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100+ Facebook

Page Posting Ideas

Boost Engagement on Your
Page, Easily

Prerna Malik & Mayank Malik

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

Table of Contents

Chapter 1.................................................................................................... 4
Facebook Fast Facts................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2.................................................................................................... 8
Facebook Pages 101 ............................................................................... 8
Chapter 3.................................................................................................. 11
100 Facebook Page Posting Ideas ........................................................ 11

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

About This eBook

First of all, thank you for downloading this eBook and of course, signing up to our email updates and
Youve just taken steps to not only boost your Facebook fan page interaction but also rock your overall
smallbiz social media marketing! Yay!
This eBook is designed to fuel your imagination and inspire you to think of Facebook not only for your
social networking but also for brand building, brand advocacy, customer loyalty and a complete PR package
designed to give you the maximum bang for your buck.
Just a quick disclaimer: All the suggestions are made in good faith and there will be chances that a few ideas
may not work for your business. The idea is to try, watch and try again. We wish we could guarantee huge
increases in your engagement, but thats just not our style.
Wed rather you experiment, rinse and repeat for genuine interaction, community and brand building.
Read on.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

Chapter 1

Facebook Fast Facts

ounded in 2004, Facebooks mission is to make the world more open and connected. People use

F Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover whats going on in the world, and to
share and express what matters to them.

Facebook Facts and Figures:

901 million monthly active users at the end of March 2012.

Approximately 80% of monthly active users are outside the U.S. and Canada.
526 million daily active users on average in March 2012.
488 million monthly active users who used Facebook mobile products in March 2012, and more than
500 million mobile monthly active users as of April 20, 2012.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

During March 2012, on average 398 million users were active with Facebook on at least six out of the
last seven days.
More than 125 billion friend connections on Facebook at the end of March 2012.
On average more than 300 million photos uploaded to Facebook per day in the three months ended
March 31, 2012.
An average of 3.2 billion Likes and Comments generated by Facebook users per day during the first
quarter of 2012.
More than 42 million Pages with ten or more Likes at the end of March 2012.
Facebook is available in more than 70 languages.
Facebook has more than 900m active users. If the company were a country, it would be the third
largest in the world after China (population: 1.34bn) and India (population: 1.17bn)
With 157m members, the US has the most Facebook users, followed by India with 45.9m, Brazil with
45.3m, Indonesia with 42.4m and Mexico with 32.9m (source:
Facebook is the most popular social network in every country of the world, with the exceptions of
China, Japan, Poland, Russia, South Korea and Vietnam (source: comScore)
In April, Facebook announced a billion-dollar deal to buy the startup behind wildly popular
smartphone photo sharing application Instagram, its biggest acquisition to date.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

Facebook has minted four billionaires: Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and
Sean Parker.
The 27-year-old Zuckerberg's net worth was estimated at $17.5bn on the 2011 Forbes list of the wealthiest
Moskovitz had a net worth of $3.5bn but pipped Zuckerberg for the title of world's youngest billionaire,
being eight days younger.
The Brazilian-born Saverin, who left Facebook early on after a falling-out with Zuckerberg, had a net worth
of $2bn.
Parker, the Napster co-founder who briefly served as Facebook's president, had a net worth of $2.1bn.
Chris Hughes, one of Facebook's four co-founders, served as director of online organizing for Barack
Obama's successful 2008 presidential campaign.

Facebook says it had an average of 526m daily active users in March 2012, an increase of 41pc from a
year ago. It had registered 125bn "friend connections" as of March 31 and 3.2bn "likes" and

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

The Social Network, the 2010 film about the origins of Facebook, won four Golden Globes -
including for best picture and best director - but flopped at the Oscars, walking away with only awards
for best adapted screenplay, original score and film editing.

Facebook, currently employs some 3,500 people, and has announced plans to hire "thousands" more
over the next year

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

Chapter 2
Facebook Pages 101

imply put, a Facebook page is:

A Brands Presence on Facebook

For a brand or business to create its presence, it cannot have a personal profile. Of course, you need a
personal profile to create a page but if you are a business and want to reach out to your customers, share
your products, services, information and basically, build an online community, you need a page.
Pages can do everything that a profile can do and SO much more.
You can access feeds of pages or people youve liked, offer customers freebies and specials, host contests
and giveaways and even, let people shop from your store without leaving Facebook. Granted many of these

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

do require the use of third party applications but then, they do boost the overall functionality and wow
factor of Facebook.
A Businesss Online Community
Not every business wants to have a forum for its customers. Not only will it be difficult to manage, it really
wouldnt make much sense for customers to keep visiting a business website just for a forum. A page, on the
other hand, gives a business the instant opportunity of creating a community of customers, potential and
existing, and giving them an online space to ask questions, share feedback, get help and connect with your
business on a personal level.
Customers dont have to go someplace else. Every time they access Facebook, they get the chance to
connect with your business via updates in the newsfeed, your ads in the sidebar or just because they want to.
A Connector Between Sales and the Customer
As a business, you sell to people. If your people or customers are on Facebook, youre connecting sales with
them, in a way that is social, fun and engaging. Youre not being the pushy salesman. Youre being the fun
folks to hang out with who also have some awesome stuff to offer!
The goal of this eBook is to help you, the small biz owners, become those fun folks that fans love engaging
with, interacting with, connecting with and eventually, buying from.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

Best part, youll do it all in a way that is genuine, authentic and in keeping with your business mission,
vision and values. Lets get started!

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

Chapter 3
100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

irst things first. Post daily. Period. Dont let your page stagnate for weeks or even, days. Chances

are that when you come back and share something, it wouldnt show up in news feeds! The ideas

below will give you plenty of content to share, daily.

1. Share content from your blog to your Facebook page. You can either automate this using a plugin like or

do it manually.

2. Share attractive, high-resolution photos. Choose photos that your customers would relate to, connect with and

want to share on their own walls.

3. Ask questions with the 5 Ws and one H what, when why, where and how.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas


4. Ask questions with multiple-choice answers.

5. Ask close-ended or Yes/No questions.

6. Ask True or False questions.

7. Provide solutions, tips and ideas to use your products or services.

8. Offer a freebie just for Facebook fans.

9. Offer regular specials only for fans.

10. Host a regular contest. Remember to use a third-party application to set it up and not run the contest directly

on your wall.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

11. Share news relevant to your industry.

12. Share news that is interesting and trending.

13. Relate posts to current events and happenings.

14. Promote and post about Most Popular Fan or Commenter. Fans love being acknowledged and recognized.

15. Answer questions, as soon as possible.

16. Acknowledge fan interaction to your posts. A simple thank you can go a long way.

17. Offer people information that theyll value. Facts, statistics, trends about your industry or product.

18. Take fans on an inside photo tour of your office, factory or warehouse.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

19. Introduce fans to your team. Even if it is just you and your kids, show them a photo or two of all of you at


20. Share trivia about your team members.

21. Share interesting pins from Pinterest.

22. Share a photo of something that is funny, interesting, thought-provoking, sweet. Ask fans to caption it.

23. Share a photo of a place youve traveled to. Ask fans to guess the location or share a piece of trivia from it.

24. Write up and share daily tips or quotes to inspire and encourage your fans. For instance, if you have a cloth

diapering business, sharing a cloth diapering tip every day is bound to be helpful and looked forward to.

25. Share a view or statement and ask your audience to like if they agree or disagree.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

26. Ask fans to tag their own pages or pages of other businesses they admire and follow.

27. Conduct a poll or survey using either Facebooks poll feature or something better, like Survey Monkey.

28. Ask readers to share their favorite product from your store. If youre a service provider, ask them to share

which package or service theyd like the most.

29. Help fans understand how to use your products or services.

30. Make it easy for fans to buy from your FB page. Set up a store using an application like ecWid.

31. Focus on your branding. Share posts that are related to your brand yet interesting and engaging. A coffee shop

for instance, can share recipe posts and trivia while inviting fans to do the same.

32. Share snippets of upcoming projects or new product launches.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

33. Have an Ask the Experts day where each week, on the same day, you invite an expert to answer fan


34. Have a call to action in your posts. Readers like to know what to do. Do you want them to click, like, ask


35. Post photos of your products and ask readers to choose their favorites.

36. Pair status updates with photos that match.

37. Link and share posts and articles from around the blogosphere to inspire and encourage readers.

38. Have a Business Toolbox or Resource Day where you share other relevant businesses and ask fans to do the


100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

39. Invite fans to share their opinions and ideas on current industry issues.

40. Share FAQs.

41. Host an event on Facebook and invite fans to spread the word about it.

42. Attend an event on Facebook and tell fans about it or better still, if its open-entry, invite them to it.

43. Reward the most frequent commenter with a discount coupon or a special prize.

44. Always keep your posts fun and interesting but also professional and relevant.

45. Share a funny post card or a joke every other day.

46. Share book or movie reviews and ask fans for their opinions.

47. Share a limited time offer on a product or service.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

48. Ask fans to upload photos relevant to your niche. For instance, if you have a car detailing business, ask them

to upload photos of their cars or maybe, their dream cars and describe what detailing theyd like the most.

49. Share where youre going during the day.

50. Ask fans where they would be going during the day.

51. Share what projects youll be working on.

52. Ask readers what they will be working on.

53. Ask people what products or services would they like to see you offer.

54. Share a quote from someone you know and admire. Better still, share a tip or idea from a popular industry

leaders blog or newsletter and link to them.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

55. Do short how-to tutorials, video, photo or written.

56. Share an interesting and engaging welcome video.

57. Ask readers to share they how-tos related to your product or service. Write up a Top 10 or Best Of list, add a

visual to it using Picmonkey and share it.

58. Write up a Why I Love list related to anything your business, your place of residence, your Facebook

fans and share it.

59. Write up a My Ideal list and share it. Ask fans to do the same.

60. Write up a 10 Things to Avoid When.. list and share it.

61. Create an infographic relevant to your product or service and share it.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

62. Share useful tools you use in your business. If theyre physical tools, share photos of them and ask fans to

guess what they are.

63. Share your must-read website or online resources.

64. Share a list of Dos and Donts about your product or service.

65. Go down memory lane and share early business days with fans.

66. Share the vision and mission behind your business.

67. Share clubs and groups that youre a part of.

68. Ask fans which clubs and groups, online and offline, theyre a member of and why.

69. Share TV shows or movies relevant to your business.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

70. Ask fans about their favorite shows or movies or quotes from them.

71. Ask fans to upload photos of them using your product.

72. Share a photo of a customer using your product.

73. Share a cartoon relevant to your business or industry.

74. Share an excerpt for a book or eBook youre reading and ask fans for their opinion on it.

75. Share links to your other social media profiles and give fans good reasons to join you there.

76. Share links to your newsletter and offer them incentives for signing up.

77. Interview a fellow business owner or even, a team member and share the video.

78. Post photos of your latest trip or holiday with the family. Just make sure theyre appropriate.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

79. Share information about deals on either your own products/services or something that is relevant to your

product or service.

80. Share testimonials from customers or clients.

81. Support a fundraiser and share information about it.

82. Ask fans about their favorite charity.

83. Support a fellow business owner and do some cross-promotion.

84. Run a contest in partnership with other business owners where each one of you promotes the contest to their


100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

85. Run a series of status updates around a particular topic. For instance, you can have a series of updates related

to healthy eating for kids, sharing a mix of tips, news articles, blog posts and graphics.

86. Re-post or share something that someone else shared on their Facebook wall.

87. Post Fill-in-the Blanks.

88. Talk about Facebook and how it helps your business.

89. Ask fans why they like Facebook.

90. Have a Celebrate the Day post that highlights what a particular day or date is known for.

91. Ask an either/or question. Better still, share a photo and ask an either/or question.

92. Post pop quizzes on your product or service. Ask readers to visit the website for answers.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

93. Have live discussions with fans via status updates. Youll have to choose the right time and promote it in

advance, but it can be a great way of engaging and learning what fans want.

94. Celebrate milestones, either in your business or on your page. For instance, completing 2 years in business?

Give fans a 20% discount. Or reaching 2000 fans on Facebook? Offer them a BOGO deal.

95. Start a 30-day challenge or a Weekly Check-in. For instance, 30 Days to An Organized Home is a great

challenge for a personal organizers fan page.

96. Share the visuals related to your business ad banners, flyers, business cards.

97. De-bunk myths related to your business or industry.

98. Share the Top 10 myths surrounding your industry and ask fans to weigh in on them.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

99. Highlight unusual ways to use your product or services.

100. Create and share a music video exclusively on your page or if that is too much work, share a favorite music

video every week.

101. Each day as you post, ask yourself WHY your fans would want to come back to your page. Let that guide

you to make your updates interesting and relevant.

102. Ask your fans for feedback. Find out what would they like to see you offer, sell, give to them.

100+ Facebook Page Posting Ideas

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About the Authors:

Prerna and Mayank Malik are the owners of Social Media Direct, a digital agency offering cost-effective,
result-oriented social media and web content solutions for small business owners. Connect with them:
On Facebook
On Twitter
On the Social Media Direct Blog


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