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Yesterday, Ines Gatcia had a ef happened at about 5:45 p.m. when She was driving to the University of Seville for her in Business Management and | Finance. The accident was her fault. She was driving her car, a Ford Puna streets in the center of Seville. At the ‘same time, she was ‘ith Paco, her ‘on her mobile telephone. She was Tistening to her boyfriend a front of her. She ran the sign ser btberon fd ide Fortunately, it was a small car too, an Opel Corsa, and, as a result, the accident wasn't serious. Ines cut her phone conversation and ‘out of the car. She car to } to the driver. She was happy to sce othe young man,’ same ‘age as her. When he got out of his car, said hello in Spanish but with a French accent. Ines simply looked at him and didn' say anything. He was tall and very{___|He seemed like a very n. Ines Iks a lot, but this time she didn't know what to say. The man asked Fer if she had he CaF papers. Ines went back to her car and got the papers. They| Monet, invited her to have a coffee in a coffee the street. Ines accepted. the paperwork in less than ten minutes. Then, a eens ea her mobile|

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