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Teachers School Learning Material


Teachers School Learning Material

How To Speak English?

Tell Me What You Think!

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Learning Material
Teachers School Learning Material

People seem to think about money more often than any

other thing. Or they are obsessed with their looks.
Maybe it's their love life that is uppermost in their
thoughts. Frivolous things such as gossip, football
standings, movies, music, games, and celebrities preoccupy
a lot of folks. I suppose some ambitious people are focused
on achieving success.
People do not stop thinking about something, even one moment.
When we are on the way to work or school, when we are walking,
when we wait for food at a restaurant or when we are on the bed
for sleep We are always thinking about something.
Something constantly pops up in our mind.

1. What is the most urgent thing for you to do now?

2. What should you accomplish this year?
3. What is your 10-year plan?
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4. What is the ideal retirement situation?
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5. What would your next job be if you had a choice?
6. What are your most pleasant memories?
7. What are your worst memories?
8. Do your relatives give you headaches or happiness?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Obsession
An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone.
2. Uppermost
In or into the most prominent position, as in the mind.
3. Frivolous
Not serious in content, attitude or behavior.
4. Preoccupy
Engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or occupy urgently
or obsessively.
5. Folks
People in general (often used in the plural).

Explore all avenues

If you explore all avenues, you try out every possibility in order to obtain a
result or find a solution.

We can't say it's impossible until we've explored all avenues.

Teachers School
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it
Learning Material
takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and

Jesse Owens
Teachers School Learning Material

People lie every day! A man tells his wife that her new
dress is lovely even though it looks terrible on her; she
tells him that he is still as handsome as when they first
met. People routinely inform a dying man that he looks well
to keep his spirits up. Doctors sometimes withhold the
worst news from their patients, and politicians and soldiers
deliberately spread untruthful information to protect
national security. In addition, of course, many folks lie to
protect themselves or to avoid embarrassing situations.
Lying is natural. Sometimes it is a necessary part of human
life. We have to lie to protect someones heart once in a while.

1. Talk about the lies that people tell most often.

2. What would be a common lie told by:
(a) an ordinary worker? (b) the boss? (c) parents? (d) kids?
(e) the jobless? (f) husbands to wives? (g) wives to husbands?
(h) teachers to their students? (i) a drunk driver stopped by a cop?
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(j) people who get drunk often?
3. Do you think white lies are necessary? Why? What would happen if
Learning Material
people stopped telling them?
4. What was the best lie in your life?
5. What was the lie that made you feel guilty for a long time?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Routinely
According to routine or established practice
2. Withhold
Hold back; refuse to hand over or share
3. Deliberately
With intention; in an intentional manner
4. White lie
An unimportant lie (especially one told to be tactful or polite)
5. Lip service
An expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction

Bend the truth

If you bend the truth, you say something that is not entirely true.

Ok, I bent the truth a bit. I told him it was my natural colour, but I didn't say
that my hairdresser helped me to keep it natural!

Teachers School
Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth
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living, and truth loving.

-James E. Faust
Teachers School Learning Material

A few businesses seem to be recession-proof. It really

doesn't matter whether times are good or bad, people
will still eat out, they'll still drink alcohol.
When times are good, people drink to celebrate; and when times
are bad, they drink to forget. But they go to restaurants
because it is a pleasant experience. It's easy to vary the
diet: one day I can eat Greek food, and the next, Italian.
How easy and simple that is! No need to think of what to eat,
how to prepare ingredients. Just order, eat and pay!
However, the problem is that it costs much more than cooking
on our own at home. As people became busier, more people are
dining out often. Why do you think so and how about you?

1. How often do you eat out(dine out)?

2. Where do you usually go when you dine out?
3. Who decides what to eat?
4. Does the expense matter when you go to a restaurant? Why or
why not?
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5. Do you always eat out on a special day? Why or why not?
6. Explain why the number of people who eat out is on the rise.
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7. Can you tell three negative sides of dining out?
8. Would you like to open a restaurant someday?
9. What kind of food is preferred by people who want to dine out?
10. Can dining-out often help our health in any way?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Recession
The state of the economy declines; a widespread decline in the GDP and
employment and trade lasting from six months to a year.
2. Pleasant
Affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings
3. Vary
Be subject to change in accordance with a variable
4. Ingredients
Food that is a component of a mixture in cooking
5. Expense
Amounts paid for goods and services

Tighten your belt

If you need to tighten your belt, you must spend your money carefully
because there is less available.

Another bill? I'll have to tighten my belt this month!

Teachers School
You don't need a silver fork to eat good food.
Learning Material -Paul Prudhomme
Teachers School Learning Material

What makes you happy? More fundamentally, what does

"happiness" mean? The way we answer these
questions is very important if we want to achieve a happy
life. Observing the change of our emotion is necessary.
We should know what makes us feel satisfied and sad.
That way we could pursue some situations and evade
others. Everyone is different in terms of what he desires
and what he despises. For example, money matters the most
for some people. On the other hand, there are also people who
feels happy when they can have free time even though it limits
the chance of earning more. Everyone has a different concept of
happiness. Are we happy? Why are we happy or unhappy?

1. Are you satisfied with your current life? Why or why not?
2. What is your secret for a happy life? Is it applicable to other people?
3. Does money make people happy?
4. How do your friends make you happy? When do they disappoint you?
5. Do you think knowledge makes people happy or unhappy?
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6. What is the happiest memory you have?
7. Do you think celebrities are usually happy?
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8. Is there any person you want you make happy?
9. These days, is there any friend who is unhappy?
10. Do you think its possible to know what happiness means if we dont
know the meaning of sadness and depression?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Fundamental
In essence; at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature
2. Pursue
Go in search of or hunt for
3. Evade
Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or
4. Despise
Look down on with disdain
5. Concept
An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances

Fool's paradise
If someone is living in a fool's paradise, they are in a state of contentment
that will not last because their happiness is based on illusion or false hope.

Lisa is living in a fool's paradise if she thinks her boss is going to marry her.

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Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in
harmony. Learning Material
-Mahatma Gandhi
Teachers School Learning Material

Everybody is always worried about something. Many

times, their worries are counterproductive. When
someone feels unwell, going to a doctor is a good, proactive
step that may lead to a solution of the problem. But it does
not help anyone to worry about a medical condition instead
of seeing the doctor or, after seeing the doctor, to worry
about the results of the medical tests. The results may be
bad, but worrying about them won't change them. Instead
of worrying, people should spend their time and energy
seeking solutions to their problems - writing a will, or
planning a budget, or making vacation reservations, or
outlining a business proposal.

1. What are the common worries ordinary people have?

2. What do your family members worry about these days?
3. Do you think there are more things to worry about as people grow up?
4. With whom do you usually talk about personal matters?
5. What particular worries do the following people have?
(a) parents Teachers School
(b) kids
(c) the rich Learning Material
(d) the poor
(e) the famous
6. Is there any difference between how men and women worry?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Counterproductive
Tending to hinder the achievement of a goal
2. Unwell
Somewhat ill or prone to illness
3. Proactive
Controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than waiting to
respond to it after it happens
4. Seek
Try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of
5. Will
(law) a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of
their property when they die

Bare your heart (or soul) to someone

If you bare you heart (or soul) to someone, you reveal your innermost
thoughts and feelings to them.

Mike couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare his soul
to his best friend.

Teachers School
A day of worry is more Material
exhausting than a week of work.

-John Lubbock
Teachers School Learning Material

It' s amazing how much work has to be done every day just
to maintain a place to live in. The dishes have to be
washed, dried, and put away. Clothes not only need to be
washed, dried, and put away, but ironed as well! The floors
need to be swept, the furniture dusted. There's garbage
that has to be taken out. Toilets and bathroom tiles need to
be cleaned. And, then, we need to shop for groceries and
make sure all the bills are paid. The work never ends!
If often becomes a topic of argument in families because
mothers usually do more chores than anyone.
In Korea, how is it going? Who is in charge of cleaning
each room or throwing out food trash?

1. Who does the cooking in your family?

2. Who does the grocery shopping at your home?
3. Who does the dishes in your house?
4. What chores do the kids in your family help with?
5. What is the chore that men hate to do the most? Why do you think so?
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6. What is the chore women hate the most? Why?
7. Women are said to be more adept at doing household chores.
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Do you agree? Why or why not?
8. If doing house chore is paid, how much do you think should be paid for
each work?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Maintain
Keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction
2. Tile
A flat thin rectangular slab (as of fired clay, rubber or linoleum) used to cover
3. Bills
An itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered
4. Iron
Apply pressure and smooth with a heated iron
5. Adept
Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

Burn the candle at both ends

If you burn the candle at both ends, you exhaust yourself by doing too much,
especially going to bed late and getting up early.

Scott looks exhausted - I'll bet he's been burning the candle at both ends

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Sometimes as a parent, you have to give your child that doesn't do his
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or her chores some tough love and withhold the allowance.

-Ami Bera
Teachers School Learning Material

Our first major choice in life is who our parents are.

This determines the fundamental aspects of our very
identity: our name, our status, our genes. These factors
will influence us until we die, so the relationships we
maintain with our closest relations is important.
These days, people are becoming more independent and
more people prefer to spend time with friends than family.
As the expense for maintaining our daily life gets more
expensive, the young generation struggles with their own life.
Taking care of parents emotionally and financially is getting

1. How often do you visit your parents?

2. How much money do you give your parents?
3. What do you do for a special day such as a parent's birthday?
4. Do you think your parents are proud of you? Why or why not?
5. What is the most important lesson you learned from your parents?
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6. Do you expect an inheritance from your parents? Why or why not?
7. Will you financially support your parents when they retire?
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8. Would you move aged or ill parents into your home? What about sending
them to a nursing home?
9. Do your parents have strong opinions about how you should live your
own life?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Identity
The distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity
2. Status
The relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
3. Genes
(genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain;
4. Inheritance
Any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors
5. Nursing Home
An institution where people are cared for

Birds of a feather flock together

If two people are birds of a feather, they are very similar in many ways, so
they naturally spend time together.

No wonder they get on well. They're birds of a feather!

Teachers School
There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children.
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One of these is roots, the other, wings.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Teachers School Learning Material

The fast-food chains are gobbling up the restaurant

segment of the economy. When they first began to
appear a generation or so ago, they offered cheap, healthy
products to people in a hurry. Consumers said they ate
there because they "couldn't fix that food at home for
such a low price." Well, that was then; now, most fast-food
outlets feature expensive, unhealthy items. So, the "food"
part of the description is in some doubt; and as waiting
times grow, even the "fast" part seems to be inaccurate as
well. Nevertheless, the major fast-food companies
continue to proliferate and their profits just keep on

1. What is your favorite fast food?

2. How often do you eat at a fast-food restaurant?
3. Are there any problems associated with fast food?
4. Why do many people, especially kids, seem to be addicted to fast food?
5. What should the fast-food producers do to help consumers?
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6. Do you think parents are at fault for their children's bad eating habits, or
are the kids themselves most responsible?
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7. What do you value more between time and health? Why is that?
8. If you open a restaurant, what kind of food would you like to sell?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Segment
One of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object
2. Consumer
A person who uses goods or services
3. Proliferate
Cause to grow or increase rapidly
4. Profit
Make a profit; gain money or benefit
5. At fault
Deserving blame

Acquired taste
Something that you dislike when you first taste it, but begin to like after trying
it several times, is an acquired taste.

Tony has always loved olives, but for me it was an acquired taste.

Teachers School
Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular
Learning Material
joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy
companionship. It is of great importance to the morale.

-Elsa Schiaparelli
Teachers School Learning Material

Why would anyone want to be a millionaire? I want to be

a billionaire! Having a million dollars is relatively
common these days. There are well over a million
millionaires just in the United States alone. To be really
rich, one needs at least a cool billion. That seems like a lot
of money, I know; and some people would say that no one
needs that much, that this kind of wealth just perpetuates
poverty in general. But from my perspective, poor people
will always be poor no matter how much money I have, so I
might as well make as much as I can and let them worry
about themselves.

1. Is it important for you to get rich? Why or why not?

2. Are you saving money in the bank? Why or why not?
3. Do you buy lottery tickets regularly? Why or why not?
4. How much money is enough?
5. What do you think about the rich?
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6. What's the difference between the rich and the poor?
7. Do you think the rich have a responsibility to help the poor?
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8. Is the society responsible for taking care of the poor?
9. What is your idea on how to narrow the gap between wealth and poverty?
10. Which do you think is more difficult, making money or spending it?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Relatively
In a relative manner; by comparison to something else
2. Wealth
The state of being rich and affluent; having a plentiful supply of material
goods and money
3. Perpetuate
Cause to continue or prevail
4. Poverty
The state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
5. Perspective
A way of regarding situations or topics etc.

Born with a silver spoon in your mouth

A person who is born with a silver spoon in their mouth is born into a very
rich family.

She never has to worry about money; she was born with a silver spoon in her

Teachers School
Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not
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replace you as the driver.

-Ayn Rand
Teachers School Learning Material

Every problem can be solved, or at least alleviated, by

thinking it through and then applying an appropriate
remedy. Of course, we also need to realize what result we
hope to accomplish, or we will solve one problem only to
have to deal with another instead.
We are put in a situation to make a decision on how to
react to a problem every day whether its small or big.
Sometimes, we make a wrong move and regret. Still, life
goes on and on. We need to get used to solving problems
as we get more and more responsibilities from work or

How would you respond if:

1. your salary was cut?
2. your young child went through your wallet?
3. your son or daughter got caught shoplifting?
4. your parents demanded a large allowance every month for pocket money?
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5. your wife wanted to divvy up the chores 50:50?
6. your boss insisted on unpaid overtime three times a week?
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7. your sweetheart suddenly broke off your relationship?
8. your friend asked to borrow some money?
9. your grown child announced the intention to stay single forever?
10. the government decided to raise cigarette and liquor taxes drastically?
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1. Alleviate
Make easier
2. Remedy
Act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
3. Regret
Feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about
4. Allowance
An amount allowed or granted (as during a given period)
5. Divvy
Give out as one's portion or share

Break the back of the beast

If someone breaks the back of the beast, they succeed in overcoming a major

After hours of effort, the technicians finally broke the back of the beast and
turned the electricity back on again.

Teachers School
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't
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be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's
thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own
inner voice.
-Steve Jobs
Teachers School Learning Material

Some people naturally have poor memories, but almost

everybody becomes more forgetful as he gets older.
Leaving a car key inside the car, forgetting an important
business meeting, struggling with new passwords. Those
are the things that commonly happen to people.
People may try to slow this phenomenon by doing mental
exercises such as reading and writing, but the process
nevertheless continues. Some folks lose their ability to
recall names, others can't remember where they parked
their car. In extreme cases, they no longer recognize
friends or loved ones.

1. What kinds of things are you most likely to forget about?

2. What have you done to improve your memory? Was it successful?
3. Have you ever forgotten anything that seriously mattered?
4. Does your sweetheart always remember your birthday or anniversary?
5. Teachers School
What is the best way to make someone remember special days?
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What memory from childhood do you want to remember forever?
Do you remember the names of teachers in your elementary school?
8. What is the earliest memory that you have?
9. Who do you want to remember you for a long time?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Struggle
Make a strenuous or labored effort
2. Phenomenon
A remarkable development
3. Mental
Involving the mind or an intellectual process
4. Nevertheless
Despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)
5. Extreme
Of the greatest possible degree, extent or intensity

Brain/memory like a sieve

Someone who has a brain/memory like a sieve has a very bad memory and
forgets things easily.

Oh, I forgot to buy the bread - I've got a brain like a sieve these days!

Teachers School
Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is
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the worse kind of suffering.

-Paulo Coelho
Teachers School Learning Material

When I got married, I thought my life had changed forever. I

was right, of course, but those changes did not compare to
the ones that happened as a result of having children. When my
wife and I were first married, we had lots of opportunities to
enjoy ourselves, but those times diminished fast after we had
kids. Even a simple thing like going to the movies became a major
task; we not only had to pack food, diapers, spare clothes,
teething rings, bottles, and a baby buggy, but we also had to be
prepared to leave the theater before the end of the movie to
keep from bothering other members of the audience due to crying
babies. As the children grew, the problems became more serious.
When we are finally done with raising kids, we would be too old
to hang out like how we used to.

1. What is the benefit of having and not having children?

2. If your lover or partner has a different opinion about having child, how
would you convince him/her?
3. What are the places that are not easy to go when you have children?
4. If you are capable to hire a baby sitter, would you? Why or why not?
5. Teachers School
Do you think being a working mom is difficult? Why or why not?
6. If you have a daughter, will you give her any curfew?
7. Learning Material
What problems are expected when the children grow up?
8. How many kids do Korean families have normally?
9. Do you want to have any siblings?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Diminish
Become smaller or less in size, extent, or range
2. Task
Any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted
3. Buggy
A small lightweight carriage;
4. Audience
A gathering of spectators or listeners (usually public) performance
5. Sibling
A person's brother or sister

Apple of your eye

A person, usually a child, who is the apple of your eye is one for whom you
have great affection.

My grandson is the apple of my eye.

Teachers School
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We
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didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,
protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

-Ronald Reagan
Teachers School Learning Material

Connections are often viewed as being the most

important single factor in getting promoted. On the
other hand, some people say merit - what you know, not
who you know - is the key to success. Yet others say that
seniority counts the most, but to achieve seniority one
needs to have a long record of achievement.
Some people make extra effort for their boss by making
them a cup of coffee in the morning or buying small gifts.
Though it is not directly related to the work they have,
they still believe that giving personal approach to boss
could lead them to success in the career.
Maybe, in the end, everything depends upon luck.

1. They say good-looking people are more likely to get promoted than plain-
looking people. Do you agree? Why or why not?
2. What does "working relationship with the boss" really mean?
3. Does a second language have any value in the business field you work in
or wish to work in?
4. What specific skill is the most important in your line of work?
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5. Who is generally better positioned to get promoted, a man or a woman?
Defend your answer.
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6. Where does a woman have an advantage over a man in terms of
employment and promotion?
7. Which do you think is more important in getting a promotion, seniority or
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Factor
Anything that contributes causally to a result
2. Promotion
Act of raising in rank or position
3. Merit
Any admirable quality or attribute
4. Seniority
Higher rank than that of others especially by reason of longer service
5. Approach
Move towards

Hold all the aces

A person who holds all the aces is in a very strong position because they have
more advantages than anyone else.

Given the high unemployment rates today, employers hold all the aces.

Teachers School
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and
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the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best
of ourselves to the task at hand.

-Vince Lombardi
Teachers School Learning Material

According to some recent philosophers, altruism does

not exist. They say every action we take is selfishly
motivated. If we give something away, it is because we need
thanks and recognition in exchange. Or we act in
expectation that others in our group will aid us if we are in
similar circumstances, so our philanthropy is merely
disguised insurance. The real reason for risking our lives to
protect our young is our instinctual preservation of our
own genes, which is the only kind of physical immortality we

1. Do you give money to panhandlers? Why or why not?

2. Have you ever helped the poor or the handicapped? If so, when and how?
If not, why not?
3. How often do you donate blood?
4. They say everybody is handicapped somehow. What does that mean? In
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what way are you handicapped?
5. Why should we help others, especially strangers? What's in it for us?
Learning Material
6. What kind of people do you wish to help?
7. Have you ever participated in any kind of volunteer work before?
8. Do you think you would also need help from other people to live?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Altruism
The quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
2. Philosopher
A wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason
with equanimity
3. Recognition
The state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged
4. Disguise
An outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something
5. Instinctual
Unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct

Happy camper
Someone who is a happy camper is generally content or satisfied with what is
happening in their lives and has no complaints.

With his new job and his new car, Andy is a happy camper.

Teachers School
Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative
Learning Material
altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Teachers School Learning Material

No one has a harder job than miners. They work long

hours deep underground. The work is dirty and
dangerous. At any time, the earth may collapse around
them. If they are not crushed to death immediately, they
will die soon from lack of air. Even if they have enough air,
they may starve to death while their rescuers try to find
them. But even if they are lucky and never have any
accidents, the air they breathe is extremely dirty, so they
usually suffer from decades of serious lung disease.
We often forget to appreciate the people who are working
in a dangerous and bad environment. Without their effort,
we may not exist here.

1. What is the most stressful part of your job?

2. Do you think there is any relationship between the degree of stress and
the payment for a job?
3. What is the most effective way of coping with stress?
4. Some people insist that stress is necessary to be productive. Do you agree?
Why? Teachers School
5. What are some symptoms of stress?
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6. Can anyone enjoy job-related stress? If so, how? If not, why not?
7. What do you think is Dream-job for a man and a woman?
8. High stress but well-paying job and low-paying with less stressful job,
what would you choose and why?
Teachers School Learning Material

Laborer who works in a mine
An abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion
Be hungry; go without food
A period of 10 years
Have an existence, be extant

Above board
If a situation or business is described as above board, it is open, honest and

There are no secret negotiations. Our dealings have always been above board.

Teachers School
Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about
Learning Material
your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is
perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and
rewarding life.
-Marilu Henner
Teachers School Learning Material

The internet has changed our lives in countless ways. We

can keep in touch with friends and acquaintances around
the world, virtually instantaneously. It has also opened up
the world of on-line buying. No matter what sort of item
we are seeking, we can look for it in the comfort of our own
home, compare prices globally, and buy it with our credit cards
with very little bother.
Of course, one of the downsides to this is that we may be
cheated or, even worse, the information we provide could be
used to perpetrate identity theft.
The fact is still that more and more people are using internet
to purchase products and things we need in life.

1. How often do you shop on-line?

2. What kinds of goods do you most often purchase?
3. In your opinion, what's the difference between shopping on- and off-line?
4. What do you worry about most in terms of on-line shopping?
5. Did you ever return anything you had purchased on-line? If so, why? Was
it easy to do? Teachers School
6. Shopping centers are still very popular even though on-line shopping is
Learning Material
usually cheaper and more convenient. Why do you think this is so?
7. What are the products that need to be purchased in off-line market?
8. Do you think people buy more than they need because of the easy
transaction through on-line?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Countless
Too numerous to be counted
2. Acquaintances
A relationship less intimate than friendship
3. Instantaneously
Without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening
4. Bother
Something or someone that causes annoyance, inconvenience, or makes life
more difficult
5. Downside
A negative aspect of something that is generally positive

Shop till you drop

If you shop till you drop, you go shopping for a very long time, until you are

If you go to London with Ashley, you'll shop till you drop, so take comfortable

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The terrible thing about the Internet and Amazon is that they take the
Learning Material
magic and happy chaos out of book shopping. The Internet might give
you what you want, but it won't give you what you need.

-Tom Hodgkinson
Teachers School Learning Material

The last 200 years have seen a tremendous leap in our

ability to treat illnesses of many kinds. We have
developed all sorts of vaccinations, antibiotics, vitamins,
and treatments. We have created techniques for examining
bones, tissues, and even genes to look for defects and
patterns. Hundreds of separate diseases have been
identified and specific treatments devised to cure them.
But people still get sick. It seems that the more we know
about the cause, the care. and the prevention of disease,
the more sick people become.

1. How often do you feel tired?

2. What diseases are you most afraid of?
3. Do you think stress influences your health?
4. What health problems are caused by poor diet?
5. Did you ever go to an emergency room? If so, when and why?
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6. Do you regularly get a medical checkup? Why or why not?
7. A lot of people (especially among the middle-aged) are afraid of getting
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checkups. Why do you think this is so?
8. Have you ever been hospitalized? Why and how did it happen?
9. Has anyone in your family been sick due to a serious disease?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Tremendous
Extraordinarily large in size, extent, amount, power or degree
2. Leap
Move forward by leaps and bounds
3. Antibiotics
A chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can kill
microorganisms and cure bacterial infections
4. Cure
(medicine) provide a cure for, make healthy again
5. Defect
An imperfection in a bodily system

In bad shape
A person who is in bad shape, is in poor physical condition.

I really am in bad shape. I must do more exercise.

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Health is not valued Learning Material
till sickness comes.

-Thomas Fuller
Teachers School Learning Material

Have you ever had the desire to wander the world and see
what was out there? While some people prefer to stay in the
comfort of their own home, others have been bitten by the
travel bug and can't wait to explore the world.
Exotic places call to them. "Come visit me and I will show you
my mysteries," they say.
Every year millions of people pack their suitcases or put on
backpacks and flock to visit the seven continents of the world.
They wander through the castles and museums of Europe, and
the cities and natural wonders of North and South America.
Some visit the vast exotic cultures of Asia, Africa and the
Middle East. A few lucky people even make to the most mysterious continent
on the earth- Antarctica.

1. Have you ever been abroad?

2. Are you afraid of going abroad alone? Why or why not?
3. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?
4. What health problems are caused by poor diet?
5. What was your best trip?
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6. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?
7. What is the most interesting city to visit in your country?
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8. If you could choose one place to go this weekend, where would it be?
9. What are the three most important things you need for travelling abroad?
10. Do you prefer to travel alone or with friends/family?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Desire
An inclination to want things
2. Wander
Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or
3. Exotic
Being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world
4. Flock
Come together as in a cluster or flock
5. Continent
One of the large landmasses of the earth

Highways and byways

If you travel the highways and byways, you take large and small roads to visit
every part of the country.

He travelled the highways and byways looking for traces of his ancestors.

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The world is a book, Learning Material
and those who do not travel read only a page.

-Saint Augustine
Teachers School Learning Material

Despite a global rise in prosperity in the late 19th

century, many people still live in poverty. Some nations
seem characterized by a general lack of opportunity,
resources, and food, while even in rich, industrialized
countries many residents find it difficult to maintain a
decent standard of living. Sometimes the underlying
problem is one of distribution; other times, it is a drought
or famine. The political order in some cases is committed to
providing basic needs to its entire population and in others
to promoting some groups or interests at the expense of
others. But, in general, the old observation that the rich
get richer seems to be especially true these days.

1. Do you think the number of poor people is going up or down, Why?

2. What makes someone rich or poor?
3. The poor are often said to be lazy. Is this a true observation or just a
4. The rich are often said to be selfish. Is this true or a generalization?
5. Poverty, like wealth, is often said to be inherited. Can you explain what
that means?
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6. What are some of the potential social problems when poverty skyrockets?
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7. Is the society responsible for the poor?
8. Does poverty cause crime?
9. Are there homeless people in your country?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Poverty
The state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
2. Prosperity
An economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment
3. Resources
Available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon
when needed
4. Industrialized
Develop industry; become industrial
5. Underlying
In the nature of something though not readily apparent

Keep wolf from door

In order to keep the wolf from the door, you need to have enough money to
buy food and other essentials.

My grandparents earned barely enough money to keep the wolf from the door.

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We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and
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homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is
the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this
kind of poverty.
- Mother Teresa
Teachers School Learning Material

Bucket List means a list of things to do in your life time.

And here is my list..!

1) Make a movie.
Ever since 8th or 9th grade, I've wanted to become a filmmaker.
Unfortunately, I havent been able to pursue that career.
But, someday down the road, I'd like to try my hand at making a movie.
2) Learn swimming, and swim across a sea.
I'm ashamed to admit that I do not know to swim.
To make it up, I'd like to swim across some sea when I do learn.
3) Sky-diving.
4) Volunteer work abroad.
5) Stay in Las Vegas for one week.
6) Have a great house under my name.

1. What are the top things on your bucket list?

2. Do you think having the list of things-to-do actually helps you achieve?
3. What are the things that you want to own in your life?
4. Do you want to try or have you tried Bungee jumping?
5. Is there any job you want to have someday?
6. Where do you want to live in the future?
7. Why is learning English important in your life?
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8. Is there any skill you want to learn in your lifetime?
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9. Think about the dreams or goals you used to have when you were young,
how much or how many have you made come true?
10. Is there anyone you want to meet in person?
11. When do you think you can complete your bucket list?
Teachers School Learning Material

1. Pursue
Go in search of or hunt for
2. Across
To the opposite side
3. Admit
Declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
4. Bungee jumping
The activity of jumping from a great height with an elasticated cord attached
to the ankles
5. Skill
An ability that has been acquired by training

At all costs
If you are determined to obtain or achieve something at all costs, you want it
regardless of the expense, effort or sacrifice involved.

The journalist was determined at all costs to get a report from the war zone.

Teachers School
People talk about this 'bucket list': 'I need to go to this country, I need
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to skydive.' Whereas I need to think as much as I can, to feel as much
as I can, to be conscious and observe and understand me and the
people around me as much as I can.
-Amy Tan

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