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Lilia Evelyn Guzmn Vidal


Presentacin 5
Introduccin 6
Orientaciones metodolgicas 7
Lesson 1: Accounting Equation 9
1.1 Desarrollo del contenido 9
1.2 Gramtica 9
1.2.1 Present perfect 10
1.2.2 Interrogative form 10
1.2.3 Negative form 10
1.3 Vocabulario 10

Lesson 2: Clasification of the Fundamental Elements 12

2.1 Desarrollo del contenido 12
2.2 Gramtica 12
2.2.1 Prepositional Verbs (1) 12
2.2.2 Past Perfect 13
2.2.3 Interrogative form 13
2.2.4 Negative form 13
2.3 Vocabulario 14

Lesson 3: Accounting chart elements 15

3.1 Desarrollo del contenido 15
3.2 Gramtica 16
3.2.1 Impersonal subject 16
3.2.2 Interrogative form 16
3.2.3 Negative form 16
3.3 Vocabulario 16
Actividades 17
Autoevaluacin 17
Respuestas 21
Exploracin on line 24
Referencias bibliogrficas 24
Lesson 4: Pay and Benefits 26
4.1 Desarrollo del contenido 26
4.2 Gramtica 26
4.2.1 Prepositional Verbs (2) 26
4.2.2 Present Continuous 27
4.3 Vocabulario 27

Lesson 5: Special Accounting Terms 29

5.1 Desarrollo del contenido 29
5.2 Gramtica 29
5.2.1 Interrogative form 29
5.2.2 Negative form 30
5.3 Diferencias Ingls britnico y americano 30

5.4 Vocabulario 31

Lesson 6: Taxation 33
6.1 Desarrollo del contenido 33
6.2 Gramtica 33
6.2.1 Passive Voice Simple Present 33
6.2.2 Interrogative form 34
6.2.3 Negative form 34
6.3 Vocabulario 34

Lesson 7: International Taxation 36

7.1 Desarrollo del contenido 36
7.2 Gramtica 36
7.2.1 Passive Voice Simple Past 37
7.2.2 Interrogative form 37
7.2.3 Negative form 37
7.3 Vocabulario 37
Actividades 38
Autoevaluacin 38
Respuestas 45
Exploracin on line 50
Referencias bibliogrficas 50
Lesson 8: Accounting Cycle 53
8.1 Desarrollo del contenido 53
8.2 Gramtica 53
8.2.1 Prepositional Verbs (3) 53
8.2.2 Passive Voice Future (1) 54
8.2.3 Interrogative form 54
8.2.4 Negative form 54
8.3 Vocabulario 54

Lesson 9: Journal Recording and Types 56

9.1 Desarrollo del contenido 56
9.2 Gramtica 57
9.2.1 Passive Voice Future (2) 57
9.2.2 Interrogative form 57
9.2.3 Negative form 57
9.3 Vocabulario 58

Lesson 10: Ledger Special Types 60

10.1 Desarrollo del contenido 60
10.2 Gramtica 60
10.2.1 Passive Voice Present Perfect 60
10.2.2 Interrogative form 61
10.2.3 Negative form 61
10.3 Vocabulario 61

Lesson 11: Adjustments and Worksheet 63

11.1 Desarrollo del contenido 63
11.2 Gramtica 64
11.2.1 Passive Voice Past Perfect 64
11.2.2 Interrogative form 64

11.2.3 Negative form 64

11.3 Vocabulario 64
Actividades 65
Autoevaluacin 65
Respuestas 72
Exploracin on line 77
Referencias bibliogrficas 77
Lesson 12: System of Internal Control 79
12.1 Desarrollo del contenido 79
12.2 Gramtica 79
12.2.1 Zero conditional 79
12.2.2 First conditional 80
12.3 Vocabulario 80
Lesson 13: Auditing 82
13.1 Desarrollo del contenido 82
13.2 Gramtica 82
13.2.1 Second conditional 83
13.2.2 Third conditional 83
13.3 Vocabulario 83
Lesson 14: Forensic Accounting 85
14.1 Desarrollo del contenido 85
14.2 Gramtica 85
14.2.1 Relative pronouns 85
14.2.2 Relative clauses 85
14.3 Vocabulario 86
Actividades 86
Autoevaluacin 86
Respuestas 90
Exploracin on line 93
Referencias bibliogrficas 93
Lista de verbos irregulares 94
Vocabulario general 100



El cuaderno de Ingls Tcnico II es el segundo de una serie de dos cuadernos. Este

se ha preparado con el fin de complementar la ayuda que necesita el futuro contador
para desenvolverse en un medio internacionalizado, sin que el idioma lo limite a
ejercer su carrera.

La asignatura de Ingls Tcnico pertenece al rea de formacin especializada. Los

temas que se desarrollan estn directamente relacionados con las principales
asignaturas de la especialidad. En este manual se complementan los temas
importantes de la contabilidad incluyendo ejercicios prcticos y un vocabulario en cada
leccin, que le permitir estudiar sin la necesidad inmediata de un buen diccionario
tcnico especializado.

El cuaderno contiene una gua bsica de la gramtica americana. Esta empieza con el
presente perfecto y concluye con la voz pasiva. En cada lectura se podr observar
algunos ejemplos de la gramtica correspondiente a cada leccin. Asimismo, los
ejercicios gramaticales correspondern, dentro de lo posible, con el contenido de las
lecturas junto con enlaces a pginas web en las que podrn continuar practicando.

Antes de empezar, ponga en su mente la idea que ante usted se abre una gran
oportunidad. Sea positivo, prepare un cronograma de estudios que sea regular.
Recuerde que el propsito de este cuaderno es de comprender lecturas y documentos,
as como traducir y redactar informacin pertinente. Busque relacionar lo que va
aprendiendo con otros conocimiento previos y relacinelos.

En este cuaderno encontrar la gua que necesita en el desarrollo de su carrera. Si su

meta es trabajar en la contabilidad comercial, en relaciones de importacin
exportacin, para una de los Cuatro Grandes Estudios Contables o abrirse a nivel
internacional, sta es su oportunidad. Cuando termine de estudiar esta asignatura,
continue repasando lo aprendido. Aprender otro idioma es muy ingrato si no se

Con mis mejores deseos de xito.

Lilia Evelyn Guzmn Vidal


La asignatura de Ingls Tcnico II es de naturaleza terico prctica de
formacin profesional de especializacin, que pertenece al rea de
contabilidad. Su finalidad es que el alumno desarrolle capacidades y fortalezca
sus habilidades comunicativas del idioma ingls en la formacin contable
Los contenidos a desarrollar se agrupan en cuatro unidades temticas:
1. Los Elementos Contables y el Plan de Cuentas
2. Trminos Especiales Contables y de Tributacin
3. El Ciclo Contable y los Libros Contables Americanos
4. Sistema de Control Interno, Auditora y Pericia Contable
Organice su tiempo para que pueda aprender, comprender y poner en
prctica los contenidos de este manual.
Comience por la gramtica y los ejercicios.
Luego aprenda el vocabulario.
Una vez que los haya comprendido lea el tema y tradzcalo.
Si tiene acceso a Internet, utilice los buscadores para informarse mejor,
y busque las direcciones sugeridas en este manual.
Practique cuantas veces pueda hasta que se sienta cmodo con la
Cada unidad termina con una autoevaluacin. Las dos primeras unidades
sern evaluadas en el primer examen parcial y las dos ltimas unidades en el
segundo examen parcial. Se estudiar todo el manual en caso de un examen
sustitutorio. Las tutoras incluirn prcticas por cada leccin y simulacros de los




Antes de empezar su estudio repase lo aprendido en el primer manual, ser
importante que recuerde el vocabulario y las lecciones aprendidas. Recuerde
primero ver el vocabulario antes de ir a la lectura. Solo as podr comprender
su contenido.

Identificar los elementos fundamentales de la contabilidad, su relacin con las
ecuaciones contables, el plan de cuentas y su estructura en ingls, mediante
lecturas y ejercicios de comprensin, a fin de poder realizar trabajos contables

1. Cules son las ecuaciones contables bsicas?
2. Cmo se clasifican los elementos fundamentales?
3. Qu diferencia hay en el plan de cuentas americano?
4. Quin prepara el plan de cuentas americano?




Every firm shows its financial position by three elements: assets, liabilities and capital.
These elements are the columns of the accounting process that maintain the accounts
in balance. Accounting uses equations to show their relationship and importance.

Assets are considered all the possessions of the business that have money value.
These resources are controlled by the business. The accounting equation for assets is:

Assets = Liabilities + Capital

Liabilities are all the obligations and debts that a business has to pay. They are also
defined as the assets owned by the creditors. The accounting equation for liabilities is:

Liabilities = Assets - Capital

Capital is the investment that the owners contribute to the business. This is also
defined as the assets owned by the proprietor. The accounting equation for capital is:

Capital = Assets Liabilities

Other basic elements in accounting are: revenue and expenses. These together with
assets, liabilities and capital form the five fundamental elements by which accounting
express the financial position and condition of the business.

Revenue is the income that a business produces through the sale of a product or

Expenses are the costs incurred by the firm to produce the revenue. These are also
considered necessary in order to get profit.

It is considered that these are the five fundamental elements of accounting. Their
relationship is expressed in the following equation:

Assets = Liabilities + Capital + Revenue Expenses


1.2.1 Present Perfect: Los verbos del tiempo Presente Perfecto (pretrito perfecto)
expresan acciones que se empezaron a realizar en algn tiempo en el pasado, pero
que continan siendo realizadas hasta el presente o guardan relacin con el presente.
Para conjugarlo se usa el verbo HAVE (tener) como un auxiliar y el verbo principal en
el tiempo Pasado Participio. As cuando formamos oraciones, debemos usar el sujeto
seguido por el auxiliar, el verbo principal y el complemento.
El contador ha registrado las cifras en los libros.
The accountant has recorded the figures in the books.

El auditor ha auditado los libros.

The auditor has audited the books.
Los gerentes han programado cinco reuniones.
The managers have programmed five meetings.
The bookkeepers have worked all night.
Los tenedores de libros han trabajado toda la noche.
1.2.2 Interrogative Form: Para formar el interrogativo del Presente Perfecto
simplemente se cambia de posicin al auxiliar Have / Has y se coloca al inicio de la
pregunta. Recuerde que las preguntas solo llevan el signo de interrogacin al final de
la oracin. Ejemplos:

Has the accountant recorded the figures in the books?

Has the auditor audited the books?
Have the managers programmed five meetings?
Have the bookkeepers worked all night?

1.2.3 Negative Form: La forma negativa del Presente Perfecto se realiza colocando el
negativo not despus del verbo auxiliar Have / Has. Ejemplos:

The accountant has not recorded the figures in the books.

The auditor hasnt audited the books.
The managers have not programmed five meetings.
The bookkeepers havent worked all night.

Note que en los ejemplos algunas de las oraciones se han contrado el auxiliar con el
negativo. La contraccin para have not es havent y la contraccin para has not es
hasnt. El auxiliar has se usa para la tercera persona singular: he, she, it. Todas las
dems personas usan have.

Recuerde que en ingls formal NO se usan las contracciones. Razn por la que no
encontraremos ninguna en la literatura especializada, ni en documentos de trabajo.

1. Accurately con exactitud
2. Also tambin
3. As como
4. Balance balance, equilibrio
5. Before antes
6. Beginning inicio, principio
7. By which por lo(s) cual(es)
8. Column columna
9. Compete competir
10. Contribute contribuir
11. Creditors acreedores
12. Debts deudas
13. Element elemento
14. Equation ecuacin
15. Expenses gastos, egresos
16. Following siguiente
17. Get obtener, consegir
18. Importance importancia
19. Income ingresos, ganancias

20. Incurred incurrido(s)

21. Investment inversin
22. Loss prdida
23. Maintain mantener
24. Market mercado
25. Matters asuntos
26. Meeting reunin
27. Money value valor monetario
28. Obligations obligaciones
29. Owned posedo(a)(s)
30. Pay pagar
31. Position situacin
32. Prices precios
33. Process proceso
34. Profit utilidad
35. Resources recursos
36. Relationshiop relacin
37. Report reporte, informe
38. Revenue ingresos, ganancias
39. Sale venta
40. Show mostrar
41. Through mediante, a travs de
42. Together juntos
43. Turnover monto de trasanciones comerciales
44. Understand comprender
45. Until hasta
46. Wrong equivocado




The first three fundamental elements assets, liabilities and capital are classified in
the Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position. This classification varies
according to each governmental agency encharged of the presentation of the financial
statements. Some countries present their Balance Sheets classified as we do, but
others present it different. So we are going to learn the different presentation to learn
how to do it.

Assets are classified in four categories: current assets, investments, plant assets and
intangilble assets.

Current assets are those assets that can be expected to be converted to cash within
the accounting period.

Investments are assets that are not normally used but that will produce income in the
future. They are long term assets.

Plant assets are long term assets with a useful life of more than a year but that
depreciate with use and time. They are also called: fixed assets or property, plant and

Intangible assets are assets with no physical existence but of value to the company.
They are long term resources of a firm with limited life (e.g. patents, copyrights,
goodwill) or unlimited life (trademarks).

Liabilities are classified as: current liabilities and long term liabilities.

Current liabilities are debts or obligations of a company that are due in one year or

Long term liabilities are obligations and debts of a company that are due in more than a
year. They are also known as non-current liabilities.

Capital is the net worth of a business. It is the ownership interest in a business. It is

also known as: owners equity, owners equity or stockholders equity depending on the
type of business.


2.2.1 Prepositional Verbs (1): Un grupo de verbos en ingls se conjugan con ciertas
preposiciones (adverbios) que cambian su significado segn como se combinen.
Algunos de ellos los vimos en el primer manual. Ahora veremos por grupos otros
verbos compuestos que nos pueden ser de utilidad.


Bring about provocar, ocasionar
Bring back regresar, devolver

Bring down disminuir

Bring out sacar a luz, producir, sacar un prod.
Bring up plantear
Call for requerir, exigir
Call off cancelar
Come about ocurrir, suceder
Come apart deshacerse, desarmarse
Come back regresar
Come down bajar
Come to totalizar


1. The bookkeeper did not bring about the loss of the capital.
2. We have to bring back the reports to the managers office.
3. Inflation has brought down our earnings.
4. The company brought out a new line of products.
5. A good accountant always brings up important financial matters in a meeting.
6. The manager calls for an internal audit to understand the problems of the firm.
7. The meeting was called off until next month.
8. These figures come about as a result of the accounting process.
9. Our business is coming apart with this inflation.
10. The auditor will come back at beginning of the year.
11. We have to come down our prices to compete in the market.
12. This year turnover comes to one hundred fifty thousand million dollars.

2.2.2 Past Perfect: El tiempo pasado perfecto o pretrito pluscuamperfecto se usa para
expresar acciones realizadas en un tiempo pasado cuyos efectos se sintieron hasta un
pasado cercano, o que se prolong por un tiempo en el pasado. Se forma con el
auxiliar had que equivale a haber en espaol y el verbo en pasado participio. Solo
tiene una forma y no es necesario cambiar el auxiliar segn el sujeto. Ejemplos:

1. The bookkeeper had recorded the accounts accurately.

El tenedor de libros haba registrado las cuentas con exactitud.
2. We had read all the reports before the meeting.
Nosotros habamos ledo todos los informes antes de la reunin.
3. She had analyzed the figures before the audit.
Ella haba analizado las cifras antes de la auditora.
4. You had journalized the accounts with the wrong dates.
Tu habas registrado las cuentas en el Diario con las fechas equivocadas.
5. I had explained the problem to the stockholders.
Yo haba explicado el problema a los accionistas.

2.2.3 Interrogative form: Para hacer la pregunta solo se coloca el auxiliar had al inicio
de la pregunta, seguido por el sujeto y el verbo en pasado participio. Ejemplos:

1. Had the bookkeeper recorded the accounts accurately?

2. Had you read all the reports before the meeting?
3. Had she analyzed the figures before the audit?
4. Had you journalized the accounts with the wrong dates?
5. Had you explained the problem to the stockholders?

2.2.4 Negative form: El negativo se forma aumentando la negacin al auxiliar had not
(hadnt) a la oracin. Ejemplos:

1. The bookkeeper had not recorded the accounts accurately.

2. We had not read all the reports before the meeting.
3. She had not analyzed the figures before the audit.
4. You had not journalized the accounts with the wrong dates.
5. I had not explained the problem to the stokholders.


1. Copyrights derechos de autor

2. Current corriente
3. Due vencer, vencimiento, adeudado
4. Earnings ganancias
5. Encharged a cargo
6. Expected espera
7. Figures cifras, nmeros
8. Fixed assets activo fijo
9. Inflation inflacin
10. Intangible intangible
11. Investments inversiones
12. Life vida
13. Long term largo plazo, no corriente
14. Patents patentes
15. Period periodo, ejercicio
16. Physical fsica
17. Plant assets activo fijo
18. Plant maquinaria, planta
19. Property inmueble(s)
20. Resources recursos
21. Statement of financial position Estado de Situacin Financiera
22. Trademarks marcas comerciales
23. Unlimited ilimitada
24. Use and time uso y desgaste
25. Useful til
26. Value valor
27. Varies vara
28. Within dentro de
29. Worth valor




A chart of accounts is divided in five sections according to the five fundamental

elements. The accountant is responsible to prepare the chart of accounts for his
business according to its needs. This chart is a list of all the accounts of the company
and it is found on the first page of the Ledger.

Every account has a code number to be identified. The accountant chooses the range
according to the transactions his company makes. If the firm is a small business it may
have two or three digits, but the accountant may take into consideration the business
growth and use more digits to allow the creation of more accounts.

The first three elements express the balance sheet accounts while the other two
elements express the income statement or Statement of Earnings accounts. Thus, a
chart of accounts may look like the following example:

Chart of Accounts


101 Cash Capital

102 Investments
103 Accounts receivable 301 Frederick Knocks, Capital
104 Supplies 302 Frederick Knocks, Drawings
105 Prepaid insurance
106 Land
107 Building Revenue
108 Equipment
109 Goodwill 401 Service revenue
110 Bonds 402 Rental revenue
111 Interests receivable 403 Interests revenue
112 Notes receivable

Liabilities Expenses

201 Accounts payable 501 Salaries expense

202 Notes payable 502 Interests expense
203 Salaries payable 503 Supplies expense
204 Rent payable 504 Utilities expense
205 Utilities payable 505 Rent expense
206 Taxes payable 506 Depreciation expense
207 Interests payable 507 Insurance expense


3.2.1 Impersonal Subject: El sujeto impersonal en ingls se forma con la expresin

there is (en singular) there are (en plural), que en espaol significa hay. Su uso en el
tiempo presente depende si la oracin est en singular o plural. Ejemplos:

1. There are some debts to pay at the end of the month.

Hay algunas deudas que pagar al fin de mes.
2. There is a new report prepared by the accounting department.
Hay un nuevo informe preparado por el departamento de contabilidad.
3. There are ten thousand dollars in that drawer.
Hay diez mil dlares en ese cajn.
4. There is a mistake in these accounts.
Hay un error en estas cuentas.

3.2.2 Interrogative form: El interrogativo se forma colocando el verbo is / are delante de

la oracin. Ejemplos:

1. Are there some debts to pay at the end of the month?

2. Is there a new report prepared by the accounting department?
3. Are there ten thousand dollars in that drawer?
4. Is there a mistake in these accounts?

3.2.3 Negative form: El negativo se forma colocando la negacin junto al verbo: is not
(isnt) are not (arent. ejemplos:

1. There is not any debts to pay at the end of the month.

2. There is not a new report prepared by the accounting department.
3. There are not ten thousand dollars in that drawer.
4. Ther is not a mistake in these accounts.

1. According de acuerdo
2. All todas
3. Allow permitir
4. Bond bono
5. Building inmueble
6. Cash caja
7. Chart plan
8. Choose escoger
9. Code cdigo
10. Creation creacin
11. Depreciation depreciacin
12. Digit dgito
13. Drawer cajn
14. Drawings retiros
15. Equipment equipo
16. Every toda, cada
17. Found hallado
18. Goodwill plusvala
19. Growth crecimiento
20. Identified identificada
21. If si

22. Insurance seguro

23. Interest inters
24. Investment inversin
25. Land terreno
26. List lista, listado
27. Look like parecer
28. Mistake error
29. More ms
30. Needs necesidades
31. Notes efectos
32. Other otro(s)
33. Page pgina
34. Payable por pagar
35. Prepaid pagado por adelantado
36. Range rango
37. Receivable por cobrar
38. Rent alquiler
39. Rental alquiler
40. Responsible responsable
41. Salaries sueldos
42. Statement of Earnings Estado de resultados
43. Supplies suministros
44. Taxes impuestos, tributos
45. Thus por ello
46. Use usar
47. Utilities servicios pblicos


Tome su plan contable y comprelo con el modelo que se encuentra en el manual.

Observe si tiene la misma organizacin y divisin de las cuentas con los elementos
contables aprendidos. Luego compare el nombre de las cuentas con su plan contable.
Por ltimo, escriba el plan de cuentas modelo en un cuaderno y tradzcalas, despus
busque cuentas iguales o similares en su plan contable e identifique las cuentas que
no tienen correspondencia.


A) Coloque la forma correcta del Present Perfect en las siguientes oraciones:

1. Mr. Gray ________________ the accounts thoroughly. (audit)
2. The accountant ___________________ the accounts in the Journal. (record)
3. The manager _____________ the financial statements. (review)
4. We _______________ the accounts for their correctness. (examine)
5. ________ all the offices __________ their balances to the branch office? (send)
6. All firms _____________________ their income tax returns yet.(not / present)
7. This company _________________ the FIFO method for a long time. (use)
8. ________ the accountant __________ the LIFO method this time? (employ)
9. Mr. Dean _________________ the report for the manager yet. (not / write)
10. The meeting __________________ an hour ago. (start)

B) Complete las siguientes oraciones con el verbo compuesto apropiado en pasado

Bring about bring back
Bring down bring out
Bring up call for
Call off come about
Come apart come back
Come down come to
1. The accountant ___________ (requiri) two bookkeepers for help.
2. The auditor ______________ (regres) after a meeting with the accountant.
3. The auditor ______________ (sac a luz) the mistakes in the accounts.
4. The manager ______________ (regres) the accounting books to the office.
5. The expenses _____________ (provocaron) the losses of the period.
6. The purchases _____________ (disminuyeron) the net income for the period.
7. The bookkeepers _____________ (plantearon) a proposal for the recordings.
8. The auditor ___________ (cancel) all the meetings with the manager.
9. The debt ______________ (totaliz) one million dollars.
10. Our partnership ________________ (se deshizo) last year.
11. A problem ______________ (ocurri) during the audit.
12. The sales ______________ (bajaron) as a result of the strike.

C) Complete las oraciones en el tiempo pasado perfecto o pretrito cuamperfecto.

1. The accounts _________________ (show) an increase in our profit.
2. Every internal auditor _____________ (examine) the accounts three times.
3. The suppliers _______________ (bring down) their prices last year.
4. Our expenses ______________ (come to) a total of two million dollars.
5. The personnel ________________ (work) extra hours last Friday.
6. My accountant ________________ (present) my income tax return in March.
7. The IRS _________________ (examine) our statements and returns.
8. The cost accountant ______________ (report) the figures for his department.
9. Last year ______________ (end) with very high figures.
10. The financial statements ______________ (show) the net loss.

D) Complete las oraciones con: There is / There are.

1. ____________ an increase in the production department.
2. ____________ new figures for the costs department.
3. ____________ fifty new designs in our catalogue.
4. ____________ a large amount of debts to pay at the end of the month.

5. ____________ a lot of money invested in the business.

6. ____________ forty employees working in production.
7. ____________ some reports and letters for the manager.
8. ____________ only one owner in a sole proprietorship.
9. ____________ two or more owners in a partnership.
10. ____________ a sole accountant in a small business.

E) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura :Accounting Equation

1. How does every firm show its financial position?

2. What are assets, liabilities and acapital?
3. How does accounting show their relationship and importance?
4. What are assets?
5. Which is the accounting equation for assets?
6. What are liabilities?
7. How are liabilities also defined?
8. Which is the accounting equation for liabilities?
9. What is capital?
10. How is capital also defined?
11. Which is the accounting equation for capital?
12. Which are other basic elements in accounting?
13. How does accounting expresss the financial position and condition of the firm?
14. What is revenue?

15. What are expenses?

16. Why are they considered necessary?
17. Which are the fundamental elements?
18. Which equation shows the relationship of the fundamental elements?

F) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: Classification of the Fundamental

1. Which are the elements classified in the Balance Sheet?
2. Is this classification always the same?
3. How are assets classified?
4. What are current assets?
5. What are investments?
6. What are plant assets?
7. How are plant assets also known?
8. What are intangible assets?
9. Which are some examples of intangible assets?
10. How are liabilities classified?
11. What are current liabilities?
12. What are long term liabilities?
13. How are long term liailities also called?

14. What is capital?

15. Which are other names for capital?
16. Why do these names change?

G) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: Accounting Chart Elements

1. How is the chart of accounts divided?
2. Who is responsible to prepare the chart of accounts?
3. What is a chart of accounts?
4. How is each account identified?
5. Does the chart of accounts follow a rigid range of code number?
6. How many digits may have a chart for a small business?
7. What do the first three elements expless?
8. What do the other two elements express?


A) Coloque la forma correcta del Present Perfect en las siguientes oraciones:

1. Has audited
2. Has recorded
3. Has reviewed
4. Have examined
5. Have / sent
6. Have not presented
7. Has used
8. Has / employed
9. Has not written
10. Has started

B) Complete las siguientes oraciones con el verbo compuesto apropiado en pasado

1. Called for

2. Came back
3. Brought out
4. Brought back
5. Brought about
6. Brought down / came down
7. Brought up
8. Called off
9. Came to
10. Came apart
11. Came about
12. Came down / brought down

C) Complete las oraciones en el tiempo pasado perfecto o pretrito cuamperfecto:

1. Had shown
2. Had examined
3. Had brought down
4. Had come to
5. Had worked
6. Had presented
7. Had examined
8. Had reported
9. Had ended
10. Had shown

D) Complete las oraciones con: There is / There are

1. There is
2. There are
3. There are
4. There is
5. There is
6. There are
7. There are
8. There is
9. There are
10. There is

E) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: Accounting Equation

1. It shows by three elements: assets, liabilities and capital.
2. They are the columns of the accounting process that amintain the accounts in
3. Accounting uses equations to show their relationship and importance.
4. They are all the possessions of the business that have money value.
5. Assets = Liabilities + Capital.
6. They are all the obligations and debts that a business has to pay.
7. They are also defined as the assets owned by the creditors.
8. Liabilities = Assets Capital.
9. It is the investment that the owners contribute to the business.
10. It is also defined as the assets owned by the proprietor.

11. Capital = Assets Liabilities.

12. They are: revenue and expenses.
13. By the five fundamental elements.
14. It is the income that a business produces through the sale of a product or
15. They are the costs incurred by the firm to produce the revenue.
16. They are considered necessary in order to get profit.
17. They are assets, liabilities, capital, revenue and expenses.
18. Assets = Liabilities + Capital + Revenue Expenses.

F) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: Classification of the fundamental

1. They are: assets, liabilities and capital.
2. No, it varies according to each governmental agency.
3. They are classified as: current assets, investments, plant assets and intangible
4. Those assets that can be expected to be converted to cash within the
accounting period.
5. Assets that are not normally used byt that will produce income in the future.
6. Long term assets with a useful life of more than a year but that depreciate with
use and time.
7. They are also known as fixed assets or property, plant and equipment.
8. Assets with no physical existence but of value to the company.
9. They are: patents, copyrights, goodwill.
10. They are classified as: current liabilities and long term liabilities.
11. They are debts or obligations of a company that are due in one year or less.
12. They are obligations and debts of a company that are due in more thatn a year.
13. They are also called: non-current liabilities.
14. It is the net worth of a business.
15. They are: owners equity, owners equity or stockholders equity.
16. It depends on the type of business.

G) Responda las siguientes preguntas del la lectura: Accounting chart elements.

1. It is divided in five sections according to the five fundamental elements.
2. The accountant is responsible to prepare the chart of accounts.
3. It is a list of all the accounts of the company and is found on the first page of the
4. Every account has a code number to be identified.

5. No, it doesnt. the accountant chooses the range according to the transactions
his company makes.
6. It may have two or three digits.
7. They express the balance sheet accounts.
8. They express the income statement accounts.

perfect Present
Present perfect
Prepositional verbs - bring Prepositional
verbs -bring Past perfect
Past perfect There
is, there are There is
there are


Costinett, Sandra (1977) The Language of Accounting in English. New Jersey,

Prentice Hall, Inc., pp. 17, 18
Eisen, Peter J. (1995) Accounting. The Easy Way. 3 Ed. New York, Barrons
Educational Series, Inc., pp. 2 10, 62, 63
Horngren, Charles T. y otros (1996) Accounting. New Jersey, Prentice Hall, Inc.,
pp. 11, 12, 59
Mackenzie, Ian (2006) Professional English in Use. Cambridge. Cambridge
University Press, p. 28
Robbins, Sue (2004) Business Vocabulary in Practice. Glasgow, Harper Collins
Publishers. pp. 90, 94
Weygandt, Jerry J y otros (2000) Financial Accounting. 3 Ed. New York, John
Willey & Sons, Inc., pp. 12, 13, 58, 59




Despus de repasar el vocabulario traduzca la lectura en un cuaderno aparte y
vulvala a traducir al ingls sin mirar al libro. Esta prctica le ser muy til para
comprender el manejo del idioma. Si puede incluya oraciones adicionales
practicando el tema gramatical de cada leccin.

Identificar los trminos especiales utilizados para pagos, beneficios,
benchmarking y tributacin a travs de lecturas y ejercicios, a fin de poder
comprender textos y elaborar informes.

1. Cules son los trminos de pagos y beneficios?
2. Qu es benchmarking y cmo se aplica?
3. Cmo se dicen los diferentes tributos en ingls?
4. Cules son los tributos internacionales?




Salary is the amount an employee, manager or professional is paid monthly. It is

usually done in a bank account. Some employees only earn a minimum salary. It is the
minimum amount allowed by law. In the United States, salaries may be paid weekly,
biweekly or monthly.

Wage is the amount a worker is paid weekly based on the hours worked. The term may
be used in plural. It is usually paid in cash. Some workers only earn a minimum wage.
It is the minimum amount allowed by law.

Overtime is the payment of the extra hours worked. It is the extra money received
besides the regular pay for working more than the time agreed.

Fringe benefits are the additional benefits that employees receive in addition to their
salary or wages. These may include a company car, health insurance, company
products, purchases discounts, free meals, etc. Another term for fringe benefits is perk
or perquisites.

Maternity leave is when a pregnant worker has to take time off for giving birth and
taking care of the new born according to law.

Redundancy package is the payment an employee receives when he is fired. It is a

package because it contains all the benefits by law.

Bonus is a payment made to motivate employees to achieve particular targets for the
business. It is usually referred to the payment executives receive after getting certain
important goals or business contracts.

Severance pay is what an employee receives after leaving a company. It may differ
according to the ex-employers policy. The employee may bargain the severance
agreement with his employer before signing a contract for specific terms. A typical
salary severance payment benefit is two weeks pay for each year of service.

Indemnity is the payment a person receives for a loss. It may be for accident, death or
other emergencies. For example, there may be an indemnity agreement for medical


4.2.1 Prepositional Verbs (2): Un verbo que con mucha frecuencia se usa solo o
compuesto es get. Este verbo significa: conseguir, obtener o adquirir, pero al ser
combinado con una preposicin cambia de significado como veremos a continuacin.


Get along llevarse bien
Get at alcanzar
Get away quitar, apartarse, irse

Get back recobrar, regresar

Get by arreglrselas
Get off bajarse de un vehculo
Get on subirse a un vehculo
Get over recuperarse (de una enfermedad)
Get rid of deshacerse, eliminar
Get through terminar, sobrevivir
Get together reunirse
Get up levantarse, pararse

1. The accountant and the manager get along very well.

2. Our net income got at the million dollars.
3. The bookkeeper got away from the accountant.
4. We have to get the money back to the business.
5. Mr. Harris has to get by with his salary.
6. Today, I got off the subway at 7:30.
7. Yesterday, I got on the bus at seven oclock.
8. The manager has not got over the flu yet.
9. They got rid of all the papers from the last century.
10. The company will not get through the project until next year.
11. The managers and stockholders got together to review the new period budget.
12. The manager got up in the meeting to explain the figures to the stockholders.

4.2.2 Present Continuous: El tiempo del presente continuado se forma con el verbo to
be como auxiliar y al verbo principal se le aumenta el sufijo ing para formar el
gerundio. Se utiliza para hablar de acciones que se estn realizando en el momento,
que tienen una ocurrencia constante o para arreglos y planes futuros. Ejemplos:

1. I am reading the new audit report now.

Estoy leyendo el nuevo reporte de auditora ahora.
2. You are preparing the new budget.
T ests preparando el nuevo presupuesto.
3. He is recording the transactions in the Journal.
l est registrando las transacciones en el Diario.
4. She is transferring the transactions to the Ledger.
Ella est transfiriendo las transacciones al Mayor.
5. It is showing the net income for the period.
Esto est mostrando la ganancia neta del perodo.
6. We are preparing the income tax returns.
Estamos preparando las declaraciones juradas de impuesto a la renta.
7. They are explaining the new management goals tomorrow.
Ellos estn explicando las metas de la nueva gerencia maana.


1. Achieve lograr
2. After despus
3. Agreement acuerdo
4. Allowed permitido
5. Amount monto
6. Bank banco, bancario

7. Bargain negociar
8. Before antes
9. Biweekly quincenalmente
10. Bonus bono
11. By por
12. Cash al contado
13. Certain ciertos
14. Contract contrato
15. Death muerte
16. Discounts descuentos
17. Done hecho
18. Earn ganan, obtienen
19. Employer empleador
20. Executives ejecutivos
21. Extra extra, adicional(es)
22. Fired despedido
23. Free gratis
24. Fringe benefits incentivos laborales
25. Giving birth dar a luz
26. Goal meta
27. Health salud, atencin mdica
28. Include incluir
29. Indemnity indemnizacin
30. Law ley
31. Leave permiso, salida
32. Loss prdida
33. Maternity maternidad
34. Meals comidas
35. Minimum mnimo
36. Monthly mensualmente
37. Motivate motivar
38. New born recin nacido
39. Overtime sobretiempo
40. Package paquete
41. Payment pago
42. Perk (perquisites) beneficios adicionales
43. Policy poltica
44. Pregnant embarazada
45. Purchases compras
46. Redundancy cese, indemnizacin
47. Referred referido
48. Salary sueldo
49. Severance indemnizacin, cese
50. Signing firmar
51. Taking care cuidar
52. Targets objetivos
53. Wage salario, jornal
54. Weekly semanalmente
55. Worker trabajador, obrero




Benchmarking is the search of the best method, procedure or performance to adapt it

into the business. It is considered an important management tool to improve the
business performance. It is a continuous process of measuring and comparing the
business products, services and practices with those businesses leading the
competence. Benchmarking helps to determine the very best in anything.

Benchmark is the action to use benchmarking. It may also refer to a standard in the
comparison. For example: if the business has the leadership in the market for its
marketing campaigns. We can say that it has the benchmark in marketing.

Outsourcing is the action of employing another company to perform non-core functions.

There are certain functions for which the company does not need a department to
perform that activity, because they are rarely performed. In that case, it employs the
service of specialized companies just for that specific activity.

Leverage is the action of borrowing money to use it in investment or to increase capital.

It is also the amount of debt used to finance a firms assets. When a firm has more debt
than equity it is considered to be highly leveraged.

Know how (knowhow) is an expression used to express the knowledge of all the
methods and procedures by an expert. In order to be competitive in this globalized
world, industries require their personnel to have the knowhow of international

Balance Scorecard It is a strategic planning and management system used worldwide

to align business activities to the organizations vision and strategy to improve internal
and external communications and monitor organization performance against strategic
goals. BSC suggests the view of the organization from four perspectives: a) learning
and grow perspective, b) business process perspective, c) customer perspective and d)
financial perspective.

SWOT analysis is a useful technique used in a business context, to help managers

carve a sustainable niche in the market. It helps to understand the company strengths
and weaknesses, and to identify both the opportunities and the threats.

Empowerment is a management practice of sharing: information, rewards, and power

with employees based on the idea that giving them skills, resources, authority
opportunity and motivation will help them take the initiative and make decisions to solve
problems and improve service and performance.


5.2.1 Interrogative Form: La forma interrogativa del presente continuado se forma

colocando al inicio el auxiliar to be, seguido por el sujeto y luego el verbo principal con
ing. Ejemplos:

1. Are you reading the new audit report now?

2. Are you preparing the new budget?
3. Is he recording the transactions in the Journal?
4. Is she transferring the transactions to the Ledger?
5. Is it showing the net income for the period?
6. Are we preparing the income tax returns?
7. Are they explaining the new management goals tomorrow?

5.2.2 Negative Form: Para formar el negativo se coloca la negacin despus del
auxiliar to be. Hay que recordar que puede contraerse la negacin cuando hablamos,
pero al escribir documentos formales no se deben usar las contracciones.

1. I am not (m not) reading the new adudit report now.

2. You are not (arent) preparing the new budget.
3. He is not (isnt) recording the transactions in the Journal.
4. She is not (isnt) transferring the transactions to the Ledger.
5. It is not (isnt) showing the net income tac returns.
6. We are not (arent) preparing the income tac returns.
7. They are not (arent) explaining the new management goals tomorrow.


Las diferencias ms grandes entre estos dos idiomas, aparte del acento al hablar y de
muy pocas reglas gramaticales, se encuentra en su vocabulario. As como cuando
viajamos entre pases de habla hispana encontramos que en nuestro medio le damos
un nombre a una cosa o actividad y en otro pas se le llama diferente, siendo ambos
pases de habla castellana. Lo mismo ocurre con el ingls en los pases que hablan
este idioma como Inglaterra (Reino Unido), Estados Unidos, Canad, Australia, etc.
Existen algunas diferencias en escritura. Ciertas palabras en ingls britnico se
escriben con ou, mientras que en ingls americano solo se coloca la o, ejemplo: colour
color, honour honor, labour labor. Otra diferencia de escritura es la terminacin
re (britnico) y er (americano), ejemplo: centre center, theatre theater, fibre
fiber. Veamos otras diferencias en vocabulario.


Analyse analyze analizar
Autumn fall otoo
Biscuits cookies galletas
Category classification categora, clasificacin
Chairman president presidente
Cheque check cheque
Councillor councilor concejal
Fulfill fulfil cumplir
Gearing leverage apalancamiento
Lift elevator ascensor, elevador
Trousers pants pantalones
Lorry truck camin
Kilogramme kilogram kilogramo
Limited incorporated limitada, incorporada
Petrol gasoline gasolina, petrleo
Sceptic skeptic escptico
Shareholders stockholders accionistas
Shares stocks acciones
Sweets candy caramelos


1. Align nivelar, alinear

2. Anything cualquier cosa
3. Authority autoridad
4. Both.and tanto.como
5. Balance scorecard cuadro de mando integral
6. Benchmark punto de referencia, parmetro
7. Benchmarking benchmarking, evaluacin comparativa
8. Borrowing pedir prestado
9. Campaigns campaas
10. Carve esculpir, forjar, hacer
11. Competence competencia
12. Customer cliente
13. Employee empleados
14. Empowerment apoderamiento
15. Equity patrimonio
16. Function funcin
17. Globalized globalizado
18. Goal meta
19. Grow crecimiento
20. Help ayudar
21. Hidden escondido
22. Highly altamente
23. Improve mejorar
24. Issues cuestiones, asuntos
25. Just solo, solamente
26. Knowhow saber cmo, saber hacer
27. Knowledge conocimeinto
28. Leadership liderazgo
29. Leading que lideran
30. Leverage apalancamiento
31. Market mercado
32. Marketing mercadotecnia
33. Methods mtodos
34. Money dinero
35. Niche nicho
36. Non-core no esencial(es)
37. Outsourcing tercerizar, tercerizacin
38. Performance desempeo
39. Personnel personal
40. Perspective perspectiva
41. Power facultad, poder.
42. Procedure procedimiento
43. Rarely rara vez
44. Require requerir
45. Resource recurso
46. Reward recompensa, premio
47. Search bsqueda
48. Securities valores
49. Setting marco
50. Sharing compartir
51. Skill destreza
52. Solve resolver
53. Standard norma

54. Strength fortaleza

56. The very best lo mejor
57. Threat amenaza
58. Tool herramienta
59. View visin
60. Weakness debilidad
61. Whether si
62. World mundo
63. Worldwide a nivel mundial




Taxes are an involuntary fee levied on individuals or corporations by a government

entity. It is a way in which governments fund public works and services, and promote
investment. Each country uses a governmental agency to collect taxes; in the United
States this function is performed by the Internal Revenue Service.

There are several types of taxes but they are generally divided in two main types: direct
and indirect.

Direct Taxes are those taxes collected from the income of individuals and businesses
such as: income tax, capital gains tax, capital transfer tax, corporation tax, and other
taxes used by the government.

Income tax is the tax levied directly on employees wage or salary and other money

Capital gains tax is levied on profits made from the sale of assets (stocks or shares).

Capital transfer tax is levied on money or property inherited, and is also known as
inheritance tax or estate tax (death duty in Britain).

Corporation tax is levied on a companys profits which are usually taxed twice (profits
and to sharehoders on their dividends received).

Indirect taxes are levied on the production made by the business or its sale of goods
and services. This tax is included in the product price so the buyer pays for it.
Examples of this type of taxes are: VAT, sales taxes, excise taxes, tariffs.

VAT (Value added tax) is commonly levied at each stage of production, the total is
added to the final price of the product. This tax is known in other countries as the
goods and services tax or GST.

Sales tax is levied on the retail price of goods in the United States by the retailers.

Excise tax is levied by governments on commodities like tobacco, alcoholic drinks and
petrol as an additional sales tax.

Tariff is a special tax levied on goods imported from abroad.

Tax break is the opportunity to deduct an amount fromtheir tax calculations to

businesses or individuals.


6.2.1 Passive Voice - Simple Present: La voz pasiva es la forma gramatical ms usada
en los libros de texto. Se le llama voz pasiva por que el sujeto de la oracin no es
quien realiza la accin, pues se enfoca en lo que se hace y no en quien lo hace. sta

estructura puede ser conjugada en todos los tiempos gramaticales. Se caracteriza por
el uso del verbo to be como verbo auxiliar seguido por el verbo principal en el pasado
participio. El tiempo en que se conjugue el auxiliar be indicar el tiempo de la oracin.
Empecemos con el presente simple. Ejemplos:

1. The accounts are transferred to the Ledger.

Las cuentas son transferidas al Mayor.
2. The trial balance is prepared after posting.
El balance de comprobacin es preparado despus de la mayorizacin.
3. Management is developed by four functions.
La administracin se desarrolla mediante cuatro funciones.
4. Accounting is defined as a science.
La contabilidad se define como una ciencia.
5. Transactions are recorded in chronological order.
Las transacciones son registradas en orden cronolgico.

6.2.2 Interrogative Form: Para cambiar la voz pasiva a la forma interrogativa solamente
se transfiere el auxiliar be al inicio de la oracin. Ejemplos:

1. Are the accounts transferred to the Ledger?

2. Is the trial balance prepared after posting?
3. Is management developed by four functions?
4. Is accounting defined as a science?
5. Are transactions recorded in chronological order?

6.2.3 Negative Form: El negativo de la voz pasiva se hace aumentando not al auxiliar
be, continuando con la estructura bsica de esta forma gramatical. Ejemplos:

1. The accounts are not transferred to the Ledger.

2. The trial balance is not prepared after posting.
3. Management is not developed by four functions.
4. Accounting is not defined as a science.
5. Transactions are not recorded in chronological order.


1. Abroad del extranjero

2. Alcoholic drinks bebidas alcohlicas
3. Buyer comprador
4. Capital gains tax impuesto sobre ganancias de capital
5. Capital transfer tax impuesto sobre transferencia de capital
6. Collect cobrar
7. Commodities productos, mercancas
8. Corporation tax impuesto corporativo
9. Country pas
10. Death duty impuesto de sucesin o sobre la herencia
11. Employee empleado
12. Entity entidad
13. Estate tax impuesto de sucesin
14. Excise tax impuesto al consumo
15. Fee honorario, pago, tarifa
16. Fund financian
17. Goods and services bienes y servicios

18. Incom tax impuesto a la renta

19. Inheritance tax impuesto de sucesin
20. Inherited heredado
21. Involuntary involuntario(a)
22. Levied gravadas
23. Main principales
24. Petrol petrleo
25. Profit utilidad
26. Property inmueble
27. Retail por menor, menudeo
28. Retailers minoristas
29. Salary sueldo
30. Sale venta
31. Sales tax impuesto a las ventas
32. Several varios
33. Such as tal como
34. Tariff arancel
35. Tax impuesto, tributo
36. Tax break exencin tributaria
37. Taxation tributacin
38. Those aquellos
39. Tobacco tabaco
40. Twice dos veces
41. Value added tax impuesto al valor agregado
42. Wage salario
43. Way manera
44. Works obras




International trade is also taxed by international laws in the international community.

Therefore it is important to learn some special terms used.

Tax avoidance is the minimization of a tax liability legally used by some individuals or

Transfer pricing is the price at which a subsidiary and a parent company transact with
each other. It is also a tool for corporate tax avoidance.

Tax haven is a country that offers foreign individuals and businesses little or no tax
liability. This is done in countries that are political and economical stable, so the
country can benefit from increased commercial and financial activity.

GDP-Gross domestic product is the monetary value of all the finished goods and
services produced within a country. It is a measurement of a nations overall economic

NDP-Net domestic product is the annual measure of the economic output of a country
after subtracting depreciation to the GDP.

Corporate tax is a levy placed on the profit of a firm earned during a given taxable

Withholding tax is the income tax withheld to employees and paid directly to the
government by the employer.

CIT Corporate income tax, as corporations are legal entities they are taxed as
individuals with the income tax on their profits.

Duty is a tax on certain goods services or transactions. They are imposed on

commodities or financial transactions instead of individuals.

Customs duties are tariffs or taxes payable on imports and exports by the customs
authorities of a country.

Tax treaty is a treaty between two nations to prevent double taxation and tax evasion
by the resident of one country earning profits in other country.

Tax holiday the absence of a corporation tax for a temporary period to encourage
foreign investment.

Tax write-off is an expense that can be deducted from taxable income. It is legally done
and businesses should be aware of the expenses a government permits to be


7.2.1 Passive Voice Simple Past: Para formar la voz pasiva en tiempo pasado simple
solo hay que cambiar el auxiliar be al pasado: was were y continuar con el verbo
principal en el pasado participio. Ejemplos:

1. The accounts were recorded in the Journal.

Las cuentas fueron registradas en el Diario.
2. The balance sheet was prepared after closing entries.
El balance general fue preparado despus de los asientos de cierre.
3. The accountant was called to present the financial statements.
El contador fue llamado para presentar los estados financieros.
4. The budget was presented last week.
El presupuesto fue presentado la semana pasada.
5. The employees were paid last month.
Los empleados fueron pagados el mes pasado.

7.2.2 Interrogative Form: Para realizar la pregunta trasladamos el auxiliar be al inicio

de la oracin. Ejemplos:

1. Were the accounts recorded in the Journal?

2. Was the balance sheet prepared after closing entries?
3. Was the accountant called to present the financial statements?
4. Was the budget presented last week?
5. Were the employees paid last month?

7.2.3 Negative Form: Para la forma negativa aumentamos not inmediatamente

despus del auxiliar be. Ejemplos:

1. The accounts were not recorded in the Journal.

2. The balance sheet was not prepared after closing entries.
3. The accountant was not called to present the financial statements.
4. The budget was not presented last week.
5. The employees were not paid last month.


1. Annual anual
2. Community comunidad
3. Corporate corporativo(a)
4. Customs duties derechos aduaneros
5. Duty derecho(s)
6. Encourage incentivar
7. Foreign extranjero(s)
8. GDP PBI (producto bruto interno)
9. Increased aumentada, incrementada
10. Investment inversin
11. Law ley
12. Learn aprender
13. Levy recaudado, exaccin
14. Liability obligacin
15. Little poco
16. Measurement medida

17. NDP PNI (producto neto interno)

18. No tax liability ninguna responsabilidad fiscal
19. Output produccin
20. Overall en general
21. Parent company compaa matrz
22. Placed colocada
23. Some algunos
24. Stable estable
25. Subsidiary susbsidiaria
26. Subtracting restar, disminuir
27. Tax avoidance elusin fiscal, evasin fiscal legalmente
28. Tax haven paraiso fiscal
29. Tax holiday exoneracin tributaria
30. Tax treaty convenio tributario
31. Tax write-off cancelacin tributaria
32. Tax gravar, tributaria
33. Taxable imponible
34. Terms trminos
35. Therefore por lo tanto
36. Tool herramienta
37. Transfer pricing precios de transferencia
38. Trasact transar
39. Withheld retenido
40. Withholding tax impuesto retenido


Busque en su comunidad si hay personas de otros departamentos del Per o

extranjeros. Compare los trminos que ellos usan que sean diferentes a los que suele
oir en su entorno. Esto le dar la idea de la diferencia entre el ingls britnico y
americano. Luego busque el enlace que se encuentra en la seccin Exploracin on
line de diferencias entre ingls britnico y americano y practique el vocabulario.

A) Coloque el verbo compuesto que corresponda en tiempo presente perfecto.

Get along get at

Get away get back
Get by get off
Get on get over
Get rid of get through
Get together get up
1. The proprietor ___________________ (arreglrselas) to invest more money in
the business.
2. Our manager ___________________ (recuperarse) from heart attack.
3. Mr. Clark ____________________ (llevarse bien) with his partner Mr. Smith.
4. The stockholders ____________________ (regresar) to the corporation.
5. The auditor ___________________ (terminar) the audit report for our company.

6. The bookkeepers ______________________ (irse) on vacations for a month.

7. The forensic accountant ___________________ (reunirse) with the managers.
8. The company ____________________ (alcanzar) the best figures in the period.
9. The proprietors ____________________ (subirse) the train to London.
10. The investors ____________________ (bajarse) the plane in New York.
11. Mr. Taylor ___________________ (deshacerse) the subsidiary in China.
12. The accountant __________________ (levantarse) to speak in the meeting.
B) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en el tiempo presente continuado.
1. John Michaels __________________ (work) every day until 9 oclock.
2. The investors __________________ (read) the annual report for this year.
3. The amounts _______________ (show) the increase in our production.
4. ______ the manager _____________ (prepare) the budget now?
5. All the accounts ________________ (decrease) because of the sales.
6. The owner _____________ (invest) ten million dollars in the business.
7. Three stockholders _____________ (buy) 20% of the company shares.
8. The supplier ____________ (require) some documents.
9. Mr. Craig and Mr. Tompson _______________ (come) to the meeting.
10. The accountant ______________ (write) a check for the suppliers.
C) Conteste las siguientes oraciones de la lectura: Pay and Benefits.
1. What is salary?
2. What is a minimum salary?
3. How are salaries paid in the United States?
4. What is wage?
5. How is a wage paid?
6. What is minimum wage?
7. What is overtime?
8. What are fringe benefits?
9. What may fringe benefits include?

10. Which is another term for fringe benefits?

11. What is maternity leave?
12. What is redundancy package?
13. Why is it called a package?
14. What is a bonus?
15. What is it usually referred to?
16. What is severance pay?
17. How may it differ?
18. What can an employee do before signing a contract?
19. What is indemnity?
20. What may it be for?
D) Cambie las oraciones a la forma interrogativa y responda con la forma negativa del
presente continuado.
1. We are recording the transactions in the Journal.
2. The employee is signing a contract tomorrow.
3. The manager is coming to the office in an hour.
4. Six accountants are reviewing the accounts.

5. The stockholders are waiting for the audit report.

6. The secretary is calling the investors for the meeting.
7. The creditors are waiting for the next budget.
8. Employers are motivating employees to sign better contracts.
9. Tax accountants are preparing income taxes for the IRS.
10. Professionals are requiring higher salaries.

E) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: Special Accounting Terms

1. What is benchmarking?
2. How is benchmarking considered?
3. What does benchmarking measure and compare?
4. What does it help?
5. What is benchmark?
6. What may benchmark also refer to?
7. What is outsourcing?

8. Which functions need to be outsourced?

9. What is leverage?
10. What does leverage also mean?
11. When is a firm considered to be highly leveraged?
12. What is know how?
13. What do industries require from their personnel in order to be competitive?
14. What is balance scorecard?
15. Wich are the BSC perspectives?
16. What is SWOT analysis?
17. How does SWOT analysis help the business?
18. What is empowerment?
19. How does empowerment help employees?
20. How does empowerment help management?

F) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva en tiempo presente simple.

1. The chart of accounts _________________ (prepare) by the accountant.


2. A brief explanation __________________ (write) to express what happened.

3. Transactions _________________ (record) in the Journal in order.
4. The trial balance _________________ (prepare) after posting.
5. ______ the accounts _________ (analyze) by the manager?
6. ______ the income statement __________ (read) by the auditor?
7. The financial statements _______________ (not/prepared) by the bookkeepers.
8. The documents _________________ (not / sign) by the stockholders.
9. The check _______________ (not/write) by the secretary.
10. Our salary ______________ (not/pay) today.

G) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: Taxation

1. What are taxes?

2. How do governments fund public works and services?
3. How do governments collect taxes?
4. Which is the governmental agency which collects taxes in the USA?
5. Which are the main types of taxes?
6. What are direct taxes?
7. Which are some examples of direct taxes?
8. What is income tax?
9. What is capital gains tax?
10. What is capital transfer tax?
11. How is it also called?
12. What is a corporation tax?

13. What is an indirect tax?

14. Which are some examples of indirect taxes?
15. What is VAT?
16. How is VAT called in other countries?
17. What is sales tax?
18. What is excise tax?
19. What is tariff?

H) Complete las siguientes oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva tiempo pasado

1. The money _________________ (deposit) in the bank account.

2. The problem ___________________ (bring out) in the financial statements.
3. The sales ___________________ (bring down) by inflation.
4. All journal entries _________________ (post) to the Ledger.
5. All ledger accounts _______________ (verify) to see if they are in balance.
6. The trial balance ________________ (copy) to the worksheet.
7. The worksheet information _______________ (use) to prepare the statements.
8. The financial statements _________________ (prepare) from the worksheet.
9. All temporary accounts _________________ (close) to income summary.
10. Only permanent accounts _______________ (bring) to this period.

I) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: International Taxation.

1. Why does international taxation exist?
2. What is tax avoidance?
3. What is transfer pricing?
4. What is tax haven?

5. Which countries are tax havens?


6. What is GDP?
7. What is NDP?
8. What is Corporate tax?
9. What is whithholding tax?
10. What is CIT?
11. What is duty?
12. What is customs duties?
13. What is tax treaty?
14. What is tax holiday?
15. What is tax write off?

A) Coloque el verbo compuesto que corresponda en tiempo presente perfecto.
1. Has gotten by
2. Has gotten over
3. Has gotten along
4. Have gotten back
5. Has gotten through
6. Have gotten away
7. Has gotten together
8. Has gotten at
9. Have gotten on
10. Have gotten off
11. Has gotten rid of

12. Has gotten up

B) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en el tiempo presente continuado.
1. Is working
2. Are reading
3. Are showing
4. Is / preparing
5. Are decreasing
6. Is investing
7. Are buying
8. Is requiring
9. Are coming
10. Is writting
C) Conteste las siguientes oraciones de la lectura: Pay and Benefits.

1. It is the amount an employee, manager or professional is paid monthly.

2. It is the minimum amount allowed by law.
3. In the United States, salaries may be paid weekly, biweekly or monthly.
4. It is the amount a worker is paid weekly based on the hours worked.
5. It is usually paid in cash.
6. It is the minimum amount allowed by law.
7. It is the payment of the extra hours worked.
8. They are the additional benefits that employees receive in addition to their
salary or wages.
9. These may include a company car, health insurance, company products,
purchases discounts, free meals, etc.
10. Another term for fringe benefits is perk or perquisites.
11. It is when a pregnant worker has to take time off for giving birth and taking care
of the new born according to law.
12. It is the payment an employee receives when he is fired.
13. It is a package because it contains all the benefits by law.
14. It is a payment made to motivate employees to achieve particular targets for the
15. It is usually referred to the payment executives receive after getting certain
important goals or business contracts.
16. It is what an employee receives after leaving a company.
17. They may differ according to the ex employers policy.

18. The employee may bargain the severance agreement with his employer before
signing a contract for specific terms.
19. It is the payment a person receives for a loss.
20. It may be for accident, death or other emergencies.

D) Cambie las oraciones a la forma interrogativa y responda con la forma negativa del
presente continuado.

1. Are we recording the transactions in the Journal?

We are not recording the transactions in the Journal.
2. Is the employee signing a contract tomorrow?
The employee is not signing a contract tomorrow.
3. Is the manager coming to the office in an hour?
The manager is not coming to the office in an hour.
4. Are six accountants reviewing the accounts?
Six accountants are not reviewing the accounts.
5. Are the stockholders waiting for the audit report?
The stockholders are not waiting for the audit report.
6. Is the secretary calling the investors for the meeting?
The secretary is not calling the investors for the meeting.
7. Are the creditors waiting for the next budget?
The creditors are not waiting for the next budget.
8. Are employers motivating employees to sign better contracts?
Employers are not motivating employees to sign better contracts.
9. Are tax accountants preparing income taxes for the IRS?
Tax accountants are not preparing income taxes for the IRS.
10. Are professionals requiring higher salaries?
Professionals are not requiring higher salaries.
E) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: Special Accounting Terms

1. It is the search of the best method, procedure or performance to adapt it into the
2. It is considered an important management tool to improve the business
3. It measures and compares the business products, services and practices with
those businesses leading the competence.
4. It helps to determine the very best in anything.
5. It is the action to use benchmarking
6. It may also refer to a standard in the comparison.

7. It is the action of employing another company to perform non-core functions.

8. Certain functions that are rarely performed.
9. It is the action of borrowing money to use it in investment or to increase capital.
10. It is also the amount of debt used to finance a firms assets.
11. When a firm has more debt than equity.
12. It is an expression used to express the knowledge of all the methods and
procedures by an expert.
13. They require their personnel to have the knowhow of international transactions.
14. It is a strategic planning and management system used worldwide.
15. They are: learning and grow; business process; customer and financial
16. It is a useful technique used ina business context to help managers.
17. It helps to understand the company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
18. It is a management practice of sharing information, rewards, and power with
19. It helps employees to develop skills, resources, authority opportunity and
20. It helps managers when employees take the initiative and make decisions to
solve problems and improve service and performance.

F) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva en tiempo presente simple

1. Is prepared
2. Is written
3. Are recorded
4. Is prepared
5. Are / analyzed
6. Is / read
7. Are not prepared
8. Are not signed
9. Is not written
10. Is not paid

G) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: Taxation

1. They are an involuntary fee levied on individuals or corporations by a

governmental entity.
2. They fund public works and services through taxation.

3. They use a governmental agency.

4. The Internal Revenue Service.
5. They are: direct and indirect.
6. Those taxes collected from the income of individuals and businesses.
7. They are: income tax, capital gains tax, capital transfer tax, corporation tax, etc.
8. It is the tax levied directly on employees wage or salary and other money
9. It is levied on profits made from the sale of assets (stocks or shares).
10. It is levied onmoney or property inherited.
11. It is also called inheritance tax or estate tax (death duty in Britain).
12. It is levied on a companys profits which are usually taxed twice.
13. They are levied on the production made by the business or its sale of goods
and services.
14. They are: VAT, sales taxes, excise taxes, tariffs.
15. VAT is commonly levied at each stage of production, the total is added to the
final price of the product.
16. It is called goods and services tax or GST.
17. It is levied on the retail price of goods in the United States by the retailers.
18. It is levied by governments on commodities like tobacco, etc. as an additional
sales tax.
19. It is a special tax levied ongoods imported from abroad.

H) Complete las siguientes oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva tiempo pasado

1. Was deposited
2. Was brought out
3. Were brought down
4. Were posted
5. Were verified
6. Was copied
7. Was used
8. Were prepared
9. Were closed
10. Were brought

I) Responda las siguientes preguntas de la lectura: International Taxation.

1. Because of international laws in the international community.
2. It is the minimization of a tax liability legally used by some individuals or firms.

3. It is the price at which a subsidiary and a parent company transact with each
4. It is a country that offers foreign individuals and businesses little or no tax
5. Countries that are political and economical stable.
6. It is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a
7. It is the annual measure of the economicoutput of acountry after subtracting
depreciation to the GDP.
8. It is a levy place on the profit of a firm earned during a given taxable period.
9. It is the income tax witheld to employees and paid directly to the government by
the employer.
10. Th tax levied to corporations on their profits.
11. A tax on certain goods services or transactions.
12. They are tariffs or taxes payable on imports and exports by the customs
authorities of a country.
13. A treaty between two nations to prevent double taxation and tax evasion by the
resident of one country earning profits in other country.
14. It is the absence of a corporation tax for a temporary period to encourage
foreign investment.
15. It is an expense that can be deducted from taxable income.

continuous exercises Present
coninuous exercises Present
perfect exercises
Present perfect exercises Past
perfect exercises
&selLanguage=en Past perfect exercises


Costinett, Sandra (1977) The Language of Accounting in English. New Jersey,

Prentice Hall, Inc., pp. 63-70
Eisen, Peter J. (1995) Accounting. The Easy Way. 3 Ed. New York, Barrons
Educational Series, Inc., p 208
Frendo, Evan y Sean Mahoney (2007) English for Accounting. New York, Oxford
University Press, pp. 22-28
MacKenzie, Ian (2002) Financial English. Boston, Thompson Heinle, pp. 100-
102, 107
Mackenzie, Ian (2006) Professional English in Use. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, pp. 8, 80, 100, 104, 105
Mascull, Bill (2002) Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, pp. 42, 44
Robbins, Sue (2004) Business Vocabulary in Practice. Glasgow, Harper Collins
Publishers. pp. 54, 136, 158, 160
Weygandt, Jerry J y otros (2000) Financial Accounting. 3 Ed. New York, John
Willey & Sons, Inc., pp. D16, D17




A partir de esta leccin aprenderemos la parte procedimental de la contabilidad,
empezando con el ciclo contable y el registro en el libro Diario. Pngase la
meta de leer, comprender y traducir la lectura. La parte gramatical es un
complemento que le ayudar en la comprensin. Una buena prctica es
continuar con ejercicios adicionales a los del manual. Adems, busque las
pginas de internet que se sugieren para ampliar el panorama del tema que se
desarrolla en cada leccin.

Comprender el proceso del ciclo contable y reconocer los libros principales y
auxiliares de contabilidad y su procedimiento, en base a modelos, lecturas y

ejercicios, con la finalidad de realizar trabajos prcticos de tenedura de libros .

1. Cmo es el proceso del ciclo contable?
2. Cules son los libros contables?
3. Cmo se realiza el registro en los libros contables americanos?
4. Cmo es el procedimiento de los ajustes y la hoja de trabajo?




The accounting cycle is usually a period of twelve months. This period may be of two
forms: calendar year period or fiscal year period. A calendar year period is when it
follows the calendar, that is, from January 1 to December 31. A fiscal year period
begins on a different date and finishes after a twelve month period. For example: The
U.S. government fiscal year is from October 1 to September 31, and the U.K. fiscal
year is from April 6 to April 5.

The accounting cycle usually begins with the analysis of the accounts and then there
are some steps to be followed:

1. Journalizing: The accounts are recorded in the Journal in chronological order.

2. Posting: The accounts are transferred from the Journal to the Ledger.
3. Trial balance: The accounts in the Ledger are verified for their correct balances.
4. Worksheet (optional): It is a form with five double columns that contains
information to prepare the statements.
5. Adjustments: They are necessary to balance the accounts.
6. Adjusted trial balance: It is prepared to check the balance in the Ledger after
the adjustments.
7. Financial statements: They are prepared from the worksheet. They are: income
statement, retained earnings statement, balance sheet and cash flow
8. Closing entries: They are necessary to close temporary accounts.
9. Post closing trial balance: It verifies the balance of the accounts at the end of
the period based on closing entries.
10. Reversal entries (optional): They are prepared at the beginning of the period.


8.2.1 Prepositional Verbs (3): Otro verbo que tambin es combinado es put, que
significa: poner. Veamos cmo cambia de significado al ser combinado con una


Put away guardar, recoger
Put down anotar, dejar
Put aside ahorrar, dejar a un lado
Put forward proponer
Put in insertar, introducir
Put off apagar, aplazar
Put on ponerse, encender
Put out sacar, publicar
Put over comunicar, exponer

Put through pasar a alguien

Put together reunir
Put up contribuir, aportar


1. We have to put away all the papers on the table for the meeting.
2. Tania has put down all the details for the meeting.
3. The business has to put aside $1,000 every month to recover the capital.
4. Mr. Arnold put forward an strategy to reduce expenses.
5. The stockholders put in a new investment to help the recovery of the firm.
6. The manager put off the launch of the new products.
7. Mr. Richards put on his new suit to present this year campaign.
8. The company has put out the new campaign in the papers.
9. Our manager has put over the new strategy for next year.
10. Mrs. Keen put through to Mr. Richards on the phone.
11. The auditor put together the manager, the accountant and the stockholders.
12. One of the partners put up two hundred thousand dollars to the business.

8.2.2 Passive Voice Future (1): Una manera de estructurar la voz pasiva en tiempo
futuro es con los auxiliares will + be + verbo en pasado participio. Ejemplos:

1. The accounts will be analyzed at the end of the month.

Las cuentas sern analizadas al fin de mes.
2. The budgets will be prepared after the meeting.
Los presupuestos sern preparados despus de la reunin.
3. The stocks will be sold in the market at a new price.
Las acciones sern vendidas en el mercado en un nuevo precio.
4. The chart of accounts will be established by the accountant.
El plan de cuentas ser establecido por el contador.
5. An independent auditor will be employed to audit the accounts.
Un auditor independiente ser contratado para auditar las cuentas.

8.2.3 Interrogative Form: Para hacer la pregunta se coloca el auxiliar will al inicio,
seguido del sujeto, el auxiliar be y el verbo en pasado participio. Ejemplos.

1. Will the accounts be analyzed at the end of the month?

2. Will the budgets be prepared after the meeting?
3. Will the stocks be sold in the market at a new price?
4. Will the chart of accounts be established by the accountant?
5. Will an independent auditor be employed to audit the accounts?

8.2.4 Negative Form: Para la forma negativa se aumenta la negacin despus del
auxiliar will. Recordemos que al hablar o al escribir de manera informal la contraccin
de will not es wont. Ejemplos:

1. The accounts will not (wont) be analyzed at the end of the month.
2. The budgets will not (wont) be prepared after the meeting.
3. The stocks will not (wont) be sold in the market at a new price.
4. The chart of accounts will not (wont) be established by the accountant.
5. An independent auditor will not (wont) be employed to audit the accounts.

1. Adjustments ajustes
2. Balance saldo, cuadrar
3. Begin inicia, empieza
4. Calendar calendario
5. Check verificar, chequear
6. Chronological cronolgico
7. Closing cierre
8. Column columna
9. Cycle ciclo
10. Date fecha
11. Double doble
12. Entries asientos
13. Fiscal financiero
14. Follow sigue
15. Form forma, formulario
16. From de
17. Journalizing registrar en el Diario
18. Posting mayorizar, mayorizacin
19. Reversal reversin
20. Steps pasos
21. Temporary temporal(es)
22. That is es decir
23. To a, hacia
24. Transferred transferido(s)
25. Trial balance balance de comprobacin
26. U.K. (United Kingdom) Reino Unido
27. Verified verificado(s)
28. Worksheet hoja de trabajo




The first step in the accounting process, after analyzing the transaction, is journalizing.
This step is to record the transaction in the General Journal. The procedure is easy and
is done by following these steps:

1. Record the date: month and day.

2. Record the debit account close to the left margin.
3. Record the debit amount in the corresponding column. (DR)
4. Record the credit account slightly indented from the margin.
5. Record the credit amount in the corresponding column. (CR)
6. Write a brief explanation. The explanation should indicate what the accounts
cannot explain. (In the U.K. it is called Narration.)
7. Leave an empty line to separate each entry.

Journalizing differs a little from the procedure we use in Peru. The account code
numbers are not written before the name of the accounts. They are written in the
Posting Reference columns during the Posting process (U.K. = Ledger Folio). We will
learn this in the next unit. Meanwhile, here is an example of the journalizing process.

November 16 Purchased a new computer for the business, paying $2,000 cash.

November 21 Received $1,200 cash in payment for an account receivable from C&A
Page 4


Nov. 16 Office Equipment $2,000
Cash $2,000
Purchased a new computer for the business.

Nov. 21 Cash $1,200

Account Receivable $1,200
Received from C&A Inc.

This is a typical Journal from a business before posting process. Notice the page
number on top of the page. It will be used during the posting process.

Accounting books are organized in two set of books: Journals and Ledgers. The
Journals are a group of books used in daily recording. The main one is the General

Journal also known as the Book of Original Entry. The books grouped under this term
are the following:

1. General Journal: The book in which transactions are recorded daily. It is called
General to differ from the other journal books.
2. Cash Receipts Journal: The book in which every inlay of cash is recorded.
3. Cash Disbursement Journal: The book which keeps records of payments, in
cash or check.
4. Sales Journal: This book records only credit sales with the terms of sale.
5. Purchases Journal: This book records only credit purchases with the terms of
6. Other special Journals: These books are established according to the needs of
the business. They may be:
a) Sales Returns and Allowances Journal
b) Purchases Returns and Allowances Journal
c) Notes Payable Journal
d) Notes Receivable Journal
e) Combination Journal


9.2.1 Passive Voice Future (2): Otra forma de indicar el futuro en ingls es con la
combinacin del auxiliar be + going to. En voz pasiva se le aumenta despus be +
verbo en pasado participio. Ejemplos:

1. The audit report is going to be prepared after the audit.

El reporte de auditora ser preparado despus de la auditora.
2. The budgets are going to be received until Thursday.
Los presupuestos sern recibidos hasta el jueves.
3. Bank loans are going to be granted to those who fulfill the requirements.
Los prstamos bancarios sern otorgados a aquellos que cumplan los
4. Salaries are going to be related to providing the product to the customer.
Los sueldos estarn relacionados con proveer el producto al cliente.
5. Leadership is going to be used in business growth.
El liderazgo ser usado en el crecimiento del negocio.

9.2.2 Interrogative Form: La forma interrogativa se hace colocando al inicio el auxiliar

be + sujeto + going to + be + verbo en pasado participio. Ejemplos:

1. Is the audit report going to be prepared after the audit?

2. Are the budgets going to be received until Thursday?
3. Are bank loans going to be granted to those who fulfill the requirements?
4. Are salaries going to be related to providing the product to the customer?
5. Is leadership going to be used in business growth?

9.2.3 Negative Form: La forma negativa tiene como estructura la siguiente: el auxiliar
be + not + sujeto + going to + be + verbo en pasado participio. Ejemplos:

1. The audit report is not going to be prepared after the audit.


2. The budgets are not going to be received until Thursday.

3. Bank loans are not going to be granted to those who fulfill the requirements.
4. Salaries are not going to be related to providing the product to the customer.
5. Leadership is not going to be used in business growth.


1. A little un poco
2. Allowances rebajas
3. Before antes
4. Brief breve
5. Campaign campaa
6. Cash en efectivo, al contado, dinero, efectivo
7. Check cheque
8. Combination journal caja tabular
9. Corresponding correspondiente
10. Credit crdito, a crdito, acreedora
11. Daily diario, a diario
12. Debit dbito, deudora
13. Details detalles
14. Differ diferenciar
15. Disbursement egreso, desembolso
16. Done hecho
17. Easy fcil
18. Empty vaca(o)
19. Equipment equipo
20. Expenses gastos
21. Explanation explicacin, glosa
22. Firm empresa, firma
23. Grouped agrupados
24. Indented indentada, en sangra
25. Inlay ingresos, entrada(s)
26. Keep llevar
27. Launch lanzamiento
28. Learn aprender
29. Leave deje, dejar
30. Left izquierda
31. Line lnea, rengln
32. Main principal
33. Margin margen
34. May puede
35. Meanwhile mientras tanto
36. Need necesidad
37. Other otro(s)
38. Papers peridicos
39. Paying pagando
40. Payment pago
41. Procedure procedimiento
42. Process proceso
43. Purchased se compr
44. Purchases compras
45. Receipts ingresos
46. Receivable por cobrar
47. Received se recibi
48. Recover recuperar

49. Recovery recuperacin

50. Reduce reducir
51. Returns devoluciones
52. Sales ventas
53. Set juego(s)
54. Slightly ligeramente
55. Suit terno
56. Table mesa
57. Term trmino
58. Typical tpico
59. Under bajo
60. Word palabra




The General Ledger is the second important accounting book. It is also called The
Book of Final Entry. The basic form of the Ledger account is the T-account. It is formed
by: a) account title, b) debit side, and c) credit side. This basic form is considered
informal and is used only for illustration purposes. The formal way is using a three
column account form which contains: a) date, b) explanation, c) PR, d) debit column, e)
credit column, and f) balance. In this format the balance is determined after each
transaction. Example:

Journal: Page 5
Date Account and Explanation PR DR CR
Nov. 21 Cash 110 1,200
Accounts Receivable 1,200
Received from C&A Inc.

Cash N110
Date Explanation PR DR CR Balance

11/21 Accounts Receivable J-5 1,200 1,200

During the Posting process the accountant records all the information relevant for each
account. He uses the codes according to the Chart of Accounts prepared on the first
page of the Ledger. This process ends when the account code is written in the PR
column of the Journal. This shows that the account has been posted. If the PR column
is empty it shows that the account has not been posted yet. The J-5 in the PR column
of the Ledger means that the transaction came from the General Journal page 5. If
there is P-49 it means that the transaction came from the Purchases Journal page

There are also other types of Ledgers called subsidiary Ledgers. They are: Accounts
Payable Ledger and Accounts Receivable Ledger. They keep track all creditor
accounts and all customer accounts. At the end of the period the balance of the Ledger
is tested with the preparation of a Trial Balance. The debit and credit columns should
be equal to show that the process was correctly done.


10.2.1 Passive Voice Present Perfect: La voz pasiva en presente perfecto o pretrito
perfecto se forma con el auxiliar have/has + been + verbo pasado participio.

1. The financial statements have been prepared for this meeting.

Los estados financieros han sido preparados para esta reunin.
2. The accounts have been closed to Income Summary.
Las cuentas han sido cerradas al Resumen de Ingresos.
3. The amounts have been taken from the worksheet.
Los montos han sido tomados de la hoja de trabajo.
4. The audit report has been presented to the stockholders.
El reporte de auditora ha sido presentado a los accionistas.
5. Interests have been paid for two months.
Los intereses han sido pagados por dos meses.

10.2.2 Interrogative Form: Para realizar una pregunta se trae al auxiliar have/has al
inicio seguido por el sujeto, luego been y seguido por el verbo en pasado participio.

1. Have the financial statements been prepared for this meeting?

2. Have the accounts been closed to Income Summary?
3. Have the amounts been taken from the worksheet?
4. Has the audit report been presented to the stockholders?
5. Have interests been paid for two months?

10.2.3 Negative Form: En la negacin se aumenta not inmediatamente despus del

auxiliar have/has, seguido por been y el verbo en pasado participio.

1. The financial statements have not been prepared for this meeting.
2. The accounts have not been closed to Income Summary.
3. The amounts have not been taken from the worksheet.
4. The audit report has not been presented to the stockholders.
5. Interests have not been paid for two months.


1. According de acuerdo
2. After despus
3. All todas
4. Balance saldo
5. Basic bsica
6. Belong pertenece
7. Code cdigo
8. Creditor acreedor(es)
9. Customer cliente
10. Date fecha
11. Each cada
12. Empty vaca
13. Ends termina
14. Entry asiento
15. If si
16. Illustration ilustracin
17. Keep track seguir el rastro, rastrear
18. Last ltimo
19. Mean significa, quiere decir
20. Note observe

21. Page pgina

22. Posted mayorizado
23. Purposes con fines, propsito
24. Show mostrar
25. Side lado
26. So por eso
27. Something algo
28. Subsidiary auxiliar
29. T-account cuenta-T
30. Tested probado
31. That que
32. Then luego, entonces
33. Title ttulo
34. Way manera
35. Which el cual
36. While mientras
37. Yet todava, an




The next step is the preparation of the worksheet. Here the accountant transfers the
trial balance to the first double column. Later he will complete the worksheet with the
adjustments. Then he will adjust the trial balance and finally will transfer the information
to the corresponding financial statements columns.

Adjusted Trial Income

Account Trial Balance Adjustment Balance Sheet
Balance Statement
Cash 10,200 10,200 10,200
Advertising Supplies 3,500 1,500 2,000 2,000
Prepaid Insurance 600 50 550 550
Office Equipment 5,000 5,000 5,000
Notes Payable 3,000 3,000 3,000
Accounts Payable 1,500 1,500 1,500
Unearned Revenue 1,000 400 600 600
Common Stock 10,000 10,000 10,000
Dividends 1,500 1,500 1,500
Service Revenue 10,000 400 10,400 10,400
Salaries Expense 4,000 1,000 5,000 5,000
Rent Expense 700 700 700
Totals 25,500 25,500
Adv. Supplies Exp. 1,500 1,500 1,500
Insurance Expense 50 50 50
Interests Expense 50 50 50
Interests Payable 50 50 50
Salaries Payable 1,000 1,000 1,000
Totals 3,000 3,000 26,550 26550 7,300 10,400 19,250 16,150
Net Income 3,100 3,100
Totals 10,400 10,400 19,250 19,250

The Net Income or Net Loss will be found out in the Income Statement footings. If the
difference is in the debit side it shows a Net Income. If the difference is in the credit
side it shows a Net Loss. Observe that this difference should be written in the opposite
column of the Balance Sheet section.

The adjustments include deferrals, accruals, and depreciation. Accruals are those
expenses or revenues that have not been recognized in daily recording. Deferrals are
those accounts prepaid that are deferred due to use or depletion of the account, such
as: prepaid insurance and supplies. Unearned revenue is an account created when a
prepayment is made by the customer. As the company has not earned that revenue
because it has not given the product or service it has to create this temporary account
until the product or service is completely provided.

After adjusting the trial balance and completed the worksheet, the accountant can
prepare the financial statements based on the information of the worksheet. Then the
cycle continues closing all temporary accounts with a new account called Income
Summary. Then the last posting is verified with a Post-Closing Trial Balance.
Concluding with the preparation of the reversal entries at the beginning of the new
accounting period, which is optional to the accountant.


11.2.1 Passive Voice Past Perfect: La voz pasiva en tiempo pasado perfecto o
pretrito pluscuamperfecto se forma con el auxiliar had + been + verbo en pasado
participio. Ejemplos:

1. The accounts had been audited before 2010.

Las cuentas haban sido auditadas antes del 2010.
2. The budget had been prepared by last management.
El presupuesto haba sido preparado por la ltima administracin.
3. Sales had been recorded only in the General Journal.
Las ventas haban sido registradas solamente en el Diario General.
4. Interests had been incurred for $15,000 last year.
Los intereses haban sido incurridos por $15,000 el ao pasado.
5. Supplies had been depleted for $2,700 last period.
Los suministros haban sido agotados por $2,700 en el ltimo perodo.

11.2.2 Interrogative Form: Las interrogaciones se forman trayendo al inicio el auxiliar

had + sujeto + been + verbo en pasado participio. Ejemplos:

1. Had the accounts been audited before 2010?

2. Had the budget been prepared by last management?
3. Had sales been recorded only in the General Journal?
4. Had interests been incurred for $15,000 last year?
5. Had supplies been depleted for $2,700 last period?

11.2.3 Negative Form: Para la forma negativa se coloca la negacin inmediatamente

despus del auxiliar had. Ejemplos:

1. The accounts had not been audited before 2010.

2. The budget had not been prepared by last management.
3. Sales had not been recorded only in the General Journal.
4. Interests had not been incurred for $15,000 last year.
5. Supplies had not been depleted for $2,700 last period.


1. Accruals acumulaciones, devengados

2. As como
3. Concluding concluyendo
4. Coresponding correspondiente(s)
5. Created creada
6. Deferrals diferidos
7. Depletion agotamiento
8. Due debido a
9. Earned obtenido
10. Income ganancia, ingresos
11. Loss prdida
12. Net neto
13. Next siguiente
14. Opposite opuesta
15. Prepaid pagado por adelantado
16. Prepayment pago por adelantado
17. Provided provista(o)
18. Revenue ganancia

19. Summary resumen

20. Temporary temporal
21. Then luego, entonces
22. Unearned no obtenida
23. Until hasta que


Compare el proceso del ciclo contable con lo que hacemos en nuestro pas. Escriba en
su cuaderno las diferencias que encuentra en ambos procesos. Luego compare el
procedimiento del registro en el Diario. Observe como las cuentas que se usaron
guardan relacin directa con la transaccin. Estas cuentas las prepara el contador y
son fcilmente identificables de manera que cualquier persona que las vea entiende de
qu se trata. En su cuaderno intente registrar transacciones de sus prcticas en
espaol utilizando el plan contable modelo de la unidad anterior.

Tambin compare los libros contables que ha aprendido con los libros contables
americanos. Busque los modelos en los enlaces de internet que se brindan al final de
la unidad. Comprelos y observe sus diferencias y similitudes. Haga lo mismo con el
proceso de registro en el Diario y Mayorizacin.


A) Conteste las preguntas de la lectura de la leccin siete: Accounting Cycle

1. What kind of period is an accounting cycle?

2. Which forms may this period be?
3. What is a calendar year period?
4. What is a fiscal year period?
5. What is the fiscal year for the U.S. government?
6. What is the fiscal year for the U.K?
7. How does the accounting cycle begin?
8. How many steps are followed after the analysis the accounts?
9. What is the first step?
10. What is the second step?

11. What is the third step?

12. What is the fourth step?
13. What is the fifth step?
14. What is the sixth step?
15. What is the seventh step?
16. What is the eighth step?
17. What is the ninth step?
18. What is the tenth step?
19. What is journalizing?
20. What is posting?
21. What is trial balance?
22. What is the worksheet?
23. What are the adjustments?
24. What is the adjusted trial balance?
25. Which are the financial statements?
26. What are closing entries?
27. What is the post closing trial balance?
28. What are the reversal entries?

B) Conteste las pregustas de la lectura: Journal Recording and Types.

1. Which is the first step in the accounting process after analyzing the transaction?
2. What is journalizing?
3. How many steps are done in this procedure?
4. Which is the first step?
5. Which is the second step?
6. Which is the third step?
7. Which is the fourth step?
8. Which is the fifth step?
9. Which is the sixth step?
10. What should the explanation indicate?
11. How is the explanation called in the U.K.?
12. Which is the last step?
13. Are the account code numbers written before the name of the accounts?
14. Where are they written?
15. How is the posting reference called in the U.K:?
16. When will be used the journal page number?
17. How are accounting books organized?

18. Why are there many Journals?

19. Which is the main Journal?
20. Which are the Journals?
21. What is the General Journal?
22. Why is this Journal called General?
23. What is the Cash Receipts Journal?
24. What is the Cash Dicbursement Journal?
25. What is the Sales Journal?
26. What is the Purchases Journal?
27. Which are other special Journals?
28. When are other special Journals established?

C) Complete las oraciones con el verbo compuesto apropiado en presente perfecto.

Put away Put down

Put aside Put forward
Put in Put off
Put on Put out
Put over Put through
Put together Put up

1. The accountant ____________ the bookkepers and the auditor to see the
2. Our brothers ___________ some money in the family company.
3. The manager _____________ the responsibility of the company to Mr. Dean.
4. The auditor _____________ the errors in the financial statements.

5. The newspaper _____________ the fraud in the sale of stocks of the firm.
6. Our tax accountant _____________ ways to save money on taxes.
7. We ______________ every document from 2009 in a file.
8. James _______________ the computer to prepare this new year budget.
9. Tom ______________ all the new prices of the competence.
10. The firm _______________ an amount for emergencies.
11. The chairman and the manager ______________ a new project for the firm.
12. The accountant _______________ the payment of the firm mortgage.

D) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva futuro con will.

1. The accounts _________________ (record) in the Journal.

2. They ________________ (transfer) to the Ledger.
3. Then a trial balance __________________ (do) to check the accounts.
4. The worksheet ________________ (read) to prepare the financial statements.
5. _______ the statements _____________ (prepare) before adjustments?
6. The reports __________________ (send) to the manager next week.
7. The meeting _______________ (hold) at the Board Room.
8. The transactions _______________ (keep) in our records.
9. This mistakes _________________ (not/forget) very soon.
10. The company _________________ (build) in a year.

E) Responda las preguntas de la lectura: The Ledger Special Types

1. What is the General Ledger?

2. How is it also called?
3. Where does the accountant prepare the chart of accounts?
4. Which is the basic form of the Ledger account?
5. How is it formed?
6. How is it considered and used?
7. Which is the formal way?

8. What does it contain?

9. When is the balance determined in the three column form?
10. What do you write in the Explanation column in the posting process?
11. What do you write in the PR column?
12. Which is the last step?
13. Why do you write the account code in the PR column of the Journal?
14. What does S-6 mean in the PR column in the Ledger?
15. Which are the subsidiary ledgers?
16. What are they for?

F) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva futuro con be going to.

1. The adjustments __________________ (do) at the end of the period.

2. Temporary accounts ________________ (create) to balance the statements.
3. Temporary accounts ________________ (close) with closing entries.
4. The products __________________ (sell) next year.
5. The documents _________________ (sign) after the meeting.
6. An audit ________________ (require) at the end of the period.
7. Our costs ________________ (increase) due to inflation.
8. This year profit ________________ (decrease) due to inflation.
9. The CPA license _________________ (grant) by the AICPA.
10. Interests ________________ (generate) in thirty days.

G) Conteste las preguntas de la lectura: Adjustments and Worksheet.

1. What does the accountant transfer in the first double column of the worksheet?
2. What is the second double column for?

3. What is the third double column for?

4. What is the fourth double column for?
5. What is the fifth double column for?
6. How will the net income or net loss be found out?
7. What is the result if the difference is in the debit side?
8. What is the result if the difference is in the credit side?
9. Where is the difference written in the Balance Sheet section?
10. What do adjustments include?
11. What are accruals?
12. What are deferrals?
13. What is the Unearned revenue?
14. Why is the unearned revenue created?
15. What is prepared after completing the worksheet?
16. What is the next step?
17. What is done after closing entries?
18. What is the next step after the post closing trial balance?

H) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva en presente perfecto

1. Stores ______________________ (close) all weekend.

2. Telephone bills __________________ (pay) last Thursday.
3. Records ___________________ (steal) yesterday.

4. Accountants __________________ (require) by the IRS.

5. Tax returns ___________________ (receive) until last month.
6. Books __________________ (sell) at the book fair in London.
7. Taxes _____________________ (collect) with an increase of 2%.
8. Dividends ___________________ (pay) to stockholders.
9. Shares ________________ (sell) at $28 in the stock market.
10. _________ the General Journal ______________ (establish) yet?

I) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva en pasado perfecto

1. Electricity bills ________________ (pay) at the end of January.

2. Salaries and wages __________________ (collect) at the end of the year.
3. Books and records __________________ (audit) by internal auditors.
4. The accounts _______________ (examine) for correctness.
5. Invoices _________________ (issue) with the corresponding authorization.
6. Checks _________________ (sign) by the manager.
7. All paid vouchers ________________ (keep) in the paid voucher file.
8. Money ________________ (take) from the petty cash fund by the auditor.
9. The new computers ___________________ (buy) on credit.
10. Service _________________ (provide) on account.


A) Conteste las preguntas de la lectura de la leccin siete: Accounting Cycle

1. It is usually a period of twelve months.
2. It may be: calendar year period or fiscal year period.
3. It is when it follows the calendar, that is, from January 1 to December 31.
4. It begins on a different date and finishes after a twelve month period.
5. It is from October 1 to September 31.
6. It is from April 6 to April 5.
7. It usually begins with the analysis of the accounts.
8. There are ten steps.
9. It is journalizing.
10. It is posting.
11. It is trial balance.
12. It is worksheet.
13. It is the adjustments.
14. It is the adjusted trial balance.
15. It is the financial statements.

16. It is the closing entries.

17. It is the post closing trial balance.
18. It is the reversal entries.
19. The accounts are recorded in the Journal in chronological order.
20. The accounts are transferred from the Journal to the Ledger.
21. The accounts in the Ledger are verified for their correct balances.
22. It is a from with five double columns that contains information to prepare the
23. They are necessary to blance the accounts.
24. It is prepared to check the balance in the Ledger after the adjustments.
25. They are: income statement, retained earnings stetement, balance sheet and
cash flow statement.
26. They are necessary to close temporary accounts.
27. It verifies the balance of the accounts at the end of the period based on closing
28. They are prepared at the beginning of the period.

B) Conteste las pregustas de la lectura: Journal Recording and Types.

1. It is journalizing.
2. It is to record the transaction in the General Journal.
3. There are seven steps done in this procedure.
4. It is to record the date: month and date.
5. It is to record the debit account close to the left margin.
6. It is to record the debit amount in the corresponding column. (DR)
7. It is to record the credit account slightly indented from the margin.
8. It is to record the credit amount in the corresponding column. (CR)
9. It is to write a brief explanation.
10. It should indicate what the accounts cannot explain.
11. It is called Narration.
12. It is to leave an empty line to separate each entry.
13. No, they arent. It is different from Peru.
14. They are written in the Posting Reference columns during the Posting process.
15. It is called Ledger Folio.
16. It will be used during the posting process.
17. They are organized in two set of books: Journals and Ledgers.
18. They are a group of books used in daily recording.
19. It is the General Journal also known as the Book of Original Entry.

20. They are: General Journal, Cash Receipts Journal, Cash Disbursement Journal,
Sales Journal and Purchases Journal.
21. It is a brook in which transactions are recorded daily.
22. It is called General to differ from the other journal books.
23. It is the book in which every inlay of cash is recorded.
24. It is the book which keeps records of payments, in cash or check.
25. This book records only credit sales with the terms of sale.
26. This book records only credit purchases with the terms of purchase.
27. They are: Sales and Purchases returns and allowances Journals, Notes
Payable and Receivable Journals and Combination Journal.
28. They are estabished according to the needs of the business.

C) Complete las oraciones con el verbo compuesto apropiado en presente perfecto.

1. Has put together
2. Have put up
3. Has put through
4. Has put over
5. Has put out
6. Has put forward
7. Have put away
8. Has put on
9. Has put down
10. Has put aside
11. Have put in
12. Has put off

D) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva futuro con will.
1. Will be recorded
2. Will be transferred
3. Will be done
4. Will be read
5. Will / be prepared
6. Will be sent
7. Will be held
8. Will be kept
9. Will not (wont) be forgotten
10. Will be built

E) Responda las preguntas de la lectura: The Ledger Special Types


1. It is the second important accounting book.

2. It is also called The Book of Final Entry.
3. He prepares it on the Ledger first page.
4. It is the T-account.
5. It is formed by: a) account title, b) debit side, and c) credit side.
6. It is considered informal and is used only for illustration purposes.
7. The formal way is using a three column account form.
8. It contains: a) date, b) explanation, c) PR, d) debit column, e) credit column, and
f) balance.
9. It is determined after each transaction.
10. The opposite account is always recorded as a reference.
11. The Journal page number.
12. The last step is to write the account code in the PR column of the Journal.
13. This shows that the account has been posted.
14. It means that the transaction came from the Sales Journal page 6.
15. They are: Accounts Payable Ledger and Accounts Receivable Ledger
16. They are used to keep track of creditor accounts and all customer accounts.

F) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva futuro con be going to.
1. Are going to be done
2. Are going to be created
3. Are going to be closed
4. Are going to be sold
5. Are going to be signed
6. Is going to be required
7. Are going to be increased
8. Is going to be decreased
9. Is going to be granted
10. Are going to be generated

G) Conteste las preguntas de la lectura: Worksheet and Last Steps

1. He transfers the trial balance to the first double column.

2. It is for adjustments.
3. It is for the adjusted trial balance.
4. It is for the income statement.
5. It is for the balance sheet.
6. It will be found out in the Income Statement footings.
7. It is a net income.

8. It is a net loss.
9. It is written in the opposite column of the Balance Sheet section.
10. They include deferrals, accruals and depreciation.
11. They are those expenses or revenues that have not been recognized in daily
12. They are those accounts prepaid that are deferred due to use or depletion of
the accounts.
13. It is an account created when a prepayment is made by the customer.
14. Because the company has not given the product or service.
15. The accountant can prepare the financial statements based on the worksheet.
16. It is closing all temporary accounts with a new account called Income Summary.
17. The last posting is verified with a Post Closing Trial Balance.
18. The preparation of the reversal entries at the beginning of the new accounting

H) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva en presente perfecto.

1. Have been closed
2. Have been paid
3. Have been stolen
4. Have been required
5. Have been received
6. Have been sold
7. Have been collected
8. Have been paid
9. Have been sold
10. Has / been established

I) Complete las oraciones con el verbo en voz pasiva en pasado perfecto.

1. Had been paid
2. Had been collected
3. Had been audited
4. Had been examined
5. Had been issued
6. Had been signed
7. Had been kept
8. Had been taken
9. Had been bought
10. Had been provided

EXPLORACIN ON LINE Passive voice Passive voice Passive voice
cycle.html Accounting cycle Journal
Adjusting entries
Worksheet Journal special types Ledger


Costinett, Sandra (1977) The Language of Accounting in English. New Jersey,

Prentice Hall, Inc., pp. 14 - 19
Eisen, Peter J. (1995) Accounting. The Easy Way. 3 Ed. New York, Barrons
Educational Series, Inc., pp. 36 41, 71
Horngren, Charles T. y otros (1996) Accounting. 3 Ed. New Jersey, Prentice
Hall. pp. 47 - 53
MacKenzie, Ian (2002) Financial English. Boston, Thompson Heinle., p. 15
Mackenzie, Ian (2006) Professional English in Use. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, p. 14, 104
Weygandt, Jerry J y otros (2000) Financial Accounting. 3 Ed. New York, John
Willey & Sons, Inc., pp. 53, 54, 55, 56, 154, E2, E5




Mientras estudia observe las similitudes y diferencias entre la contabilidad
americana con la contabilidad peruana. Observe las diferencias y concntrese
en ellas. Recuerde que el examen es en ingls y es su comprensin del idioma
y del procedimiento lo que le ayudar a contestar apropiadamente.

Comprender el sistema de control interno, los trminos de auditoria y pericia
contable, mediante lecturas y ejercicios prcticos, para poder desempearse en
el mbito internacional.

1. Qu mtodos se usan en el control interno?
2. Cules son los trminos usados en auditoria?
3. Cmo se designan los diferentes tipos de dictmenes en ingls?
4. Qu es la pericia contable y qu comprende?




Management is responsible for safeguarding cash. To perform this task it needs to

establish an effective and reliable system of internal control. These controls help
managers to decrease risks of error, omissions, delay and fraud. The system of internal
control provides:

Competent, reliable and ethical personnel to handle cash controls.

Assignment of authority and responsibility.
Implementation of a program for the prevention of errors and fraud.
Internal and external audits.

We have learned that cash is an asset, but it is also easy to disburse. In order to keep
track of these disbursements the business may use cash controls like:

1. Invoices, bills, receipts, vouchers

2. Money orders
3. Credit cards
4. Deposit slips
5. Bank statements
6. Bank reconciliation statements
7. Petty cash book

Other controls that accountants use in bookkeeping to keep track of cash are:

1. Cash receipts journal

2. Cash disbursement journal
3. Accounts payable ledger
4. Accounts receivable ledger

The voucher system improves the internal control of a business over cash
disbursements. This system uses:

1. Voucher register
2. Check register
3. Unpaid voucher file
4. Paid voucher file

A company may use Fidelity Bonds. It is an insurance to protect the company from any
loss of property or money as a result of employee theft. It guarantees that employees
will not steal the company.


12.2.1 Zero conditional: Este condicional se usa para indicar una verdad universal. Por
tanto, la clusula principal est en presente simple y la condicional se usa con if y
tambin en tiempo presente simple. Se empieza con la clusula condicional y se
separa de la principal con una coma. Ejemplos:

1. If you sleep outside in winter, you get sick.

2. If the water boils, you can drink it.
3. If Mary gets married, her room is yours.
4. If the restaurant is closed, I prepare popcorn.

12.2.2 First conditional: En este caso lo que se dice es posible pero poco probable que
se cumpla la condicin en el futuro. La oracin se forma con la clusula condicional en
presente simple y la clusula principal en futuro con will. Ejemplos:

1. If your father comes early, your mother will prepare turkey for dinner.
2. If I find my old coat, I will give it to the poor.
3. If the get our goals, we will grow more than ever.
4. If the figures are wrong, the firm will fall down.
5. If we dont get a new secretary, we will lose our clients.


1. Bank statement estado de ctas. de banco

2. Bills boletas
3. Boil hervir
4. Card tarjeta
5. Decrease disminuir
6. Delay retrazos
7. Deposit slips boletas de depsitos
8. Disburse desembolsar
9. Disbursements desembolsos
10. Fidelity bonds fianza de fidelidad
11. File archivo
12. Fraud fraude
13. Handle manejo, manejar
14. Help ayudan
15. Improve mejora
16. In order a fin de, para
17. Insurance seguro
18. Invoices facturas
19. Keep track seguir el rastro, rastrear
20. Learn aprender
21. Money orders rdenes depago
22. More than ever ms que nunca
23. Omissions omisones
24. Over sobre
25. Perform desempear, realizer
26. Petty cash caja chica
27. Prevention prevencin
28. Receipts recibos
29. Reconciliation conciliacin
30. Reliable confinable
31. Risks riesgos
32. Safeguarding resguardo, resguardar, proteccin
33. Slip bolete
34. Steal robar
35. Task tarea, labor, trabajo
36. Theft robo, latrocinio
37. Turkey pavo

38. Unpaid voucher comprobantes pendientes de pago

39. Vouchers comprobantes




Audit is the review for accuracy and evaluation of financial records and procedures by
experts called auditors. This job is continuously done internally by the employees of the
company to assure the correct recording process and procedures, and is known as an
internal audit. They also report any deviations from standard operating procedures and
make sure that all irregularities are corrected. But the most important audit is realized
by external auditors, usually CPCs or Chartered Accountants because they are
unbiased in their review and their report on their findings is of important interest to third
parties such as: investors, creditors, governments and clients.

An auditor expresses in his report the fairness of his review - that is the state of
accuracy, authenticity and completeness of the business financial records. This
document is known as the audit report. Here the auditor states if the recording process
was made following accounting principles and standards. The audit report is usually
written following generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS). As audit reports are
presented in the annual reports, they are prepared following The International Auditing
and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of the International Federation of
Accountants is the international agency that establishes International Standards on
Auditing. These standards are being reviewed and the new suit will be effective for
audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after December 15, 2016.

An audit report is a letter that is addressed to the Board of Directors and Stockholders.
It has commonly three paragraphs: a) The introductory paragraph which states the
auditor and company managements responsibilities, b) the scope paragraph which
states that the audit was conducted in accordance with auditing standards and c)
opinion paragraph where the auditor expresses his opinion on the results of his

There are four types of audit reports: Unqualified opinion, qualified opinion, adverse
opinion and disclaimer of opinion.

Unqualified Opinion: The auditor determines that the financial records are free of any
misrepresentations. It also indicates that the records have been maintained in
accordance with GAAP.

Qualified Opinion: The auditor states the financial records have not been maintained in
accordance with GAAP but no misrepresentations are identified.

Adverse Opinion: The auditor expresses that the financial records are not in
accordance with GAAP and that the records have been misrepresented, indicating that
the company must do the correction and must be re-audited.

Disclaimer of Opinion: The auditor is unable to complete the audit report accurately due
to the absence of appropriate financial records or other factors.


13.2.1 Second conditional: Este condicional se le conoce como la posibilidad irreal

futura. Se forma con la clusula condicional en pasado simple y la principal con would
+ verbo en forma bsica. Ejemplos:

1. If I were an astronaut, I would go to Mars.

2. If my parents were rich, I would travel around the world.
3. If tomorrow was Sunday, I would go to the beach.
4. If you were on vacations, we would take a trip.
5. If the week had eight days, there would be three days in a weekend.

13.2.2 Third conditional: Este condicional habla del pasado que no ocurri la condicin
expresada, tal como un sueo sin ninguna posibilidad que se realice. Se forma con la
clusula condicional en pasado perfecto y la principal (o resultado) con would have +
pasado participio. Ejemplos:

1. If Mary had married John, she would have lived in a castle.

2. If I had been rich, this would have been my company.
3. If Jerry had played yesterday, we would have won the match.
4. If you hadnt quit, you would have been here with us.
5. If the auditor had finished his audit last night, we would have been free


1. Accuracy exactitude, precision

2. Addressed dirigida
3. Adverse adverso, desfavorable
4. Annual report reporte annual, memoria
5. Any cualquier
6. Assessment evaluacin
7. Assure asegurar
8. Audit report reporte de auditoria, dictamen
9. Audit auditora, auditar
10. Auditors auditores
11. Board of Directors Directorio, junta directive
12. Completeness integridad
13. Creditor acreedor
14. Deviation desviacin
15. Disclaimer abstencin
16. Effective vigente
17. Ending on al final de
18. Fairness imparcialidad
19. Findings hallazgos
20. Free libre
21. In accordance en conformidad, de acuerdo
22. Internally internamente
23. Introductory introduccin
24. Investor inversionista
25. Job trabajo, labor
26. Letter carta
27. Make sure asegurar, asegurarse
28. Misrepresentation distorsin, tergiversacin
29. Paragraph prrafo

30. Qualified con salvedad

31. Review revision
32. Scope alcance
33. Standard predeterminado(s), normas
34. States indica, declara
35. Suit juego, conjunto
36. Third parties terceras partes
37. Unbiased imparciales
38. Unqualified sin salvedad




Forensic Accounting is the area specialized in a court setting. It combines accounting

with investigative skills and litigation support. Forensic accountants are employed by
lawyers, insurance companies, financial institutions, banks, police forces, etc.

There is demand for Forensic Accountants due to fraudulent activity in financial issues.
Therefore, forensic accountants must determine which areas, people or functions of the
organization require their attention.

Forensic accounting needs the use of accounting, auditing and investigative skills in
the conducting of an investigation. The forensic accountant must be familiar with legal
concepts and procedures because it encompasses Litigation Support and Investigative

Litigation Support deals with the quantification of economic damages. It provides

assistance in a litigation calculating the economic loss from a breach of contract or for
a divorce.

Investigative Accounting is often used in criminal matters like an employee theft,

securities fraud, insurance fraud, kickbacks, etc.

A forensic accounting assignment will follow these steps:

Meet with the client.

Perform a conflict check.
Perform an initial investigation.
Develop an action plan.
Obtain the relevant evidence.
Perform the analysis.
Prepare the report.


14.2.1 Relative pronouns: Los pronombres relativos se usan al referirse a una persona
o cosa antes mencionada de la que deseamos aumentar mayor informacin. Estos
reemplazan al sustantivo y generalmente son utilizados tanto en singular como en
plural. Entre ellos tenemos: that, which, who, whom, whose. Ejemplos:

1. The girl who gave you the reports was Elisa Goldberg.
2. The budget that Mr. Brown gave you was mine.
3. The problem which you couldnt solve is already fixed.
4. The CEO, whom you met an hour ago, is my father.
5. That is the car whose owner lives next door.

14.2.2 Relative clauses: Las clusulas relativas sirven para dar mayor informacin
sobre la persona u objeto del cual se est hablando. En ellas se utiliza los pronombres
relativos, los cuales algunos son para personas y otros para cosas u objetos.

Generalmente unimos dos oraciones para formar una nueva oracin con la clusula
relativa donde el pronombre relativo es el sujeto de la clusula para no repetir el
sujeto. Ejemplos:

1. The woman is Mrs. Smith. She lives across the street. = The woman who lives
across the street is Mrs. Smith. (relative clause)
2. I have a new pet. It is a lovely puppy. = I have a new pet which is a lovely
3. We are moving to a new venue. It is downtown. = We are moving to a new
venue that is downtown.
4. Karla kissed a boy. His girlfriend was next to me. = Karla kissed a boy whose
girlfriend was next to me.
5. Mr. Taylor needs a secretary. She must use well a computer. = Mr. Taylor
needs a secretary who must use well a computer.


1. Breach rompimiento, rupture

2. Contract contrato
3. Court setting marco legal
4. Criminal criminals
5. Damages daos
6. Deal trata
7. Develop desarrollar
8. Due debido
9. Employed contratados
10. Encompass abarca, incluye
11. Forensic accountants peritos contables
12. Forensic accounting pericia contable
13. Fraudulent fraudulenta
14. Issues asuntos, temas
15. Kickbacks sobornos
16. Lawyers abogados
17. Litigation support pruebas sustentatorias
18. Litigation litigio
19. Matters asuntos
20. Police forces fuerzas policiales
21. Quantification cuantificacin
22. Securities valores
23. Skills destrezas


Busque los diferentes medios que se utilizan para el control interno. Vea cules son
los que revisa un auditor en su auditora. Investigue cmo ayuda la pericia contable en
el rea judicial y cules son los casos ms frecuentes.


A) Conteste las preguntas de la lectura: System of Internal Control.

1. Who is responsible for cash safeguarding?


2. What does management need to safeguard cash?

3. How does a system of internal control help managers?
4. What does a system of internal control provide?
5. Why has cash to be safeguarded?
6. Why do we need cash controls?
7. Which are some cash controls?
8. Which are other controls used?
9. Why is it necessary a voucher system?
10. What does the voucher system use?
11. What is a fidelity bond?
12. Why is it used?

B) Complete las oraciones utilizando el: zero conditional.

1. If the Company _______ good profits, it _______ all our salaries. (get/raise)
2. If the manager _______, it ________ that the things are wrong. (yell/mean)
3. If the prices _______ up, it ______ because of the dollar raise. (go/be)
4. If our clients _________, we ______ to satisfy their demand. (complain/have)
5. If you _____ your job well, the firm _______ your contract for a year. (do/renew)
6. If Patrick _______ back, you ______ a new post. (come/get)
7. If I _______ this report, I _______ the kids with their homework. (finish/help)
8. If the car ________, the company _______ a new one for me. (break/buy)
9. If your meal _____ cold, the restaurant _______ it for you. (be/heat)
10. If you _____ an accident, the insurance ______ for all the damages. (have/pay)

C) Complete las oraciones con el: First conditional.

1. If the Company _______ good profits, it __________ all our salaries. (get/raise)
2. If the manager _______, it ________ that the things are wrong. (yell/mean)
3. If the prices _______ up, it ______ because of the dollar raise. (go/be)
4. If our clients _________, we ______ to satisfy their demand. (complain/have)
5. If you _____ your job well, the firm _______ your contract for a year. (do/renew)
6. If Patrick _______ back, you ______ a new post. (come/get)
7. If I _______ this report, I _______ the kids with their homework. (finish/help)
8. If the car ________, the company _______ a new one for me. (break/buy)
9. If your meal _____ cold, the restaurant _______ it for you. (be/heat)
10. If you _____ an accident, the insurance ______ for all the damages. (have/pay)

D) Conteste las preguntas de la lectura: Auditing.

1. What is an audit?
2. How are the experts that make the review called?
3. What is an internal audit?
4. Why is an internal audit necessary?
5. Which is the most important audit?
6. Why is an external audit so important?
7. Who is interested in an external or independent audit?
8. What does an audit report express?
9. What is usually stated in an audit report?
10. Which standards are used to write an audit report?
11. Which entity establishes the International Standards of Auditing?
12. When will the new suit of these standards be effective?
13. What is an audit report?
14. Which are the parts of an audit report?
15. How many types of audit reports are there? Name them.

E) Complete las oraciones con el: Second conditional.

1. If Mrs. Knight _____ the new accountant, the company __________ up.(be/go)
2. If Clarisse ______ the report, she ___________ the manager. (read/tell)
3. If I _______ rich, I ___________ my own boss. (be/be)
4. If my team ______, we _________ this years champions. (win/be)
5. If the Mayor ________, Mr. Johnson ___________ his place. (quit/take)
6. If you ________ those shoes, you _________ without money. (buy/be)
7. If Kaitlin ______, she _________ rent an apartment. (work/rent)
8. If your plan _______, the business __________ down. (fail/fall)
9. If Richard ________ to Hellen, she __________ him. (speak/marry)
10. If we _______ rum last night, we ___________ until tomorrow. (drink/sleep)

F) Complete las oraciones con el: Third conditional.

1. If Mrs. Knight _______ an accountant, the Company ____________ up.(be/go)

2. If Clarisse ______ the report, she ___________ the manager. (read/tell)
3. If I _______ rich, I ___________ my own boss. (be/be)
4. If my team ______, we _________ this years champions. (win/be)
5. If the Mayor ________, Mr. Johnson ___________ his place. (quit/take)
6. If you ________ those shoes, you _________ without money. (buy/be)
7. If Kaitlin ______, she _________ rent an apartment. (work/rent)
8. If your plan _______, the business __________ down. (fail/fall)
9. If Richard ________ to Hellen, she __________ him. (speak/marry)
10. If we _______ rum last night, we ___________ until tomorrow. (drink/sleep)

G) Conteste las preguntas dela lectura: Forensic Accounting.

1. What is forensic accounting?

2. What does it combine?
3. Who employs forensic accountants?
4. Why are forensic accountants on demand?
5. What do they have to determine?
6. Which skills do they need?
7. Why do they have to be familiar with legal concepts and procedures?
8. What is litigation support?
9. What does it provide?
10. What is investigative accounting?
11. Which is the first step in a forensic accounting assignment?
12. Which is the last step in a forensic accounting assignment?

H) Complete las oraciones con el Relative pronoun que corresponda: that, which, who,
whom, whose.

1. The report _________ you saw yesterday was Mikes.

2. That man _________ presentation you attended is Mr. Pierce.
3. Mrs. Dubbings, __________ was sitting next to you, is our auditor.
4. The office ________ was next to yours is mine.
5. Our Human Resources Director, _________ you met yesterday, is here.
6. Janice, ________ brother you met last night, is here.

7. The job, __________ Hellen offered you was of an accountant.

8. Bring the papers _________ I showed you in the morning, please.
9. Mary Maclaire, _________ husband is Mr. Jones, will call you tonight.
10. The teacher _________ we met last week, is Miss Austin.

I) Forme con las dos oraciones una sola oracin con Relative Clause.

1. The red carpet is on your desk. It is my audit report.

2. Mr. Howard is a CEO. He works for Starbucks.
3. A trolley is a cart. It is used in the supermarkets.
4. I lost my keys. They are of my office.
5. A library is a building. It is full of books.
6. Last week Sheyla read a good book. It was a best seller.
7. John has a son. He is an architect.
8. The auditor called the manager. The manager was very busy.
9. Greg met a woman. She was her neighbor in Alabama.
10. Wendy invited some friends. They are her classmates.


A) Conteste las preguntas de la lectura: System of Internal Control.

1. Management is responsible for cash safeguarding.

2. It needs to establish an effective and reliable system of internal control.
3. It helps them to decrease risks of error, omissions, delay and fraud.
4. (cuatro posibles respuestas) competent, reliable and ethical personnel to
handle cash controls. / Assignment of authority and responsibility. /
Implementation of a program for the prevention of errors and fraud. / Internal
and external audits.
5. It has to be safeguarded because it is an asset and is easy to disburse.
6. In order to keep track of these disbursements.
7. They are: invoices, bills, receipts, vouchers, money orders, credit cards, deposit
slips, bank statements, bank reconciliation statements, petty cash book.
8. They are: cash receipts journal, cash disbursement journal, accounts payable
ledger, accounts receivable ledger.
9. Because it improves the internal control of a business over cash disbursements.
10. It uses: voucher register, check register, unpaid voucher file, paid voucher file.
11. It is an insurance to protect the company from any loss of property or money as
a result of employee theft.
12. Because it guarantees that employees will not steal the company.

B) Complete las oraciones utilizando el: zero conditional.

1. Gets / raises
2. Yells / means
3. Go / is
4. Complain / have
5. Do / renews
6. Comes / get
7. Finish / help
8. Breaks / buys
9. Is / heats
10. Have / pays

C) Complete las oraciones con el: First conditional.

1. Gets / will raise

2. Yells / will mean
3. Go up / will be
4. Complain / will have
5. Do / will renew
6. Comes / will get
7. Finish / will help
8. Breaks / will buy
9. Is / will heat
10. Have / will pay

D) Conteste las preguntas de la lectura: Auditing.

1. It is the review for accuracy and evaluation on financial records and procedures
by experts.
2. They are called auditors.
3. It is the audit continuously done internally by the employees of the company.
4. It is necessary to assure the correct recording process and procedures.
5. It is the audit realized by external auditors.
6. Because external auditors are unbiased in their review and their report on their
7. It is important to third parties such as: investors, creditors, governments and
8. It expresses the fairness of the review.
9. It states if the companys recording process was made following accounting
principles and standards.
10. The Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS).
11. The international Auditing and Assurance Standards Boards (IAASB) of the
International Federation of Accountants.
12. They will be effective for periods ending on or after December 15, 2016.
13. It is a letter that is addressed to the Board of Directors and stockholders.
14. There are: introductory paragraph, scope paragraph and opinion paragraph.
15. There are four types: unqualified opinion, qualified opinion, adverse opinion and
disclaimer of opinion.

E) Complete las oraciones con el: Second conditional.

1. Were / would go
2. Read / would tell
3. Were / would be

4. Won / would be
5. Quit / would take
6. Bought / would be
7. Worked / would rent
8. Failed / would fall
9. Spoke / would marry
10. Drank / would sleep

F) Complete las oraciones con el: Third conditional.

1. Had been / would have gone

2. Had read / would have told
3. Had been / would have been
4. Had won / would have been
5. Had quit / would have taken
6. Had bought / would have been
7. Had worked / would have rented
8. Had failed / would have fallen
9. Had spoken / would have married
10. Had drunk / would have slept

G) Conteste las preguntas dela lectura: Forensic Accounting.

1. It is the area specialized in a court setting.

2. It combines accounting with investigative skills and litigation support.
3. They are employed by lawyers, insurance companies, financial institutions,
banks, police forces, etc.
4. It is due to fraudulent activity in financial issues.
5. They must determine which areas, people or functions of the organization,
require their attention.
6. They need the use of accounting, auditing and investigative skills.
7. Because it encompasses litigation support and investigative accounting.
8. It deals with the quantification of economic damages.
9. It provides assistance in a litigation calculating the economic loss from a breach
of contract or for a divorce.
10. It is often used in criminal matters like an employee theft, securities fraud,
insurance fraud, kickbacks, etc.
11. Meet with the client.
12. Prepare the report.

H) Complete las oraciones con el Relative pronoun que corresponda: that, which, who,
whom, whose.

1. That / which
2. Whose
3. Who
4. Which
5. Whom
6. Whose
7. Which
8. That
9. Whose
10. Whom

I) Forme con las dos oraciones una sola oracin con Relative Clause.

1. The red carpet that is on your desk is my audit report.

2. Mr. Howard is a CEO who works for Starbucks.
3. A trolley is a cart which/that is used in the supermarkets.
4. I lost my keys that are of my office.
5. A library is a building that is full of books.
6. Last week Sheyla read a good book which/that was a best seller.
7. John has a son who is an architect.
8. The auditor called the manager who was very busy.
9. Greg met a woman who was her neighbor in Alabama.
10. Wendy invited some friends who/that are her classmates.

reporte de una pericia contable Relative clauses.
exercise2?cc=pl&selLanguage=pl Zero conditional First
Second conditional Third
Cash Internal control and cash Cash controls.


Costinett, Sandra (1977) The Language of Accounting in English. New Jersey,

Prentice Hall, Inc., pp. 75 82
Frendo, Evan y Sean Mahoney (2007) English for Accounting. New York, Oxford
University Press, pp. 29-34.
MacKenzie, Ian (2006) Professional English in Use. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, pp. 26, 27
MacKenzie, Ian (2002) Fiancial English. Boston, Thompson Heinle., pp. 100-102



Abide abiding abode abode permanecer
Arise arising arose arisen levantarse
Awake awaking awoke awoken/awaked despertar
Be (am, is, are) being was/were been ser/estar
Bear bearing bore borne soportar
Beat beating beat beaten golpear
Become becoming became become llegar a ser
Begin beginning began begun empezar
Behold beholding beheld beheld mirar/ver
Bend bending bent bent doblar
Bereave bereaving bereaved/bereft bereaved/bereft desolar
Beseech beseeching besought besought rogar
Beset besetting beset beset acosar
Bestride bestriding bestrode bestridden dominar
Bet betting bet/betted bet apostar
Bid bidding bade/bid bidden/bid ofrecer
Bide biding bode/bided bided esperar
Bind binding bound bound unir/pegar
Bite biting bit bitten morder
Bleed bleeding bled bled sangrar
Blend blending blended blended mezclar
Blow blowing blew blown soplar
Break breaking broke broken romper
Breed breeding bred bred criar
Bring bringing brought brought traer
Build building built built construir
Burn burning burnt/burned burnt/burned quemar
Burst bursting burst burst explotar
Buy buying bought bought comprar
Cast casting cast cast arrojar
Catch catching caught caught coger
Chide chiding chid/chided chid/chidden regaar
Choose choosing chose chosen escoger
Cleave cleaving clove/cleaved cloven/cleaved adherir
Cling clinging clung clung adherirse
Clothe clothing clothed/clad clothed/clad vestir
Come coming came come venir
Cost costing cost cost costar

Creep creeping crept crept arrastrarse

Crow crowing crowed crowed cacarear
Cut cutting cut cut cortar
Dare daring dared dared desafiar
Deal dealing dealt dealt pactar
Dig digging dug dug cavar
Dive diving dove/dived dived zambullirse
Do(does) doing did done hacer
Drag dragging dragged dragged arrastrar
Draw drawing drew drawn dibujar
Dream dreaming dreamt dreamt soar
Drink drinking drank drunk beber
Drive driving drove driven manejar
Dwell dwelling dwelt dwelt habitar
Eat eating ate eaten comer
Fall falling fell fallen caer
Feed feeding fed fed alimentar
Feel feeling felt felt sentir
Fight fighting fought fought pelear
Find finding found found encontrar
Fit fitting fit fit acomodar
Flee fleeing fled fled huir
Fling flinging flung flung arrojar
Fly flying flew flown volar
Forbid forbidding forbade forbidden prohibir
Forget forgetting forgot forgotten olvidar
Forgive forgiving forgave forgiven perdonar
Forsake forsaking forsook forsaken abandonar
Freeze freezing froze frozen helar
Get getting got got/gotten conseguir
Give giving gave given dar
Go going went gone ir
Grave graving graved graven/graved grabar
Grind grinding ground ground moler
Grow growing grew grown crecer
Hang hanging hung hung colgar
Have (has) having had had tener
Hear hearing heard heard escuchar
Hew hewing hewed hewed/hewn talar
Hide hiding hid hidden esconder

Hit hitting hit hit pegar

Hold holding held held sostener
Hurt hurting hurt hurt herir
Inlay inlaying inlaid inlaid incrustar
Keep keeping kept kept mantener
Kneel kneeling knelt knelt arrodillarse
Knit knitting knit/knitted knit/knitted tejer
Know knowing knew known conocer
Lay laying laid laid colocar
Lead leading led led dirigir
Lean leaning leaned/leant leaned/leant inclinarse
Leap leaping leaped/leapt leaped/leapt saltar
Learn learning learned/learnt learned/learnt aprender
Leave leaving left left dejar
Lend lending lent lent prestar
Let letting let let permitir
Lie lying lay lain acostarse
Light lighting lighted lighted/lit encender
Lose losing lost lost perder
Make making made made fabricar/hacer
Mean meaning meant meant querer decir
Meet meeting met met encontrar
Misspend misspending misspent misspent malgastar
Mistake mistaking mistook mistaken equivocarse
Mow mowing mowed mowed/mown segar
Overcome overcoming overcame overcome sobreponerse
Overeat overeating overate overeaten comer de ms
Overrun overrunning overran overrun plagar
Oversee overseeing oversaw overseen inspeccionar
Pay paying paid paid pagar
Put putting put put poner
Quit quitting quit quit renunciar
Read reading read read leer
Rebuild rebuilding rebuilt rebuilt reconstruir
Rend rending rent rent desgarrar
Resell reselling resold resold revender
Retell retelling retold retold recontar
Rewrite rewriting rewrote rewritten corregir
Rid ridding rid/ridded rid/ridded desembarazar
Ride riding rode ridden montar

Ring ringing rang rung llamar por tel.

Rise rising rose risen subir
Rive riving rived riven/rived rasgar
Run running ran run correr
Saw sawing sawed sawed/sawn serruchar
Say saying said said decir
See seeing say seen ver
Seek seeking sought sought buscar
Sell selling sold sold vender
Send sending sent sent enviar
Set setting set set (dis)poner
Sew sewing sewed sewn/sewed coser
Shake shaking shook shaken sacudir
Shave shaving shaved shaven/shaved afeitar
Shear shearing sheared sheared rapar
Shed shedding shed shod verter
Shine shinning shone shone brillar
Shoe shoeing shod shod calzar
Shoot shooting shot shot disparar
Show showing showed shown mostrar
Shrink shrinking shrank shrunk encoger
Shut shutting shut shut cerrar
Sing singing sang sung cantar
Sink sinking sank/sunk sunk/sunken hundir
Sit sitting sat sat sentarse
Slay slaying slew slain asesinar
Sleep sleeping slept slept dormir
Slide sliding slid slid resbalar
Sling slinging slung slung tirar
Slink slinking slunk slunk escabullirse
Slit slitting slit slit rajar
Smell smelling smelt smelt oler
Smite smiting smote smitten golpear
Sow sowing sowed sown sembrar
Speak speaking spoke spoken hablar
Speed speeding sped sped apresurar
Spell spelling spelled spelled deletrear
Spend spending spent spent gastar
Spin spinning spun spun girar
Spit spitting spit spit escupir

Split splitting split split dividir

Spoil spoiling spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt estropear
Spread spreading spread spread estenderse
Spring springing sprang sprung saltar
Stand standing stood stood levantarse
Stave staving staved/stove staved/stove desfondar
Steal stealing stole stolen robar
Stick sticking stuck stuck pegarse
Sting stinging stung stung pinchar
Stink stinking stank stunk apestar
Stride striding strode stridden caminar
Strike striking struck struck golpear
String stringing strung strung encordar
Strive striving strove striven esforzarse
Swear swearing swore sworn jurar
Sweat sweating sweat sweat sudar
Sweep sweeping swept swept barrer
Swell swelling swelled swelled/swollen hinchar
Swim swimming swam swum nadar
Swing swinging swung swung balancear
Take taking took taken tomar
Teach teaching taught taught ensear
Tear tearing tore torn rasgar
Tell telling told told decir
Think thinking thought thought pensar
Thrive thriving throve/thrived thriven prosperar
Throw throwing threw thrown tirar
Thrust thrusting thrust thrust empujar
Tread treading trod trodden/trod pisar
Underfeed underfeeding underfed underfed desnutrir
Undersell underselling undersold undersold vender x <
Understand understanding understood understood entender
Undo undoing undid undone deshacer
Wake waking woke woken despertar
Wear wearing wore worn vestir
Weave weaving wove woven tejer
Wed wedding wedded wed casarse
Weep weeping wept wept llorar
Wet wetting wet wet mojar
Win winning won won ganar

Wind winding wound wound enrollar

Withdraw withdrawing withdrew withdrawn retirar
Withhold withholding withheld withheld retener
Withstand withstanding withstood withstood aguantar
Wring wringing wrung wrung retorcer
Write writing wrote written escribir

NOTA: Los verbos que no se encuentran en esta lista son verbos regulares. Estos verbos
tienen el pasado y el pasado participio idnticos y solamente se les agrega ed al final.

Look looking looked looked mirar

Record recording recorded recorded registrar
Translate translating translated translated traducer
Want wanting wanted wanted querer


A little un poco
Abroad del extranjero
According de acuerdo
Accruals acumulaciones, devengados
Accuracy exactitude, precision
Accurately con exactitud
Achieve lograr
Addressed dirigida
Adjustments ajustes
Adverse adverso, desfavorable
After despus
Agreement acuerdo
Alcoholic drinks bebidas alcohlicas
Align nivelar, alinear
All todas
Allow permitir
Allowances rebajas
Allowed permitido
Also tambin
Amount monto
Annual report reporte annual, memoria
Annual anual
Any cualquier
Anything cualquier cosa
As como
Assessment evaluacin
Assure asegurar
Audit report reporte de auditoria, dictamen
Audit auditora, auditar
Auditors auditores
Authority autoridad
Balance scorecard cuadro de mando integral
Balance balance, equilibrio, saldo, cuadrar
Bank statement estado de ctas. de banco
Bank banco, bancario
Bargain negociar
Basic bsica
Before antes
Begin inicia, empieza
Beginning inicio, principio
Belong pertenece
Benchmark punto de referencia, parmetro
Benchmarking benchmarking, evaluacin comparativa
Bills boletas
Biweekly quincenalmente
Board of Directors Directorio, junta directive
Boil hervir
Bond bono
Bonus bono
Borrowing pedir prestado
Both.and tanto.como
Breach rompimiento, rupture
Brief breve

Building inmueble
Buyer comprador
By which por lo(s) cual(es)
By por
Calendar calendario
Campaign campaa
Capital gains tax impuesto sobre ganancias de capital
Capital transfer tax impuesto sobre transferencia de capital
Card tarjeta
Carve esculpir, forjar, hacer
Cash en efectivo, al contado, dinero, efectivo, caja
Certain ciertos
Chart plan
Check cheque, verificar,chequear
Choose escoger
Chronological cronolgico
Closing cierre
Code cdigo
Collect cobrar
Column columna
Combination journal caja tabular
Commodities productos, mercancas
Community comunidad
Compete competir
Competence competencia
Completeness integridad
Concluding concluyendo
Contract contrato
Contribute contribuir
Copyrights derechos de autor
Coresponding correspondiente(s)
Corporate corporativo(a)
Corporation tax impuesto corporativo
Corresponding correspondiente
Country pas
Court setting marco legal
Created creada
Creation creacin
Credit crdito, a crdito, acreedora
Creditor acreedor
Criminal criminals
Current corriente
Customer cliente
Customs duties derechos aduaneros
Cycle ciclo
Daily diario, a diario
Damages daos
Date fecha
Deal trata
Death duty impuesto de sucesin o sobre la herencia
Death muerte
Debit dbito, deudora
Debts deudas
Decrease disminuir
Deferrals diferidos

Delay retrazos
Depletion agotamiento
Deposit slips boletas de depsitos
Depreciation depreciacin
Details detalles
Develop desarrollar
Deviation desviacin
Differ diferenciar
Digit dgito
Disburse desembolsar
Disbursement egreso, desembolso
Disclaimer abstencin
Discounts descuentos
Done hecho
Double doble
Drawer cajn
Drawings retiros
Due vencer, vencimiento, adeudado, debido a
Duty derecho(s)
Each cada
Earn ganan, obtienen
Earned obtenido
Earnings ganancias
Easy fcil
Effective vigente
Element elemento
Employed contratados
Employee empleado
Employer empleador
Empowerment apoderamiento
Empty vaca(o)
Encharged a cargo
Encompass abarca, incluye
Encourage incentivar
Ending on al final de
Ends termina
Entity entidad
Entry asiento
Equation ecuacin
Equipment equipo
Equity patrimonio
Estate tax impuesto de sucesin
Every toda, cada
Excise tax impuesto al consumo
Executives ejecutivos
Expected espera
Expenses gastos, egresos
Explanation explicacin, glosa
Extra extra, adicional(es)
Fairness imparcialidad
Fee honorario, pago, tarifa
Fidelity bonds fianza de fidelidad
Figures cifras, nmeros
File archivo
Findings hallazgos

Fired despedido
Firm empresa, firma
Fiscal financiero
Fixed assets activo fijo
Follow sigue
Following siguiente
Foreign extranjero(s)
Forensic accountant perito contables
Forensic accounting pericia contable
Form forma, formulario
Found hallado
Fraud fraude
Fraudulent fraudulenta
Free gratis, libre
Fringe benefits incentivos laborales
From de
Function funcin
Fund financian
GDP PBI (producto bruto interno)
Get obtener, consegir
Giving birth dar a luz
Globalized globalizado
Goal meta
Goods and services bienes y servicios
Goodwill plusvala
Grouped agrupados
Grow crecimiento
Growth crecimiento
Handle manejo, manejar
Health salud, atencin mdica
Help ayuda
Hidden escondido
Highly altamente
Identified identificada
If si
Illustration ilustracin
Importance importancia
Improve mejorar, mejora
In accordance en conformidad, de acuerdo
In order a fin de, para
Include incluir
Incom tax impuesto a la renta
Income ganancia, ingresos
Increased aumentada, incrementada
Incurred incurrido(s)
Indemnity indemnizacin
Indented indentada, en sangra
Inflation inflacin
Inheritance tax impuesto de sucesin
Inherited heredado
Inlay ingresos, entrada(s)
Insurance seguro
Intangible intangible
Interest inters
Internally internamente

Introductory introduccin
Investment inversin
Investor inversionista
Invoices facturas
Involuntary involuntario(a)
Issues cuestiones, asuntos, temas
Job trabajo, labor
Journalizing registrar en el Diario
Just solo, solamente
Keep track seguir el rastro, rastrear
Keep llevar
Kickbacks sobornos
Knowhow saber cmo, saber hacer
Knowledge conocimeinto
Land terreno
Last ltimo
Launch lanzamiento
Law ley
Lawyer abogado
Leadership liderazgo
Leading que lideran
Learn aprender
Leave permiso, salida, dejar
Left izquierda
Letter carta
Leverage apalancamiento
Levied gravadas
Levy recaudado, exaccin
Liability obligacin
Life vida
Line lnea, rengln
List lista, listado
Litigation support pruebas sustentatorias
Litigation litigio
Little poco
Long term largo plazo, no corriente
Look like parecer
Loss prdida
Main principal
Maintain mantener
Make sure asegurar, asegurarse
Margin margen
Market mercado
Marketing mercadotecnia
Maternity maternidad
Matters asuntos
May puede
Meals comidas
Mean significa, quiere decir
Meanwhile mientras tanto
Measurement medida
Meeting reunin
Methods mtodos
Minimum mnimo
Misrepresentation distorsin, tergiversacin

Mistake error
Money orders rdenes depago
Money value valor monetario
Money dinero
Monthly mensualmente
More than ever ms que nunca
More ms
Motivate motivar
NDP PNI (producto neto interno)
Need necesidad
Needs necesidades
Net neto
New born recin nacido
Next siguiente
Niche nicho
No tax liability ninguna responsabilidad fiscal
Non-core no esencial(es)
Note observe
Notes efectos
Obligations obligaciones
Omissions omisones
Opposite opuesta
Other otro(s)
Output produccin
Outsourcing tercerizar, tercerizacin
Over sobre
Overall en general
Overtime sobretiempo
Owned posedo(a)(s)
Package paquete
Page pgina
Papers peridicos
Paragraph prrafo
Parent company compaa matrz
Patents patentes
Pay pagar
Payable por pagar
Paying pagando
Payment pago
Perform desempear, realizar
Performance desempeo
Period periodo, ejercicio
Perk (perquisites) beneficios adicionales
Personnel personal
Perspective perspectiva
Petrol petrleo
Petty cash caja chica
Physical fsica
Placed colocada
Plant assets activo fijo
Plant maquinaria, planta
Police forces fuerzas policiales
Policy poltica
Position situacin
Posted mayorizado

Posting mayorizar, mayorizacin

Power facultad, poder.
Pregnant embarazada
Prepaid pagado por adelantado
Prepayment pago por adelantado
Prevention prevencin
Prices precios
Procedure procedimiento
Process proceso
Profit utilidad
Property inmueble
Provided provista(o)
Purchased se compr
Purchases compras
Purposes con fines, propsito
Qualified con salvedad
Quantification cuantificacin
Range rango
Rarely rara vez
Receipts ingresos, recibos
Receivable por cobrar
Received se recibi
Reconciliation conciliacin
Recover recuperar
Recovery recuperacin
Reduce reducir
Redundancy cese, indemnizacin
Referred referido
Relationshiop relacin
Reliable confinable
Rent alquiler
Rental alquiler
Report reporte, informe
Require requerir
Resource recurso
Responsible responsable
Retail por menor, menudeo
Retailers minoristas
Returns devoluciones
Revenue ingresos, ganancias
Reversal reversin
Review revision
Reward recompensa, premio
Risks riesgos
Safeguarding resguardo, resguardar, proteccin
Salaries sueldos
Salary sueldo
Sale venta
Sales tax impuesto a las ventas
Scope alcance
Search bsqueda
Securities valores
Set juego(s)
Setting marco
Several varios

Severance indemnizacin, cese

Sharing compartir
Show mostrar
Side lado
Signing firmar
Skill destreza
Slightly ligeramente
Slip bolete
So por eso
Solve resolver
Some algunos
Something algo
Stable estable
Standard predeterminado(s), norma
Statement of Earnings Estado de resultados
Statement of financial position Estado de Situacin Financiera
States indica, declara
Steal robar
Steps pasos
Strength fortaleza
Subsidiary susbsidiaria, auxiliar
Subtracting restar, disminuir
Such as tal como
Suit juego, conjunto, terno
Summary resumen
Supplies suministros
Table mesa
T-account cuenta-T
Taking care cuidar
Targets objetivos
Tariff arancel
Task tarea, labor, trabajo
Tax avoidance elusin fiscal, evasin fiscal legalmente
Tax break exencin tributaria
Tax haven paraiso fiscal
Tax holiday exoneracin tributaria
Tax treaty convenio tributario
Tax write-off cancelacin tributaria
Tax gravar, tributaria, impuesto, tributo
Taxable imponible
Taxation tributacin
Taxes impuestos, tributos
Temporary temporal(es)
Term trmino
Tested probado
That is es decir
That que
The very best lo mejor
Theft robo, latrocinio
Then luego, entonces
Therefore por lo tanto
Third parties terceras partes
Those aquellos

Threat amenaza
Through mediante, a travs de
Thus por ello
Title ttulo
To a, hacia
Tobacco tabaco
Together juntos
Tool herramienta
Trademarks marcas comerciales
Transfer pricing precios de transferencia
Transferred transferido(s)
Trasact transar
Trial balance balance de comprobacin
Turkey pavo
Turnover monto de trasanciones comerciales
Twice dos veces
Typical tpico
U.K. (United Kingdom) Reino Unido
Unbiased imparciales
Under bajo
Understand comprender
Unearned no obtenida
Unlimited ilimitada
Unpaid voucher comprobantes pendientes de pago
Unqualified sin salvedad
Until hasta que
Use and time uso y desgaste
Use usar
Useful til
Utilities servicios pblicos
Value added tax impuesto al valor agregado
Value valor
Varies vara
Verified verificado(s)
View visin
Vouchers comprobantes
Wage salario, jornal
Way manera
Weakness debilidad
Weekly semanalmente
Whether si
Which el cual
While mientras
Withheld retenido
Withholding tax impuesto retenido
Within dentro de
Word palabra
Worker trabajador, obrero
Works obras
Worksheet hoja de trabajo
World mundo
Worldwide a nivel mundial
Worth valor
Wrong equivocado
Yet todava, an

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