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Overall Reflection

Hello again, my name is William Hagood but this time I will be reflecting on my

graduation project as a whole.

As part of my Senior Graduation Project, I had to complete many steps. During this

process, I had to choose a topic. I also had to do some research on my topic . The most important

thing that I learned is Racial Profiling is still a big factor in todays society. Overall, my Senior

Graduation Project in my opinion was a success.

The research paper reflection was kind of challenging to adjust to just cause of the fact

that the actual paper I couldnt express how I really felt. I had to put all of that aside and go and

find real facts about Racial Profiling. But, as I went over my paper it started to get easier to find

my true feelings about Racial Profiling.

Creating a presentation wasnt as hard as I thought it was going to be. It was actually the easiest

part of my whole project. Considering the fact, that all I had to do was just highlight certain parts

out my paper. The hardest part about it is the actual presentation. I had to work on not using

slang terms when I speak but, other than that it wasnt that hard at all.

Letter to the Judges, I actually enjoyed that portion of the project. It is always good to

show your gratitude. Especially to people that says whether you will graduate or not. It wasnt

hard at all because, I am already a very humble and respectful person. I am very happy when it

was time to do that portion of the project.

Overall, my Senior Graduation Project was a lot of work. I have learned so many new

skills such as professional writing, professional presentation and professional speaking. I will be

able to use these skills in the future because I will need to be very professional in all ways during

job interviews. My advice to other students starting this two year process is to find not waste
your time trying to find a topic, find it quick- Also, dont prolong it, start it now and just get it

over with.

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