Nfs 2000 Letter of Reflection

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I hope to become an RDN and work in the dietetics field after completing my internship, and to

also become more involved in legislation and public policy. While my experience as a Women,
Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutritionist has allowed me to help our clients and their children
reach their nutritional goals, it would also be of value to write to legislators in support of
nutritional programs like WIC that can make an impact in a community on a larger scale. So far,
my experience in the Didactic Program in Dietetics at Madonna University has prepared me to
accomplish this goal because we have practiced writing to a legislator about a bill of our choice.
Now that I have more experience composing a letter to a legislator, I am prepared to begin
becoming more involved in writing to those that can impact nutrition and health related bills, like
revisions to the WIC food packages that clients can receive. My short-term goal is to write at
least four times per year and continue to advocate for the field of dietetics.

By 2030, my goal is to speak to legislators in person and attend the Public Policy Workshop in
Washington, D.C. so I can learn to become a voice of nutrition that Congress can trust. My
position at WIC has enhanced my speaking skills as I am required to counsel clients on an
individual basis. My volunteer experience with the Cooking Matters program familiarized me
with public speaking to a small group because I presented curriculum to the participants for six
weeks. My experience at Madonna University has also helped me become more comfortable
with public speaking, since we were required to present a ten minute presentation summarizing a
position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (this PowerPoint can be viewed on my work
samples page). I also was able to practice public speaking in my Nutrition Education and
Counseling course where I presented to a group for twenty minutes. Thus, my professional
experience, volunteer experience, and class experience have all prepared me to achieve my goal
of becoming an advocate for the field of dietetics. My remaining year at Madonna University
will further prepare me to enter an internship and become a RDN while also preparing me to
achieve my other goals.

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