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5 ae ENTAT, 67 km Tog ronpnN 15008 NEW Yorn cine mp0 km 1401 km pao HENGA i. Him CHINA A DUBAL sw ia Segao O Inglés no mercado de trabalho Prezado(a) Aluno(a), Bem-vindola) ao Prime! Vocé deve estar se perguntando: “Por que Prime?" Para vocé compreender a colegdo que vai orientar seus passos no aprendizado de inglés, o melhor a fazer é desvendar o seu nome. Prime, como adjetivo, quer dizer fundamental, primordial, mais importante. Como é a necessidade de se saber inglés nos dias de hoje! Prime também quer dizer primeizo, original, e representa bem essa colegao, que é inédita ao abordar assuntos de seu interesse de uma forma inteligente e altamente inovadora. Prime, como verbo, tem o sentido de preparar, aprontar, munir e prover. Essa colegao vai ajudar vooé a se preparar para compreender e se expressar na lingua inglesa, além de proporcionar oportunidades para que vocé amplie seus conhecimentos sobre si, sobre sua propria cultura e sobre outras culturas pelo mundo, munindo-ofa) de instrumentos para se posicionar criticamente frente as questdes pessoais, sociais e profissionais do seu dia a dia, local e globalmente. Voeé, prezadola) aluno(a), ¢ ofa) principal agente dessa colecdo. Por isso, cada unidade comega pelo que vocé tem a dizer. Seu conhecimento de mundo e suas opinides sao extremamente importantes para auxiliar na compreenséo de textos orais e escritos dos mais diversos géneros textuais. Ao longo da colegio, vocé vai aplicar estratégias de aprendizagem para compreender o que lé e ouve, ampliar o seu vocabulario e fazer escolhas para aprender melhor. Para aprofundar seu conhecimento linguistico, vocé vai analisar exemplos da lingua em seu uso real. Além disso, vai desenvolver gradualmente sua habilidade de expressdo oral e escrita em situacées de comunicacao similares aquelas que podem ser encontradas dentro e fora da sala de aula, hoje ou futuramente. Enfim, a colegao Prime auxilia vooé a construir o seu préprio conhecimento, a aplicé-lo, consolidé-lo e avalié-lo em contextos diversos. Ao mesmo tempo que aprende a lingua inglesa, vocé desenvolverd sua autonomia como aprendiz, 0 que Ihe valera por toda a vida. Para auxilid-lo(a) nesse processo, a colegao valoriza e incentiva 0 uso de varios recursos tecnolégicos para a aprendizagem, consolidacao, pesquisa e interagéo na lingua inglesa. Esperamos que, ao final de cada aula, vocé se sinta ainda mais Prime e Prime forever! As autoras CONHEGA O SEU LIVRO Abertura Esta paging, atada na forma 4 scrapbook. funciona como ‘umm “resumo visual do toma da unidade Expand Have your say... O propdsita dasta sega acionaro seu conhecimento prévio sobre o tema que vai ser desenvolvido na unidade, dando-the a oportunidade de expressar suas opiniges & respetto do mesmo, 5m Vocabulary sera orientadoja a utilizar varias estratégias | para ampliar seu vocabuléti,fazendo uso de pala, expressbes e frases relacionadas catta unidade, A segio Grama seus conhtecimentos gramaticas, ‘ontextualizadas pelo género e 2 a0 tama @ ad genera de 6 dodicada ao desenvolvimento dos ‘partir de atividades sunto do texto de leitura, Reading beyond the words ‘Aqui voot é dasafiado a interpreta textos de maneira caitca,visando compraender as inter-elagoes evidenciadas eas pistas textuats e peles Inferenctas que vai constr 0 Jongo da litura do texto. 1m other words ‘Aqui voce encontra explloaples, em Lngua portuguesa, dos aspectos (gramaticls relacionados 403 géneros taxtuals das unidadies, Genre analysis Nesta segdo vacé val enoontrar ume sintese das caracteristicas basicas dos géneros textuais trabaliacos nas unidades: (quizes, istas, questions, diagrams, trinhas, cartuns, letras de milsca, legendas, testimonials, Osteres, programas radiofonioos. Practice makes perfect Esta é.a hora de praticar ainda mais os itens (gramaticals presents nos génetos de cada unidade 8 que foram estudados em seg0es anteriores Put it in writing ‘Nesta para do livio yoo! & convidac(a) a produar textos em inglés Para 90, vai te a oportunidad de lsouts com sus pares, relat some D que, pata quem, como @ por qua festa escrevendo,rascunhat, reescrevere ainda utlizar fecutsos. gris e visuals, ‘TalkActive O objetivo desta seqao & ‘desenvolvimento das habilidades orais em cconversasinformals na sala de aula. 0 tema da unidade 60 assunto propulsor para a conversagéo, sempre ‘recedida por atividades preparaténlas, ¢ e@ Se@ue The way it sounds As atividades aqui propostas, visam ao desenvolvimento das suas habilidades orais por melo da escuta de situaghes autantcas de interagces em ingles, Voos Yai perceber que 6 capaz de compreender as ideias gerais ddaquilo que ou O livro Desfrute-o! Selt-assessment Seqao que objetiva dar-Ine oportunidade para avatar 0 sou proprio progresso de aprendizagem de inglés, Serve-Ihe como umn ne para tomar davisbes sobre 0 que fazar para aprovettar melhor 0 sau tempo e para aprender mais ¢ melhor. Going beyond Traz indloagtes de oportunidades para aprendar Inglés além dos limites da sala de aula, fazendo uso das teenologias dil pinoipalmente a internet Serdo especial que aparece a cada duas unidades do liv, 0 intuito¢ apresenter a linguagem dentro de um conterto profisional,levando em conta suas futuras nneoessidades do uso da lingua inglesa no ambiente da trabalho. TABLE OF CONTENTS a oo aeRO [2] English forall By our people, our country Career spot People’s cultural beliefs: Stereotypes How are you “intelligent”? Career spot ‘What's your style? il study sks Career spot Career spot 9 | ow funny ii? Digital natives Exploring the planet How can you change the ‘world? Career spot How things have changed Constant connectiveness. Career spot Testes de vestibular Glossary apa 2235 28> 51 5265 Cr 8295 98> 12> 128 128> 141 42> 155 158 > 187 172» 185 ‘Tour guide Web designer tual Biologist Police officer {Military police) ng; How well do you know the English-speaking countres' enifg; Kdeniying characteristics of diffrent counties f The iphabet jeading: You know you're being Brazilian when, 3637 Reading: Englishman in New York Reading: Multiple Inteligence Questionnaire stening: A radio quiz on multiple intelligences and some talented Brazilians 66> 67 Reading; Matters of style (artic isening: Correcting notes / Leaming styles (lecture) ading: Learning H ing: Effect 96> 97 Reading: The Milena istening: Environment nt Goals (actual description} es radio program) Reading: How ('d change the world 126 > 127 Reading; Aze the editorial cartoons funny Reading: Digital natives istening: Identifying electronic gad 186 > 187 gets of my mic strips auaiitnete Nrting on t 186» 187 188 > 198 200» 203 * Countiles and nationalities Uiting: A poster of your favorite ana English-speaking obuntry wntng: st of ost typi actines Rote words and synonyms G ie i + Simple present tense + Adverbs of frequency (i a 7 ; a Wiring: A Braitan in New York parce) an ie ae & i ‘ & . 1 Ibis? inven + Expressing poterenoss: would ad ia i i —" ; 7 en i Bel i | — . eee a 2 a ay ¥ a cS = io a8 7 inventions (guided speech) ‘Simple past and Present perfect eT ean! a ms s a — aE rT ARMIOUDD, IL + Use of dictionaries ognates identification + Samming + Scanning a maa egnates identification + Cognates identification + Use of previous knowledge : ory identification rom + Prefix and suffix identification eo + Glossary organization + Use of dictionaries * Crossword doing =a om + Listening for detalls« Use of images + Use of previous knowledge + Reference identification + Use of non-verhal information + Use of previous knowledge + Use of non-verbal informa + Prodiction making + Inference making + Use of non-verhal information + Use of context ca + Reference identification + Seanning, a + Inference making + Use of context + Use of previous knowledge PAA eA AP AAA AA ni: Have your sa Answer the questions below. Work with a partner. a Why is the English language so important in the contemporary world? b Have you ever needed to speak in English with a foreigner? If so, in which situation(s)? © Who are your favorite movie stars? Where are they from? What do you know about Canada? Which languages are spoken there? € Do you enjoy Bob Marley's songs? Where was from? Is English spoken in his country? £ Do you use the Internet? Does the English language help you in your search for information? Why (not)? EE Discuss your answers with your teacher and classmates. Can you name at least 10 countries where English is spoken as a first language? Use the map below to help you identify them. Work with a partner. Make a list of English words or expressions that are used in Brazil. Classify them into the categories in the table below. Compare your answers with a classmate's. Are they similar or not? quiz’ /kwt/ noun [6] * acompe tion in which you answer questions BSKCy MeO oto KR? ee po you KNow THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING HINT? ANSWER TS quiz AND FIND ov. G severe Te (TY Que ava srTuATED? ‘Two 5 Tite ener (MeNeTARY UNIT IN SUTH AFCA 1B aa BB the atican pon Diep i 00 ces 3B chain 6D the eam, pute so 00 cents ea Sor eas! BD te ceo, ied ito 100 Fesenas AMONG THE COUNTRIES BELOW, Wi DOESNT ADE woe 15 THe ony ewsuin-SPEALING bivsuininiay (GANTRY IN SeUTH AMER i eee ANB cajana 3 reco Pett BS ssctmaa BS sro Soi 7 B wonce County won 115 NoerenveNCe FRow TRITAN 19537 wt 5 THe wos PorULAR SPORT N (ANADAP A ce owe . = 5 sxc, ] 4 (Bora CB cna a 3 v iH 15 Soke AE wn 5 Te wesrroan soRTW Bas? meant ) some a ne BD cen - 7M coun B ‘ (I ne ss |... =) {5 wwf Te (evNTRY WuoS(APTTAL (TY 1 KINGSTON? ANB sth atsica BMD sancca l BB wie oro eoa90 Check the five correct endings that define a quiz. A quiz is usually... a written in a fixed sequence: introduction, development and conclusion > organ incomy ¢ [1 ... an ironic piece of writing a a for fun, involving lenging ques e published in the entertainment section of a magazine, news t a good source of g a list of reminders of what you have to do on a specific day of the month h well designed and illustrated to catch the reader's attent i an oral pre: nn with visual aids such as slides, j preceded a general question to challenge readers to answer it. Now go back to the quiz on the previous page and find examples of the general features of a quiz in your list. Add two more questions to the quiz on the previous page. Include questions about the English-speaking countries. Then challenge another team to answer them. 10 ul eed here ore Felipe Massa and Diego Hipbito tom? irae : ; inassiny Ase) ome They're from Brazil. Theyte both Brozlan feta es tan arson fpsement sia nes Thoy'o fom Brazil (country) ‘They're Brazilian, {nationality nationality /iejonelsti/ noun « TC/U] he al sata of beng oe ciizen ofa pata county Brazilians aro fun people to be with. {noun} Bich group oF prope who has the Answer these questions. a Whore are you from? bb Where are your parents from’? ¢ Whete's Daniel Radolitfe om? di Where's Brad Pitt from? ‘Add three more questions about where your favorite world celebrities are from. Try to make your questions as challenging as possible. Ask your partner to answer them, 2 A Did your partner answer your questions correctly? How would you assess his/her performance? O rair D1 cooa D1 very good (1 Excellent Go back to your list of English-speaking countries. Write them and the corresponding nationality in the table below. Consult a dictionary if necessary. =a enfin lines EE Ireland = Irish Canada - Canadian Guyana - Guyanese England - English Jamaica - Jamaican Search for nationalities related to non-English speaking countries (find the information in dictionaries, encyclopedias or on the Internet). Add five countries and their nationalities to the table. Share your work with your classmates to create a common list of some English and non- English speaking countries and the nationalities associated with them, Cre BT Answer these questions about you. a What's your name? b How old are you? © Who's your English teacher? @ What's your address? bat’s your cell phone number? { What's your nickname on the webs? Answer these questions about Canada. Then share your answers with the whole class. a Where is it b Which languages are spoken © What's the capital city? 4 What's its form of government? e How many provinces are there? { What's the monetary unit? Create five wh-questions about geography, history, mathematics, chemistry, physics, English language etc. Base your questions on the material you've been studying for these subjects. Give your questions to a classmate sitting next to you. Ask him/her to answer them. You're going to answers his/her questions. Pe ag rds| Lembre-se de que 0 verbo to be: + 6 muito frequente na lingua inglesa, tanto em textos orais quanto escritos. + tem conjugagao irregular. Sua forma varia de acordo com o sujeito da frase. % geralmente liga 0 sujeito a alguma qualidade, denominagio ou estado relacionado com ele: Pedro is a handsome boy. + ¢ usado como verbo auxiliar: Andre is playing socoer now. was played 2 possui formas completas (como nos exemplos anteriores) e abreviades: playing s re happy today. 2 as frases afirmativas seguem esta sequéncia: sujeito + verbo (veja na pagina seguinte). 4% as frases negativas acrescentam not as afirmativas (veja na pagina seguinte]. 2 as frases interrogativas sao formadas pela inversao: primeito, 0 verbo to be seguido do sujeito. A sequéncia ¢: verbo + sujeito (veja na pagina seguinte). 1 1. Chace Crawford | ROBERT FROSTED 3 = W Wz = 3. Poetry book Formas afirmativas (sem contragao) t is (3) a po We are all Brazil You are al y (4) are Formas afirmativas abreviadas (com contragao) Im Brazile ener He's America She's They're British. Formas diferentes do verbo to be 4. Coldplay Formas negativas (sem contragao) Jam not Canacict You are not Canadia i] is not sither It (9) is not a novel We are not Canadiay Formas negativas abreviadas Isn't - aren't Formas interrogativas (sem contracéo) Am 1 Brazil Are you Braz’ Is he American? Is she Is it a poeury book? Are we all Brazilian? Are you also froin Bi Are they British? Wh-questions Quando precisamos saber algo fazemos perguntas que indicam o tipo de informagio que procuramos. Assim, se queremos saber o local e a data de um evento, perguntamos onde ¢ quando ele vai acontecer. Em inglés, para fazer muitas dessas perguntas ‘usamos pronomes interrogativos iniciados com wh-, por isso, elas sao chamadas de wh-questions. Alguns exemplos: aes Perguntar sobre coisas, profissdes, What do you usually wear to go to preferéncias school? ; Perguntar sobre um item especifico 2 Which a Which are your favorite activities? de umn grupo Where Perguntar sobre locais Where do you tive? When Perguntar sobre tempo When cio you do your homework? Why co you think learning English Why Perguntar sobi Piet 9 is important? How do people get around your How Perguntar sobre maneira ou modo etn town/city? Parguntar sobre a frequéncia com que How often a ‘ 2° How often do you travel? Algo 6 feito ou aconteos Perguntar sobre quantidade em How many other cities or How many 7 i nimeros courtries have you been to? Perguntar sobre quantidade em How much of Latin America does How much a x massa Brazil occupy? Observe que how pode ser usado com varios adjetivos. Veja os exemplos: * How old are you? © How big is Brazil? ‘¢ How large is the Brazilian population? Now answer these questions with a classmate. Practice makes p Psig Play the Yes-No game. Think of a famous person, but don’t tell anyone. Your classmates will ask you 10 questions to find out who this person is. You can only answer yes or no. KG 100k at tne extract from an interview with Gisele Bindchen. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb to be. GQ: Can you remember the last time someone took advantage of you? GB: Look, I know who I . and I know where [come from. I think there danger obviously when you really young and they make you all glamorous and you start thinking you that. Ihave been here for a while, and I do see girls... You playing a role, The important thing for me that helped save me that never believed... This exactly how I would describe my work: I get there, I put on clothes, [leave it on the hanger, and I go home. And that what Ido. Fem: men style comig (02072008) Look at the answers. What are the questions? a 71m sixteen years old. b 2m from Culaba. c Grosso, a 2 Yes, Iam and I'm also a model. e 2m 1.76 m. f ?No, I'm not famous yet, but [will be g 2 Gisele Biindchen, of course! ‘What nationality are these people? a Nicolas Sarcoay is Carta Bruni Barack and Michelle Ohama d Fidel Castro @ Cristiano Renaldo £ Prince Henry and Prince William g Ellen Jabour The way it sounds 5G) Countries at a glance! Listen attentively to some short descriptions about the countries below. Number each country in the sequence you hear about it. There is one extra country. Australia lize England TE, tow tise tot alphabet. Repeat each (MB) tisten to he alphabet agai. Write each letter as soon as you hear i. iter inthe sequence you nerf Then compare your table with a partner. suse noua

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