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Crystal Properties - Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate

Color: Pale blue with white lacy threads.


Associated Crystals: Aquamarine, blue calcite and celestite.

Candle Color: Pale blue.

Chakra: Throat.

Element: Air/water.

Flowers & Plants: Bluebell, forget-me-not and periwinkle.

Herbs - Incenses - Oils: Fern, star anise, vervain and yarrow.

Planet: Neptune.

Zodiac: Aquarius.

Metaphysical Properties & Uses:

Animals: Use blue lace agate to help with noisy domestic animals.

Children: Use it to help soothe restless children.

Environment: Use blue lace agate to send peace energy to war zones.

Finance & Prosperity: -

Health & Healing: It is good for headaches, sore throats and swollen neck glands. It
also calms stress and soothes skin conditions.

Home: Blue Lace agate is a peacemaker and will help avoid confrontation at family

Love: -

Protection: It is protective against anger from others.

Psychic: It will help develop clairaudience and give difficult divination readings a
positive boost.
It Is The Stone Of: Public speakers.

Ritual: -

Work: It helps you to think on your feet when giving speeches at work.

Other: -

See Our Blue Lace Agate

Please note: Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not
intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper
medical treatment.

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