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Crystal Properties - Alexandrite


Color: Clear yellow, yellowish honey, green, or brown.


Associated Crystals: Topaz, emerald and ruby.

Candle Color: Emerald green.

Chakra: Crown.

Element: Earth.

Flowers & Plants: Daffodil, poppy and yellow iris.

Herbs - Incenses - Oils: Aloe vera, avocado, bergamot and sagebrush.

Planet: Sun.

Zodiac: Leo.

Metaphysical Properties & Uses:

Animals: Alexandrite is not used with animals.

Children: Alexandrite is not used with children.

Environment: -

Finance & Prosperity: -

Health & Healing: Use for inner ear problems and seasickness.

Home: Use to help regenerate enthusiasm.

Love: -

Protection: Helps healers protect against the negative energy of others. Protective
when traveling in hill country or mountains.

Psychic: Use to channel wisdom from earth and mountain spirits.

It Is The Stone Of: Healers.

Ritual: Use with spells requesting assistance from elementals.

Work: Use it to help regenerate enthusiasm amongst colleagues.

Other: -

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