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31 Days to Better Game: www.tsbmag.


31 Days to Better Game

31 Lessons that will take your game to next the next level
By Bobby Rio
(With Contributing Authors where noted)

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

The 31 Days to Better Game series ran at TSB

Magazine during the summer of 2008. Ive been getting a lot of requests to create an ebook
specifically for all of the lessons so here it is.

This is the complete 31 Days to Better Game series that I ran here at TSB Magazine. Here you
will find all
ll of the topics in one easy place so you can come back and reference them at any time.

What is the 31 Day Project About?

To put it most simply it's a month long series of posts here at TSB Magazine designed to walk
you through 31 tasks that you can do to take your game to a higher level. You can read more
about how the project works and how to participate in my first lesson.

I would also like to thank all of the guest authors who submitted some really great posts to make
this series special.

To Keep up to date with future projects like this subscribe to TSBs RSS feed.

The Lessons

Day 1- Designing Your Life

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 2- Developing Your Inner Game

Day 3- Updating Your Look

Day 4- Always be Advertising

Day 5- Being the High Status Male

Day 6- How to Get Good at Flirting

Day 7- Approaching and Opening Made Simple

Day 8- Improving Your Conversation Skills

Day 9- How to Build Comfort with Women

Day 10- Developing Your Sense of Humor

Day 11- How to Master Push/Pull and Cocky Funny

Day 12- Body Language 101

Day 13- Building Your Social Circle

Day 14- How to Tease a Girl

Day 15- How to Create a Kick-Ass Myspace or Facebook Profile

Day 16- Flirting Online

Day 17- Phone Game Strategy

Day 18- Text Game for the Pua

Day 19- First Date Survival Guide

Day 20- How to Get a Second Date

Day 21- How to Build Sexual Tension

Day 22- Preparing Your Bachelor Pad for Women

Day 23- An Intro to Using Kino

Day 24- Body Language 202

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 25- Being the Fearless Badboy

Day 26- Turning a Friend into a Lover (part 1)

Day 27- Making a Female Friend Your Girlfriend (part 2)

Day 28- Managing a Relationship

Day 29- Tips for Getting Better in Bed

Day 30- Ending a Fling or Relationship

Day 31- Run a SWOT Analysis on Yourself

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 1
Designing Your Life
Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 06/10/2008

The first step you need to take to improve any area of your life is determining your desired
outcome. The title of this series is 31 Days to Better Game but better game has a different
meaning for everyone reading this. In order to fully experience and appreciate the lessons youll
receive over the next 31 days you need to have a clearly defined end result.
Having a clearly defined end result means knowing exactly where you want to be 31 days from
now. How will you look after youve achieved better game? How will you act? What kind of girls
will you be dating? Sleeping with? What will a day in your life look like once youve got this area
of your life mastered? How will you feel? What kind of thoughts will be running through your
These are all questions that you cannot ignore. This step is more important than any lesson you
will learn from here on out.
If you have had difficulty with talking to women, managing a relationship, building attraction...
or any other area of your life until you develop a clearly defined goal for yourself your mind
will continue producing the same results youve always gotten.
Have you read the book The Secret? Or how about Real Magic? Or Think and Grow Rich? These
three books (if read and implementing correctly) are worth their weight in gold.
These three books all explore the ancient principle that your mind will create whatever reality
you present it. This means that if you consistently think of the lack in your life (of women,
money, and friendship) the universe will continue to provide you a life of lack. But if you train
your mind to see abundance (of women, money) the universe will provide you a life of
If this sounds new age and hokey wait a minute. I felt the same way years ago when I was
presented with this concept. But Im going to safely say that it is magic.
I want all of you reading this to put aside your personal opinions and judgments and
reservations. I want you to trust me to give this a chance.
Your Homework
Everyone reading this needs to set aside one hour in a quiet place. Take a pen and paper with
you. You need to close your eyes and spend the next thirty minutes visualizing yourself as your

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Ideal Self. Imagine clearly what you will look like, feel like, and act like once youve mastered
this area of your life.
As you run this image through your mind, pay attention to the way you walk, the way your
voice sounds, the thoughts running through your mind, visualize yourself in the company of the
woman you want to be with. Clearly imagine the women and note the way you interact with
After youve spent about thirty minutes just completely immersed in this new you stop your
visualizations and grab your pen and paper. Now I want you to write the most descriptive,
thought out, clearly defined, summary of this new you. Write everything in the present tense.
For example, suppose in your mind you saw yourself surrounded by a set of beautiful women
and they were all laughing and having a good time you would write I am confident around
large groups of beautiful women and easily create enjoyable conversation while building
attraction. If during your visualization you saw yourself having unbelievable sex with a perfect
10, write I am having sex the girl Ive desired and so on.
The idea here is to create a blueprint of the life you want. It needs to be as detailed as possible.
It needs to be filled with emotions and feelings. You need to read this piece of paper and be
instantly transported into that reality.
Every morning when you awaken take out that piece of paper and read it a few times to
yourself. Then close your eyes imagine this reality. See your ideal self. See your ideal life.
The entire time you're visualizing this life let your mind go. You will be tempted to let your
negativity and doubt creep in and tell you this isnt possible... or remind yourself of your
shortcoming or flaws Clear your mind of the negativity and focus solely on ideal life.
Throughout the day try to remember to keep your self- talk in the positive. Even if you deviate
from your ideal self in your current reality, continue to talk to yourself positively. I am
always meeting and attracting new interesting girls.
Every night before you go to bed; repeat the ritual of the morning. Lay there holding that image
(with feeling) firmly in your mind. See if so real that it feels like you're dreaming.
I want each and everyone one of you to do this for one month. Dont slack. Im not asking
much. There is no hard work involved. Im not asking you to approach 10 sets a night. Im just
asking you to spend a half an hour in the morning, and a half an hour in the evening visualizing
the life you want.
At the end of the 31 days I want feedback on this exercise I only want feedback from those of
you that followed it every day exactly as Ive stated. The rest of you can keep your excuses I
dont want to hear them.
Those that choose to follow this I know that I will be hearing miraculous stories!
If you want some further reading on this subject I highly recommend reading The Secret

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 2
Developing Inner Game
Written by Cajun
Originally Published: 06/12/2008

Inner game is probably one of the most popular subjects in the community. Its a major sticking
point for nearly everyone who has trouble talking to women and its a problem that can be
difficult to fix as well, since it tends to be rooted in a lifetimes worth of negative beliefs that
are based on things like fear and rejection. Inner game is also a topic that I think can only be
discussed from a personal level, that is, I cant convince you how to think or look at life
differently, only you can, but I can tell you how I overcame the very same problems, and hope
that you can learn from my experiences.
So what is it?
To me, inner game problems boils down to two things: your experience and your mindset.
Every problem you run into with not just women, but life itself, can be attributed to one of
these two areas. Im going to get into both of these, and give some personal insights, so
hopefully by the end of this article youll have a clearer understanding of what exactly it is that
you need to work on to fix your own issues.
When people ask me how I developed my Rock solid confidence, I always answer the same;
Practice. When you think about what confidence actually is you realize that it's simply doing
something that youve done enough times to be comfortable with. Its only when were thrown
into situations that are unfamiliar to us that we start to lose confidence in ourselves. The sad
and somewhat ironic reality is that most men are not comfortable talking to women simply
because they dont talk to women! Its a negative feedback loop thats perpetuated by a fear of
what might go wrong. This is bullshit! To be scared of the possible negative outcomes is to be
scared of the very thing that enables you to get better!
Think about it this way; when you were learning to ride a bike, were you too scared to get on
because of a fear that you might fall down? Maybe, but you got on anyway because you saw
how much fun all the other kids were having, even then you realized that the reward was worth
the risk. Well this is the same thing, I remember when I first started out with this stuff I used to
get drinks thrown in my face, told off, or simply ignored. The first few weeks were rough; it took
me a while before I got used to rejection enough that I could understand where I went wrong.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Getting used to rejection isnt easy, but the best advice I can give you is to simply accept it,
dont get mad at her or yourself, dont go home, just accept that its a completely normal, and
necessary part of the learning process. You cant make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
The sooner you realize that rejection is a necessary evil, the sooner you can come to terms with
it and move past it.
Mind Set:
Most of us grew up in a society that believed in a 2 concentric circle model of reality. That is,
the outer circle being reality, or the world around us, and the inner circle being our
consciousness. We experience the outer circle; reality, through our inner circle; our
consciousness. This is how we believed reality worked; that our consciousness was independent
of itbut recently this all changed.
We are now learning through quantum physics that reality is actually the inner circle, and that
our consciousness is the outer circle. That is; reality exists inside our mind, we create our own
reality with our thoughts (Or beliefs, if youd rather).
What does this mean?
As far as any of us know, there may only be 1 reality; your own. Whos to say Im not a figment
of your imagination, your reality, writing this entire article out to send a message to YOU, from
your subconscious mind. Its possible.
The truth is, whether any of us actually exist or not is irrelevant. Life is a game, and its a game
that a lot of people are scared to play. Dont be one of them.
I recently received an email from a student of mine asking about the power of beliefs, and how
they work. I replied with the following:
Think of it this way: what if, lets say, 15 years from now programmers invent this computer
game that is virtually identical to reality. The AI is so smart you cant tell its not a real person.
The five senses are so accurately programmed that there is no detectable difference to reality.
Now, you get to play this game, but the programmer tells you some hints on how to play, he
says this:
This software is programmed to work intuitively with your brain. So, if you want to be, lets
say, a rich Casanova in the game, then all you have to do is believe that you ARE a rich
Casanova, and you will become one. The trick is you have to actually believe it, and then the
program takes care of the rest. In fact you can have, and be anything you want in this program
as long as you ask for it using these beliefs. Think of it as your console hack"
Im sure you saw this coming, but this game already exists and its called reality. You become
who you believe you are.
Sound a little like the matrix? Well thats ok, like I said; I can only give advice on inner game
from my own personal perspective and this is simply how I believe reality works.
Ill end this article with something that Ive never written about before:

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

I remember the very night that I became good at attracting women, I remember because I had
an epiphany that night and it was so mind-blowing that I had to write it down as soon as I came
home. It has since become my mantra, and I know that if down the road I ever forget
everything that Ive learned in the past few years, all I will have to do is read this piece of paper
and it will all come back. What does the paper say?
The secret to becoming amazing at attracting women isto remember that you already are.
Your welcome,

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 3
Updating Your Look
Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published:06/13/2008

There is a misused phrase being tossed around in regards to attracting women Looks dont
matter. The phrase should have been worded Looks only matter so much.
There is no denying that physical attractiveness makes it easier for attraction to take place. But
you dont need to be naturally good looking to make a good first impression.
If youve read The Game you know that the first advice Mystery gave Neil Strauss was to
improve upon his look. He had the less-than-handsome Strauss shave his balding head, get a
tan, grow a goatee, hit the gym, and change his wardrobe. If youve seen the before and after
pictures you know what a drastic improvement these simple steps made.
Like Strauss says, Youve got to present your best self.
I wrote a post a couple months ago called 10 Ways to Immediately Make Yourself More
Attractive. I highly recommend reading over that list. The list includes simple to improve areas
like skin color, hair style, smiling, posture and grooming tips. By just implementing these 10 tips
you will begin to not only look more attractive, but you will begin to feel much more attractive.
What I did not include on that list but is equally important is maintaining a fit body. Im not
saying that you have to look like David Beckham but you know deep inside if youre body can
be improved upon. If you look in the mirror and see things jiggling, there is no excuse not hit to
hit the gym. If youre unsure of how to lose that extra weight check out this article about
shedding unwanted pounds if youre looking to gain some muscle read this article on bulking
up for the summer. If you want further information on designing a weight loss/muscle gain plan
read this free personal trainer program-the site has like five hundred articles on every aspect of
weight training and nutrition.
After youve improved upon the areas of your appearance that need some work it's time to
update your wardrobe. I am not a firm believer in peacocking in the sense that Mystery and
Style teach. But I do believe in using clothes and accessories as a way to attract positive
attention. More importantly is dressing in a way that promotes your self confidence.
If youve got little or no sense of fashion than read through our mens fashion articles here at
the site. Weve had a couple fashion consultants contributing articles to make your choices
easier. If youre still looking for more advice than I would recommend purchasing Brad Ps
Fashion Bible.
If you still have questions regarding how to go about updating your life you might find an article
I wrote for my How to Be Popular in High series helpful. Although the article was geared toward
high school students there is advice on creating your image that can be applied to all age

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

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groups. The article also talks about creating a presence and takes quite a bit from the classic
article The 7 Elements of Charisma.
Todays Homework
Today you need to make the necessary changes to present your best self. No matter what area
of your physical appearance (if any) needs an overhaul there is more than enough information
contained in this lesson to get you well on your way.
Remembers just because Looks only matter so much you shouldnt use that as an excuse to
be lazy about your appearance. Would you be attracted to a girl who isnt doing her best to
present herself to you?

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 4
Always be Advertising
Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 06/16/2008

In a common sales office 10% of the salesmen make 90% of the money. Is it because they are that much
better salesman? No. Its because a successful salesman is constantly marketing himself while the other
90% do their 9-5 in the office and call it a day.
The biggest mistake most guys tend to make while trying to improve their game is they think that it only
counts when they are at a bar or club. They read books, study lines, learn to be alpha but they sit in
their house all week waiting for the weekend to practice game.
I spent this weekend with AFC Adam Lyons from Pua Training in New York. If I had to name the most
inspiring thing I got out of the weekend it was Adams ability to always be on. Adam made the
comment several times that he is game. And hes right.
No matter who he was talking to he was projecting the same charismatic personality. He didnt wait
until heading to the clubs at night to go into game mode. He lived, breathed, and slept game.
Does that mean all you should care about is game? Hell no. It just means that everything you learn
needs to be implemented at all times.
Always dress to impress. Always be chatting up strangers. Always be opening sets. Always strive to make
your conversations memorable. Always be presenting your best self.
A lot guys wonder how come some nights it is so hard to get in state. It is so hard for them because all
week theyve created a pattern of bad posture, poor tonality, boring conversation, approach anxiety,
and AFC tendencies. then they expect to miraculously be the life of the party come Saturday night.
Every lesson that you learn throughout these 31 days needs to become a new habit in your life. If youve
just read an article about flirting; start flirting immediately. I dont care if you have to flirt with your sixty
year old neighbor. you need to always be reinforcing these skills.
Once you get in the habit of always reinforcing the skills youve been learning, you will find that it
becomes a lot easier to get in state since you will be spending most of your time in the right frame of
More importantly though, is that you will find, like the most successful salesmen, that the best leads
come when you least expect it. If youre always on youll find that youll naturally be attracting more
women into your life. Your co-workers who used to ignore you will be asking you to come hang out with
them. The counter girl at your local bank will be dropping you IOIs.
Always leave the house expecting to meet the girl of your dreams. Because you just dont know when
you will bump into her.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 5
Being High Status
Written by Mack Tight
Originally Published: 06/17/2008

I was reading Bobbys recent post Never Show Emotion When She Walks Away and all I could
think was could that dude make it any more obvious that he was low status?
Let me explain
When you think of high status males who do you think of?
Donald Trump George Clooney Kobe Bryant your favorite politician
Now if any of these guys had an attractive girl make out with them and run off would they set
around and pout like a tit baby about it?
Fuck no
They are flooded by a large quantity of attractive women in their life and even if you
temporarily took away their money, clothes, cars and made them wear a disguise; any woman
would still be able to read that they are high status within minutes of meeting them by the way
they talk, act and by their body language.
In Wisconsin we deer hunt and my Dad always told me to never cough because a deers hearing
is much better than a humans
Well a womans status senses are far superior to a mans.
Now you might ask why status is so important to women.
Because with high status comes most of the traits women desire in men like security, power,
wealth, fame, social acceptance and notoriety. Not only will landing a guy like that make her life
better, it will make the life of her kids better and even make her friends jealous and envious.
yes, women are actually very competitive with each other but in more subtle ways than
So how can women sense your status?
They can sense your supply versus your demand
If you are clingy and needy it shows to them that you have a low demand and a high supply. If
on the other hand you dont give a shit when dealing with a hot girl youre showing your supply
is low and your demand is high.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Now if a guys supply is high and demand low and attractive women is the commodity; the
attractive women are going to have a harder time landing this guys business. This raises his
status to them.
Supply and demand is not unique to women and men either
Why is gas $4 a gallon? Supply and demand!
Why are diamonds so expensive? Supply and demand! (Thanks to DeBeers)
It is like your status is a publicly traded stock when you go into a club and your every action
makes it go up and down in value.
Heres another analogy from my childhood
When I was a kid I collected sports cards. There was a term called a common for sports cards
of a player no one wanted. Commons were ummm common
dont be a common!
The guy in Bobbys story showed to everyone in the bar and most importantly to the girl that he
was a common by gawking at her and pouting.
It is quite obvious that an attractive girl kissing him was a big deal and a rare occurrence in his
That made it quite obvious to everyone that he was low status.
Now similarly, if you go to a car dealership to deal on a car, you always want to give them the
impression that there are other dealerships that are in the hunt for your business
If you go to a job interview you want to give the interviewers the impression that there are
many companies of courting you
you are living in a world of opportunities and abundance.
Always give the impression that you have options in your life even if you dont.
Now let me switch things up and touch on some community concepts that hit on the high
status point
Do you think wearing a pair of Sketchers, some old carpenter pants and a boring t-shirt of your
local major sports team screams Im high status?
To me it screams I dont care how I look, I want to fit in and Im scared to stand out!
Thats what peacocking is all about having the balls to stand out
and Im not talking about even wearing goggles and a fuzzy hat.
For example, I recently bought a bright green Paul Frank t-shirt with Julius the monkey on it.
What can I say; some like dogs and cats but I LOVE MONKEYS!
I had guys busting on me about it but I could HANDLE it. I had women cold approaching ME
about the shirt and I went to town from there. I even had some girls who BUSTED on me just

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

like the guys did but I was able to turn the tables and get attraction from them. I bet everyone
of those douche bags who were busting on me went out and bought the same shirt the next
but I have a feeling they had no luck with it because they could not properly handle the
High status men do not care what others think.
Negging is defined as saying something to an attractive girl that subtly shows her that you are
not caught in a hypnotic trance over her beauty.
Calling it negging was a bad move because people outside of the community assume it is just
about putting down women.
Sure, some examples involve VERY, VERY subtle comments that could be taken as a backhanded
compliment. For example, take Mysterys its funny how your nose twitches when you talk or
Neil Strauss routine of picking a piece of lint off a girls shirt. It is not like you are calling the girl
a bitch or saying she is ugly. You need to differentiate negging from being an obnoxious
asshole. Many people who are new to the community do not understand how to calibrate
proper negging.
Basically you are showing her that in a sea of low value ass-kissing chumps you are the one
prized high value man who is accustomed to interacting with girls of her level of beauty on a
routine basis.
She is accustomed to being put on a pedestal by guys staring at her, buying her drinks, endlessly
approaching her and showering her with complements
but you quickly knock her off the pedestal to defuse her defenses. It may sound mean but
women WANT to come off their pedestals to meet a high value man like yourself!
Giving/Taking Value
I made a post a while back by Mehow about giving value by being the value.
It does a good job of differentiating how needy and high status guys communicate with women.
Do you think a rock star that is in town for a tour is going to barrage a girl he just met with a
bunch of interview questions?
Whats your name? Whats your age? Where are you from? What is your job?
HELL NO! For him to ask such personal questions to a girl with them both knowing he will be in
a different city the next day would be silly.
Instead he is probably going to vibe with her about cool things. Maybe theyll talk about music
or pop culture. He might bring up some stories about something crazy that happened at his last
tour stop in New York City.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Guys often interact with beautiful women by asking endless personal questions and they
usually never end up seeing or talking to the girl EVER AGAIN anyway, so it is completely
High status men want to test women before they even care about their personal life. They
begin by building comfort and attraction by telling interesting high value stories (such as the
rock stars crazy night at his NYC tour stop). ONLY if the interaction progresses to the point that
it EXCEEDS his normal standards does he care to learn the back of baseball card stats of a girls
personal life.
A high status man has many options with quality women just as a quality woman has many
options with low status men. The key is that quality women only have limited opportunities to
interact with truly high status men. So show them that you are high status from the start and
you will make yourself the exception and not the norm.
So there you go
I hope I did a good job of explaining high status to you. I also hope my examples gave you some
ideas on how you can raise your status to women even higher.
Its casual,
Mack Tight

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 6
How to be a Good Flirt
Written by Christian Hudson
Originally Published 06/18/2008

I was a very boring guy until I turned about 22. My interests used to lie exclusively in history,
economics and business, and while this proved an asset in my talks with adults, I was
completely stilted when youd throw me into a bar full of people my age. I thought that,
somehow, once a girl sensed how deep and concerned about the real world I was, she was
bound to be attracted to me. Needless to say, I wasnt exactly a huge hit around the college
bars in Ann Arbor, MI.
The inability to be fun and flirtatious is one of the most common problems that men face when
theyre learning to get better with women. To this day, it is issue number one amongst the
clients with whom I work. While they may have some approach anxiety, it is not necessarily
because they are afraid of getting rejected, so much as it is that they are worried the
conversation will flatten out and get boring. Theres nothing worse than a girl who, initially,
seems to be enjoying her time with you, only to see her attention wane as the conversation
starts to get, well, lame.
If youve ever been talking to a woman and thought to yourself, man, Im even boring myself!
then you know exactly what Im talking about here.
A flat conversation is one without any spark, emotion, surprise it is how you might
communicate with your lawyer or your professor. And listen, if you never learned to
communicate any other way, thats fine youre in the company of many other men. But lets
learn how to flirt, and add some much-needed texture to the conversation.
Flirting is conversational play. Its two people talking about anything they want (it definitely
does not need to be logical) and pushing, pulling, surprising and rewarding each other. Flirting
is YOU and HER your personality and hers sharing some basic information and making it
more fun. I like to think of it as taking a flat note, hitting it with a bend, and running it through a
flanger. Swooosh instant texture. But perhaps an example is in order.
F: So where are you from?
M: Right, uh Stains. It's just outside London.
F: Ok how is it there?
M: Its pretty nice. You know, it was a good place to grow up. How about you, where are you

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Here, our man is relaying facts. This conversation is as flat as a deflated blimp, and probably not
even as interesting. Key point: the girl is not having FUN sharing this information. Lets consider
a few tweaks.
F: So where are you from?
M: Hmmmm, Im from guess where Im from. (Here youre creating a little game more fun)
F: Ohhh, ahhh, London. (Note: there are about a million responses she could have here, ranging
from I dont know, to thats too hard well use one of those in a later example),
M: Ohhh! So close. You get the Silver Star. (Little reward for playing along). Nope, Im from
F: Stains whats that like?
M: Ok, Ill tell you what it's like (here youre headlining what youre going to say, building up
anticipation. Now, put your hand on her shoulder and lean into her ear, saying quietly) but
you cant tell anyone else. (Now, step back, look her in the eye, and say) promise?
F: Ok, promise.
M: Cool, so check it out
What have we done here? Weve conveyed the exact same information, but weve texturized it
with some personality. Weve made a little game of getting it out of you. Theres a whole mess
of other things going on in here - subtle frame control, screening and qualifying - but most
importantly, it's made the conversation, and the process of sharing information, a lot more
These exact conversation fragments happened with a boot camp client not long ago; needless
to say, after coaching him on how to rock the second one, he was doing a lot better with the
I want to add too you dont have to be a dancing ape with your delivery on this one. Too
often, our models of fun behavior and delivery are guys who are way over the top, act gay, or
have some other presentation style that just smacks of seduction community. You can be
totally chill, and as long as your delivery includes some warmth and a smile, youll be golden.
Think Happy Californian Stoner/Surfer.
Ok, so lets consider another example a girl asks you what you do. This is literally the first
question out of the mouth of every girl you meet here in NYC; there must be a book that girls
receive when they move here, about how to tell if the guy theyre talking to is going to treat
them to Per Se dinners and weekends in the Hamptons.
I used to answer this question in one of two ways. One option was to say Are you qualifying
me already? which girls usually take as offensive and which, 95% of the time, shuts down the
conversation. That line works with certain girls, but theres no algorithm for knowing which
you just need to practice and develop a feel for it. The other thing Id say was something like
Im a garbage man, which is obviously a lie and which, because Im not being truthful,

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

punished them for asking me about myself. So whats a fun way to stand out when a girl asks
you this question?
F: So what do you do?
M: Hmmm, Im a. guess what I do. (Shes going to have to work harder than her lame How to
Separate the Duds from the Studs in NYC guidebook told her she would)
F: I dont know. It could be anything. (And shes not pleased about it!)
M: Ok, tell you what (thinking) Ill give you three options. (I wouldnt play a
reward/punishment game here if it's early in the conversation, as youre getting away from
the question at that point).
F: Ok, that sounds good.
M: Ok, option 1 I run a beverage company that produces and markets caffeinated gelatin
shots in little one ounce packets. (Lots of detail, fun, interesting)
F: Ahhh, ok
M: Option 2: I consult with men on their lifestyles and communications skills kind of like Hitch
to help them meet cooler women and have better social lives (too ridiculous to be true or is
F: hahahaha, right
M: Option 3: I run a software company that builds security software for biotech firms who want
to protect sensitive data from being stolen by insiders (sounds legit, too complicated to be a lie)
F: Okkkkkk thats tough.
M: I know, right? But youve got the power of your copious intellect.
F: Haha, so Im going to guess option 3.
M: Wow, youre like kind of right! You get partial credit! That deserves a hug, but no kiss on
the cheek yet. (Give her a little hug)
F: Wait what do you mean partial credit?
M: Well Ive actually done all three.
F: So youre an entrepreneur!
M: Yeah, exactly. Damn, youre wicked smart.
And so on. This is a conversation I have, frequently almost verbatim, and helps me avoid talking
about the coaching stuff because Ill steer it into talking about jello shots or software. Of
course, the way that you present something like this may vary; one way you might want to
present it is to throw in your job, described very interestingly, along with two hobbies,
described as if they were jobs (i.e. if you play guitar you could say Im a musician working to
get his first breakthrough demo track laid down).
Now, it's time to ask the girl what she does. Heres the flat, boring version:
M: So what do you do?
31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio
31 Days to Better Game:

F: Im a technical designer for Jill Sanders.

M: Ok, uh whats that?
I meet girls every day and they tell me they do something that Ive never heard of. More often
than not, I just dont have anything good to relate, immediately, to what a girl does. So what
can you do with that?! Well
M: So what do you do?
F: Im a technical designer for Jill Sanders
M: Wait a minute, no youre NOT. Get, OutOfHere. (Smiling as if she just made your day when
she told you that)
F: Wait, why (shes probably smiling now too).?
M: Actually, I have no idea what a technical designer is (both laugh). But it sounds exciting. Tell
me about it.
Same information, more texture, more playfulness. Lets consider another example, but with a
more common job:
M: So what do you do?
F: Im a sales representative for [insert big faceless company here]
M: Wait a minute, no youre NOT. Get, OutOfHere. (Smiling as if she just made your day when
she told you that)
F: Wait, why (shes probably smiling now too).?
M: Ah, Im just messing with ya. Howd you get into sales?
See? Creating this playful tension, this texture, makes a girl feel much better about sharing
information with you. She has FUN telling it to you because the conversation itself is a little
series of surprises.
And ultimately, this is what flirting is all about. Weve barely scratched the surface in terms of
all the techniques you can use to flirt. But if the attitude you take with you into your
interactions is what would give this conversation some texture, some fun? then youll find
yourself flirting pretty effortlessly.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 7
Simple steps for Successfully Approaching and Opening Women
Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 06/19/2008

I think most guys are waiting for some new pick up artist to come out with an innovative, fail
proof, guaranteed to work opening line to say to a woman. Dont hold your breath.
An opener is just the first thing you say to start an interaction. Yes, ideally it will make her
laugh, make you look cool, and create conversation that just flows from it.
But the fact is; there is no perfect opener. But there are perfect ways to approach and deliver
your opening line.
The best approaches are spontaneous. BAM! You see a woman you want to talk to an
immediately initiate a conversation. The reason these approaches are the best is because very
little thought is going into the interaction. The less thought out and planned an interaction is
the more natural and relaxed you will appear.
Once you start scanning your mind for things to say it's over. Youre mentally in the wrong
This is why in the beginning a lot of coaches recommend using canned openers. Personally, I
recommend having a couple canned openers ready for different situations but I would keep
them simple (hey, are you guys friendly?..) and stay away from the classic Mystery or Strauss
who lies more or what 80s pop duo should I name my dog after? Ive found that guys who
are using these elaborate canned openers are getting stuck in routine mode and not going on
to develop natural conversation skills. But that's just my opinion.
When it comes to opening girls Ive found that several things will make all the difference.
1. Proximity. The easiest girls to talk to are the ones you're standing closest to. Most of the
time these girls will be expecting you to open them. As you walk into a venue scan the room for
the best possible spot. You dont want to be the guy doing laps all night with the hungry look on
his face.
2. Spontaneous. The best approaches feel spontaneous. That is the beauty of the three second
rule. If youve entered a bar, and youre in the proximity to a couple girls you want to talk to-
open them immediately. The longer you wait the more awkward it's going to be. Even if you
just say you girls look like youre ready for a fun night give them cheers with your glass and
then go back to talking to your friend. Now theyre opened. Open as many people around you
as quickly as you can. This will put you in the right frame of mind. (And build social value)
3. Body Language- The reason spontaneous approaches work the best is because your body
language doesnt have time to get all weird and up tight. Because the approach was
spontaneous you will be sending off really natural body language. You want to make sure your

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body language conveys the image that this interaction carries no excess value to you. You also
want to present the image that you could turn and walk away at any time.
4. Stay Fun- Once youve approached and opened girls keep a really fun vibe. I see too many
guys open a girl with a funny line then immediately go into interview mode. Once youre in
interview mode she knows youre hitting on her, and is probably bored. Youre better off
staying playful for awhile.
5. Know when to eject and when not to- If you open a girl and the whole time youre talking to
her shes fumbling with her cell phone and avoiding eye contact dont waste your time. On
the other hand, if you get a tad resistance; don't prematurely eject. You have to differentiate
between a girl who visibly giving you signals of disinterest and the girls that just take a little
more work. Remember not all girls are super outgoing some girls need a little prying before
they open up.
I hope that these tips help next time youre out. There are entire books on approaching but
sometimes it's the simplest advice that is most practical and easy to implement.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 8
Improving Your Conversation Skills
Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 06/20/2008

The goal of a conversation is to connect with the other person on some level. After youve
approached a woman and have broken the ice with an opening line you need to hook her into
the conversation. You need to get her to invest some interest in talking to you.
How do you get a girl to invest some interest in the conversation?
One of the easiest ways to elicit a response is to make assumptions about her and funny
guesses. For instance, the other night I was talking to a girl at a bar, and I asked her if she lived
in the city. She told me she just moved here from Iowa.
The standard question that most guys would have asked next was how do you like the city?
Instead I said, So, youre here because as a child you had bright lights big city dreams you
imagined yourself strolling down Fifth Ave, swinging your briefcase on your way to your job in
At this point she stopped me and said Ha-ha, actually I imagined it was a job on Wall St., Im
a finance geek.
So you imagined yourself in a power suit doing lunches with the Gordon Gekko types...
talking about how Intel is down a point?
From there the conversation flowed naturally because I avoided interview mode. I guided her
along. When that thread died down it was easy to transition into another interesting topic.
So tell me what your first week in the city was really like I asked her.
Here she brought up the emotions she felt of excitement mixed with fear.
Using the material she gave me the mix of excitement and fear I was able to transition into
another thread.
Well arent the most satisfying times in life the times you feel that adrenaline? It's like when
you think of your most memorable vacation it probably wasnt a vacation you sat in a beach
chair sipping Pina Coladas... It was probably one where you challenged yourself a bit
Haha, yes being stuck in France not speaking a word of the language... out of money
Oh... that sounds like a good story... do tell!
See how the conversation is naturally flowing from one thread to another? After she spoke a bit
about her adventure in France I told her about my first time in Brazil, and explained the
emotion I felt of being lost on this entirely different continent, and how it almost brings you
back your childhood when things were still new and you had that desire to explore.

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We were able to smoothly transition from Do you live in the City? to having a detailed
conversation about our most adventurous vacations.
The key to being a good conversationalist is to keep your ears open for hooks. A hook is
something she says that you can use to extend the conversation. If youre listening to her youll
notice a new hook every time she opens her mouth. When she told me she just moved here
from Iowa a month ago she gave me three hooks to work off of. (Leaving Iowa, arriving in NY,
her first month here) Each time she gives you a hook you should relate it back to her
establishing a connection.
The biggest mistakes guys make is turning the conversation into an interview take the
conversation above and see how easily it could have headed into interview mode:
me: Do you live in the city?
her: I just moved here from Iowa
me: Oh yea.. so what do you do?
her: Im a stock broker
me: where do you usually hangout?
See how easily the conversation could have turned into a high pressured interview if I hadnt
used what she gave me and related it back to her.
You also want to stay away from try hard relating. This is where everything she says you try to
find away to immediately relate to it.
me: Do you live in the city?
her: I just moved here from Iowa
me: Really, I have a friend who went there on vacation last year. What do you do?
her: Im a stockbroker.
me: Oh yea.. I dabbled with stocks online a little. What do you do for fun?
In the example above youre wasting valuable hooks by trying to fill the air with pointless
banter about yourself. Who cares that your friend went there on vacation?
The proper way to handle a hook is to relate it back to her. This is actually a technique I learned
from Richard La Ruinas book The Natural Art of Seduction where he talks about taking things
deeper. Here is an example from my conversation of how I took things deeper.
me: tell me about your most adventurous vacation.
her: It was this time in France when I was dead broke, didnt speak the language, and
alone for two days wondering around Paris.
me: So you must have felt both the thrill and fear of complete anonymity. So what does
one do when they know no one will find out?

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See how I acknowledged the emotion that she must have been feeling. This simple
acknowledgement let her know that: 1. I was really listening to her. 2. That I was able to
empathize and understand her. 3. That I was genuinely curious to know what one does when
they know no one is watching.
Once youve acknowledged what she has given you it is alright to relate the story to yourself.
Because now she knows that youre on the same playing field. She knows that youre not
superficially trying to relate
This is a conversational strategy you should take on no matter who you are talking to. Many of
us have old habits that were going to have to break. The easiest way to break an old habit is to
consistently implement a new one.
Instead of waiting for attractive girls to practice this new conversational strategy I would
suggest practicing it with your friends, family, and co-workers. Practice picking out the hooks
these people are giving you, and then practice acknowledging the hooks. If you get in this habit
you will naturally become a better conversationalist.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 9
How to Build Comfort with a Girl
Written by T
Originally Published: 06/23/2008

Bobby Rio asked me to shed some light on building comfort with women. This is just a sampler
of techniques you can use to build comfort with women and isnt meant to be an exhaustive list
by any means. I hope you guys enjoy it and find it helpful.
Two things I hear guys ask about when it comes to building comfort with women are (1)
whether to go indirect versus direct with the game and (2) whether to compliment or playfully
insult the woman. My answer isit depends on your conveyed status. If your body language,
physical appearance, social proofing and/or manner of speech are strong enough to convey
higher value from the moment you walk in the door or open your mouth, sure you can
compliment a woman upon first meeting her. One of my rules has always been that its all right
to put a woman on a pedestal so long as its made clear that youre on the throne, which is
even higher. Or to put it another way, treating a woman like a queen is not a sign of weakness
as long as its crystal clear that youre the king. If theres any possible doubt as to your status
versus her status, however, you will probably want to lean more toward indirect game and
playful teasing and insults.
The more comfortable you get with your game, the easier it will get to convey that youre an
alpha male and a prize with hardly any effort. Until you reach that level of game, however, its
always better to start in the beginning with a little more indirect game and use playful negging
and teasing to bring down your targets status in relation to your status. Eventually though as
you get more comfortable with your inner game and alpha role, you want to get skilled at
knowing how and when to use compliments and direct game as well as using negs and indirect
Daytime Drills
One of the biggest problems men have with building comfort with women is that they put too
much emphasis on the moment of truth, which is the moment of interaction at the bar or club.
Picture yourself as an athlete, say a basketball player, but you never practice or touch a
basketball except during big games in front of a large amount of people. Imagine how nervous
youd be. Imagine how off your game would be. Youd never do that. Youd practice by yourself
for hours when nothing is on the line and not a lot of people are watching. Youd run drills.
Youd take shot after shot after shot in your spare time. Youd do visualization exercises. And by
the time you hit the big game youd feel a lot less pressure on yourself because you mentally
prepared yourself for this moment.
The same applies for building comfort with women: practice when it doesnt count and when
no one is watching and youll be way more confident and perform much better during game
time. Start a conversation every day with a different attractive woman. Aim for 30 seconds.

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Then go for a minute. You achieve that, go for five minutes. If youre stuck on a long post office
line behind an attractive woman, thats an opportunity for conversation. A woman sitting next
to you on a bus reading a book youve already read is an opportunity. A cramped subway car is
an opportunity. Make small talk with the Starbucks barista when waiting for your coffee. Chat
with a cute bank teller while shes handling business for you. Ask a woman for her opinion on a
cologne or article of clothing youre considering buying when youre shopping at the
department store. The whole goal is to get comfortable talking to women you dont know.
When you do this, take mental notes on what works and what doesnt. Its not enough to make
a note on what doesnt work for the sake of avoiding repeating the mistake; its even more
important to make notes on what does work so that you can repeat it and fine-tune it. For
some reason a lot of guys make a joke or tell a story that works brilliantly in a conversation, pat
themselves on the back for it, and forget to ever repeat that joke or story again. Dont fall into
that trap.
When you do these daily conversations in the beginning youre just aiming to get used to the
banter and to reduce the anxiety you get from having conversations with women. Womens
defenses tend to be down more in these casual daytime situations than they are in a bar or
nightclub where they are more guarded due to being hit on incessantly, so youll experience
less rejection and more responsiveness than you would in a nightspot. With these drills, you
dont have to get a number or pick a woman up. The point is to get comfortable starting
conversations with women and to get comfortable with the occasional rejection. In fact, the
more you get rejected, the more you realize that it wont kill you and that its not the end of the
world. And that alone is important. Then youll want to get used to observing and interpreting
body language. Then you need to focus on using your body language to convey the alpha male
impression you want to convey. Once you get used to doing your daily daytime drills and
getting comfortable starting and maintaining conversations with women, youll see your bar or
nightclub game improve dramatically.
Nightlife Comfort
Since this article is supposed to be about building comfort, Im not going to focus on openers
and how to start conversations with women. There are plenty of other articles out there about
that. Im going to focus on how to build comfort with a woman once youre already in
conversation with her.
First, never sound desperate to please. Be cocky, be playful, tease her like shes your little
sister. Make her laugh, but never at your own expense. Dont use self-deprecating humor.
Avoid it at all costs. There is one exception to the self-deprecating humor rule: you can use self-
deprecating humor if its blatantly insincere and actually points out one of your strengths: for
example, if you have an athletic, muscular physique, you can joke about what a 95 lb. weakling
you are. It works great because (a) its genuinely funny when done right and (b) it points out
one of your strengths yet comes off less obnoxious and approval-seeking than outright
bragging. But outside of that exception, avoid self-deprecation or anything that lowers your

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Second, dont apologize for who you are and dont be afraid to offend, because both those
tendencies are obstacles to building comfort. When many guys come across a pretty woman,
the anxiety kicks in and they start getting flustered easily. Then they start over apologizing. A
woman busts their balls a little bit and they backtrack or apologize immediately. They are so
afraid of not getting her approval that they almost beg for it. Dont do it. Dont apologize. Stick
to your guns. Of course use your discretion; if you step on her foot or spill a drink on her, then
you should apologize. Apologizing for your actions is the right thing to do under some
circumstances. Apologizing for who you are and what you believe however is a no-no.
Ill give an example of this. A friend of mine, Beethoven, recently approached two women at a
bar. The conversation started out well enough, but at some point one of the girls asked
Beethoven what he and his friends were discussing earlier. Beethoven responded We were
just discussing how many fat girls there are here tonight. His targets jaw dropped and she was
absolutely mortified. She said Thats not very nice and seemed disgusted. But Beethoven
stuck to his guns, didnt backtrack and didnt apologize. He just looked her up and down and
said Whatever, why does it bother you? Its not like you have anything to worry about looking
the way you do and just kept going with the conversation. If he apologized, instead of making
the situation better, it would have just highlighted the awkwardness, which would have made
her uncomfortable, and even worse, put her in a position of dominance, which would make her
lose respect for him. Not only did he turn that potential negative into a positive, he ended up
hooking up with her.
Women do not respect a man they can easily dominate or make uncomfortable, and if they do
not respect you, they will feel uncomfortable around you. By never sounding desperate to
please and never apologizing for who you are, you earn their respect and set the foundation for
building more comfort.
Third, know when to stop negging and teasing so much. Sometimes when guys get really good
at the negging and teasing and see the initial results it gets them, they go overboard and do it
for too long. And then it goes from being cute and charming to just smug, annoying and dickish.
Once you start winning a woman over and she is warming up to you, she is going to want to
start getting to know you and building rapport with you. If you just keep negging and teasing at
the same level you were when you first started building comfort with her, you risk coming off as
a real obnoxious prick. You should keep playful tone and never stop teasing totally, but you do
want to dial it down as you build more and more rapport with the girl. And you never, ever
want to tease a girl about a topic related to her core values. If shes heavily into church, dont
mock religion. If she is passionate about fashion and works in the field, dont mock her chosen
field as frivolous or stupid. If shes passionate about politics and is involved in certain causes,
dont tease or playfully insult her favorite cause or ideology. Good rule of thumb is to be careful
about negging about political stances, chosen careers and religious beliefs, as these tend to
represent a persons core values and insulting these, even playfully, often does more harm than
Fourth, move around from place to place, even if its within the bar or club. For some reason,
changing locations gives the psychological impression that you are spending more time

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together and bonding more. The more locations a woman associates with you, the more time
she feels like shes spent with you and the more comfortable she feels. Its an illusion, really,
but it works. For example, if within a bar, lead her to a spot at the bar and order drinks. Take
her to another end of the bar and introduce her to some your friends. 10 minutes later take her
to some couches to sit down. If you know how to dance, take her to the dance floor later. Then
go to another part of the bar. As with anything, dont overdo it. You dont want to come off as
hyperactive and spastic and moving around every 30 seconds. Moving around from venue to
venue also helps build comfort, such as going from one bar to a second bar to lounge to a
dinerbouncing around like that gives the psychological impression to a girl that shes just
spent three or four mini-dates with you and shell feel more comfort with you than if you spent
that exact same amount of time talking to her rooted to one spot.
Fifth, make sure to touch her whenever you can. In the pickup community they call it kino,
but its something my friend and I always made sure to do before we ever knew what it was
called. A conversation will get stale quickly and turn into the foundation for a friend zone
relationship if you never touch her during the conversation. Light, playful touching conveys
sexual interest and builds attraction and sexual tension, which are very important when
building comfort. If you build comfort without building attraction at the same time, youve just
guaranteed yourself a place in the friend zone. Im not going to go into the specifics of playful
touching here, but you can find tons of kino-related articles by Bobby and Mike right here on
the TSB Magazine Im sure. Getting the balance of touching just right so that you dont come off
either too timid or too aggressive takes some trial and error, but its not that hard.
Sixth, while its cool to playfully bring up sex, do not dwell too deeply into conversation about
ex's (hers or yours) and specific approaches toward sex. These things can backfire too easily if
you dont know what youre doing. With ex-es, it can end up being a light, harmless
conversation. But theres also the risk that she may end up talking about him at length and
getting nostalgic about him and talking about how much she still loves him, and suddenly the
attraction mood is dead and youre on the road to becoming her emotional tampon as she
drones on and on about how much feelings she has for him. Or on the flip side, she may have a
lot of unresolved anger toward him, may start venting and getting worked up and then start
transferring her issues with her ex specifically and men in general toward the next closest male
target, who in this case would be you. I made this mistake with a woman once, thinking that
making her talk about her shitty ex would be a great way to sell myself as a positive alternative.
Instead I spent the night fielding angry questions about why guys cheat, why guys fear
commitment, why guys hurt womenI ended up being her convenient target for everything she
hated about men. Needless to say, it wasnt a great comfort-building conversation.
And regarding bringing up specific approaches toward sex, heres an example of how that can
backfire. Unlike men, womens attitudes change wildly with their emotional states. With men,
to change their minds you must change their logic. With women, to change their minds you
must change their emotions. If a woman hasnt built much attraction and comfort with you yet
and you ask her what her attitude is about how soon is too soon to have sex, youll get a totally
different answer than you would if you asked her that same question later on when you have
her on an emotional high. By asking her such a specific sexual questions too early before shes

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

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built comfort and rapport with you, shell be very cognizant about coming off like a slut to a guy
she barely knows and may say something like I dont have sex with a guy until three or four
months of dating, and I have to get to know him very well first. Now that youve made her
explicitly give a sexual timetable, its going to mentally psyche you out and make you behave
less aggressively in your comfort building. Youll start believing you have no shot of building
much comfort anytime soon. And on her end, now that shes verbally committed to that, even
if she gets insanely attracted and comfortable with you later in that same conversation, shes
going to feel obligated to stick to her original conservative statement for fear of looking like a
hypocrite or liar. Meanwhile, if you never asked about sex at all things could have happened
much more spontaneously.
As I mentioned before, this isnt an exhaustive list when it comes to building comfort, but I
think its a pretty good foundation. Hope it helps some of you out there.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 10
Being Funnier Make it fun!
Written by Barry Kirkey

Originally Published: 06/24/2008

Every woman likes a positive man, and often, positivity takes the form of a good sense of
humor. The problem with giving anyone advice about how to become funnier, is that humor is
universally subjective. Meaning, every culture, sub-culture or individual decides what is funny
on their own. Yeah there are exceptions, people can be told by popular media what they think
is funny, but youre not one of those people because youre reading this article.
Here are some things you can do to become funnier, in chronological order:
First, find out what you like. A sense of humor is as unique as your own DNA (simile). They are
usually a complex combination of joke types, body language, interest in shows/movies, and so
forth. This step should normally be a no-brainer, but youd be surprised at how so many people
dislike comedy.
Once you find out what you like, expose yourself to it. Watch those shows and movies that you
love. Watch them alone or with friends and family. Learn how to laugh out loud when you
watch them, even if youre by yourself. I would caution you, however, not to force it down,
meaning if youre not in the mood to watch a comedy show (sitcoms, late night, etc.) then dont
watch it. If you have the problem of never being in the mood then you need to find out why this
is the case.
If youre never in the mood to laugh, you may have other issues that are keeping you down. I
suggest you speak to a psychologist, doctor or other professional that can determine why your
mood is always down. You might be surprised to learn about what prevents you from doing
what you love. This can be something as serious as depression or anxiety. However, it can also
mean that youre still, subconsciously, dealing with unresolved matters in your life (such as, a
fight with your dad 6 months ago and you havent talked to him since).
After enough exposure, youre ready to take it to the field. Try to avoid copying other jokes
directly those Borat impressions are no longer funny, so dont do them. Unless youre a
naturally funny guy then you can get away with it, but thats a whole different article. If you
must copy, use a variation of what youve learned instead. For example, if you want to do a
Seinfeld joke, dont just start quoting the show. Do your worst and most annoying Seinfeld
voice and exaggerate a Seinfeld-type joke as much as you can. Make it ridiculous and

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While all this is going, laugh at your own jokes. Laugh as much as you can and absorb the
criticism of others by laughing even more. Heres why: Laughing is infectious. The more you
laugh, the more others around you are likely to laugh as well.
Not only that, but lets consider the whole theory of conditioning by association. If youre
consistently around the same people, doing jokes often, and laughing often, people will
associate you with laughter. When this happens, youve won the game youre known as the
funny guy.
But Mr. fuckface (me)! How do I use this to get girls!?
Just by statistics, most people end up in quality relationships through other people that you
already know (i.e., in the office, friend of a friend or family member). So you get the immediate
benefit of being the funny guy in your own social circle that way.
But Mr. faggittface (me)! What about girls you dont know?!
Okay, thats definitely more difficult, but not impossible. With cold approaches, first
impressions are the only thing you have, so make it count. Start off with the best jokes you
have, make sure you laugh and you smile. If she looks down on you, make a friendly insult,
wow someone dropped their funny basket in the toilet today! and walk on to the next
If you end up forced into a situation with someone who doesnt respect your humor then this is
particularly challenging, because you can potentially make an enemy without knowing it.
Similar to what happened with Darth Vador, its difficult to turn someone from being your
enemy to your friend, but not impossible. I wont go into this situation now, because that is a
discussion for those who are already polished and comfortable with their own sense of humor
Dun dun dun! Anal.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 11
Mastering the Art of Push-Pull and Cocky-Funny
Written by The Asian Rake
Originally Published: 06/25/2008

Do You Want Faster and More Powerful Seductions? How the 80/20 Principle applies to Push-
Pull and Cocky-Funny?
Weve all heard about the 80/20 principle first developed by Vilfredo Pareto in the context of
the distribution of income and wealth. My experience and observations have shown that the
80/20 rule applies just as well to push-pull and cocky-funny.
After closely observing naturals who are masters at crazily rapid escalations and seductions,
and after a lot of discussions with PUAs who have really tight game, Ive discovered an
important enhancement to the simplistic push-pull and cocky-funny concepts. This small bit of
fine-tuning can shave a lot of time off your seductions and create much stronger, closer
emotional connections.
Heres my thesis statement (yes, Im an academic, lol): If you want to seduce a woman faster
and have her more powerfully attracted to you, the optimal mix for a man who already has his
fundamentals down (his body language, tonality, and basic inner game) and is interacting with a
confident and attractive woman is 80% pull, 20% push.
Im not going to be too strict about the numbers. But more accurately, the optimal combination
depends on how good the mans fundamentals are and how confident the woman is. Its a
continuum with the upper end of the continuum being 80-20 pull-push.
My experience has also been that pull-push is best mixed with humor. Plus, the pull and the
push are opposite manifestations of cockiness. With push, you are cocky enough to think that
you are too good for the girl, so you push her away. With pull, you are cocky enough to think
that you are irresistible to her and to women in general, and you want her, so you pull her in.
Although there is plenty to say about this combination of push-pull and cocky-funny, Ill leave
that to another article. My focus here is on the 80/20 principle applied to the push-pull
dynamic. Ill assume here that its obvious that push-pull is closely connected to cocky-funny.
For the classic book on push-pull, see Swingcats ebook, Real World Seduction. For cocky-funny,
the best authority is David DeAngelo. Check out his ebook, Double Your Dating, and his DVD
series, Cocky Comedy. I assume at least familiarity with push-pull and cocky-funny as described
in these resources. Christian Hudson and Nick Sparks over at The Social Man are about to
release a product that incorporates all the concepts in Swingcat and David D.s books and then
takes it all to another level. Watch at their site for the release. Were good friends, so Im a little
biased, but you can go over there and check it out for yourself:

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

What I say here is NOT for absolute newbie's, who dont yet have their fundamentals down
(body language, tonality, and basic inner game). If you still dont know what good BL&T looks,
sounds, and feels like, stop reading this and figure that out first.
My point here applies to elite game. Its for guys who want to know what its like to live in the
top 10%, or higher, of men in this world. Thats not to say this is advanced. Its just not for
A quickie definition of push-pull straight from the pen of Swingcat: Push-Pull is whenever you
emotionally push a woman away from you and, then, emotionally pull her back in. Each Push
creates an emotional space for each Pull. Well be filling this out as we go along.
Now lets unpack the thesis statement.
While you can succeed using almost any combination of push and pull (e.g., 80% push-20% pull,
50% push-50% pull), the combination that will generate the fastest seductions and most
powerful connections is 80-20 pull-push or in other words, 80% pull-20% push. This is true only
if the following also hold:
a. The man has good fundamentals (good body language, tonality, tight inner game and is
hence non-needy, etc.). This also applies if he is physically attractive or is perceived by the
woman to have high social value.
b. The woman is unusually attractive in the mans eyes, and she is confident about her value
and attractiveness. This relates to Believability. She needs to be able to be confident enough in
her self-worth to accept your advances.
If both those elements are in place, then the fastest and most powerful route to sex is a mix of
80% pull-20% push.
[CAVEAT: If the man only has average fundamentals and the woman is only of average
confidence in her own attractiveness and value, then the optimal mix is further down the
continuum and closer to 50-50 push-pull.
This is because pulling a woman closer to you emotionally is only effective when you already
have a basic level of attraction from the woman. Of course, we all know that this kind of
attraction is largely independent of ones physical appearance. Over 90% of this kind of
attraction is attributable to body language and tonality alone. Thats why I call these the
fundamentals. Your attitude and outlook are also crucial to pulling off the right BL&T, so I
include inner game as a factor for the sake of completeness.]
Pushing a woman away is effective when a woman looks at you and doesnt expect you to be
cocky. It throws her off and is hence funny.
Its like when a precocious child talks like an adult, using mature and sophisticated vocabulary,
sentence structure, etc. Its unexpected and incongruent with the kids image, and hence, kind
of funny, and if done right, its admirable.
Now imagine a 50 year old, sophisticated-looking man talking the same way. Its not funny
anymore. Its just normal and expected.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Similarly, when a below average looking guy uses a lot of push cocky-funny, talking as if hes too
good for her and using humorous sarcasm, its attractive because the woman begins to wonder,
How can this guy be so cocky? He must have something going for him that I cant see yet. Im
interested. And because its done in a comedic way, shes not offended, but rather, intrigued.
Now if a guy who has his fundamentals down (good BL&T), a good-looking guy, or a guy
perceived to have high value starts to push her away emotionally, shes not intrigued. Why?
Because its obvious why this guy is so cocky. Hes good-looking, high-value, or has an attractive
personality. Its not funny anymore because its expected and congruent with his image. He just
comes across cocky. For a guy like this to use cocky-funny, he has to really emphasize the
humor and really cut down on the cocky part.
Most people overlook the fact that David D. himself acknowledged this in one of his
"If youre a pretty good looking guy, you might turn down the cocky, and turn up the funny.
Women perceive good-looking guys who act cocky as MAJOR PLAYERS, and too much cocky too
soon can backfire on you.
More accurately, this isnt just true for guys who are good-looking. If your fundamentals are
strong, or youre perceived as high-value, then it applies just as well to you.
Its the push dynamic that makes these high-value or good-looking guys come across as too
unattainable. For guys like this, its best to use the pull dynamic more often and save the push
dynamic for that 20% of dramatic contrast.
And obviously, when a guy with good fundamentals, attractive appearance, or high social value
is perceived as a major player, it is very bad for his Believability.
You can do it the opposite way, of course. You can do mainly push and just a little pull, like 80%
push and 20% pull. Or you can be very cocky and only a little funny. Sure, you can get success
that way, too.
But for the most part, if your fundamentals are already strong, then:
1) You can get much faster seductions by pulling her in more often than you can by pushing her
2) You can get the girl to feel a deeper emotional bond with you by pulling more often than
Heres why:
1. If your fundamentals are good, then you will be a relatively DOMINANT, powerful, and
confident man. Hence, girls (and most people in general) will naturally feel like following your
lead. So when you tell a girl to sit down, she will feel a strong social and emotional pull to sit
down. When youre emotionally pulling a girl in by telling her to kiss you, she will have to work
extra hard to resist. Most girls like a strong, dominant, powerful, confident guy, and many girls
have the fantasy of being taken by such a man. Any resistance they give to such a man is just

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Thus, if you already have good fundamentals (BL&T and basic inner game), and you want to
shave massive amounts of time off your seductions, youre better off pulling the girl in more
frequently than pushing her away because the chances are good she will give in more often
than not.
Ah, but Asian Rake, when you push a girl away, doesnt she want to pull you in? Isnt that the
whole point of pushing her away? So you can get her to chase you?
Yes, to a certain extent, this is true. Thats why you SHOULD STILL PUSH. Thats the all-
important 20%. In fact, by pulling most of the time, when you do finally push her away, itll feel
that much more powerful to her.
If youre a dominant guy, girls will feel pressure to follow your orders, and unless shes very
dominant herself, chances are good that she will NOT pull you in return every time you push
her away. Chances are good that if you are a dominant man, when you push her further away,
she will follow your lead and remain further away.
Assuming the pushes and pulls are of about equal emotional intensity (thats one variable Im
leaving out here), if you PULL more often than not, she might resist you at first, but then
because youre dominant, shell follow your lead and move closer to you emotionally and
physically. If you PUSH more often than not, she might resist you at first, but then because
youre a dominant guy, shell follow your lead and move further away from you emotionally
and physically.
Sure you can generate attraction with most combinations of push-pull. But whats faster to sex?
When shes emotionally and physically closer to you, or when shes emotionally and physically
farther from you? It should be obvious.
This is how the best naturals Ive seen get bathroom lays in less than 15 minutes.
Its pull-pull-pull-pull-PUSH-pull-pull-pull-PUSH-pull-pull-pull to the bathroom.
2. By pulling more often than pushing, you can also create the deep emotional connections
much faster.
If youre continually pushing her away emotionally, however, how can she possibly feel an
emotional connection? This should be obvious. A far more efficient way to develop emotional
connections is to pull her in emotionally.
One very effective kind of pull technique is in conjunction with screening and qualifying. If your
Believability game is good then every qualification is actually a pull.
For instance, Wow, you are really adventurous, I like that, said in response to her little
adventure story, is a great example of a pull.
When you stack enough of these, shell feel like you really appreciate her for her unique
qualities. Shell be saying to herself, Wow, this guy really, truly, sincerely likes me for my
special qualities. And of course, shell want to open herself up and continue connecting with

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Btw, this is also a key technique for creating the kind of emotional connections that will get girls
to fall in love with you FAST. There are others, of course, like sharing secrets and using
childhood regression, but this is one of the easiest to do.
Now lets add the COCKY-FUNNY into the mix.
What exactly do I mean by Push Cocky-Funny vs. Pull Cocky-Funny?
Once again, probably the best way to illustrate what I mean is through examples.
The prime proponent of this is David D. Lets first talk about the internal mindset behind Push
Cocky-Funny. David D. helpfully lays it all out in his Double Your Dating:
Im going to play hard to get, make fun of her, be indifferent towards her, and generally bust
her balls as much as possible. I know that she loves a guy that is so sarcastic that it makes her
nervous, so Im going to really keep the heat on and when she starts to show any interest at
all on the outside, Im going to blow her off and make her prove to me that she wants me so I
can reject her again.
You notice that with this mindset, youll be pushing her away a lot more than youll be pulling
her in. David D. follows this up with some now classic examples:
I do crazy things, like if Im standing next to a girl at a bar, Ill turn to her and say in a completely
serious voice, Will you PLEASE stop touching me? And then look them right in the eye.
Or say, What are you doing at a bar for god sakes? Cant you find a nice normal guy? Or are
you desperate? All with a completely straight face.
I could go on forever, but youre better off reading his eBook or watching his DVD series Cocky
Comedy. Wow, I never thought Id be plugging David D.s materials, as if he needs to sell any
more. LOL.
When most guys think cocky-funny, theyre thinking this kind of cocky-funny, which is what I
call, Push Cocky-Funny.
This is my default style of cocky-funny, so Ill give you one of my own examples.
I learned from a natural friend that this sort of thing is best done when youre a bit over the top
or dramatically exaggerated in what you say and in your facial expressions, tonality, and body
This took place near the coat check of a huge nightclub, which is just about the only place in the
club where you can talk without speaking right into her ear. A super cute, long-haired beauty
walks by, and I jump in front of her with my hands slightly extended in front of my chest in a
stopping motion with my palms out.
Me: OMG! (Then, with a sigh and a love-sick puppy dog look, I say after lowering my hands) Im
in love with you Give me your number. (Pull #1)
HB (shocked): Huh? Are you crazy? Why?

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Me (with an incredulous look on my face): Why? I mean, just look at you. Youre driving me
crazy. It should be a crime for you to walk in public. (Pull #2)
HB (breaking out laughing): Where are you from?
Me: From? It doesnt matter. I want your number. (Pull #3)
HB (laughing): No way. First tell me where youre from.
Me: Okay, guess.
HB: Um, China?
Me: Pretty close (Taking a step closer to her so that were inches apart, I say in a quieter
tone,) You know, youre making me really nervous. My hands are all cold and sweaty. Here,
feel. (Then, I take her hand in mine). (Pull #4)
HB (laughing): Youre not nervous.
Me (throwing off her hand and looking shocked): Are you calling me a liar? Ive just confessed
my deep dark love for you, and now youre calling me a liar? Thats it. Were getting a divorce
But Im keeping the DVDs. You can have the dog. (Push #1)
HB laughed.
I said nothing and continued looking fake-mad.
HB said (with a smile): Okay, bye, and started walking off.
Me (stepping out in front of her again and knowing that shes just teasing and wants me to
chase her): No, wait. You cant go. Ill be so sad Im going to go home and cry now (and then I
slumped my shoulders as if completely sad and depressed). (Pull #5)
HB laughed.
Me (perking up and letting out a sly smile): Okay, give me your number.
HB (laughs): Okay.
We talked a little bit more, and then I let her go back to her friends.
I texted her about an hour later, and she texted back, asking what I was doing tomorrow But
thats for another LR.
Notice the push-pull ratio here. That was 5 pulls to 1 push. The one push came after 4 pulls. In
fact, I dont even think that push was necessary.
This sort of Pull Cocky-Funny can get you super fast make outs and, as my natural friends have
shown, club bathroom sex. For an example of a fast make out, see the LR that features my first
encounter with Natural-MD:. There are many other tales to recount about naturals such as him,
some of which you can find elsewhere on my site and some of which I might write about in the
future. Youll have to check back for those.
Another great example comes from Zan. Among the community old-timers, Zan is probably the
best representative of this kind of cocky-funny. If you havent read any of his materials yet,
check the mASF archives or google, enlightened seduction.
There are so many possibilities to choose from, but this conversation of his has stuck in my
mind for a while now:
ZAN: Come out with me for a drink tonight. I will pick you up at 7.
HER: I cant. My boyfriend wouldnt like it.
ZAN: Oh hey, I understand lets make it 8 then.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

I never, ever worry about a womans resistance to me. If she says she is not interested and
leaves, no problem. But if I ever see her again, I immediately go up to her, smile and wink, and
pick up right where I left off. As if she had never resisted me in the first place. In other words,
her boyfriend objections (or whatever) mean nothing to me.
ZAN: (big smile) Hello, sweetie. Did you miss me?
HER: Hardly.
ZAN: I want to see you. Tell me your number and Ill remember it.
HER: No! I told you last time I have a boyfriend.
ZAN: Oh, so youre still seeing Norman?
HER: Uh his names not Norman.
ZAN: (smile, wink) Really? Thats very interesting. I have two bottles of champagne at home.
HER: No thanks.
ZAN: One to drink and one to pour all over your body
HER: You never give up, do you?
ZAN: Of course not! Wouldnt be the same if I did, would it?
HER (laughing) No, I suppose not
I find this whole exchange completely charming and hilarious. Zan pulls her in about seven
times. Just about everything he says is a pull.
Hes cocky because he believes that shed be crazy to turn him down. So her objections dont
even register with him. This is the ideal kind of frame to be operating from when doing Pull
So there you have it. Push Cocky-Funny vs. Pull Cocky-Funny. Both can work. But if you have
good fundamentals (body language, tonality, and basic inner game), or youre good-looking, or
you have high perceived social value, and you are interacting with a confident and attractive
woman, then you can get faster seductions and make deeper connections by doing more Pull
than Push, around 80%-20% is ideal. And keep it all funny.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 12

Body Language 101

Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published:06/26/2008

The first thing you need to accept about your body language is that right now youre probably
completely unaware of the mistakes that you are making. For me, it took watching myself on
video a few times to really appreciate how many mistakes I was actually making.

The first part of this lesson I want to make you aware of the different ways you are conveying
low status. Hopefully by being consciously aware of these mistakes you can catch yourself in
the act, and quickly correct them. By taking the time to first break any of these bad habits you
may have, you will be making it possible to accept the new habits I will talk about later.

Body Language mistakes

1. Slouching Over. Slouching over is a way of keeping a low profile. Subconsciously people
slouch because they are timid and dont want attention on them. It portrays an image that you
are socially awkward and unable to properly socialize. People try to blend in with the crowd by
slumping their shoulders, bowing their heads, and taking up as little space as possible.

2. Avoiding Eye Contact. Less confident people tend to look down a lot. They do this because it
is a way of avoiding making a connection with someone. They are afraid that if they catch eye
contact with someone they will be forced to talk or smile or do something else beyond their
comfort zone. By avoiding eye contact with people not only are you giving off a low status vibe,
but youre missing out on opportunities to connect with other human beings.

3. Touching Your Face, Fiddling with Things. When people feel insecure or nervous they start
to have trouble sitting still. Their insecurity eats away at them and they feel forced to
constantly be moving their hands. Some people will rub their chin or neck, other people with
run their hand through their hair, others will juggle the loose change in their pocket. Doing any
of these things immediately screams that you are not comfortable in your present situation.

4. Holding Your Face up with Your Hand. This displays the image that youre too bored or tired
to bother holding up your head straight. It displays a lack of enthusiasm and energy towards
life. These are not the kind of people other people want to interact with... as they appear to
have nothing to offer. It can also give off the impression that youre uncomfortable with the
way you look and are trying to hide your face.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

5. Leaning Forward to Talk to Someone. A quick glance around a room can tell you which guys
are going to succeed with the women they are talking to, and which guys will fail. The
successful guys are usually relaxed leaning away from the girl, causing her to move toward him.
The unsuccessful guys are the ones bent over leaning forward. If you think she cant hear you
talk louder.

Body Language Habits of the Alpha Male

This second part of this lesson is designed to improve your body language and replace the
negative habits you may have been displaying.

Habit 1: Make it a practice to hold eye contact with everyone that you meet. While doing the
talking you should be holding eye contact for the majority of the time. If someone else is talking
to you, hold eye contact about 50% of the time. If youre talking to a group of people switch eye
contact up between the different members of the group but always be holding it with

Habit 2: Get in the habit of walking around with your head up and your neck straight. In the
beginning you will need to constantly be checking yourself. Create a little game with yourself to
remind yourself to pay attention to your posture. Tell your friends to point this out to you.

Habit 3: Keep your muscles relaxed. This is especially true of your facial muscles. When we tend
to get nervous we tense up in the jaw. You need to keep your face free of this stress.

Habit 4: Smile often. If you dont have a naturally attractive smile than you should practice in
front of a mirror. A smile displays a positive energy that is infectious.

Habit 5: Push your chest out a bit and pull your shoulders back. The idea is to take up some
space. This is another habit you will have to check often to avoid falling back into the old habit
of slouching.

Habit 6: You should keep your feet about as far apart as your shoulders.

Habit 7: Take up space when you sit. Spread yourself out a bit. Dont slouch and look sloppy,
but dont be afraid to get comfortable.

Habit 8: Walk with confidence and power. This means your head should be high, neck up, chest
puffed out a bit, shoulders back, and take big slow steps. Try never to appear to be in a hurry or
flustered. Also walk with direction. This is especially true when walking through a bar you
never want to give off the vibe that youre looking for the cool place to be. You want to give off
the vibe that you know where it is and already are heading there.

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31 Days to Better Game:

Habit 9: Avoid making sudden hyper gestures. Every gesture you make should flow naturally at
the same speed as your previous gestures.

Habit 10: Use hand gestures when telling a story. When talking to someone avoid clutching on
to your beer or putting your hands in your pocket.

The trick to pulling all these habits together is to use slow calculated gestures. If youre giving a
girl a once over, do it slowly like it doesnt embarrass you that she noticed. If youre grabbing a
drink off the bar take it at a speed that says Im in no hurry. Try learning how to turn your
head slowly, how to blink slowly, how to change facial expressions slowly and how to gesture
slowly. This kind of body language transmits the message: Im so comfortable in my own skin,
it hurts.

On the subject of body language voice tone is insanely important. While technically it isnt
body language, all the same rules apply to it.

Most people speak with weak, squeaky voices that convey the message: Im not confident I
have no self esteem.

If you want to attract beautiful women, youre going to need to take a few lessons from Barry
White. Learn how to speak with a deeper voice. Learn to speak from down in your chest and
stomach. Add more bass to your voice.

Also, learn how to speak slower and how to articulate every word better. Become
comfortable pausing it creates anticipation. Most guys talk too much, too fast, and feel like
they need to talk because theyre nervous. Dont do it! Learn to lean back, relax, and become
comfortable with the tension that comes from silence.

Body language and voice tone habits are not easy to change. It takes time and determination to
break a bad habit and replace it with a new one. But if you implement these habits over rest of
these 31 days you will find that eventually it will become natural to you.

If you work on using your BODY AND VOICE to communicate that youre a confident, sexually
aware alpha male, then all the techniques youre learning will work TEN times better.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 13

Building your Social Circle

This next lesson was done as a video and be viewed as the link below:

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 14

How to Properly Tease a Woman

Written by Brad Howard
Originally Published: 06/30/2008

Before I start, let me just say that this article is NOT going to be some PROFOUND, complicated,
piece of work that Im trying to make sound more insightful than it probably is

It seems that everyone is doing that nowadays and I think that the message that people are
trying to convey is getting lost in the fray.

That being said, here are the MOST important things that if you get down that will make the
most impact in your dating/relationship life bar none.

They are:

The Opinion Opener

Your Look (clothes, hair)
Your Body (best inner game changer EVER!)

If you can get these 4 aspects of your game down youll CRUSH most men.

So with that aside let's get to it let's talk a little about my way of teasing women and how
it sparks sexual tension.

(Note: I DO NOT do this for a living. Im not out at bars testing out my latest and greatest
teasing method nor do I really expect YOU to be. This is just a collection of what I KNOW to
be true from my personal life, and the interactions Ive have with guys that arent having any
problems in the woman department.)

First and foremost, the whole point of teasing is to create a fun environment where a women
can loosen up and open up to you.

Teasing is also a great way to shake someone out of a funk, or get them to see that whatevers
going on it their life really isnt that bad at all.

I dont view it as a way to pull a woman down to your level.

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31 Days to Better Game:

In fact, no matter how good looking she is I find that if youre pulling YOURSELF down to HER
level youll find better success.

Heres what I mean:

I like to use self depreciating humor to set up teasing.

For instance, if you come from a place of strength, and ask a woman I need your opinion on
something and be BRUTAL what do you think of these shoes, I just picked em up and I
always seem to screw this up haha.

If youre playful, shes likely to be playful back.

To which you could say something like, Ah ha! I KNEW you were some type of shoe guru.
Where did you get your special talent (smile)?

And thats just for opening someone up.

Teasing works BEST with women that you already know or that youve just met through a
circle of friends (especially if you have a bit of notoriety amongst the group for being a fun guy).

Heres the thing about teasing though, that I DONT condone.

It might work for some, but I dont usually use it.

Dont use teasing to knock a woman down.

For instance, you might hear someone tell you to say, You know, everything is working for you
tonight EXCEPT those shoes where did you get those?

Is there a way to say this so that it works? Absolutely.

Would I RECOMMEND that you try it if youre a rookie at the whole teasing game?


And heres why.

A womans ego is like a glass house and teasing in this way COULD be like throwing a ROCK into

She feels uncomfortable now and the conversation takes a negative tone.

The WHOLE POINT of teasing is to make the woman FEEL GOOD by being around you.
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31 Days to Better Game:

Its meant to be fun.

Setting up TEASE BAIT

Teasing is no fun if only one person is doing it. So, many times, Ill throw out some self-
depreciating humor as BAIT to get the ball rolling.

(The KEY to self-depreciating humor is that although youre a strong, confident guy you dont
take yourself so seriously)

So maybe Ill tell a fun story that people can laugh at (like the time I locked myself out of my
hotel room NAKED and had to walk down to the desk NAKED to get another key) and then
ACCUSE people of having similar stories, but they are just too scared to tell anyone about them.

This works REALLY well. On closer look, the reason this works is because people (women) can
see how SECURE you are with yourself because MOST men would NEVER tell a story in which
THEY were the one being made fun of.

Again, POWERFUL STUFF here. I use this ALL the time.

The Accusation Tease

This one is FUN.

Basically, all youre doing is ACCUSING the other person of trying to do something that YOU
want to happen.

Lets say that you want to ask a person out on a date (bland, yeah I know haha).

So you say:

Yeah, yeah, I get it Look, if you wanna ask me out, just say so. You dont have to keep
beating around the bush. Who knows, if you get on one knee and smile really pretty I MIGHT
even say yes

Her: I AM NOT!

You: Its okay, really it wont make you a lesser person (smile).

Her: (maybe changing subject)

You: (laughing) You can change the subject if you want, but just remember that I KNOW (point
to head), what youre up toYou may continue (smile, wink)

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

This also works well if you want to take it to a sexual level.

You: Whoa, Nelly I know youre just trying to get me drunk so you can take me home and do
dirty things to me. (smile)

Her: Whatever, I am not

You: Man, why is it that every woman thinks that she can buy you a drink and then try to get
in your pants. Heres a hint, Missy (whisper) its gonna take more than one (smile)

Guys, keep in mind that these ARE NOT serious conversations. They are tongue in check and

Using the accusation tease is a SURE way to get her to give you a love tap or punch on the
arm or a light shove.

To which you can reply:

Dang, feeling me up already and we just got here geez

The Frame-Banging Tease

Okay, I couldnt think of a better term for this but heres the gist of it.

Say your woman, or even a woman that you just met has had a really rotten day but you want
some sex because, well, youre a guy and thats what guys want.

Heres what you do:

Her: Man, Ive had such a shitty day (blah, blah, this is what happened)

You: (Smiling) Wow, I never expected YOU to let (someone/something) get under your skin
like this. What would you do if I lost my hair all of the sudden, would that mean you wouldnt
hang out any more? I TOTALLY expected more out of you.

(Youre doing this to show her that its CRAZINESS for her to feel like shes feeling naturally,
we can go on and on with this but I hope you get my drift.)

If she doesnt snap out of her funk with this, we now have to employ our most SECRET

The Tickle Tease

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

NOTHING changes the tone of a conversation faster than some good ole tickling.

Start slow at first. Like a little bit.

You: (Smiling) Are you going to get in a better mood huh are you?

Her: Stop it!

You: (tickling) Are you in a better mood yet? Tell me Im the greatest ever whos your
buddy whos your pal (okay, so I stole that from Stripes shoot me)

Then you just start kissing and BLAMMO!

Bumming Monkeys Time.

Wow, I cant believe I just said BLAMMO haha

(The above statement is a great example of self depreciating humor, by the way)

Physical Teasing

Before I end this, because I could literally go on forever on this topic physical humor and
teasing ROCKS.

For example, bring back the old school Youve Got Something On Your Shirt gag where you
point at a spot on her shirt and when she looks down, you bonk her nose with your finger.

That always works great.

Or and this is always fun.

If youre walking side by side and there is a physical object on her side slowly start walking her
into it. Thats fun too.

I also like walking up behind my woman and shanking her if she has on sweats or loose shorts
in the house and then ACT like Im gonna do it when were out in public. Fun Stuff.

Teasing is a fun way to build attraction and BOOKS have been written on the subject.

Its the ULTIMATE way of flirting and getting her to chase you, all while showing your strength
as a man.

Heres my final tip on teasing and pay attention because this is important.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

When you are teasing a woman, make sure that its fun for HER but that you are ALSO

I cant tell you how many times Ive had people ask me:

You just trip yourself out dont you?

Me: Absolutely, I cant help the fact that almost everyone else in life is lame. I like to think of
it as playing with myself without all the mess. You should try it sometime instead of living in
lame-o land. (smiling, laughing Note: Having fun, with a touch of self depreciation as well)

Thats it. Im done.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 15

How to Create a Kick Ass Myspace and Facebook Profile

Written by Race de Priest
Originally Published:07/01/2008


Now that the internet is such a big part of our lives, at any given point in time there are more
women online than there are in every bar in your city combined. So how are you supposed to
go about meeting and dating women from online? Is a woman weird for meeting a guy from
sites like MySpace and Facebook? Can you actually legitimately meet sane AND hot women
from online?

Every time there is a new way of doing something it takes time for people to get comfortable
with it. In many respects the idea of meeting people online is still fairly new, but thanks to the
emergence and popularity of social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook this is all
changing. In fact, there are well over 200 million members on MySpace alone with around
300,000 new users joining every day from around the world. Facebook is close behind with
about 250,000 new users a day. And guess what???half of those are women!


Social networking sites are different than traditional dating sites. You should really view them
as an online hang out. Just as you would go to the mall, a bar, the coffee shop or a club to hang
out and meet new people, you can use social networking sites to connect with and meet like-
minded new friends.

The fact of the matter is the same women you meet out at bars, clubs, bookstores and coffee
shops are on social networking sites. The girl next door, the hot bartender, that cute girl
standing in line at Starbucks today are all online. And because it is continually becoming more
and more socially acceptable these same girls are open to meeting up with guys they met

Its not just for young people either. Obviously these sites are overflowing with women in their
early 20s and 30s, but there are also tons of women between 34 to 44 as well. Do you really
want to miss out on such an easy way to meet all these women? I didnt think so. But it gets
even better


31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

When you meet women from sites like MySpace and Facebook you can literally browse and
filter so that only the types of women you are looking for show up. Its like owning a bar where
the bouncer only lets in girls that fit exactly what you want. Say you want a girl who is:

Between 22 and 26
White, Pacific Islander, or Asian
Slender or Athletic body
No Children
Social Drinker
Non smoker
Some College or College Graduate
Within 5 miles of your zip

You can literally search for the exact type of woman you are looking for.


There is absolutely no social pressure when messaging women online. You have as much time
as you need to craft the perfect response. This is a relief for many guys who have trouble
knowing what to say. When you are relaxed at your house you are more able to come up with
an authentic responses. In a sense, she gets to see a more accurate picture of who you are
while allowing you to learn at your own pace how to successfully interact with women.

In addition, there is no fear of rejection. If a girl does not respond you simply move onno
harm no foul. She cant shoot you down or embarrass you in front of her friends or other
people; she is just a picture and some text. At the same time you will be corresponding with
several different women simultaneously so there is no bother if a particular girl doesnt

As you can see, the reasons to add online game as a way to meet and date women is quite
compelling. Many of the world's best PUAs and Social Artists still maintain their online profiles
despite meeting women out in person because it is just too good not too.


The fist crucial step in meeting all those hot girls you see online is setting up your profile
correctly. Think of your profile as the online equivalent of your first impression. It will form the
basis for what a woman thinks about you and how she will interact with you. After all, your
profile says a lot about you. From your profile alone, a girl can figure out if you have any

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

attractive qualities, what kind of job you have or what you do, what type of lifestyle you live,
your hobbies, your interests (i.e. favorite movies, books, and music), what kind of friends you
have, if other women are attracted to you, what you look like, and somewhat of how popular
you are. This is huge!

Once you set your profile up correctly, it literally WORKS FOR YOU! Its like having your own
personal PR firm who goes ahead of you and gets all the girls excited about wanting to meet
you when you arrive.

Now the question is


Note: I will be specifically focusing on MySpace and Facebook because these are by far the
largest social networking sites on the planet. But the underlying principles are universal and
many of the guys we have successfully coached used them all over the world on sites like Bebo,
Match, Orkut, Hyves, Friendster, etc.

There are many elements that go into setting up your profile correctly. Here are the major
things to keep in mind as you design your profile:

Keep in mind the type of girl you want to attract. Remember to create a profile that is appealing
to the type of girl you want to attract. If you want a bad girl with tattoos, you need to create a
profile that connects with that type of girl. Once again, if you are unsure, go to the profiles of
the types of girls you want to attract
and copy their style or the style of the guy friends they have.

Simplicity and Readability

Your mom was right about making things legible. You want your profile to be as easy to read as
possible. Women will abandon your profile quickly if it takes too much effort to get an idea of
who you are. A good way to start out is to use a solid background with contrasting text colors
(i.e white text on a black background or any light on dark color scheme). You dont need to go
overboard in this area; simplicity and readability is the key.

When to write and what to write

Take careful consideration about what you write about yourself. If you try to write about how
cool you are, the fun things you do, the beautiful women you hang out with every weekend,
etc, you will be perceived as trying to hard to gain approval. And girls who dont know you have
no reason to spend their time reading about you unless youve compelled them to.

Things you DONT WANT to do in your About Me section:

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

DO NOT try to sell yourself by talking about how cool you are, the fun things you do, the
beautiful women you hang out with, etc. You will be perceived as trying too hard to gain

DO NOT write your life story. Girls who dont know you have no reason to spend their
time reading about you. They will most likely see this and say I dont know you, I dont
care. It is better to be brief yet have variety and keep her guessing, than to write your
whole life story and bore her.

DO NOT be overly offensive

DO NOT have terrible grammar/misspellings

Things you WANT to do in your About Me section:

Be Diverse
List a variety of music, movies, and hobby interests.
Be goofy. List movies like The Little Mermaid, and music by artists like the Spice Girls.
Show her you are not a tool.
When writing it is better to be brief yet have variety and keep her guessing, than to
write your whole life story and bore her.
You can even leave out your interests, giving her more reason to search for a connection
with you. Going back to the characteristics women screen for, you want to be an enigma
she wants to figure out.

Be Creative

In your About Me section, be creative. Dont say Im new to this whole MySpace/Facebook
thing or all my friends are on here so I figured I would create an account. Talk about things
like, I love meeting new people or I surround myself with positive, fun, spontaneous, and
outrageous people. It doesnt have to be long. Again, we need just enough to intrigue her, but
not so much as to bore her. Make her curious to find out more about you.

Use Disqualifying Statements

Create a small list of disqualifiers. A disqualifier is any statement that demonstrates you have
standards by declaring that the recipient is unqualified or ineligible for you. Having standards
indicates abundance and a strong sense of identity. You know what you want and you have
enough options so that if a girl does not match up, you can let her go. Here are a few examples
of disqualifying statements:

Rules for being my MySpace/Facebook friend:

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

No liars (unless you are flirting)

No flaky people
No granny panties!! (unless you are actually a grandma )
No psycho stalker chicks! I dont care how hot you think you are!
No BORING PEOPLE You must be fun

Another option is to put up a qualifying statement on your page. Here is one that we have used
and has been very effective placed under the Who Id Like to Meet section on MySpace or the
About Me section on Facebook: If you are cute rather than hot, clever rather than cool, petite
rather than slim, then I would like to meet you. You must show that you have standar
Women like men who know what they want. If you do not know what you want, now is the
time to sit down and figure it out.


The pictures you choose to use on your profile are vitally important. In most cases, these will be
a womans first impression of you. Why not make it as good as possible? The following are
some guidelines to follow when choosing what pictures to use:

Use a variety

You want to have pictures depicting you doing a variety of different activities. You ddont want to
have twelve pictures of you drinking beer with your buddies. It is as if each picture is showing
off a different side of your personality. As we have already learned, women like a man with
some depth to him. They want a man with a sense of mys mystery,
tery, a challenge to figure out. Your
pictures can make her curious,
ous, and that is one of the most important first steps to attracting a
woman online.

Choose only the best

Choose only the pictures in which you look the best. If you upload ten pictures and you only
look good in three of them, then the other seven are creating a bad impression. It would be far
better to only have those three in which you look your best. If in doubt, put your pictures up on
a photo-rating
rating site like, and see wh
ich ones receive the highest rating.

Embed pictures into your profile

We have found that actually embedding pictures into your profile is the easiest and most
effective way to make a great first impression on girls. This allows a girl to get a snapshot of
how exciting and fun you are. Remember, your page is your way of demonstrating how cool
and how socially desirable you are. Use a range of pictures showing different aspects of your
personality. Have some action shots, some travel shots, some of you with yyour our niece or your
dog, some partying with hot girls, some doing something goofy, etc.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

On Facebook, you just need to add an application like Big Photo or Slideshows. On MySpace,
the first step is to upload your pictures to an image hosting site like or
your own MySpace photo album.

Next, paste the following HTML code into any section you want the photo to show up (i.e.
About Me, Interests, Who Id like to Meet):

<img src= width=400>

<br />

Where will be re-placed with the URL pointing to

your image. By specifying the width property in the <img> tag you ensure that your photos will
have a consistent width (the height of the image will be adjusted automatically to maintain the
original aspect ratio). This technique will ensure that your images are not too large and that
theyre easy to view.

Hint: write funny captions to go along with your pictures to demonstrate even more of your
Just paste the following HTML code above the embed image code shown above:

<div><font size=+2>Picture caption</font></div>

Main profile picture

For your main profile picture, if you are going to put up a picture of just yourself, make it either
a really good/professional picture (no wannabe modeling pictures with your shirt off please), or
one of you doing something exciting like surfing, rock-climbing, posing in front of the Eiffel
Tower, dancing, etc. Otherwise make it a group picture with cute girls in it. If you dont have
any, go out to a club and tell the hottest girl you can find that you need some new
MySpace/Facebook pictures to make your ex-girlfriend jealous. Girls love to make other girls

Caution: If you are going to put up a picture of you with your shirt off, make sure you are in
good shape and doing an activity where it is appropriate to have it off (i.e. at the beach, playing
football, etc.). But just to be safe, dont put up a picture of you shirtlessEVER!


Use Music
Music is a great way to connect with girls. You can find music on MySpace in the Music section,
which you can get to from the main navigation bar at the top of the page. Using a playlist is
even better. That way you can have a whole variety of music. We have received so many

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

comments on the songs we have chosen. This is just one more way for her to connect with you.
The playlist tool we use is:

Hide your Friends List (MYSPACE ONLY)

If you are just starting and have no friends, you can place this code in any section to hide your
friends list:

<style type=text/css>
td.text td.text table table table, td.text td.text table br, td.text td.ztext
table .orangetext15, td.text td.text .redlink, td.text td.text
span.btext {display:none;}
td.text td.text table {background-color:transparent;}
td.text td.text table td, td.text td.text table {height:0;padding:0;border:0;}
td.text td.text table table td {padding:3;}
td.text td.text table table br {display:inline;}

We recommend you do this anyway. If she cant see your friends and sees a number of
comments from gorgeous looking girls, which you can get using the technique well cover next,
she will definitely wonder.

If she ever asks you why your friends are hidden, just say something like, They all kept getting
jealous about who was #1 or I am a secret agent, and I dont want to put my friends lives in

Adjust your Privacy Settings (FACEBOOK ONLY)

There is far more of your personal contact information available to the general public on
Facebook than on MySpace. Facebook also lists all of your recent actions on the site through a
system called Mini-Feed. You can modify your privacy settings by clicking on the privacy link
next to the logout link in the top right corner. We suggest that you remove all of your
personal information such as email addresses and cell phone numbers. You dont randomly give
your personal contact information to people you dont know, so why do it online?

While the mini-feed makes it convenient to see what your friends are up to online, they can
also see what you are up to. By default it lists all kinds of information like who you wrote to,
what you wrote, comments you made, comments you received, and even when you add a
friend! For the simple fact that you are going to be messaging multiple girls, it would be
counterproductive for them to see that you have messaged other girls with the same or even
similar messages

For this reason, we recommend you configure the privacy settings for News Feed and Mini-
Feed by unchecking (i.e. turning off) most if not all of the notifications.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Create Instant Social Proof

To get comments on your MySpace page or Facebook wall from beautiful women just use this

Subject: I was wondering

Body: My ex is stalking my profile. Could you leave a comment to make her jealous? You know
how it ishaha.
- {your name/screen name/nickname}


Subject: Strange Question

Body: My crazy friends are sending me on an online scavenger hunt (I didnt even know they
had those?) for my (put in bday or some event that compels her to want to help you) and I have
to get a sassy/fun comment on my page from the following:

1. The hottest girl I can find

2. The cutest girl I can find
3. The dorkiest girl I can find

Can you guess which one you are? hahaso if you could help me out I will name my first born
child after you haha j/k but I would really appreciate it

- (name)

These comments will give you social proof. So when a new girl looks at your page and sees all
these other attractive girls writing sexy things about you, she will wonder what makes you so
sexy. This mystery builds attraction. Its brilliant!

Note: Make sure to use this technique with girls outside your area. This adds an air of mystique
and ensures you dont tap out potential girls in your area.


All in all think about your profile as your own personal commercial. A girl should be able to look
at your profile and very quickly get an idea of what you are all about. Make your profile easy to
read, show that you have a diverse personality, demonstrate that there are a variety of
different people that enjoy your company and show that you can have fun and laugh at
yourself. Having your profile set up correctly will literally supercharge your success with women
online and put you light years ahead of all those other guys out there leaving your competition
in the dust.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Remember to have fun with this and if you have any questions feel free to ask.



Day 16

Tips for Flirting Online

Written by Honey
Originally Published: 07/02/2008

Flirting consists of a variety of tactics, both physical and verbal, that can be used in almost any
situation. We flirt for a variety of purposesfrom screening for a long-term partner, to scoring a
one-night stand, to simply being social. The vast majority of our flirting techniques were
developed for situations in which people were connecting face-to-face. However, in todays
increasingly technological world, flirting online has gone from a geeks- or losers-only pastime to
a necessary skill.

There are three main types of online flirting:

1. Pre-emptive flirting: creating a great profile.

2. Early-stages flirting: the first few e-mails and/or texts.
3. Later-stages flirting: keeping the momentum.

Creating a Great Profile

Whether you have a subscription to an online dating service or not, odds are that you have a
profile on some kind of social networking site. Because people are becoming increasingly
accessible online (you can find out far more about far more people in a day via their profiles
than you could in person), its important that you have a great profile. To have a great profile,
you need to (1) come up in as many searches as possible, and (2) deliver the goods once
someone clicks on your profile.

As far as coming up in random searches, its important to understand how search engines work.
Most searches that you will run are keyword searches (though many online dating services let
you set all types of parameters via advanced search forms). Verbs dont usually fare too well in
keyword searches because there are so many conjugations (run, ran, running). If you are the
one searching, to run a successful search you are better off putting in a noun: runner.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

When you are creating your own profile, you can easily increase the likelihood of coming up in
other peoples searches by using synonyms. For example, if you like to run, you might also put
jogger or marathon in your profile. This is especially important because no matter which of the
three terms someone searches for, youll come up. If youre running a search and come up
empty the first time, you could try some synonyms as well, to catch people you might have

Once someone gets to your profile, the most important thing is specificity. List specifics. Tell
stories. And dont be afraid to ask questionsa nice rhetorical question gets the other person
thinking about how theyd answer, and once they have an answer in their head, theyre halfway
to e-mailing you! Theres a huge difference between the following:

I like to hang out with friends, have fun, and watch movies.
On any given Tuesday, you can find me at BJs brewery with friends, sipping on a
Jeremiah Red and talking about how Robert Downey Jr.s performance saved Iron Man.
When I told my buddy that I thought The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor stood a
chance of being decent, he almost spit his beer out! What a waste of a great porter.
How about you and I go see it and then tell my friend how wrong he was about Jet Li?

Now the first thing youll probably notice is that the second example is much longer. Well,
thats no accident. While you dont want to go on and on, the two big keys to a great profile are
making sure your profile is upbeat (no one wants to date a bummer) and saying something of
substance. For heavens sake, if the online world is like a giant bar, then how can you come off
as a person of value if you dont have anything to offer beyond clichs?

The First Few E-mails

Unsurprisingly, my advice about the first few e-mails (or online chats, if youre into thatIm
not, for reasons Ill explain) is pretty similar to my advice about profiles. List specifics. Tell
stories. Ask questions.

However, one caveat is never, ever, wink at someone, or poke them or any of that gay sh#t.
Man up and give the lady (or fella) some real communication. For anyone whos been on these
types of sites for any amount of time at all, these half-ass forms of communication are reviled
and make you seem wussy (which, if youre too chicken to make a real first move, you kinda

Now, in a seemingly contradictory move, if someone winks at you and you at all like their
profile, you should definitely respond back with an e-mail. You know theyre interested, so half
your work is already done for you! You can tease them about using a wink at some point later

The formula for a great early e-mail is pretty simple:

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

If they e-mailed or winked at you first, thank them for doing so.
Say something specific that you liked about their profile, and word it as a compliment ("I
couldnt help but be excited when I noticed that you are an animal lover).
Tell a story from your own experience that relates to what you liked about their profile
(Ive never been a dog person, but last summer I found an abandoned Jack Russell in
the parking lot of my complex. I looked for his owners, but never found them. Now a
year later hes there to greet me when I get home from work!).
As a question that escalates the interaction to the next level, i.e. a phone call or a
meeting, and also starts to build a non-threatening sexual vibe (Maybe we should meet
up at the dog park Saturday afternoon? I promise, only one of us bites).

Im not a believer in asking for the digits but rather proposing the meetup. The reason for this is
that the other person will then offer their digits without you having to weaken your position at
all by asking!

I met my BF on Myspace, and our first couple of interactions followed the pattern above. I sent
him a one-line e-mail, and he e-mailed me back to say that we had a favorite author in
common. After a couple exchanges he tried to add me as a friend and couldnt because he
didnt know my last name. When he e-mailed to ask, I said, Im sorry, I dont add people that I
havent met in person. He said, How about beer on Friday? And that was our first date

The reason that Im going to come out against online chat is that (and I know this is a personal
pet peeve) I hate all that misspelling and textspeak. Type real words, damnit! And since I type
about 70 wpm and hardly anyone else does, its pretty tough for me to come off as anything
except overly chatty.

I like e-mail because you can control the length and content as well as proofread for spelling
and other errors before you hit send. Its just much easier to put your best foot forward when
you use e-mail as your medium. If they suggest chatting, go for itjust remember the possible

Keeping the Momentum

Once youve met in person, a flirty e-mail is a great tool to keep in touch, sustain momentum,
and keep your interactions light and fun. The big tips:

Again, use real words, spell everything correctly, and make sure youre not e-mailing a work

Keep your e-mails brief and stick to one topic; you should be teasing her with the
promise of your presence, not overwhelming her with super-long e-mails (which also
kind of make you look like a loser who has nothing better to do in your spare time).

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Dont send more than two e-mails per day, and dont you dare send that second e-mail
until you hear back from her first. Again, the goal is to sustain momentum, not to come
across as desperate or stalker-ish.
Keep it light! You should be making deep connections in persontrying to do so over e-
mail just makes you a bummer, since so many nuances, tone, and body language is lost
when its just a window on someones computer screen. Tease, make a mild sexual
comment, or just say how much youre looking forward to your next meetup.

Flirting is an art, and the keys are paying attention to the other person, avoiding clichs at all
costs, and knowing when enoughs enough. Best of luck!

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 17

Phone Game Strategy

Written by Hot Alpha Female
Originally Published: 07/03/2008

So let me paint the picture. You see a hot chick at a club, shopping centre or the tennis club.
You build up the guts to talk to her, make her laugh and somehow manage to get her number.
You think to yourself SWEET!! Im in.

You end up calling her a couple of days later, like the rule book suggests... to ask her out on a
date. She doesnt pick up. You think 'hey she is busy' and you try again later that same day. You
still dont get a response. So you call again and finally you get an answer. You talk to her
expecting that things are going to pick up where you left off and are utterly stunned when she
starts making excuses as to why she cant meet up with you. She says that she will get back to
you and she never does. You are left scratching your head, thinking to yourself where did it go

So here is the thing.

Some of you may be baffled by this whole situation.

To some of you it doesnt make sense.

Well Im going to lay out for you what is REALLY happening and what you really SHOULD be

Sound good?

Let's get started.

Rule # 1 - Dont Contact Her for At Least 48 Hours

I know it sounds hard doesnt it? But you have to stick by these rules. Because when you can't
wait for the 48 hours you appear needy and in need of a life.

Here is the thing. I have been on dates with guys and literally like 2 minutes after the date they
are msging me and telling me what a great time they had on the date and how they would like
to see me again.

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31 Days to Better Game:

Then I have also had guys who send me a message straight after a date and then send me
another one 30 minutes later wondering why I havent sent them a reply yet.

The only thing that runs through my mind is... stalker; get a life, and ewwww.

It's like an instant turn off. And there is no logical way to explain it. So do it not only as a favor
for me, but for all the other poor girls out there.

Just make sure that when you follow this rule that you dont wait too long after 48 hours.
Anything more than 4 days and the girl (if she is interested in you) starts to get pissed because
you didnt call her within that calling period and she assumes that you are not interested.

You can mess with a girl and pretend that you are not interested, but this is not one of those

Rule # 2 - Send Her A Text Msg First

You know scoring a date is kind of like making a sale. Except the item that you are selling is

So in other words you are going to have to look like something that she would want to

Now that doesnt mean being something that you are not. But it does mean that for the
moment you operate within a certain guidelines until you have internalized all this game stuff
so bear with me ok?

So as part of this, stick to the rule of messaging her first before you call her. Every girl is
comfortable with texting. In fact we like them more to begin with.

See it's great for us and is great for you too. It means that you can actually think about what
you want to write, you dont have to think on the spot.

Now the main agenda with text is to warm her up. Let her know that you are on her radar and
that you will be in contact with her soon.

If a guy texts us within 2 days of us handing out our number then that is sufficient enough for us
to know that you are interested without appearing really needy and wussy.

Now as a general rule with msging keep it short and sweet. Banter a lot, but dont get into
these msging conversations. At the absolute maximum make sure that you only send 2-3 msgs
in one conversation. Always be the one to end the msging conversation.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

This means that when the conversation is nearing an end, you are the one that has to stop
sending her msgs.

Some of my friends have trouble with this, because they feel in control by being the ones to
have the last say. But you have to look at it from the point of view that YOU are the one in
control because you have the strength to stop the msging first =)

Rule # 3 - Msg Her and Then Call Her

Ok so I have to admit that this is not something that I came up with. But one of the things that I
heard one of the guys does on David Ds cds. He would msg this girl and then when she replied
back, then he would call her within a minute or so.

He found that significantly increased his chance of getting to speak to her, because she would
have to be close to her phone in order to send the msg right?!

Brilliant idea and I suggest that all you guys use it.

Rule # 4 - Keep It Light And Keep It Casual

Ok so when you call her for the first time after she has given you her phone number then it's
not a good time to start going into a deep and meaningful conversation.

You actually want to keep things fairly casual and most importantly keep it brief. But just
because its a short amount of time, doesnt mean that you dont have your work cut out for

The first thing that you want to do when you call the girl is to break the ice and get her
laughing. Essentially you want to get her back into the same state as she was in when she gave
you that phone number.

The best way to do this is to refer to something that happened when you last saw her. Maybe
refer to a joke that you had previously found funny with her and give her updated content on it.
This will bring her back to that place and help her feel more comfortable with you.

Thats the thing with phone calls. You want to be able to establish comfort before you can even
consider asking her out.

If a girl doesnt think that she will be comfortable with you or will be able to trust you then she
will not even consider going on that date with you.

So remember the rule, keep it light and keep it casual. Break the ice and get her to laugh before
you even consider asking her out.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Rule # 5 - Keep It Short and Sweet

This kind of follows on from the other points. But seriously dont talk too long. Like 5 minutes.
As a general rule with this whole gaming and dating thing Less is always MORE!


You dont have to get an update of what this chick has been doing in the past 2 days. She
doesnt have to know about all your past relationships before you guys go on a date.

All you have to get a chick to do... is know you, like you and trust you ,and then you can get her
to go anywhere and do just about anything with her.

Rule # 6 - Leave one voicemail thats IT!

If you have to leave a voicemail then make sure that its only one. Two or more becomes

I know it sounds silly but its true and this is what goes through a chick's head. When courting a
girl, you need to remember to give her the space to think about you. If you are constantly trying
to impede on her space then she is totally not going to appreciate it.

Give her the gift of missing you ok?

So with a voice mail you need to remember to keep it short and sweet.
You dont have to repeat your number and all that crap; just leave a short msg and then hang

So in regards to what you should say, then you can say something a little ball busting and then
get her to give you a call back.

When calling a girl, be prepared for a voicemail and know what you are going to say as well.

There is nothing worse than a long winded voicemail msg with a guy who doesnt know what he
is talking about, who is wasting your time and YOUR credit!

Random Tips

Some of you may be wondering how many times you should call before giving up.

Firstly you should msg first. If the girl msgs back, then your chances of getting to talk to her
again are much higher.

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If you msg a girl and she doesnt msg you back... and this msg contained some call to action on
her behalf; then you need to know that you are going to have to do some major work on
getting this girl to go on a date with you.

Persistence is not the only tool you need. There is no point in doing the wrong things over and
over hoping that you will get a positive result in the end.

You have to do what works.

Remember to warm a girl up to you. You can tell that a girl has warmed up to you when she is
laughing at your jokes and the conversation is flowing.

Heres a tip. When a girl talks with ease, it means that she is comfortable with you.

If you find her being more quiet that usual, then there is something up and she is not
comfortable, because A) she thinks that you are a freak or B) she hasnt warmed up to you yet.

In regards to what you should talk to her about your main aim is to bust her balls, make her
laugh and have a good time.

Keep it short and sweet and always leave her wanting more.

Now with that said Now I want to see better conversion rates ok? *winks*

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 18

Text Game for the Pua

Written by Lance
Originally Published: 07/07/2008

Text game is an integral part of my arsenal. Before I get started, I want to say a few words
about writing style. Good spelling and punctuation; use it! Dont use cutesy textspeak (ur
instead of your, etc), use punctuation, and supplement your lines with smiley's and other
emoticons. Why the big deal about grammar and spelling? Because if youre using good English,
youre coming from a position of high value and it shows you have a command of language.
Obviously, language is part and parcel of what pickup is all about. This also sets you apart from
the legions of dorks who cant spell worth a crap. I have a few exceptions here. I use a few
acronyms, such as OMG or WTF. WTF is a good one, because you avoid the profanity but still
express surprise or shock.

Also, consider this. Im a bit older, around 30, and the girls I socialize with are high value
woman in their mid or late 20s that are educated. Using textspeak on a 28 year woman with an
MBA would totally de-attract her. To get the high value woman, keep your language as tight as

Okay, I use texting for the following reasons:

1. Flirting.
2. Maintaining a connection.
3. Escalation.
4. Quick scheduling or announcements when Im on the go.

Since item 4 is fairly self-explanatory, Ill focus on 1 - 3.

Heres how it breaks down:


When used in the right ways, flirting via text is very effective. Texting has similar properties to
flirting over email (or sending messages using facebook or myspace), but the quality that sets it
apart is immediacy. Everyone has a cell phone, and pretty much everyone has it on their person
at all times. If you send a text, the other person is going to read it within a few seconds.
Conversely, if you send an email, its possible that person wont read it until the evening or the

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next day if youre sending it to a personal account (and you shoulddont send flirty emails to a
work or business account).

Not only that, but getting a text is like a little treat that breaks up the monotony of your day.
Everyone loves to receive text messages! I havent delved into this, but I think some people
derive a certain degree of social clout from the number of texts they get. If youre a chick and
youre getting dozens more texts than the next girl, then youre more popularat least that
seems to be the psychology. If anyone wants to dive into point, Id love to hear some

One way I flirt over text is to send messages that will compel her to write back. Its like playing a
little game. Here are a couple of examples:

Hey, just ate lunch at this great Thai place, you would love it!
Guess what Im doing right nowits fing awesome!
Just read your horoscope, its crazy.

All of these messages are intended to come out of the blue and compel her to write back and
ask what it is youre talking about. The key is being playful, interesting, and fun. Once she
responds, you should banter back and forth for a bit, ie basic flirting. This gets her thinking
about you and this method can be used to maintain a connection or escalate, it just depends on
the direction you want to go.

Ill use texts as a direct compliment. I often do this after a first date, either in the same night or
the next morning.

You looked totally sexy in that dress.

Had a blast, conversation was great, youre a great kisser WOW!
Youre the cutest Leo EVER rawr.

This creates a strong statement of interest and lets her know that youre absolutely interested
in going further. Theres nothing wrong with a compliment as long as youve established a
strong masculine frame during the date. Itll pump her up and get her thinking about how cool
you are. Ill use this to spur a longer text conversation and then mix in some normal text
convo, such as asking how her day went. This dialogue establishes that youre a normal guy and
not a player (haha) or merely a flirt.

Maintain a Connection

If Ive number closed a chick and I know I cant see her again until the next weekend, Ill text her
just a little bit during the week to remind her who I am. The key here is to flirt and be a bit
mysterious so that shes compelled to see you when you ask for a first meetup. I rarely do fluff

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talk in these instances because youll risk losing the attraction by seeming mundane. As with
everything else you should calibrate.

I like texting during the day when I know shes at work. Lets face it, Monday at the office sucks
(if youve got an office job) and getting flirty texts can be a real pick-me-up. Ill mix this in with a
couple of emails, some Myspace stuff, and a phone call or two to maintain the connection until
I see her again. Keep in mind that pickups are tenuous affairs and flakes can happen at any
timetexting helps to cement a future meetup.

Usually what I do when maintaining a connection is to offer a bit of value, such as a laugh, a two
line story, or a horoscope (astrology is chick crack). Your goal should be very simple, just make
her smile! Credit Sean Deacon on that one, but I think its really true. You can use the same
lines from above, but here are another couple of examples that initiate a value giving

Holy sh*t, the craziest thing just happened to me!

Your horoscope is insane today.

Whats great about the horoscope thing is you can look up the quickie horoscopes on and hit her with one. Ive never met a girl who didnt like getting her
horoscope. OR, if youre really slick, you can make one up on the spot and sex it up a little. This
can be great fun and its an easy way to escalate. Heres an example:

The planets are alignedtoday is a day for secrets, drama, and hot monkey sex. Dont be afraid
to cut loose.


Texts are a great way to introduce or maintain a sexual frame. For instance, if you did a quick 5
pickup and number closed a girl with a minimum of sexual framing, you can hit her like this:

Hey, its the hot guy you met an hour ago, what are you doing??
I loved your glasses, youve got that sexy nerdy look RAWR.
We should have talked to you longer DAMN youre cute.

This way youre either establishing a sexual tone or maintaining one and getting her excited
about thinking about you. Chicks eat this up, and if youre calibrated properly and pumping out
good lines, this shit kills.

You can do pretty much the same things if youve already had a date with a minimum of kino or
maybe just a kiss close. Hit her with texts that have a sexual tone and just plow forward. Shell
follow your lead and likely respond back with flirty, sexy texts. Im a big fan of these:

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Had a blast, OMG I could barely keep my hands off you!!

I can tell youre going to be trouble.
My mom warned me about girls like you.

If youre deep into a sexual frame with a chick, or if youve already had sex with her and plan on
doing it again (ie dating or FBs), you can and should use text as a way to maintain attraction.
Lets say youve had sex once and youre setting a date for next Friday night. Try these:

Okay, Ill meet you for drinks, but youre going to have to work extra hard for me.
Three guesses what Im doingif you get it wrong, youre getting spanked.
Happy hour on FridayDont worry, I wont let you take advantage of me ;)

Work your basic push-pull and teasing in there. This shows youre playful and flirty and will get
her into a sexual state of mind. Even if Im dating someone and I know I can nail her whenever I
want, Ill still flirt because its a hell of a lot of fun and it gets her hot for the Lance cock.

All of these lines are examples and you should easily be able to come up with your own.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 19

How to Go on First Dates

Written by Roosh V
Originally Published: 07/08/2008

Besides sex, first dates are the most fun part of the game. You have two people who barely
know each other alone and isolated with sexual tension and possibility in the air. Here are a few
things to make them more successful.

1. Pick the right day. Dont try to do a first date on a weekend, especially if you havent kissed
her yet. Weekend dates send the wrong message that you value her too much; ready to give a
primetime night to someone you just met. Plus chances are she will be busier on weekends
anyway. Stick to Monday through Thursday for the first date.

2. Pick the right venue. You can get a lot done taking girls to coffee and ice cream dates, but if
your goal is to get into her pants as fast as possible, you must go for drinks. Start the date at a
quiet bar well after dinner so you dont have to worry about getting food. Even if the date is
short of a blockbuster, its very hard not to get at least a make out if shes had three drinks in

3. Preparation. There is no way you can memorize enough routines for a two hour or more
date, and even if you can it would be a stupid waste of energy. Youre going to have to be, well,
real and this is where I hope your vibe is fun and interesting. If not then dates will be a
challenge. The only thing I do before dates is have two fun routines ready, usually the cube and
some type of fake palm read. I also remind myself of a handful of innocent touching moves that
prime her for the kiss.

Quick tip: On your way to dates call up a couple friends and shoot the shit for a while. Since first
dates are mostly a talking affair, you want that part of your brain ready. The worst thing you
can do is lounge around at home all day in front of your computer and then go out without
talking beforehand.

4. Shes more nervous than you are. Its natural to be nervous, especially with the pressure of
getting laid hanging over your head. But I guarantee you she is more nervous than you are,
simply because shes a girl and we all know the ones who cant even go to the bathroom
without a friend. The more you have your internal game straightened out and believe a girl
should prove her value to you, the less you will be nervous. Think of her on a stage, twirling and
spinning for your pleasure. Whether this is reality or not doesnt matter just believe it.

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5. Show up late. I have a friend who shows up fifteen minutes late and Im not sure that is
extreme or not but Im always at least five minutes later. You want to stir up some anxiety and
fear that shes being stood up so that her insecurities are driven inward instead of on you,
where she judges you and picks for flaws. Even if you arrive early, mill around for a while until
you are late. I cannot stress how important this is.

6. Focus on escalation. Thats your number one goal. A touch here or there that gets extended
as the night goes on, then touching her hands and putting your arm behind her in the booth of
the lounge you picked. The first half hour will have almost no touching probably, but then the
drinks get in your system and it becomes natural. While you dont want to sound like a total
idiot on the date, the reason you kiss her will be more because of the touching than the
conversation. The kiss will be a foregone conclusion.

7. Go for the lay. Even if you dont think you will get the lay on the same night, its still a smart
idea to go for it as you drop her home because it makes your job much easier for the second
date. The farther you get on the first date, the less work you have to do on a second. Plus even
if the date goes well, you cant make the assumption there will be a second. How about if her
long lost ex boyfriend calls the next day? Youll kick yourself if you didnt push as far as you
could get.

As you probably noticed, most of the work in turning out a good first date is done before you
even show up. A little bit of preparation goes a long way in dates and it makes sense to do
because you worked hard to meet her and get her out and dont want to blow it with stupid

I made A LOT of stupid mistakes when first starting out in the game, but even before that I
remember my strategy to getting kisses used to be hoping and wishing shed make the move
and do it on her own. I was too scared I would get rejected and look like an idiot. I sucked it up
when I had enough and just started approaching like a machine, going on dates every week and
noting what worked and what didnt.

It took me about six years of constant practice but I figured out the vibe, a mindset that keeps
your game on without trying to game. This is especially useful on dates when you're focused
less on routines than when you first approach. I also stumbled on half a dozen touching moves
that help escalate on dates and in the bedroom, and also the idea of the multi-venue date
system to increase rapport and trust.

I share all this and a lot more in my book Bang. Of course its backed by my Bust Out The
Condoms Guarantee.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 20

How to Get a Day Two

Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 07/08/2008

A few years ago I was going through a slump with women. It was not so much that I wasnt
meeting any; it was that the ones I was meeting just werent up to my standards. These girls
were falling for me quickly, and I would soon have to break their hearts. It was depressing me. I
was really starting to believe that either there were no quality girls left in the world, or that I
just couldnt attract the ones I wanted.

About that time I went on A little while after going on the site I started an online
flirtation with this cute Filipino girl. She would write me these long rambling emails at four in
the morning (that were just the most amusing things to read) and I soon found myself very
attracted to her. We made arrangements to meet.

When she arrived at my house, she was even hotter than her online photos portrayed her to
be. Within minutes of talking to her I was already feeling like this was going to be different. I
was sensing a connection I didnt feel with the other girls.

When we got to the bar, things went even better. The conversation was flowing naturally, we
were laughing a lot, doing shots together, and teasing one another it was genuinely the best
date I had in months. Mid way through the date I was already imagining our future together.
Although I didnt get a kiss that night, she came back to my house for a bit, and the evening
ended on a high note.

The next day I couldnt stop thinking about her. And although it had only been one day since I
saw her, it felt like an eternity. My better judgment told me to wait a day or two before
contacting her again but I couldnt help it, I sent her an email that night. Something along the
lines of had a really great time last night. What day this week do you want to play tennis (we
had talked about playing tennis on the date)

She didnt respond to the email for a couple days. When she did respond, all she wrote was I
had a good time too. You are a really funny guy, She never mentioned the tennis invite. The
night I got her email I called her. She didnt answer so I left a message. She never called me
back. I waited a week then emailed her again Guess we didnt connect as much as I thought
or something AFC like that. She wrote back the next day saying Sorry Ive just been busy.
Youre really nice Im just not sure what Im looking for right now in terms of relationships.

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31 Days to Better Game:

BAM it was over. The one girl I actually felt a connection with didnt even have interest in a
second date. I began really analyzing what went wrong and it became painfully obvious why
she had no desire to see me again.

Below Im going to go over the mistakes I made on that meeting. My hope is that by reading
through these mistakes I made you might be able to notice a thing or two that youre doing that
might be preventing you from getting a second date.

Mistakes that will Prevent Day Two

Too quickly deciding that you like her. The previous girls that I was dating I was always the one
doing the judging. I would sit back and let them prove their worth to me. This put me in the
position to be the prize.

With the Filipino girl, I decided too soon that I liked her. Once I decided that I liked her I started
working too hard to impress her. I was way too attached to the outcome of the date. Girls can
sense when youre investing more than they are, and it will immediately lower your value and
put her in the position of being the prize.

Resorting to Nice Guy Lines. I really believed that I had experienced a connection with the
Filipino girl. I truly believed she was feeling the same way. Because I felt there was this
connection there, I let my guard down. Normally I would never show my hand on a date I
would always keep the girl guessing what was going through my mind.

The mistake I made on this date was that I gave too much away. I was complimenting her way
too much. I kept telling her how fun she was. I remember at one point I was smiling, and she
asked what? and I said Youre just really cute. AGHHH

I kept bringing up plans for a second date. We hadnt even finished our first date and I was
already asking her to play tennis together, to go see a movie she mentioned.

Because I felt so comfortable with her I felt at ease to tell her about my recent trouble finding a
girl I really liked. I dropped all player mode and started to open up with her way to soon.

Not Escalating Kino. Although we were having a good time together, I was in nice guy mode,
and was scared to ruin the evening by moving too fast. I would very rarely make any physical
contact, and when I did I would quickly pull away as to not scare her.

Normally, even on dates with girls I didnt like, I would be advancing towards sex after an hour
into the date. Here I was 2 hours into a great date and I was scared to leave my hand on her
waist for more than a second.

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Let her Call the Shots. Once we got to the bar, she quickly took the role of leader. She was the
one suggesting what to drink. When the bar got crowded, she was the one who suggested that
we move to a table in the back, when the DJ played a song she liked, she was the one who
suggested we go on the dance floor.

It was like I was so scared of making a wrong move that I gave all power to her. I even broke
one of my cardinal date rules; always be the one who ends it. About midnight she is the one to
say it's getting late we should get going.

Trying to Plan the Next Meeting Before the Date Ended. In Bang, Roosh says always say see
you soon when you end a date. That was something that I always naturally did before her, and
have always naturally done since her. But that particular night I felt compelled to try to make
plans to immediately see her again.

By making immediate plans you dont give the girl the joy of wondering when shes going to
hear from you again. Remember, a large part of attraction occurs when the girl is away from
you and thinking about you. The less sure she is in her status with you, the more time she is
going to spend thinking about you.

Contacting her too Soon After Day One. I used the fact that we had such a good time as a
reason to call the next day. The fact that we had such a good time should have been used as a
reason to wait a few days to call. If she really had a good time she would be going crazy waiting
for my call. The whole time shes waiting for my call my value is increasing in her mind by leaps
and bounds.

I threw it all away by contacting her the next night. The minute I contacted her, her brain went
OK I have this guy now let me decide if I want him.

When you dont call, her brain is going Does he want me? That is what you want her brain

Acting Needy When She Wasnt Responding Quick Enough. As many mistakes as I made on the
date itself, I still believe I could have savaged it if I was able to stay cool during our contacts
post date. Unfortunately I wasnt. Whenever she delayed contacted me, I got needy and
contacted her right away.

And when I sensed she was blowing me off I did the worst possible thing my sending her a
message stating my feelings and trying to guilt her into seeing me again.

So how do you get a day two?

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31 Days to Better Game:

If you want to know how to get a day two the answer is to not make these mistakes on day
one. Roosh gave you a perfect strategy for day one. If you follow his strategy and avoid the
mistakes listed in this lesson than you should be having no trouble getting second dates.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 21

Building Sexual Tension

Written by Evil Woobie
Originally Published: 07/10/2008

Sexual tension happens when two individuals feel attracted to each other, but dont have sex,
at least not yet. It doesnt always lead to sex, though usually it does, and could go on and on for
a lifetime without the individuals concerned acting on it. In simple terms, its the chemistry
that happens between individuals who like each other.

When Sparks Fly

Extreme attraction develops under the safe haven of friendship. Friends have several things in
common; they communicate a lot and spend time together. At what point does the attraction
build so that individuals enjoying a platonic friendship just let go and freely act on the
attraction? This happens when sexual tension peaks.

I dated a guy who I shared a wonderful friendship with before going for the plunge. Wed see
each other constantly and while all the things we did were wholesome, there was an
undercurrent of attraction that cant be ignored. In fact, if our wholesome scenes were to be
made into a movie, the viewer would be most likely banging his head on his popcorn saying
get on with it already!

The main trouble is that whenever we are in alone dates, the devil called friendship
conscience comes in to ruin everything. The following words echo through our minds:

Hey, weve known each other too long to let something like a relationship ruin our friendship.
We both know we are not ready for that.

And so, nothing happens, and the onlooker throws his soda at the screen.

Escalating the Sexual Tension

Here are some subtle things a guy can do to fan the flames of burning attraction and cross the
border between friends and friends-with-benefits:

1. At one or the others place, watch a movie with a story line that involves sexual tension -
Not porn, mind you, but one that has a gripping plot and an explosive love scene. Think Top
Gun (Tom Cruise) and Disclosure (Demi Moore). Or better yet, ditch the romance movies and

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rent a thriller. Some studies have shown that good horror films can be more sexually arousing
than romance or even porn. The basis of which is that fear results in the same biological effects
as sexual arousal i.e. rapid heartbeat, stimulated senses. Besides, being very, very scared is
always an excuse to cuddle up.

2. Online chat - There are things that you can tell a person you feel attraction for online that
you cannot say to her face. This is because you feel protected from an extreme reaction by your
monitor and the x-mark on top of your browser. Saying something like you really looked sexy
today during class. It took all of my self control to prevent myself from just kissing you in a dark
corner when we met for lunch will convey the message that you appreciate her efforts to look
her best. Because youre friends, this will translate as sincere admiration more than
harassment. She already knows that you like her, now its time to let her know that you think
shes hot.

3. Sexy Phone Conversation - While you bore her with the details of your soccer practice,
casually mention that youre wearing only boxers because the humidity is killing you (or my
favorite, I just took a shower). Since you know that shes also into you, this could lead to
more prolific things, particularly if shes feeling a bit naughty. The trick is not to sound too
eager. Give her the power of seduction; make her feel that her voice and the theme of your
conversation are turning you progressively on, bit by bit. Encourage her to talk about her
fantasies, while sharing yours. And for goodness sake, do NOT mention another girls name. If
you must describe making love, say when a girl kisses my ear or something similar.

Sex is not the End, but the Start of Better Things

You are still very, very good friends. Once you overcome the sexual tension thats been plaguing
your relationship, you are now free to continue a stronger friendship that will last for years and
years to come, regardless if it developed into a more serious one or not

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 22

Preparing Your Bachelor Pad

Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 07/11/2008

This lesson is going to be a guideline for some general rules when it comes to maintaining your
place. Obviously if you are in high school or college your place is going to look a little different
than someone out of college making $100,000 a year.

While your choice of decor may change, the fundamentals will always stay the same. Your
place should serve a couple purposes.

First, you should feel comfortable there. Although you want create an at home feel for
yourself, you dont want to overwhelm visitors with your personal taste. What your goal should
be is for your place to be a reflection of yourself. Your best sel,f that is.

Second, your place should provide some interesting conversation pieces for those visiting.
Many times you will have someone you barely know back at your place. The easiest way to
relieve that tension is to have a bunch of interesting pictures, furnishing, or decor for them to
comment on.

Third, your place should provide an environment that makes the women feel insanely
comfortable. The more comfortable they feel at your place the more likely they will be to
spend time there.

One of the most important ways to make your place a comfortable place for both you and the
women in your life to spend time at is to keep it clean.

A Guideline for keeping your place clean

1. Dust. Focus your dusting on everything that can be seen. The most important areas are
surfaces that are visible such as corners, floors, tables, TV, sofa.
2. Get rid of stains. Stains just reek of low class. If your floor has splashes of spaghetti
sauce, or your counter is filled with grease get it up. If your couches have stains on
them cover them with some kind of soft blanket.
3. Wipe down windows, mirrors, and glass table. Windows are an easy thing to clean and
will make the room appear much nicer when they dont have dust and smudges
reflecting off of them. The same can be said for mirrors and glass tables.

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31 Days to Better Game:

4. Clean your computer area. This is often a spot you will find yourself at with a girl
listening to music or watching a video clip. Make sure your computer is dusted off; your
desk is in order, and most importantly CLEAR YOUR BROWSING HISTORY ON YOUR
COMPUTER. I cant tell you how many guys I know have messed things up with a girl by
giving her the opportunity browse through his computer while he was in the shower.
You never know whats on there. It's always safe to constantly be clearing it.
5. Your bathroom must be impeccable. If there is one area that girls will judge you the
most on it's the way you keep your bathroom. Get rid of all hair in tub and sink. Make
sure all stains and crud, or anything that would gross a girl out is gone. Keep the place
stocked with toilet paper. Keep the towels hanging nicely. Make sure the toilet bowl
smells good and looks clean. The last thing you want is a girl not coming over because
shes too grossed out to use the bathroom. Remember, what looks clean to us, doesnt
necessarily look clean to them.

A Guideline for keeping your place smelling good

There is nothing that will turn a woman off quicker than walking into a place that smells like
crap. Bad smelling homes are immediately associated with dirty people. The sense of smell is
closely associated with arousal. You want to use this for your benefit and not against you.

It is important to get other peoples perspective on the smell of your place. If youve been
living with the smell for awhile chances are you wont even notice it.

You should have air fresheners for the kitchen and bathroom. The other rooms I would
recommend using candles. Candles smell good and create a nice atmosphere.

Below are some certain items you want to be aware of that may be contributing to a bad smell
in your place.

Dirty sheets, blankets, and pillows. Especially in the summer time, these need to be
changed often.
Dump ashtrays regularly
Take out the garbage daily
Put gym gear in the laundry room
Food remains should be wiped up immediately

A Guideline for keeping the place neat and tidy

Get rid of all clutter. If there are items laying around that you no longer make use of;
either throw them away or put them in the basement or garage.
Dont leave random stuff lying around. It communicates that you are a disorganized

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Put your clothes away. This is so simple, yet so many of us continue to leave shirts,
pants, sneakers lying all over our bedroom.

A Guideline for making your place more comfortable to women


Lighting makes a huge difference in the appearance of your place. I would usually
recommend purchasing a dimmer that allows you to pull the lights up or down based on the
mood. Lighting is one the most important elements of creating a good ambiance.


This is the area where your personal taste sometimes has to be compromised a bit. While
you want to reflect your personality you dont want to look like The 40 Year old Virgin with
rooms filled with toys, movie posters, and sports memorabilia. While all of these items
have a place in your home, they should not be the most prominent items on display.

The best idea is to find a style that you like, and then slowly decorate the place to match
that style. For me, I decided I wanted my place to have the feel of Buenos Aires. I found
several magazine articles that celebrated the style of Buenos Aires and then I created a look
around those. I painted the place with Latin colors and then slowly found items that
complimented the room.

I find the best way to shop for home decor is online. I bought 90% of the framed art work,
pictures, wall decorations, and window treatments online. Once I knew what style I was
going for I began searching for items on Ebay and Amazon that would fit into the decor. I
would buy items as I could afford them. In the past I would try to go out and decorate my
new place in a weekend. My old strategy caused me to purchase a lot of cheap items all at
once. This new strategy of decorating my place over the course of a couple months allowed
me to search these sites, and when I found something I liked, purchase it as the money
became available.


You always want to have either bottled or filtered water available. On that note, you want
to make sure that your glasses and silverware are always clean.

It is a safe bet to always have a couple bottles of wine lying around. I also tend to keep a six
pack in the fridge, and stock a small bar with liquor.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

When a girl comes back to your place, it's always nice to be able to offer for her to join you
in a glass a wine. A fun thing to do is have some frozen cocktails on hand. Making her a
margarita is always a nice way to break the tension and enjoy a good drink.


It goes without saying that you want your bed to be inviting as possible. The best way to do
this is to not cheap out on a good mattress. Once you have a good mattress purchase a nice
comforter set to go along with it. You always want to keep about four pillows on your bed.

Another good habit to get into is making your bed every morning. Since a true player, never
knows when hell be taking a new girl home, he must always be prepared for an overnight

Entertainment and Props

I mentioned earlier that your place should provide some interesting conversation pieces.
This means that you should frame some story worthy photos and have them lying
around. These photos will serve to demonstrate your personality as well as offer you a
chance to tell some good stories.

I mentioned yesterday how a good coffee table book can initiate conversation and break
the tension of bringing a girl back your place.

It's not a bad idea to keep some props lying around. Props include things like personality
tests, interesting quizzes, this lie detector test, or other fun games.

It's also not a bad idea to keep a stack of reliable DVDs lying around. These should be a
good mix of romantic movies, comedies, and interesting documentaries. You never know
what kind of mood the two of you will be in when you arrive at your place, and it's good to
have a variety to choose from. Another good idea is to be constantly DVRing interesting
things on TV. This allows you to always have something of value to throw on.

An absolute great addition to your living room is Nintendo WII. This is a video game system
that women finally seem to enjoy as much, if not more, than men. It's great because it can
introduce some competitive flirting and offers a dynamic opportunity for kino.

This should all be a great guideline for you to transform your place into an excellent
bachelor bad. Remember that the main purpose of your place is to have you and her feel
comfortable and to provide some entertainment for the two of you.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 23

Quick Lesson in Kino

Written by The Dicknotist
Originally Published: 07/14/2008

If youre reading this, youre probably looking for ways to obtain more sex in your life. Perhaps
you want something more than just sex or perhaps not. Either way, what separates true sex
from porn is that the former involves touch whereas the latter is viewed through the pixels of a
computer screen. Sex cannot happen without contact and neither can seduction. Too many
guys make the mistake of focusing all their efforts on conversation and while your words may
peak her interest, your touch is what will drive her wild with intense desire.

From the moment a woman lays eyes on you, shes unconsciously wondering how youll be in
bed. Will you take charge as she surrenders her body to you or will you look to her on what to
do? Will you be affectionate and attentive to her needs or will you just slam it in a few times
and leave? Do you actually know what youre doing in the bedroom or will she have to teach
you like all the other guys? All of that is conveyed through your eye contact and touch.

Weve all read the now famous DiCarlo Escalation Ladder (DEL), which will give you the nuts
and bolts of what to do, but not necessarily the mindset behind it. Guys who arent used to
touching women will just lay their hands on her as if theyre in a video game. They earn five
points for every time they brush her arm or tap her back. When I touch a woman, I dont play
for points; I play for pleasure.

When I think of touch, I imagine that my hands are like paintbrushes plastering my emotions
onto her body. Call me the Jackson Pollack of seduction: I paint her arms her arms and torso
now so that I can sprinkle some more on her face laterwith my other special brush. So, when
first talking to a girl, I will often just lightly touch her outer arms and torso with my fingers as
Im talking to her. I see it as expressive: you touch her as you talk to emphasize important
points. That touch is more subtle and friendly, aimed at just making her comfortable and more
trusting. During high points in the interaction, however, your touch should become more

Touch serves two purposes: to emphasize what youre saying to her and to appreciate her. An
example of appreciation could be that in talking to her, she reveals that she works as a nurse.
That immediately peaks your interest as your mom was a nurse and you realize the resiliency
and compassion necessary for the job. Rather than just telling her how awesome that is, you
should also touch her arm and hold it there a few seconds longer than usual and perhaps even
stroke it.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Expressive touch is like a period: light and quick. Appreciative touch is like an exclamation
point, lasting a good 2-3 seconds. Yet the point isnt for you to have this in your head while
talking to a woman but to give you a context for which touch can amplify and supercharge your

When you touch her, touch her as if youre already making love to her. Cup your hand as you
touch her back and cup the back of her shoulder blades. Dont forget her sensitive spots,
including her inner arms, behind her knees, the skin fold on the other side of her elbow. Later
on in the interaction, touching her neck, ears, thighs, breasts will amplify her desire. Dont be
afraid to graze her breasts! Graze them now so you can glaze them later.

You can get away with murder in the field as long as you are relaxed and slow down.
Calibration is simply the act of doing things much more slowly, which includes walking, talking,
and touching. You may be nervous, but if you can slow down your actions, you will be seen as
confident and in control.

Of course, touch is best demonstrated by viewing and trying it yourself. An excellent resource
on touch is The Joy of Erotic Massage, which takes you through more than youll ever need to
give women incredible pleasure with your touch from the first meet to sex. You can purchase a
copy on Amazon, though youll probably be able to get it free through other means

I hope that when you read this essay and even see the video above, you will get some fresh
ideas on how to use touch to build trust and sexual tension. Yet, to get the most out of any
endeavor, you must go out and hit the field. Experiment and develop your own style.
Innovation never comes from passively reading and watching. Like any man of character, you
must act.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 24

Body Language 202

Written by Dr. Fuji
Originally Published: 07/15/2008

Body language is one of the most underrated, overlooked, and powerful elements in your social
arsenal. The classic study on the elements of communication by Professor Albert Mehrabian
(1971, Silent Messages Wadsworth, Belmont, California) found that nonverbal
communication accounts for as much as 93% of all communication. Body language itself makes
up more than half of that. So it should come as no surprise that what you say isnt near as
important as how and when you say it. In cold approach pick up, the individual who uses body
language effectively often has significantly better results than his less-enlightened
counterparts. In this article well be delving into the use of body language to convey high value,
how to show interest or disinterest non-verbally, and fixing common sticking points and pitfalls.

Lets begin.

An interesting thing about body language is that it tends to override your verbal. In other
words, people will believe your nonverbal communication more than even what you actually
say. So if your verbally sub communicate high value but your non-verbal says the opposite,
people will tend to trust the body language over the words. While seemingly counter-intuitive,
the fact is most people tend to place more trust in forms of communication that are harder to
consciously alter. We can lie with our words quite easily. Lying with our body language is much
more difficult. Because your body language is so incredibly consistent, women especially have
found that its generally a very effective way to evaluate others. And therein lays both the
problem and the effectiveness of body language. Its very difficult to change, but when you are
successful, it conveys much more influence than other forms of communication.

One of the most effective uses for body language is communicating value. We do this by
consciously altering our behaviors and mannerisms from unattractive to attractive. Imagine two
men, both of equal confidence, looks, attractiveness, and other factors. But one man makes eye
contact when he speaks and the other looks away and fails to make eye contact. Who is more
attractive? The objective is to sub-communicate through our body language that we are high-
value (read: attractive) men. By high-value, we mean that we have high quantities of the
social and evolutionary value to which people respond. A high-value man is one who
encompasses all of the qualities and mannerisms that women are hard-wired to find attractive.
Think: confidence, leadership ability, power, attractiveness to other women, strength, internally
validated, etc.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

There are three main body positions in most social situations which you can use to convey
value: How you stand, how you walk/move, and how you sit. Although full body language
overhauls are beyond the scope of this article, the fundamentals are quite simple.

When youre standing, you want to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider,
shoulders pulled back, standing up straight, and chest somewhat out. Your weight should
generally be towards the rear of your soles (closer to the heel) so that you always appear to be
leaning back. It should not be an uncomfortable stance, but one which clearly does not lend
itself to laziness. Picture the way a U.S. Marine would stand when at ease. Your stance should
project confidence. Your hands should drape at your sides the way they naturally fall. Do not
put your hands in your pockets or cross them over your chest.

When you walk or move, the object is to convey dominance and purpose. Your hands should
swing naturally at your sides while you walk but without looking either stiff or floppy. Practice
this in the mirror if you suspect they are moving unnaturally. Walk at about 50% of your normal
speed when in the venue. When you are moving towards something (a set, an exit, the
bathrooms, etc), take the shortest route possibleusually a straight line. Instead of circling a
set several times like a vulture, walk straight up with confidence. Similarly, when moving
through the crowd, you want to project dominance. Oftentimes women notice you and the way
you move or interact with people and they make judgments about you before youve even
noticed them. Dominance is tough to put in text but its something we drill in our live boot
camps. The objective is to be verbally polite while guiding people out of your way. Dont be
afraid to touch both men and women while youre walking through a crowd. A hand gently on
the triceps or back letting people know youre coming through is a dominant, yet polite way of
moving through the crowd and communicating that you expect people to move out of your

When you sit, the objective is to take up space while appearing relaxed and comfortable. Dont
overdo taking up space lest you come off as try-hard. What you want to communicate is that
you do not make any apologies for your existence and that you are used to always being
comfortable. Its the same concept as locking in. Useful tactics to convey this include draping
your arms over the backs of chairs or over the seatbacks of booths or couches. Your upper body
should ideally be leaning back without hunching over. Feet and legs can be spread moderately
or crossed ankle-to-knee. Sliding forward slightly in your seat will allow you to lean back even in
a vertically-backed chair. The main communication here is that you are comfortable and
confident. Do not cross your arms over your chest for this reason.

The other thing that body language is extremely useful for is showing interest or disinterest
nonverbally. Because women are so much better attuned to body language relative to men,
they feel your nonverbal indicators of interest (IOIs) or disinterest (IODs) much more powerfully
than we do as men. For example, facing a set or group is one way to nonverbally show interest.
Conversely, facing away is a subtle show of disinterest.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Other body language-based indicators of interest include: Leaning in, kino escalation (escalating
physical touch), strong eye contact, and cocking your head to the side.

Indicators of disinterest include: leaning back, putting barriers between you and the set or
group (especially in front of your midsection, e.g. arms crossed, drink in front of the chest, etc),
not smiling, body rocking, and looking away.

Note that some of these things can also be considered demonstrations of lower value so be
cognizant of what you are communicating to people.

The power in nonverbal IOIs and IODs are that they can be used both subtly and oftentimes
with more impact than their verbal counterparts. For example, a nonverbal false time
constraint (an IOD) is much more powerful than a verbal-only version. As weve discussed
earlier, people tend to place more credibility on body language than verbal communication
because of the difficulty involved in controlling it.

The punishment-reward sub-dynamic is the underlying principle behind Mehows Chase

Cycling model and is most effective when body language is used to both reward good
behavior and punish bad behavior. A great example of this is during the first minute of the
interaction. Sets generally dont face you right off the opener. Theyre usually facing each other.
When you begin to hook the set, you can tell by their body language they start to turn toward
you. You can then nonverbally reward by more directly facing them or giving emotional value. If
they give you IODs, you can punish by facing away and throwing a false time constraint (a
verbal IOD). This psychologically conditions women to invest and to work for you. And as we all
know, we value that which we work for.

Finally, there are certain body language mistakes that the majority of guys find themselves
making during their training. By being aware of these common sticking points, youll be better
equipped to stop them before they become bad habits. Lets examine a few of the most

Leaning In: This is one of the most common sticking points most guys make. Leaning in is an
instinctive body language move that you have to consciously change. The lower the set is
(seated, lying down, shorter than you, etc.), the more youll feel the urge to lean in. Dont do it.
Have a wing observe you in set and let you know when youre leaning in.

Rewarding bad behavior: Directly and continually facing a set which is closed off and giving you
IODs is rapport and acceptance-seeking. You are non-verbally rewarding the set for defiance.
Instead, mirror a sets body language IODs with your own. Take advantage of both false time
constraints and body rocking to avoid continually facing a set that isnt hooking.

Lacking dominance: Everything you do in field should be done with confidence and dominance.
From the initial approach, to kino escalation, to simply walking through the crowd, your body

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

language is communicating things about you. Dominant body language communicates

confidence, pre-selection, and social proof.

Fidgeting: Nervous ticks such as swaying from side to side, playing with your hands or fingers,
moving around too much, or playing with your drink all tell the set and everyone around you
that you are not only nervous around them, but that they are higher value and thus, you are
emotionally reacting to them. The emotion of nervousness often manifests itself through these
nervous behaviors. Eliminate them. Youll notice a marked improvement in your interactions.

Drink shield: This is another common sticking point the majority of men have. The drink shield
is when people hold their drink in front of their chest in a social environment. The sub
communication behind this body language tick is that youre nervous and uneasy. So your
instinctive reaction is to cover your midsection (traditionally the most vulnerable spot on most
mammals) with some sort of protection. In this case its the drink. Instead, hold your drink
down by your hip and dont cross your arms or take a protective stance. You are trying to
convey abundance, security, and relaxation with your body language.

Hands in pockets: This behavior also communicates that youre nervous and that you feel
awkward. You dont know what to do with your hands so you shove them in your pockets.
Instead, let them hang naturally by your sides. Force yourself to relax and let your arms just fall.
At the beginning youll have to force this, but after some practice, youll start to automatically
relax more in social situations.

Of course, theres dozens more sticking points many guys will experience, but these are the
absolute most common ones. Fix these behaviors and youll see a significant improvement in
your game and in your own state.

Hopefully this article has been able to shed some light on the importance of body language as a
whole. Weve learned that not only does it allow us to show value, but to also convey interest
or disinterest without opening our mouths. And of course, weve examined some of the most
common sticking points and come up with solutions and fixes to remedy them. One interesting
side effect of good body language is that it not only affects your interactions but your
psychology as well. The human brain is constantly reacting to stimuli from the sensory system,
and body language is no exception. Your physiology often has a significant effect on your
psychology. This is why faking a smile for an extended period of time often makes us feel better
on the inside as well. And its the basis behind parents telling their children not to cross their
arms or frown. Just as your mind affects the body, your body too affects the mind.

We cover body language much more in depth in our live programs and boot camps and also in
Mehows esteemed Get the Girl! Manual available at
Information on our live programs can be found at

See you all in the field,

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

DJ Fuji
Chief Instructor

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 25

Being the Bad Boy

Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 07/16/2008

You probably noticed as far back as grade school, that girls are attracted to guys who possess a
bit of that bad boy persona. In fact, if youre like most us, youve probably often asked yourself
why all girls like the assholes? or How come the jerks get all the girls?

This is not so say that being a bad boy makes you an asshole or a jerk. The reason most of us
viewed these guys as assholes or jerks is simply because we were jealous and envious that
these guys were always dating the girls that we wanted, while we were getting stuck in the
friend zone. So instead of trying to learn from these jerks whom we werent alpha enough to
hang with, we found it easier to blame society for our lack of success with women, and create
an acceptable excuse for ourselves, women only like the assholes.

Well boys, its time to MAN up!

There is plenty that can be learned from these bad boys. Even if some of their reckless
behavior will never suit your personality, you can try adopting some of their character traits to
increase your attractiveness.

If youve found yourself too often getting stuck in the friend zone, it is simply because that is
the vibe that youve been sending off.

You want to shed your nice guy image?

It is impossible to try to imitate specific bad boy behavior. It will come across forced and
insincere. Instead, put yourself in their mindset. Live life through their eyes.

The Bad Boy trait you should emulate

1. Youre fearless. Most people are insecure. Most people suffer some form of anxiety
disorder. Most people are held back by various forms of fear.

If you want to stand out in a crowd; live a fearless existence. Feel the fear; then do it anyway.
Most of our fears are completely unwarranted. Most fear stems from our need for approval.
We are held back by our fear of losing our job, our fear of being laughed at, our fear of going
broke, our fear of rejection, our fear of ruining our reputation, our fear of making a mistake.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

What would your personality be like if you werent governed by all of these fears? If you take a
look at the short list of our major fears youll find that not one of them is life threatening. In
fact, most of our major fears are solely based on what thoughts someone else will have about

How ridiculous does that sound when you really think about it? 90% of the decisions that you
make are influenced by your need for approval.

Most of us are working a job we hate, lonely or in a shitty relationship, have given up our
dreams because we are afraid of making the wrong decision, and were not even afraid of the
consequences of the wrong decision We are afraid of what people will say about us what
people will think about us.

How refreshing is it when we meet someone who isnt controlled by these fears?

Women are attracted to bad boys, because bad boys provide an adrenaline rush that the
average guy does not. In the average guy, a woman sees a reflection of most of her fears and
insecurities. This is why the average guy becomes her friend. Because they can sit and talk and
wallow in their fears and insecurities together. The bad boy makes her forget all about her
fears and insecurities. He takes her into his fearless existence.

And she gets addicted to it.

My challenge to you

Live the next two days of your life completely fearless. Just for the next two days, say what you
feel like saying, approach who you feel like approaching, tell someone who has pissed you off to
fuck off, do exactly what you want to do.

Do you want to call out of work and go the beach? Do it! Do you want to tell the counter girl at
the bank that shes sexy as hell? Do it! Do you want to finally change the style of your haircut?
Jump out a plane? Get a tattoo? Have sex with a stranger? Do whatever the fuck you want!
Whenever the fuck you want!

Do this for just 2 days and experience the thrill of being fearless. After the two days you can go
back to worrying about what people think, or how you appear, or whatever other insignificant,
trivial reason is holding you back.

More information on being the bad boy

In our most recent podcast we went over an entire list of ways you can take on more of the bad
boy attitude. We even went into specific examples, showing how a bad boy would react as
opposed to the typical nice guy.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

If you feel that you need to incorporate more bad boy traits into your persona I highly
recommend listening to our How to Be the Bad Boy Women Want podcast.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 26

How to Turn a Female Friend into Your Girlfriend (Part 1)

Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 07/18/2008

For the sake of this lesson I am going to make a couple assumptions. First, I am going to assume
that the female friend youre interested in has firmly placed you in the friend zone. I will also
assume that you are actually friends with her and not just an acquaintance. This means you
spend a reasonable amount of time with her, and communicate often through phone, texts, or

Bobbys Step by Step Plan

The first thing that you need to do is effectively disappear from your friends life. This means
cut off phone calls, text messages, emails, and visits.

This is to be done without making her feel like youre mad at her. The whole goal is to make her
wonder what is going on in your life that you no longer have time for her. When she contacts
you dont answer the phone call, text or email immediately. Wait a day or two before getting
back to her. When you do talk to her be pleasant, but brief and vague.

You should spend at least one month apart. The better friends you are with this girl, the longer
this process should go on. What you are doing here is confusing her, and the confusion will
cause her to spend more time thinking about you.

Her simply missing you will not be enough to stir up immense attraction for you. While youre
gone you also need to arouse some jealously on her part. Although you will be vague, you
should always be implying that really great things are going on in your life. This is a fine line that
you have to be careful as you walk. She can never feel like youre bragging, trying to make her
jealous, or lying The whole attitude should be that really great things are going on in your
life but youre holding back from telling her because you dont want to make her feel bad.
Vagueness is the key to this part.

Now you need to amplify the jealousy and confusion. A great way to do this is to call her and
ask her to hang out. Assuming enough time has gone, she will be relieved that you finally
called and her jealousy and confusion will dwindle Just when she thinks things are going
back to the status quo... cancel the plans with her. When you cancel dont schedule a new date.
Once again, be vague.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

In the meantime, another great way to create jealousy is to take advantage of social networking
sites. Assuming that the both of you are active on at least one social networking site like
Myspace or Facebook, you can bet she will be checking out your profile to see whats going on
in your life. It is important that you change up your profile a bit, add some new cool pics
(preferably with some hot girls.) To go even further I would recommend getting a bunch of
attractive girls to leave comments on your page. Race and Kelly give a great way to go about
getting these comments.

The entire time that youre away from her you need to be working on yourself.

If there are physical areas of you that need improvement, now is the time to get serious about
change. If youre over weight, do everything you possibly can to get to your ideal weight. If
youre scrawny join a gym and follow a good plan for bulking up. Basically you want to do
everything I outlined in day 3 about updating your look. It is crucial that after her long time
away from you, that when she finally sees you again there is a very noticeable improvement in
your appearance.

During your time away from her you also need to be working on your social skills. You should
not spend all of your time away from her thinking about her and planning your next move. You
need to be filling your days with the most exciting, challenging, and personally rewarding
events imaginable. You should be doing everything you can to take your mind off of her. You
should be out talking, flirting, and building attraction with as many girls as you can. You should
be hitting on other girls with reckless abandon.

Improving your social skills serves many purposes. Above everything else, it gives you a chance
to see if you really want this girl to be your girlfriend. Many times guys fall for their female
friend because she is the only girl in their life. Once these guys go out and meet some new girls
they realize that there is an abundance of women and no longer cling to this one girl the way
they used to.

The other benefit of improving your social skills will be that it will naturally make you more
attractive to your friend. The confidence you will gain through your improvements will radiate
throughout you. Your new found confidence will probably impress her more than your new
body, haircut, or wardrobe. You will also be fine tuning your flirting skills which you will need
later on when you start hanging out with your friend again.

The final benefit of improving your social skills immensely while youre away from your female
friend is because youll find it so much easier to create the confusion and jealousy that your
aiming for. If youre avoiding her phone calls and breaking plans with her, it is much more
powerful if it's because you really do have better plans and more options. This will come into
play in part two when I discuss finally meeting up with her again.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

The final thing you need to be doing relates strongly to lesson 1 which dealt with designing your
life. While Ive stressed that during your time away from your friend you should put her out of
your mind as much as possible, there is one exception to that. I swear by this, as I truly believed
it is what finally allowed me to turn a friend of five years into a lover a couple years back. Every
morning upon waking and every evening before you go to bed, you need to spend fifteen
minutes visualizing yourself with your friend as lovers. I dont mean visualize the act of sex I
want you to visualize what it will be like after your first kiss. Experience the feeling of sitting
next to her having moved past the friend zone. Hold the vision in your mind and feel all of the
feelings associated with it.

This final exercise is so important because you have to train your brain to experience the new
reality. I found the biggest factor that used to hold me back from making a move on my friend
was that I could not imagine the outcome. The idea of lying in bed with her, or holding her
hand, or just referring to her as my girlfriend was so foreign to me that it scared me senseless.
As much as I wanted it, my brain resisted out of fear.

I followed the entire plan outlined above, and then supplemented it with the visualizations
and I truly believe that without the visualizations I would not have been able to succeed with
the plan. If you want to learn more about visualizations re-read lesson one.

This is the end of todays lesson. Part two will deal with how you will act when you finally meet
up with your friend again, how you will break rapport, amplify attraction, and go for the kiss.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 27

How to Get Your Female Friend into Bed

Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 07/21/2008

If you are serious and strict about following the plan I laid out in part one of turning a friend
into a lover then you will have built up an ample amount of tension and anticipation. It is critical
that you immediately capitalize on this built up tension. It is extremely easy to slip back into the
status quo if you drop your guard.

Let's talk about how to capitalize on this built up anticipation.

When you finally decide to hang out with your friend again you need to invite her to an event
that is on your terms. This means inviting her to a party youre hosting or a night out with you
and your friends. The goal of this first meeting is to display the new you in action.

Once youve established a meeting point (bar, club, party) you need to arrive there early. Once
you get to the location you need to establish yourself as the social charming guy of the evening.
Hopefully youll have invited some other girls you know as well. If not, you need to begin
making new friends immediately. When your female friend arrives it is critical that youre
already engaged in some conversation with attractive women. If you havent brought girls with
you, then you need to be an opening machine. I dont care if you have to open every set in the
bar find one that sticks.

When your friend finally arrives you should be talking to some girls. You are to acknowledge
her, but do not immediately run to her side. Let her feel a little awkward and uncomfortable for
awhile. How many times has she done that to you?

I just want to add something in: Do not get too drunk. You can easily ruin everything youve
been working for by losing control of yourself and saying or doing the wrong thing. I would
maintain nothing more than a good buzz throughout the night.

During this evening you should be bouncing back and forth between your friend and the other
girls in the location. For the short intervals that you spend with your friend the conversation
should only consist of light and flirtatious talk. It is important that you spend this time building
sexual tension through teasing her and using kino.

The time that you spend with her you need to be quickly escalating the kino. Sexual escalation
is more effective because it is less ambiguous: hold her hand (use an excuse of looking at her

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

rings or bracelets or nails if you need to); put your arm around her, touch her hair (likewise, use
an excuse). These things are things that lovers do, and friends dont. Youll need to use a
combination of these touches to shift out of the friend zone.

You also need to be sure to break rapport. She will most likely try to suck you into talking about
the same old status quo topics the two of you always discussed. You need to take control of the
frame and subtly let her know that youre calling the shots now. If she starts talking about some
guy shes dating-change the subject at the first chance you get. Or better yet, tell her you going
to get a drink and go talk to another girl.

Remember, your goal isnt to offend your friend or be mean your goal is to build attraction. If
youve followed everything correctly you should have built up some strong attraction. As the
night gets later you have to make a decision. You have to decide if youre going to shoot for the
fences with your friend, or if youre going to end the night leaving her wanting more.

This is something that youre going to have to feel out. Personally, Ive found it is almost always
most effective to swing for the fences the first night. Her emotions are going to be peaked by
mid way through the night. She will be feeling attraction towards you. Now it's just a matter of
letting her know it's alright to embrace this attraction.

This should go without saying... but Ill say it anyway never verbally acknowledge any of this.
Everything should be happening without mention of the paradigm shift.

If youre going to go for it all you need to be rapidly escalating kino. Some girls may not be
game for making out in the club in this case you need to find away to get her alone.

Once youre alone with her you have to be sure to keep the sexual tension alive. If she starts
talking about something that is not cooperating with the mood break rapport again. Later in
the night, as the tension is mounting, the best way to break rapport is with physical contact.
This means tease her with a gentle push, or grab her hand to look at her ring, or touch her ear
to comment on her earring.

It wont be enough to just tease her and escalate kino. You need to act in a seductive manner.
You have to encourage her to have sexual thoughts about you. You need to prompt these
thoughts by:

You need to hold strong eye contact.

You should slow down your speech and deepen your voice.
You should look at her like you want her.
Look at her lips and leave pauses where you just look at each other.

If shes comfortable with that or looks at you in a seductive fashion it's on. Go in for the kiss.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

If you find she is being completely unreceptive to your advances then let the evening die
down with you in control. If you sense you need to build more attraction, then close out the
evening talking to other girls and part ways with your friend.

If youve decided to hold off to another night to go for the kiss I suggest making a deal with
yourself. Give it one more chance. The next time you hang out with her it can be alone. But if
possible, arrange for some friends to send periodic text messages to peak her interest. Simply
look at the texts... smile... then put your phone back in your pocket. This evening you must
treat the same way as the previous evening. You need to break rapport, initiate kino, flirt,
tease, and build attraction.

If you find at the end of this second night that she still isnt receptive to being kissed move on.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 28

Managing a Relationship
Written by M. Chase
Originally Published: 07/22/2008

Im guessing since Im getting married in September (lets see how that goes) is why I was asked
to write about managing a relationship for the 31 days series. Apologies in advance for the long
post, but the stuff below is golden. If you are interested in a relationship, be it monogamous,
MLTR, or just a fuck buddy hopefully you can pick something up from this. I am not a guru;
these are just guidelines Ive been taught and implemented that have worked wonders. Im not
re-inventing the wheel here, these are not my ideas. To give credit so I dont step on any toes
or get a lawsuit thrown at me, most of these are Sebastian Drakes concepts.

Here we go

Lets be blunt herewhen women get complacent in a relationship they tend to treat their guy
like shit. If you think Im joking head to the mall on a Saturday afternoon, buy a drink, then sit
down and watch couples interact. Its a mind-blowing experience to watch how some guys get
treated in publicand they put up with it. Heres a true story. One of my good friends got
married a while back. Honeymoon was great, everything was normal. Then she quit her job
and took over the finances. He was GIVEN a $20 allowance per week with the money he
earned. The marriage lasted six months until he finally flipped. Guys, while sad this can be

The Vase Concept

This is the best analogy Ive heardrelationships are like a vaseclay and water getting molded
together on a wheel. You only have a set amount of time, maybe two months to make things
how you want them to be. Once the vase gets thrown into the oven and hardened, there it is
and good luck changing it. Were all creatures of habit. If you decide one day youre going to
break the mold with a girl youve been seeing the vase cracksyeah, good luck with that. Its
not that it cant be fixed, it just takes a hell of a lot of time to do it (and this goes double for
friends or ex-girlfriends who already know you). Should put a little perspective on the divorce
rate in this country.

Precedence is absolutely key. We all get caught up in the moment when were with a new girl
we like. Something in our heads wants to make her happy and seek approval. If she asks you
to do something, and this can be anything you seriously dont want to do (going to plays,
singing karaoke, fancy dinners, doing the laundrywhatever). DO NOT do it from day one.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Never. If this will piss you off a couple of months from now dont start the cycle. The moment
you get fed up the precedent has been broken and the vase cracks. Again, good luck with that.

Dont get the wrong impression that you should never compromise. You simply have to. The
real question is what youre willing to compromise on. Ashlyn just moved into my place and did
some redecorating. Cant say Im exactly thrilled with the changes (Im now a plant owner) but
its something I can live with, even if I have to water the damn things.

Set Expectations

Guys, people act like they are expected to. Frankly, Im surprised this isnt addressed more in
the community. Everyone acts differently around different people. Let me ask a question.
Would you drop an f-bomb in front of your grandmother? I know I wouldnt have. This is just
psych 101. Do you act the same way around your best friend that you would around your boss?

Now what you should ask yourself is why?

The same thing goes for relationships. You cant exactly change someones personality, but you
can nudge them in certain directions. Getting someone to admit to something you want wins
the battleif they renege on it later you can bust them on it. People tend to live up to what
theyve admitted to. This is very powerful in the seduction phase. For example, if Im into a
woman and looking for a MLTR, Ill drop something like look at all the women in this place that
need a man to hold their handplease tell me youre not like that. You can use a variation of
this for any trait youre looking for.

This is also very good for compliance. If shes into you shell agree with pretty much anything
you say unless its way out of her personality. If she disagrees on a trait youre looking for its
up to you if you want to pursue it.

Draw the Battle-Lines

Probably the best advice Ive ever gotten. Gentleman, draw the battle-lines. This was so far
out of my reality I thought it was a jokeit wasnt. When women get pissed they will push you
to see what they can get away with. We all do it. In the seduction context make a list of what
will make you happy in a relationship. A loyal girl, bj every day, sex 4 times a weeketc.
Whatever you really want. Now push it forward. If you set your expectations farther than what
you really need youll always be in the clear when problems come up that have to be worked

Im trying to remember how this went, something along the lines of can we just have sex
tonight instead of you doing me anal on the balconyfucking hilarious.

If anything I hope you guys got something out of this.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

M. Chase II

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 29

Tips for Getting Better in Bed

Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 07/21/2008

If you want to have the ability to call a girl up every night of the week for a late night booty call;
you need to be good in bed.

It doesnt matter how great of a pick-up artist you are; if you dont perform in the bedroom you
will never be able to create a life of unlimited options. Sexual options with women stems from
building up a network of women who love having sex with you. Women who still want to sleep
with you even after they realize that youre not boyfriend material. That is true sexual power.

In this lesson I want to give you guys some tips for improving this area of your life. I recently
wrote a post about becoming a better lover where I discussed the art of reading the signs that a
woman is giving you and continuing to push her in that direction.

Above all this is the number one trait of a good lover. You need to be able to recognize what a
woman is enjoying. You need to tailor everything to the girl youre having sex with at this
particular moment. You need to make her feel like you know her inside and out. Even if she
knows youre a player, she has to feel an intense sexual connection with you.

This starts with the kiss. If she is a slow passionate kisser, slow your style down so your tongues
mesh together. If shes an aggressive and dominant kisser sit back and follow her lead. Shell
walk away thinking you were the best kisser in the world... simply because you mirrored her

Youll need to increase your stamina. If you want a mind blowing sexual session it has to last
more than ten minutes. If you know youve got a habit of finishing quickly than make sure you
extend the foreplay. Use your hands and mouth to create intense sexual tension. Explore every
area of her body until she is practically begging for it. Most girls really enjoy receiving oral sex
learn to read the signs she is giving you and get her pussy gushing from the oral.

But even after some powerful foreplay you need to follow up an even more powerful lay.
Increase your stamina and last longer by focusing on pleasing her rather than how good you
feel, using breathing patterns, use positions that youre less likely to finish with, and by
practicing. You also want to build up your energy level as well as increasing your testosterone
level which will only fuel your fire in the bedroom.

Everything listed above are the fundamentals needed to become a better lover. Below Ive
listed some general tips to improve the overall experience.
31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio
31 Days to Better Game:

More tips to be a better lover

1. Shave. Having stubble on your face can irritate her and make things like kissing and oral sex a
lot less pleasurable for her.

2. Groom Yourself. The more you take care of your body the more likely shell be inclined to
want to give you oral sex.

3. Smell Good. Wearing nice smelling cologne can intensify the sexual desire she feels for you.
Just a small spray is best or go for that just out of the shower smell.

4. Give a good massage. Having a little knowledge of some sexually erotic zones of a womans
body will go a long way. Watch a video on giving an erotic hand massage or a video on giving a
foot massage.

5. Aim for the G-spot. Dont obsess about the g-spot. But having an idea of where it is and how
to hit it will increase your likely hood of making her cum. If youre clueless about the G-spot
read an article about how to find the g-spot

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 30

Ending a Fling or Relationship

Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 07/23/2008

There comes a time in every players life where he is forced to end relations with a female he
no longer enjoys spending time with. The irony of this is that you will probably find it is more
difficult to end it with a girl than it was to get her.

It is never easy to end things with a girl and every situation will be different. But there is one
constant rule that does not change.

The longer you wait to end it; the harder it will be.

Now that youre out meeting and dating a variety of girls youll quickly find that you wont be
on the same page as most of them.

This is because while you may view her as practice or fun for the moment or somewhere
to dump your load she may have completely other thoughts running through her mind in
regards to what the two of you have together.

Eventually you are bound to hear one of these 3 evil questions:

1. Where do we stand?
2. What is this?
3. Where is this going?

If youve been dating a girl that you have no intention of making your girlfriend than you need
to change the way you view these 3 questions.

I used to hate when a girl asked me one of these questions. I used to fear it, and pray that
things will roll along at the status quo. I hated the way I had to lie or change topics or be
extremely vague with my answer. And what I hated more, was when months later, when I
finally had the balls to end it, the girl would throw it in my face how I should have just been
honest with her back when she asked where this was going.

Well, now Ive learned to love when a girl asks me one those questions because Ive learned
to just be honest with her.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

When a girl doesnt ask what is this and lets thing go along like everything is fine that is
when it is exceptionally hard to end it. In that case she doesnt give you an out, and you have
to be the one to address the situation. This is a lot harder than it seems.

I wrote a post awhile back called Why You Shouldnt String Girls Along where I talked about the
negative effect stringing a girl along has on your personality. The longer you date a girl you
have no real feelings for the more resentment will grow inside of you. That resentment is
unhealthy for your soul.

This is why you should use the opportunity most girls will present you with and come clean and
be honest with them. If a girl asks you where this is headed and you dont see it turning into
a long term relationship, tell her. Tell her why. She will respect you for your honesty.

Many guys will continue dating a girl they have no feelings for simply because they are scared
to be single or unable to give up the steady sex. This is not the mentality that a true player
should have. There is an abundance of women available. The minute you free yourself up from
one girl, youll be amazed at how quickly more will flow into your life.

In yesterdays lesson I talked about how if youre really good in the bedroom you can usually
keep sleeping with girls long after theyve realized that youre not going to be their boyfriend.
But this needs to be established as soon as possible. If you lead a girl on for six months and
then tell her that you dont have feelings for her other than sexual... it will be a lot harder to
make the transition. If you let her know this after a few weeks than it is more likely she will
keep you on the side as a booty call.

The secret to ending a relationship is honesty. The more you try to sugar coat a break up the
less likely she will feel the break up is for real. If she doesnt feel it's for real than she will be
filled with hope that you will get back together. You need to crush that hope.

I know that sounds mean. But it is a lot meaner to let a girl waste two years hoping that youll
finally see the light and be what she wanted. She cant have those two years back. As hard as it
may seem to tell a girl you dont love her or dont want a relationship with her, this will actually
allow her to move on and get over you.

Ultimately it is all about living with integrity. The right decision may not always be the easiest.
But youll find that if you continually are honest with yourself and others your life will be a lot
less complicated. You will also find that you feel better about yourself, and your sense of self
worth will increase.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Day 31
Run a SWOT Analysis on Your Self
Written by Bobby Rio
Originally Published: 07/25/2008

Today is the last day in the 31 Days to Better Game series and as a result I want to make your
last task a little reflective and forward looking.

Your task today is to run a SWOT Analysis on yourself.

A SWOT analysis is a strategic tool that has been used for many years in business (and many
other fields) to look at the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that that business
might have or be facing.

Much has been written about SWOT analysis and how to carry it out (Ill let you do some
searches on Google for it if youre not familiar with it) however let me write a brief description
of how to apply it to yourself.

1. Define Your Mission and Goals

Before you carry out your SWOT its important that you know what your goals are (otherwise
the exercise is a little pointless as youve got nothing to review yourself based upon). As a result
youll want to have done Day 1s task - Designing Your LIfe.

2. List Your Strengths

What attributes do you have that will help you to achieve your goals? What do you have going
for you? What are your strong points with approaching, dating, relationships? What resources
and assets do you have at your disposal? What do you do better than anyone else?

3. List Your Weaknesses

What attributes do you have that are holding you back from achieving your goals? What skills
do you not have as a successful player, pua, or alpha male? What is broken on your game?
What could or should you improve about yourself? What should you probably avoid in your
gaming? What is distracting you from your goals?

4. List Your Opportunities

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Where is opportunity presenting itself? Is there a local club/group that you can join? Is there a
girl just dying for you to make your move? Did an old fling show up back in your life? Did a new
girl move in the apartment across the hall? A part time job you should get to meet new

5. List Your Threats

What external things could or are hindering you achieving your goals? Are you working too
much and therefore coming home too tired to game? Do you not have enough money to go
out to bars or clubs very often?
Note - Think of Strengths and Weaknesses as internal factors while Opportunities and Threats
are external factors.

6. Analyze Your Reflections and Generate Strategies

Take some time out to work out what you can do with your findings. How can you utilize your
Strengths? How can you bring your Weaknesses to an end? How can you make the most of your
Opportunities? How can you fend off the Threats?

An old Marketing lecturer used to say - doing the analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats is only half the job. Working out how to turn Weaknesses into
Strengths and Threats into Opportunities is the key part of a SWOT analyses.

7. Plan to Do Something and Do It

Translate your findings into an Action Plan and begin to implement it.

Doing a SWOT analysis is something that I do periodically on myself, this website and on my
overarching business also. Have you ever done one on yourself?

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

31 Days to Better Game:

Further Resources

TSB Magazine: Over 3,000 articles on self improvement, pick-up, dating, fashion, sex, and living
like an alpha male.

TSB Radio: Over 40 podcasts on the topics of dating, relationships, sex, inner game, and
building attraction.

Breakthrough Openers Ebook: Collection of over 83 tested and proven openers.

Bobby Rio's Facebook profile: I'd love to connect with you on Facebook. And I am known to
give exclusive podcasts out to my friends on there. (I'm under my name in the real world- Tony)

Bobby Rio Twitter Page: Stay updated with new posts, motivational quotes, and the daily
ramblings and bursts of inspiration.

31 Days to Better Game Bobby Rio

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