw Tun (UKT), and staff of TIL for staff and students of TIL. Not for sale.
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Agri.Dept.2000 and LSR {l-seik-rhing:}, 1978 are from allied government departments.
MyanmarName EnglishName Scientific name Family LSR
transliteration in Romabama by UKT pg

11-0269 {hka.nw:} - Ficus heterophylla Moraceae -

11-0270 {hka.paung:} Strychnine tree Strychnos nux-blanda Loganiaceae -

11-0271 {hka.paung:kri:}
Poison nut tree,
Nux-vomica tree
Strychnos nux-vomica Loganiaceae -

11-0272 {hka. paung:kraim} A kind of cane Calamus longisetus Palmae -

11-0273 {hka.paung:nw} Snake wood Strychnos colubrina Loganiaceae - 1/6
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11-0274 {hka.paung:r-kr} Clearing-nut tree; Strychnos potatorum Loganiaceae 105

Nux-vomica tree.
11-0275 {hka.ra (koan:)} Prickly poppy Argemone mexicana Papaveraceae -
11-0276 {hka.ra-mhw:} - Elaeocarpus robustaus Elaeocarpaceae -

11-0277 {hka.ra (r)}

Sea holly; Holly
leaved acanthus
Acanthus ilicifolius Acanthaceae -

11-0278 {} - Evolvulus alsinoides Convolvulaceae -

UKT: LSR alternate p107: {hkya.ra:} Star-flower Minusops elengi Sapotaceae 107

11-0280 {hka.r (reing:)} Star-flower Minusops kauki Sapotaceae -

11-0281 {hka.ram:} {hka.ram:kywut.} Brinjal; Egg plant Solanum melongena Solanaceae -

11-0282 {hka.ram.ka.sau.}
Indian night shade
Solanum indicum Solanaceae -

11-0283 {hka.ram:hkyi} Tomato Lycopersicum esculentum Solanaceae -

11-0284 {hka.laung-ni} - Dysoxylum binectarferum Matraceae -

11-0285 {hka.w:} Ribbed luffa Luffa aceetangula Cucurbitaceae -
11-0286 {hka.aung:} - Ficus hispida Moraceae -
11-0287 {hka.aung:kri:} {hpak-hka:} - Clerodendrum petasites Verbenaceae -
11-0288 {hka.tau-mhi}} Silver oak Grevillea robusta Proteaceae -

12-0289 {hka:hpu.}
Kohl-Rabi; Knol-
Brassica oleracea Cruciferae -

12-0290 {hka:hpu.hpru} Turnip Brassica rapa Cruciferae - 2/6
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12-0291 {hku-than} {hku-hsan} Red cedar Hymenodictyon excelsum Rubiaceae -

12-0292 {hk-pan:teim-ngo} Orchids Calanthe herbacea Orchidaceae -

{hko-ra-hsa-ni} {sa.moan-hpru} {sa.moan-
Henbane Hyoscyamus niger Solanaceae -

12-0294 {hking-poap} - Vallaris solanacea Apocynaceae -

12-0295 {hking-ma.m.pan:} Forget me not Anchusa Boraginaceae -
12-0296 {hkaung-ping} - Rhus paniculata Anacardiaceae -
12-0297 {hkaung-ran:} Rose mallow Hibiscus chinensis Malvaceae -
12-0298 {hkaung-ran:ng} Musk mallow Hibiscus syriacus Malvaceae -

Shoe flower;
12-0299 {hkaung-ran:hs:l:} Common garden Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae -
12-0300 {hkaung-lhan:ti:} Dutchman's pipe Aeginetia indica Orobancaceae -
12-0301 {hkaung-lhan:ti:} Dutchman's pipe Aeginetia pedunculata Orobancaceae -
12-0302 {hkaung:oan:sau:} {hs:leip-hpru} - Flemingia strobilifera Papilionaceae -
12-0303 {hkat-hkyo} - Smilax macrophylla Liliaceae -
12-0304 {hkat~ta-hpra} Lily of the Nile Agapanthus africanus Liliaceae -

LSR : {hkan:htauk}
Golden thread Contis teeta Ranunculaceae 111

12-0306 {hkn-ping} Christ's thorn Carissa carandas Apocynaceae -

12-0307 {hkn-sup} - Carissa spinarium Apocynaceae -

UKT : double entry as 01-0025{ka.tak}
Three leaved
caper; Garlic pear
Crataeva religiosa Capparidaceae 103 3/6
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12-0309 {hkoan-ing:do:} Entads Entada phaseoloides Mimosaceae -

12-0310 {hkoan-ing:ya:} - Breynia rhamnoides Euphorbiaceae -
12-0311 {hkyi.ko-ri.} Chicory Cichorium intybus Compositae -
12-0312 {hky-hsat} {hsat-hsat-hky} Sneezwort Centipeda orbicularis Compositae -
12-0313 {khy:thi:} {this-s:hpo} Marking-nut tree Semicarpus anacardium Anacardiaceae 115

13-0314 {hky-ri}
Sweet cherry;
Prunus avium Rosaceae -

13-0315 {hky-ri-hpo} Birch Betula alnoides Betulaceae -

13-0316 {hkyo:sa-tauk} - Chrozophora plicata Euphorbiaceae -
13-0317 {hkying:} {gying:} {hkying:seim:} {gying:seim:} Ginger Zingiber officinale Zingiberaceae 117
13-0318 {hkying:ni} - Musa coccinea Musaceae -

13-0319 {hkying:ya: (koan:)} - Fluggea leucopyrus Euphorbiaceae -

13-0320 {hkying:ya: (r)} - Fluggea virosa Euphorbiaceae -
13-0321 {hkyaung:kra:} - Capparis grandis Capparidaceae -
13-0322 {hkyis-ti:pan:} French marigold Tagetes patula Compositae -
13-0323 {hkyi-sau-ka:} - Cydonia cathayensis Rosaceae -
13-0324 {hkyi-paung-ni} Rozelle Hibiscus lunariifolius Malvaceae -
13-0325 {hkyi-paung-hpa-la} - Amomum xanthioides Zingiberaceae -
13-0326 {hkyi-paung-reing:} Rozelle Hibiscus lunariifolius Malvaceae -

13-0327 {hkyi-paung-lhyau}
Kenaf; Deccan
Hibiscus cannabinus Malvaceae -

13-0328 {hkyi-pis} - Bauhinia malabarica Caesalpiniaceae - 4/6
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13-0329 {hkyi-yoat} Curvamboo gum Garuga pinnata Burseraceae -

13-0330 {hkrn-wa} {u.yy-wa} Tree cotton Gossypium arboreum malvaceae -
13-0331 {hkyrauk-lak-ma.pan:} - Hydrangea hortensis Saxifragaceae -
13-0332 {hkron-moan-ing:} Hedge-mustard Sisymbrium irio Cruciferae -
13-0333 {hkwa-o} - Clematis craibiana Ranunculaceae -
13-0334 {hkwa-o-kri:} - Clematis smilacifolia Ranunculaceae -
13-0335 {hkw:ta.rau} - Grewia humilis Tilioceae -
13-0336 {hkw:tauk} - Dregea vouubilis Asclepiadaceae 121
13-0337 {hkw:pi.lau} - Corchorus fascicularis Tilioceae -
13-0338 {hkw:mri:ni} (hkw:mri:hpoat} Grass Setaria lutescens Gramineae -

13-0339 {hkw:l:p:}
Cow-hage or
Cow-itch plant
Mucuna utillis Papilionaceae -

13-0340 {hkw:lh:ya:}
Cow-hage; Cow-
Mucuna prurita Papilionaceae 125

14-0341 {hkw:lh:ya: a.o} - Pueraria hirsuta Papilionaceae -

14-0342 {hkw:th:pan:} {mo:kaung:} {pan:o} - Ageratum conyzoides Compositae -
14-0343 {hkw:a.mri:} - Perotis indica Gramineae -
Sorghum dochna var.
14-0344 {hkwn-praung:} Broom corn
pulchrum Gramineae -

Sorghum dochna var.

14-0345 {hkwn-praung:nak} Broom corn
atrum Gramineae -

Sorghum dochna var.

14-0346 {hkwn-praung:hpru} Broom corn
burmanicum Gramineae -

Sorghum dochna var.

14-0347 {hkwn-praung:wa} Broom corn
wightii Gramineae -

UKT:Agri.Dept.2000, did not list the following species. The following are from LSR or sources cited in the last column. 5/6
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- MyanmarName Habit Scientific name Family Source

transcription as given by source
- - - - - -

End of items with this akshara. To continue, go to the next akshara, for which go to indx-Agri2000.htm.

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