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From the Diary of

Christelle Le Gall
Maddie Flowers
A Diary of a young French women with two children and a husband was recently found in an old
family member's cluttered attic. The husband's name was Lo Le Gall, and the children's names
were Callie and Lon. The writer's name was Christelle Le Gall. Lo was a prisoner of war.
Christelle decided to join the female resistance when she started to fear her family's safety. She
and Lo sent multiple coded letters full of top secret German information. She was creating a plan
to save her husband and to send her children and mother to a safe zone. Her husband was later
killed when his letters were compromised, and Christelle stopped writing in her diary. She has not
been heard of since her last diary writing.

Historical facts
Prison of war camps: Lo Le Gall was a prisoner of war who was sent to
a camp to help the Germans. He was marched into Germany to help the

Nazi and was killed.

French Resistance: Christelle and a few of her friends joined the resistance
to try to help escape her husband from the camp. They sent coded letters
back and forth to the camp information

Concentration camps: Christelle's best friend was sent to a concentration

camp because she was Jewish and had just converted with her husband

Nazi billeting: A Nazi named Altman was biliting Christelle's home. He

was unlike the rest the soldiers that billeted houses and he was very nice and respectful at times and he stayed

out of Christelle way to avoid arguments and conversation.

Excerpt " They marched his POW camp earlier. They ended up killing him and killing 12 other
people that helped him gather the inside information. Then they came for me and raided my
house. But, I ran. I ran far enough away to have escaped the soldiers that were raiding my

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